CH 71: ETOULDE (1)

At the moment the both of them raised their feet, the full power of their first attacks crossed.


A light shockwave filled the small hallway, causing the walls to cave in. 


The fight between the two of them began in earnest, neither of them relenting.


The Vampire Race was relatively difficult to deal with, especially their foremost representative.


Not only could they suck blood or transfuse blood causing their opponents to turn into their own kin, their, physical abilities far exceeded that of a Human’s, and they could utilize abilities with magic; additionally, with their demonic eyes, they could forcefully induce hypnotism and control a target’s consciousness, and they could even turn their bodies into mist or bats or other things at will.


--In other words, they were an opponent one must be very cautious about.


At least…This was so for a normal exorcist.


Basara was far from what standard exorcists could understand.


Tachibana’s aptitude was really surprising. If it was the Basara before he met Lucia and made a contract with his two partners, he would probably not be able to win easily; but – Basara now was different.


Although the gap of those five years of his life had not been completely filled up, the senses of a real battle had already almost recovered, and adding to that he had done the Master-Servant Contract and had deepened their relationship, his battle power has received a considerable power-up.


What would have been a hard fight, was now just something slightly bothersome.


In fact, if not because they were in a closed space, he would have already won and all of this was without him having to summon Ddraig and use a boost to increase his physical ability.


Still, it was clear that they were limited in their movements and actions.


In the end, Tachibana tsked and began to run toward the window before breaking out and jumping toward the ground.


For an instant, Basara was really confused and he began to realize that perhaps…There was might be a misunderstanding between them.


After all, if Tachibana was really the mastermind of this debacle, fighting Basara near the comatose students thereby stopping him from fighting at full power was the ideal strategy.


Why give up on such advantages?


Following behind him, Basara also jumped down and slashed with his sword to stop Tachibana’s claw.


The sharp metallic clashes, resulting from the sounds of Brynhildr and Tachibana’s claws striking each other in the battle rang out in the large field of the school. Amidst the two of them clashing— Tachibana frowned as he realized that Basara completely outmatched him.


Disengaging, he jumped far backwards and with a hand on the floor, he expanded a purple magic circle. Instantly, countless large conical pikes thrust up from the floor, aiming to bore holes in Basara’s body.


But Basara was already a step ahead, having evaded it. Utilizing the speed of a Speed-type fighter, he rushed up to the sky and proceeded to make a series of acrobatic movements in the air by constantly shifting the gravity around him; the pikes followed him closely, chasing him along with large sounds.


Just as the pikes appeared before Basara as if to block his path, he kicked off the surface, jumping straight towards Tachibana. Seeing Basara coming towards him in a straight line, the action Tachibana took was to simultaneously fire out all the pikes on the floor, Basara readied his posture to slash with his sword—




Twisting in mid-air while slashing out with Brynhildr, shattering the countless pikes coming from behind his back, before twisting his body again.


Smoothly transitioning from the defence at his back to attack at Tachibana before him, he slashed out without a drop in speed.


Tachibana changed his state while retreating backwards, and Brynhildr brushed past his body which had changed to mist—




But Tachibana’s expression was still distorted from pain. He was late in transforming, so he had sustained injury from not being able to escape Basara’s attack. Despite that—




At the moment Basara touched the ground, Tachibana rapidly thrust out his right hand, but the claw’s speed and the path were already seen through by Basara. 


He pushed the tip sideways a little, utilizing minimal movements to evade Tachibana’s claw, and used Brynhildr’s hilt to impact the lower jaw; Tachibana, whose brain received a shock, had his movements come to a stop momentarily.


Basara immediately slashed at his body with his sword – with the back of the blade.


With the sound of the impact, Tachibana crashed through the door of the classroom on the right back-first and fell to the ground.




Despite having a face distorted with pain, Tachibana still tried to stand up.


“ You!...Do you really look down on me that much…!?”


Tachibana glared at Basara with eyes filled with hostility. Those blood-red eyes, showed that Tachibana’s hostility was undiminished. While receiving that hostility head-on, Basara thought—


'What is going on?'


Going by the situation, Tachibana, who was actually a vampire, was very likely to be the culprit; but from the fight just now Basara could detect that Tachibana was basically like Mio, Rias and the others. Highly talented, but he clearly never had any real combat. If it was just that, it didn’t matter—


…His movements are too direct.


Every attack of Tachibana’s was like an emotional outburst, it was very simple. 


The enemy this time had no qualms in getting innocent people involved, the current attack and the mind control of all students was the proof of that; at the same time, the enemy was someone very cautious, causing Basara to not be able to guess the enemy’s identity. The above characteristics were completely different from Tachibana who was before him. Hence—




Thinking of a certain possibility, Basara grabbed Tachibana’s wrist and forcefully pulled him up, and then tried something that could not be done in the middle of a fierce battle.


“W-What are you doing…!”


“—Don't move, keep quiet first.”


Basara brought his face closer to Tachibana’s alarmed face and concentrated on gazing at Tachibana.


In order to activate [Banishing Shift]’s banishing ability, the target’s root of existence, [Origin], needs to be severed. 


Since a very long time ago, Basara was able to see the [Origin]; and recently, as if due to the deepening of his relationship with Ddraig and the lessening of his rejection of his sword, his strength was considerably higher than before, and he could now see the manifestation of the fluctuation of magic powers whenever he just concentrates.




Basara did not find any foreign fluctuations in Tachibana’s body – which shows that his consciousness eas not being controlled by someone. 


However, Tachibana’s fluctuations were completely different from the barrier around them.


In other words – the culprit was someone else, not Tachibana. Then, the reason Tachibana attacked Basara, was probably—


“..Tachibana, could it be, that you are thinking that I am the one responsible for the current situation—…?”


“What are you saying this late!? You’ve already put up a barrier like this, why are you doing something so bad…!”


Tachibana shouted angrily with tearful eyes. 'He' knew that his current situation was already helpless and that he would most likely die. As such he simply released all his pent-up emotions.


"Involving innocent people! Just kill us inside a barrier if you want to hunt us down so bad. There wasn’t a need for something like that!”


Hearing the shout with emotion poured into it—


"Damn it, we got tricked!'


Basara finally realized that both of them who were within the barrier were led on by the real mastermind. 


It was clear that Tachibana knew that Basara was an exorcist and that he held extreme prejudice against them. 


The real mastermind used these feelings and tricked the poor boy into attacking Basara. 


But why? If the mastermind had such a deep understanding of Basara, he should have known that Tachibana was absolutely no match for him.


So, why?


In an instant, Basara shuddered.


“W-What are you doing…!?”


He took Tachibana and threw him away with all his might.


The unexpected action caused Tachibana to be surprised but it could only watch helplessly as another barrier swallowed Basara completely.




Now alone, Basara looked at the spacial boundaries and wondered if he could cut them open.


"I am surprised you didn't try to run away with that Vampire."


From behind him, the voice of a man sounded.


At this question, Basara sighed,


"I deduced that I am your target. Running with him would be useless."


This was the case. With his speed, Basara didn't need to throw Tachibana away. He could have easily run with him in his arms.


But that would have only been something to do if the two of them were targeted.


From the current situation though, it was clear that be it Tachibana or even the entire school, they were all just bait and the real target had been him all along. 


"Your goal was to separate me from Hasegawa-sensei right Sakazaki-sensei?"


Basara faced the man. The first teacher he meet when he entered the school. 

"Do not call me by that filthy name. The man called Sakazaki had long since died."


Basara was left unmoved and simply observed as the body of Sakazaki slowly begin to vanish and was replaced by something Basara had never seen with a kind of power that was both extremely familiar and foreign at the same time.


The being that stood before him looked now more like an otherwordly monster than a human. 

"Abomination of the three races, never forget my name. I am Ornis. One of the Etoulde [1] under the direct order of the Ten gods and I will be your executioner."


Basara frowned. He did not know what an Etoulde was, but the term god was something he understood clearly.


'Chisato had something to do with a Pantheon of gods?' 


This situation was becoming far more complicated than he thought.


If the enemy was an ultimate class then he wouldn't fear it.


A Satan class could already crush him, though he still had some hope of at least fleeing with his speed and Balance Breaker.


But a god? [2]


Basara suddenly wondered if he would leave this place alive



[1]: These terms will only be understood by those who read wiki or read Shin DxD. They are a race from another universe. ExE (Evi x Etoulde). Anyway, everything will be explained clearly in the following chapters so don't worry.


[2]: All gods are superior to Satan's class. For those who don't know Sirzechs and Ajuka aren't Satan-class but Super devil. They are both in the top ten most powerful beings 

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