Machine God with EX-rank talent (Deus ex machina)

Chapter 46: The Heavenly Demon (2)

Dimensional gates are special.

They are quests that require one to travel to another dimension, another planet, or another time period.

Among these, dimensional quests are divided into two categories.

One is the summoning-type quest, where hunters take all their equipment and venture into another world.

In this type, hunters can use all the gear and skills they possess, and the number of participants can be large.

The two dimensional quests that Hyun Suho had entered and cleared so far were both of this type.

The other type is the possession-type quest, where one enters the body of someone within the dimensional gate and controls them.

In this case, hunters cannot use their equipment, skills, or even the hard-earned stats they’ve built up.

They must rely solely on the situations and objects provided within the dimensional quest to complete their objectives.

This is a significant disadvantage, but it’s also an advantage.

It means that a hunter, regardless of their level, can clear a high-difficulty dungeon.

Because of this, ambitious low-level hunters often volunteer for possession-type dimensional quests.

Of course, the survival rate was abysmal…

“I figured as much.”

The Red Zone, a bit farther from Wonsan City.

When Hyun Suho arrived at the location Branch Manager Kwon Cheol-jung had told him about, there was indeed a dimensional quest radiating a dazzling light and exuding its presence.

But the difficulty level was terrifying.


End of Vengeance

(Difficulty: ★★★★★★★)

▷Objective: ??? Elimination

A difficulty level with seven stars.

Considering that it’s a possession-type dungeon, even a top-ranking hunter wouldn’t find the difficulty any different if they came here.

There was a reason why Branch Manager Kwon Cheol-jung had mentioned this quest as if he were doing Hyun Suho a favor.

“The first dimensional gate we encountered together had a six-star difficulty, right?”

[Yes, Master. Without my help, you would have suffered severe damage.]

Even with the top-ranking hunter Fireballer accompanying the expedition, the difficulty had been murderous.

Monsters so terrifying that even a small scratch would allow parasites to enter and devour your internal organs.

If it hadn’t been for the efforts of Hyun Suho and Nova, almost no one would have survived.

And this dimensional gate was said to be one star higher in difficulty than that.

“Did I do something wrong to Branch Manager Kwon Cheol-jung?”

Recommending such a dimensional gate was practically telling him to go die.

Of course, Branch Manager Kwon Cheol-jung couldn’t force Hyun Suho into the gate.

If he cleared it, great; if he refused, the branch manager would likely consider alternative methods.

He was probably thinking of a backup plan right now, assuming Hyun Suho wouldn’t dare enter such a dimensional gate.

But Hyun Suho was surprisingly serious.

“The higher the difficulty, the better the rewards. That’s the system’s rule.”

It was an almost impossible difficulty, but if he could succeed, the rewards would be substantial.

Though the difficulty was nerve-wracking, Hyun Suho couldn’t simply back down.

“Anyway, if I do nothing, everyone will die in ten years.”

An existence that even a thousand Lakshmis couldn’t defeat.

Fighting such a Death Star would be incomparable to a seven-star difficulty.

Thinking like that made him feel a bit lighter.

[Have you made up your mind?]


Many hunters write their wills before entering a dimensional gate.

Hunters constantly face danger, but dimensional gates are on a whole different level of risk.

But Hyun Suho walked forward without hesitation.

Besides, it’s not like there was anyone else he needed to contact.

[Why not? There’s that foxy lady you have, isn’t there?]

“A fox? Who do you mean? Don’t tell me… you’re talking about Seo-yeon?”

[Who else? Last time you parted ways, she looked ready to kiss you.]

“Don’t exaggerate. It’s only natural to be grateful after helping someone.”

The memory of that time naturally came to mind.

After everything was over, Fireballer Hong Chang-sik had come running, breathless.

Having fallen into the fox demon’s trap, Hong Chang-sik had been in a mess, but fortunately, he hadn’t suffered any serious physical harm.

[Miss! Seo-yeon! Are you alright?! I foolishly got caught by the fox demon…]

Hong Chang-sik, who had rushed over in one breath, started sobbing uncontrollably as soon as he saw that Jin Seo-yeon was safe.

It was awkward to comfort a grown man who was crying like that, but I managed to do it somehow.

[I heard that her family is a real mess. Even though they’re half-siblings, trying to harm each other over money and power… Humans are just…]

“Yeah, humans are just…”

The Jin Dragon Family’s succession struggle was more complicated than expected after looking into it more closely.

All the other competitors, except for Jin Seo-yeon, had allied themselves with external forces and were rapidly expanding their power.

Jin Seo-yeon, who tried to compete fairly with her skills, seemed almost naive.

The problem was that the external forces they had allied with were all unusual.

“Of all the people to team up with…”

The Jin Dragon Family is one of the most prestigious companies in the world.

To gain access to that financial power, dangerous people were clinging on.

Up until now, Fireballer’s strength had been enough to fend them off, but it wouldn’t be easy going forward.

[This doesn’t seem like the time to be worrying about others.]

“You’re right.”

He was standing before a seven-star difficulty dungeon.

He might be the person in the most dangerous situation in the world right now.

Although he was worried about Jin Seo-yeon, he had already given her a warning.

If he survived this dungeon, he could help her more proactively.

If he survived…

“Let’s go.”

After taking a deep breath, Hyun Suho stepped into the dimensional dungeon.


* * *

The Dokgo family is a traditional martial family.

Although not as prominent as the Nine Great Clans or the Five Great Families, their influence in Xi'an was significant, to the point that almost everyone knew of them.

They were a prestigious family that had produced numerous military officials, including a family head who once served as a General of the Army.

The Dokgo family's mansion, located in the heart of the city, was renowned for being the largest and most luxurious in all of Xi'an.

There was even a saying that no traveler could visit Xi'an without stopping by the Dokgo mansion.

For decades, the mansion had illuminated the city with its grand presence.

But today, that magnificent mansion was crumbling helplessly, engulfed in a massive inferno.


Mysterious attackers dressed in black suddenly invaded, setting the mansion ablaze and slaughtering people indiscriminately.

Even though the Dokgo family was a traditional martial family, they were caught off guard by the surprise attack in the middle of the night.

“Who dares! Do you know where you are and what you're doing?!”

Dokgo Giju, the eldest son of the family head, grabbed a giant crescent blade and fought back against the invaders.

At the age of thirty, Dokgo Giju had already reached the peak of martial arts, displaying incredible skill as he repelled the attackers.


“Do not retreat! Show them the strength of the Dokgo family!”

The second son, Dokgo Jin-cheol, also joined the fray with his weapon, engaging in combat with the enemies.

Inspired by the bravery of the two sons, the martial artists of the Dokgo family fought fiercely, and it seemed the enemy’s momentum was weakening.

“You cruel bastards! Even attacking those who don't know martial arts!”

The attackers were ruthless, indiscriminately targeting everyone they saw, including the women and children who did menial work for the family.

More people were killed without even understanding what was happening than those who died fighting.

The enemy's intent was clear: to leave no witnesses. That's why they set the buildings on fire and blocked the escape routes.

“Do you think we are so easy to defeat?!”

With each swing of Dokgo Giju's crescent blade, enemies fell like leaves.

But despite his valiant efforts, the number of enemies showed no sign of decreasing.

“You scum!! Do you even know where you are attacking?!”

This was a family whose head once served as a General of the Army.

Attacking such a family was a direct challenge to the king's authority.

Such an assault could easily be branded as treason. The attackers must have known this and still proceeded.

“Who are you people? Why are you targeting our family…!!”

Even as he fought, Dokgo Giju kept his eyes on those standing silently on the wall, watching the battle without moving.

Despite the ongoing battle, they stood there leisurely, as if they were just spectators.

“Damn it! Where are the government troops?!”

In such a situation, it was only natural for the authorities to dispatch soldiers in large numbers.

But even after all this time, there was no sign of any government troops arriving.

“Could it be that these people are powerful enough to hold off even the government forces?”

Dokgo Giju was completely bewildered.

While he knew that politics was a chaotic affair with no permanent allies or enemies, this attack was too extreme.

While there were those who would benefit from the downfall of the Dokgo family, the benefits were nothing more than control of the surrounding market.

There wasn’t enough to be gained to justify risking charges of treason.

Dokgo Giju, scanning his surroundings, called out to his subordinate fighting behind him.

“Baek Dae-ju!”

Baek Yeong-cheol was a formidable martial artist who had grown up alongside Dokgo Giju.

He was so talented that, despite being a commoner, he had risen to the position of a chief within the Dokgo family.

“Yes, Young Master!”

“Where is Jeong?”

“I confirmed yesterday that he was resting in the annex.”

“…Hide Jeong there.”

Dokgo Giju bit his lip as he thought of his kind-hearted youngest brother.

“What?! But…”

“We’re preparing for the worst. Do you understand what I mean?”

Hearing the determination in Dokgo Giju’s voice, Baek Yeong-cheol took a short, sharp breath and looked at him with trembling eyes.

Dokgo Giju was concerned about the family line being cut off.

That’s how fierce the enemy’s assault was.


“Hurry! There’s no time!”

Leaving the resolute Dokgo Giju behind, Baek Yeong-cheol tightly gripped his sword and headed towards the annex where the youngest master was.


“Kill them!”

Battles were raging everywhere on the way to the annex. The martial artists of the Dokgo family were strong, but the enemies were stronger and more relentless.

It was only natural that they were at a disadvantage, facing a thoroughly prepared enemy who had caught them by surprise.

Although the martial artists who had grown up like brothers were falling helplessly, Baek Young-cheol continued to press forward without turning back.

He thought that even a slight delay could put the third son, Dokgo Jeong, in danger.

“Young Master!!”

“Chief Baek!”

Fortunately, Dokgo Jeong was safe.

Though he was only fifteen, he was still a martial artist of the Dokgo family.

He stood there, catching his breath, holding the sword he had never let go of since childhood.

As Baek Yeong-cheol anxiously looked around, he realized that the invaders had already been there.

And all of those invaders were now lying lifeless on the floor of the room.

"Did you defeat them all by yourself?"

There were clearly more than ten attackers.

Although he knew that the third son had talent, he never imagined that he could so skillfully defeat enemies in real combat.

But now wasn’t the time to dwell on that.

"Young Master! You must flee immediately! This place is too dangerous!"

"I can fight too!"

Dokgo Jeong stubbornly showed his determination not to back down with his firmly closed mouth.

"You can't! Their attacks are too fierce."

"I am also a proud descendant of the Dokgo family. How can I flee while everyone else is fighting?!"

Dokgo Jeong was not just speaking empty words. He was prepared to die with dignity as a warrior.

But Baek Yeong-cheol shook his head. No matter how exceptional Dokgo Jeong was compared to others his age, he was still young.

His strength alone would not be enough to turn the situation around.

"This is the order of the eldest son."

"...From my older brother?"

"Yes, that's right. He gave me a clear command."

"But... why would my brother..."

Only then did Dokgo Jeong realize that the situation was far more serious than he had thought.

Otherwise, his eldest brother, Dokgo Giju, wouldn’t have given such an order.

"There is no time. If we delay any longer, we won’t even have space to move."

"Can’t I just fight as well? If we all join forces, surely we can..."

"Of course, if we join forces, we can defeat the enemies. Trust us, and for now, please move with me. If things go well, I’m sure all the young masters will resolve this safely."

When Baek Yeong-cheol shouted confidently, Dokgo Jeong swallowed nervously and asked,

"Do you really mean that?"

"Of course. Trust us."

"Then... alright."

Dokgo Jeong, with reluctant steps, began to follow Baek Yeong-cheol.

They arrived at a shabby warehouse.

This was a place where workers stored their supplies, but fortunately, unlike the other buildings, it wasn’t on fire. The attackers probably thought it was of no significance.

When Baek Yeong-cheol manipulated a device, a hidden passage appeared.


"Stay inside. As you know, you must not move until the time is right."

When Baek Yeong-cheol spoke, Dokgo Jeong responded with a trembling voice,

"...Stay safe, Baek Daeju."

To reassure him, Baek Yeong-cheol smiled brightly and said,

"Don’t worry. I’ll finish this soon and come back."




The hidden space’s door closed again. No matter what happened, this space wouldn’t open for five days.

That’s how it was designed.

Even if Baek Yeong-cheol's assurances were true and the situation was resolved quickly, Dokgo Jeong would be trapped here for five days.

Inside the hidden space, there was everything necessary for survival.

There was food, some water, and the ceiling was embedded with luminous jewels that provided light.

Just selling those jewels could give a commoner enough gold to live on for a lifetime.

"They'll be fine. I'm sure nothing will go wrong."

Dokgo Jeong didn’t know who had attacked them, but the Dokgo family wasn’t one to collapse from a single assault.

Moreover, they had close ties with the government, so support would surely arrive soon.

When the government forces came, the enemies would have no choice but to retreat.

Believing that, Dokgo Jeong tightly gripped the sword he held.

"If only I had a bit more strength..."

Despite having martial skills that were unbelievable for a 15-year-old, Dokgo Jeong still thought it wasn’t enough.

Especially after the event, the sense of helplessness he felt was even greater.

For now, Dokgo Jeong could only trust in his family and wait.

How much time had passed?

In the dim light of the luminous jewels, Dokgo Jeong had no way of telling how much time had passed outside.

The fact that five days had passed was only clear because the door suddenly opened.



Dokgo Jeong moved hastily, ready to check on the lives of his brothers and family members.

Just as he was about to rush outside.

Suddenly, Dokgo Jeong's body froze as if someone had pressed a pause button.

He stood there in that unnatural posture for a long while before mumbling in a completely different tone,

"Hmm! So, this is the story."

Hyun Suho, who had entered through the dimensional gate, began to control Dokgo Jeong’s body.

"My head hurts."

As Dokgo Jeong's memories mixed with Hyun Suho's, it was at first like he was in a dream, feeling dazed.

Fortunately, after a few more minutes, Hyun Suho managed to regain his clear sense of self.

This was how the possession-type dimensional gate progressed.

Glancing to the side, he saw the exit of the dimensional gate, marked by light.

If he wanted to escape, now was the time.

Once the gate closed, the only way to return would be to complete the quest.

Hyun Suho just stood there, staring at it blankly.

"Nova! Nova! Can you hear me?"

Normally, nothing could be brought into a possession-type dimensional quest.

Receiving help from Nova was naturally out of the question.

But wasn’t Nova a nano-particle computer that he obtained from a dimensional quest where nothing could be taken out?

Maybe, just maybe, he could get help from Nova this time too.

If Nova’s assistance was available, it would be a great advantage, just like when he cleared the 6-star dimensional quest before.

Had his desperation reached it?

After waiting a bit, a familiar voice was heard.

[Master, I have detected convertible energy within your body. Ah~ Ah~ Can you hear me, Master?]

His prediction was spot on.

Now, no matter what trial awaited him, he felt confident he could overcome it.

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