Machine God with EX-rank talent (Deus ex machina)

Chapter 32: Ex Machina (1)

It had already been three days since the father and daughter of the Mir Merchant Guild went missing.

Even if they had been kidnapped by ordinary human criminals, the golden time had long since passed.

At this point, it wouldn't be surprising if their bodies were found cold and lifeless in some sewer.

Setting up a guild in Wonsan and securing the hunt quest had gone well, but the waiting period was dragging on longer than expected, causing Hyun Suho to grow anxious.

While it was important to participate in quests and build a reputation, wasn’t saving lives even more crucial?

He had gone to City Hall to complain, but all he got in return were instructions to wait.

When he asked what would happen to the people who had been captured, the only response he got was a baseless claim that the sirens hadn't killed them yet.

“Typical government workers!”

If the Golden Tail had been a level 7 monster, he would have already charged in by himself.

Though he was still far from the necessary level, the attack power of Genocide was well above level 8.

However, according to Kwon Cheol-jung, the Golden Tail's combat power exceeded that of the Bone Dragon.

Even though it had established itself on an island close to the city, there was a reason it hadn’t been hunted yet.

This led to another question.

Could the hunters of Wonsan actually defeat such a monster?

That question was answered during the strategy meeting organized by the mayor.

“Thank you all for gathering here today. I am Myeong Eun-sook.”

Myeong Eun-sook, the mayor.

She had shoulder-length bobbed hair, horn-rimmed glasses, and wore a suit.

There were rumors that she was preparing for re-election, having been elected mayor in a by-election three years ago.

Although she didn’t have any particularly outstanding achievements, she wasn’t considered lacking either.

She was originally from Wonsan, so it was said that she managed to handle matters smoothly with the local people and influential figures.

However, unfortunately, after she became mayor, the activities of the sirens increased significantly.

The sirens, monsters said to lure and devour sailors with their songs.

Contrary to the myths, the sirens here had coexisted quietly without causing harm to passing ships.

But starting about a year ago, they suddenly became more aggressive and even began attacking the port.

As a result, Mayor Myeong Eun-sook had been extremely busy lately.

‘She looks surprisingly well, considering that.’

It was said that Mayor Myeong Eun-sook was nearing sixty years old, but up close, she looked as if she was in her forties, or if one was generous, late thirties.

Despite the hectic schedule, her skin appeared smooth and taut, without a single wrinkle.

Was it because she was a politician who cared about her appearance?

Or maybe a hunter skill?

While he was pondering this, Mayor Myeong Eun-sook introduced someone to the hunters of Wonsan.

“For this hunt, we have hired special mercenaries from Russia.”

As she said, eight burly men, who appeared to be of Russian descent, entered the room.

Their size was so imposing that the large conference room suddenly felt cramped.

‘They didn’t send out notices to hunters from other regions for the sake of the Wonsan hunters, but they brought in foreigners?’

Everyone seemed to be thinking the same thing.

However, most were convinced by the mayor’s next introduction.

“This is Akula and his guild members. There are no hunters better suited to dealing with marine monsters.”

At her words, a massive white man with bulging muscles, as big as Kwon Cheol-jung, stepped forward and grabbed the microphone.

“My name is Akula. I’m sure you’ve all heard of me. This time, I will definitely hunt the Golden Tail.”

His mouth movements didn't match his words.

This was proof of translation magic being used.

Akula wasn’t his real name. It was the Russian word for "shark."

Although not a ranker, he was as famous among hunters as one.

He was an S-rank pirate with a level 8 job.

He didn’t engage in actual piracy but traveled freely across the oceans, using ships to hunt marine monsters.

He would escort important ships upon request and sometimes engage in marine monster extermination like this.

His abilities in naval and underwater combat were rated as being on par with high-rankers.

After Akula’s brief introduction, Myeong Eun-sook stepped forward again.

“This time, we will definitely hunt the Golden Tail. The city will spare no support, so please do your best, hunters of Wonsan.”

It was only then that the hunters realized that Mayor Myeong Eun-sook was serious about hunting the Golden Tail.

Honestly, when they received the official notice, the general consensus was that this was just a show for the citizens, as had been the case with every other mayor who had passed through Wonsan.

But with the appearance of Akula, the atmosphere changed dramatically.

“Do you think we can actually catch it this time?”

“With Akula on board, there’s definitely a chance. No matter how strong the Golden Tail is, how can it withstand sheer numbers?”

As the room heated up with the excitement brought by Akula’s appearance, Myeong Eun-sook smiled in satisfaction.

“Since the city is directly overseeing this quest, the rewards will be generous enough to satisfy you all.”

“That sounds great!”

What could excite hunters more than talk of rewards?

When the mayor made this promise, the hunters responded enthusiastically, even cheering.

‘It feels like a festival.’

This was Hyun Suho's first time participating in a meeting like this as a hunter.

Was he the only one feeling awkward and out of place?

The hunters seemed completely uninterested in the primary objective of the rescue and were only focused on the reward.

Hyun Suho raised his hand and shouted.

“More importantly, have you identified the location where the hostages are being held?”

The conference room, which had been as noisy as a marketplace, suddenly fell silent.

He could feel everyone’s eyes fix on him.

It was as if their gazes were saying, "You’ve ruined the mood, so take responsibility."

Mayor Myeong Eun-sook then picked up the microphone and asked.

“Who just spoke?”

Hyun Suho willingly raised his hand and responded.

“This is Hyun Suho from the Ex Machina Guild.”

While forming the guild had gone well, he had forgotten that they needed to choose a name.

With nothing in mind, he just came up with one on the spot.

**Ex Machina**

Roughly meaning "something of a mechanical nature."

Myeong Eun-sook tilted her head slightly.

“The Ex Machina… Guild, you say?”

Of course, it was the first time she had heard of it. This was also the first time Hyun Suho had mentioned it aloud.

Then the hunters nearby began to chime in.

“Looks like some newbie I've never seen before. What’s with this unheard-of guild stepping in?”

“A rescue mission? Looks like we’ve got ourselves a hero wannabe.”

He had heard about how territorial hunters could be, but their reaction was even more intense than he had expected.

Someone even walked up to him, placing a hand on his shoulder in a threatening manner.

“Kid, this is a conversation for the adults.”

The pressure on his shoulder was evident.

Of course, it wasn't enough to faze Hyun Suho, who had the strength of a troll.

‘Guess I have no choice.’

In the end, he had to reveal a title he preferred to keep under wraps.

“I’m the one who recently established a guild in Wonsan—Light Bringer.”

With that, the mocking stares and sneers from the hunters around him changed completely.

“Light Bringer? The one who hunted the Bone Dragon with Silver Knight?”

No matter where he went, the Silver Knight incident was always brought up.

“Could he really be level 7? Isn’t he way too young for that?”

Reaching level 7 at his age was indeed highly unusual.

Just in terms of experience points, it was a daunting number, and breaking through the limits at each stage required profound insight.

Although he was actually only level 4, there was no need to disclose that.

The hunters who had been swaggering towards him froze in their tracks, then slowly backed away.

When Hyun Suho turned his head slightly, he could see the person who had grabbed his shoulder now looking uneasy.

“What? You got something to say?”

Startled as if he had been burned, the man quickly withdrew his hand.

“Ah... uh... I-I'm sorry!”

Before Hyun Suho could say anything more, the man quickly fled.

[I’ve scanned that guy’s entire body. We should definitely beat him up later.]

‘No need to get worked up... Fine, just keep him on the list.’

[Roger that.]

As it was anywhere, power was everything in the world of hunters.

Even Mayor Myeong Eun-sook, looking a bit surprised, spoke up.

“I’ve heard about you from the branch manager. A famous hunter has joined our city.”

“Thank you for saying so, but I still have a long way to go.”

“I’ve watched the footage of your battle with the Silver Knight. I’m glad to have you settling in Wonsan. I look forward to working with you.”

“Thank you. But about my question…”

“Oh! You were asking about the kidnapped individuals. We believe they are being held in the Golden Tail’s nest.”

“You’re saying they’re still alive?”

“Is someone you know among the captives?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”


Only then did Myeong Eun-sook nod, understanding why he was so anxious.

“According to our investigation, sirens need a lot of nutrients to lay their eggs. The Golden Tail will be laying her eggs soon.”

So the Golden Tail was the queen of the sirens.

The captured humans were meant to provide the necessary nutrients.

“They’ve secured the nutrients they need, but it seems there’s still some time before they start laying eggs. So try not to worry too much.”


If what she said was true, the chances were high that the captives were still alive.

But it was only a matter of time.

If they were imprisoned, it was likely they hadn’t had anything to eat or drink for the past three days.

“The decisive battle is tomorrow. Please be well-prepared by then.”

The decisive day was tomorrow.

To be in top condition, Hyun Suho decided to return to his lodging and rest.

* * *

The Next Day.

“We’re setting sail!”

With Mayor Myeong Eun-sook’s words of encouragement, the ships simultaneously departed from the harbor.


The fleet consisted of battle ships meant for hunting sea monsters.

Most of them were on loan from the military, but a few were owned by individual hunters.

Notably, the lead ship was one that Akula had brought along.

A massive, dark-hued vessel.

Word had it that after hunting a giant shark monster, they had used its entire skin to reinforce the ship.

This allowed it to cut through the water more efficiently, making it much faster than a regular ship, and its durability was exceptional.

There was a reason Akula was called the strongest in naval battles.

Over 30 ships had been mobilized for this extermination mission.

The cannons mounted on these ships alone were enough to obliterate the island where the sirens were hiding.

They were definitely well-prepared.

The battle ships, which had all left the harbor simultaneously, gradually began to fan out.

Their plan was to surround the island and launch a siege.

Hyun Suho was aboard one of the ships veering to the right.

At any moment, the sirens could appear from anywhere, even before reaching the island.

Even if it wasn’t the Golden Tail, the average level of a siren was said to be over 5.

They were formidable on land, but even more dangerous in the water.

The hunters aboard the ship should have been constantly vigilant of the sea, but... they couldn’t seem to focus.

The reason was Nova.

Oddly enough, before they could be captivated by the sirens' song, they were already enthralled by Nova’s appearance.

Everyone kept stealing glances at her.

If it weren’t for the reputation of the Light Bringer, someone would’ve already made a move on her.

“I told you to go with an ordinary appearance.”

“No way! This is one thing I won’t compromise on.”

“Beep! Boop!”

“You too, Bippo?”

“Beep! Boop!”

“Alright, alright.”

Honestly, those two really get along well.

In the distance, they could now see the island where the sirens were said to live, just beyond the horizon.

He had expected it to be tiny, like a speck on the map, but it turned out to be a rather large island.

Seeing it, Nova cautiously spoke up.

“The time has come. But... are you really going to go through with it?”

“Yes. I told you I would.”

“If this goes wrong, it could cause a huge problem.”

“I told you, something smells fishy. If I’m right, the problem is already festering.”

“Understood, Master. Shall we begin then?”

“Yes. Now is the perfect time.”

With his permission, Nova closed her eyes for a moment.

And then…


The ship that had been sailing smoothly suddenly stopped in the middle of the ocean.

Naturally, the hunters panicked.

“What, what’s going on? Did the sirens attack?”

“Everyone, be on guard! They’re coming!”

The alarmed hunters quickly began to scan their surroundings.

“Radio in! Send out a distress signal!”

“Wait a second! It’s not just us—every ship has stopped!”

“What? What do you mean?”

“Every ship is down!”

“How is that possible?”

“We’re dealing with an 8th-level named monster! There’s nothing it can’t do!”

Every ship that had set out for the island had stopped simultaneously.

Everyone assumed that the Golden Tail had pulled some trick, but the real culprit was elsewhere.

“I’ve hacked into all the ships and stopped their engines.”

“Well done, Nova. Next up, Bippo, it’s your turn.”

“Beep! Boop!”

After responding, Bippo elongated to the sides like a ripple spreading out, dividing into three parts.

The three parts then morphed into different shapes, taking on the forms of Hyun Suho, Nova, and the original Bippo.

“Let’s go.”

With that, Nova moved in close to Hyun Suho, embracing him.

It wasn’t a sudden display of affection.

In the blink of an eye, Nova transformed into a battle suit, wrapping around his body.

Hyun Suho lifted his hand, noticing that the design was quite different from before.

[This is Marine Mode. You can now safely enter the water.]

“Great, thanks.”

Avoiding the confused gazes of everyone else, Hyun Suho dove into the sea.


‘Now, let’s go.’

Leaving the stranded ships behind, he began to move forward on his own.

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