Madam, you don’t want your husband to know, right?

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

The woman’s name is Wang Meier.

Chairman of Blue Sky Engine.

As a company focusing on aerospace engines.

Ms. Wang’s company has suffered an unprecedented crisis.

A batch of orders requires them to make a vector engine.

But one of these carbon materials is hard to find.

If the goods cannot be delivered within the specified time.

Blue Sky Engine will face sky-high liquidated damages!

After going around in circles, he still returned to Yangcheng.

I found Hai Dongqing, a company specializing in aerospace materials.

She heard that there was a carbon material she needed.

It is also one of the few suppliers in the world who still makes this material.

However, she did not expect that Hai Dongqing, as the number one aerospace material supplier in Yangcheng, was a sea holly.

The owner would actually be so young.

He looks about the same age as his son.

However, the other party’s eyes made her a little uncomfortable.

That kind of greedy eyes, she has seen too much.

But it was the first time I had seen such an undisguised look.

Wang Meier quickly withdrew her hand.

Get ready to get down to business.

But Lin Gaoyuan hasn’t seen enough.

His eyes kept glancing over her chest.

To say that I am also a reading girl, there are countless women.

But it was the first time a woman of such a large scale had been seen.

That’s E, right?

The white shirt on her.

It’s almost broken by her.

The two buttons on the chest looked a little unsupportable.

That clover necklace of clover.

All buried deep in the Grand Canyon.

Not only that.

Wang Meier’s absolutely beautiful face is definitely the reincarnation of a fox spirit.

Even without any expression.

It all looks like people want to think about it.

Her short shoulder-length hair made her look not only competent, but also a little charming.

The upturned Erlang legs have the queen temperament of a high-ranking person.

Royal sister plus queen.

Good woman!

Lin Gaoyuan gave an evaluation in his heart.

At least eight points to go up!

“Mr. Lin?” Just when Lin Gaoyuan admired the beauty, Wang Meier finally couldn’t help it.

She forced herself to endure the anger in her heart and put forward her own request, “I need to order a batch of 6-A1 type carbon materials, I don’t know the price on your side?” ”

I heard the anger in the beauty’s tone.

Lin Gaoyuan was not in a hurry, “We do have this material, but production has been stopped for a long time, and if you want to restart the production line, the cost is not low.” ”

This carbon material is inherently a niche material.

Too little demand.

As a result, few suppliers are available at any time.

Sea holly is indeed technically produced.

But the cost of one production can be several times higher than the material itself.

“Price is not an issue.” Wang Meier hugged her arm and turned sideways, deliberately avoiding the other party’s eyes, “We need about a ton, as long as we can deliver it at the end of the next month.” ”

After all, it is its own company.

Lin Gaoyuan beckoned to Yang Musi behind him.

Yang Musi bent down and attached his ear to the past.

“Mousse, what is the price of this material?”

“Almost 500 pieces a gram!”

“So expensive?”

“Yes, boss, but she needs to be in a hurry, we can also raise the price up.”

“OK, where to eat at noon?”

“There’s a private restaurant downstairs from the company.”

“You know this well, listen to you.”

After whispering with Yang Musi.

Lin Gaoyuan sat up straight, his expression serious.

Wang Meier, who was opposite, also looked at the two curiously.

The head also unconsciously leaned forward slightly.

“Mr. Wang, there is no problem with the delivery at the end of the month, but I am afraid that the price is a little expensive.”

“You quote.” Wang Meier was also positive, “I’ll reply a little.” ”

“That’s just 700 pieces a gram, do you think it’s appropriate?”

“700?” Wang Mei’er gasped, “Mr. Lin, we want a ton, I’m afraid this price is a little high, right?” ”

One ton is seven hundred million.

The engine orders he received were only more than three billion.

The profits are almost squeezed dry by this sea holly!

“Of course.” Lin Gaoyuan smiled, “Mr. Wang wants so much, I will definitely give you a preferential price, how about you see six hundred and five?” ”

Hearing this, Wang Meier’s face turned dark.

It’s better not to be discounted.

What is the use of fifty pieces less?

According to her thoughts, five hundred and five would be about the same.

Unexpectedly, as soon as people came, the lions opened their mouths.

Seven hundred.

“It’s okay.” Lin Gaoyuan was also not in a hurry, “Do you want to go back and think about it slowly, or find another home to ask.” ”

Wang Meier’s face had lost any expression at this time.

The other party is sure that he is in a hurry.

This carbon material production line is still retained in China.

I’m afraid it’s sea holly.

If you look abroad.

When the contract is negotiated, the yellow cauliflower is cold!

But that’s too expensive, right?

Wang Meier really doesn’t want to be slaughtered as an unjust boss!

After pondering for a long time, she stood up, “Then I’ll go back and think about it.” ”

“Well, Mr. Wang walks slowly.”

After the other person gets up.

Lin Gaoyuan saw clearly what she was wearing underneath.

A pair of gray stockings, combined with the rounded thighs, raised the temperament of Wang Meier’s royal sister a lot.

It’s just that Wang Meier just left the conference room.

The sound of the system sounded.

[Ding, Wang Meier! ] 】

[Female! 】

[35 years old! ] 】

[Level: B! 】

[Background: Chairman of Blue Sky Engine, widowed, has a 21-year-old son who is studying at Yangcheng University! ] 】

[Mission 1: Get Raiders Wang Meier within one month, you can get 50 points! ] 】

[Mission 2: Make Wang Meier a star fury within one month and get 70 points! ] 】

[Mission 3: When Mission 2 is completed, attack Wang Meier’s son under her nose and get 90 points! ] 】

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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