Madness of the Heart

Chapter 40

Chapter 40 Demon Hunting (40)

Thirty-two years ago, Yu Caixin was born in an ordinary family in Yizi City. His parents taught in an elementary school and controlled Yu Caixin in a ridiculously harsh way.

Before entering junior high school, Yu Cai was both good at character and learning, because among the little girls in the class, she was considered pretty and lovely, and she had been a “class flower” for a long time.

But her pair of traditional and staid parents think that too much attention is paid to a girl’s appearance, which is a shameless matter for her family. Yu Caixin only needs to have good grades, but being called “Banhua” makes them dissatisfied.

At that time, Yu’s father happened to be the head teacher of Yu Caixin’s class. During the class meeting, Yu’s father criticized Yu Caixin in front of the whole class, belittled the term “Banhua” as a foul language, and said that Yu Caixin should be ashamed of being called “Banhua”.

The strange thing is that from beginning to end, Yu’s father only criticized his own daughter, but did not criticize Guan Yu Caixin’s student named “Banhua”.

Yu Caixin did not argue, accepting the wrong control of her parents until she was promoted to junior high school.

Junior high school is the key stage for girls to change their bodies. Yu Caixin began to develop at the beginning of her day, her head grew tall, her chin became sharp, her **** bulged, and she gradually took on a feminine contour. This made her the focus of attention of boys as soon as the school started.

Gradually, someone called her “Banhua” again, and even senior boys were waiting for her on the way from school.

Yu father and Yu mother inquired about Yu Caixin’s situation in junior high school through teachers and friends, and felt deeply panicked and angry. He was afraid that his daughter would focus on appearance and neglect studying. He was even more worried that her daughter would be deceived by boys and have a “shameful appearance of premature love”. “Thing.

At that time, there was no regulation that elementary and middle school students must wear school uniforms in Yizi City. Students only need to wear school uniforms when the national flag is raised on Monday, and they usually wear clothes bought at home. Together, Yu Mu and Yu Father locked up all of Yu Caixin’s skirts, forcing Yu Caixin to cut her thick long hair into the size of a boy, and only allowed Yu Caixin to wear loose, fat dark T-shirts and jeans to school.

Such a dress is considered a “freak” in the eyes of junior high school girls who have begun to love beauty.

To make matters worse, at that time, Yu Caixin’s **** were developing, and Yu’s mother talked about her breast discoloration. She believed that wearing a corset for teenage children was to encourage them to seduce the opposite sex, which was a sign of “uncleanness”, so she only bought it for Yu Caixin. vest.

The vest has a thin layer of fabric, has no supporting function, and can’t cover the places the girl does not want outsiders to see.

Yu Caixin, who has no bra, became a joke at school.

Whenever she walked, her chest would slosh. The most frightening thing is the physical education class. The unkind boys whistle arrogantly, and the kind girls whispered to her quietly—Come on, you are showing up.

The adolescent girl has a thinner skin than paper. Yu Caixin no longer dared to raise her head up and minimize her presence on various occasions.

By the second grade, all the girls in the class began to develop, and they all wore corsets inside and beautiful skirts outside. Only Yu Caixin is still shaved, wearing glasses, and wearing a gray T-shirt and cowboy.

She went from “Class Flower” to the most native student in the class.

She began to become obese, and a pimples appeared on her originally delicate face, which made her look more and more grayed and unwelcome.

Some boys have begun to describe her as “disgusting” and “a ton of oil”.

Obviously less than a year ago, she was still the most watched girl in the class.

Everyone laughed at her dress, at her hairstyle, at her figure, at her **** that swayed more severely because of obesity.

She was frugal and used the pocket money she saved to buy a corset and wore it secretly. It didn’t take long for Yu’s mother to be called out of the class. When she returned to the classroom, her face was full of tears, and the bra had been changed to a vest.

Yizi City is just a small city, and rumors spread very quickly.

It didn’t take long for this incident to spread out in various versions, and it became a conversational resource for many families after dinner.

Yu Caixin transferred to Yizi No. 2 Middle School, the best middle school in Yizi in the third grade. The teacher in charge of the students’ mental health told Yu’s father and Yu mother that Yu Caixin had suffered serious psychological problems under long-term depression and she suggested to see a psychologist. , Or come here to receive psychological counseling for a period of time.

In those days, let alone in small cities, even in big cities, “psychological problems” was also a new term.

For many people, having a psychological problem is equivalent to having a mental illness.

In the third year of junior high school, Yu’s father immediately refused, thinking that accepting psychological counseling was a waste of time.

“What kind of psychological problem? How can my daughter have psychological problems! Learning is the first priority! We are all teaching and educating people, don’t fool me!”

The second high school enrollment rate is high, and correspondingly, the competition among students is also great. Under the multiple pressures of his studies, appearance, and parents, Yu Caixin’s mental state became worse and worse. She swallowed a lot of sleeping pills in the second semester of the third year. If the head teacher found out in time and sent her to the doctor urgently, she might not be able to save her life.

Yu Caixin has once again become the talker of the small city.

After this incident, Yu Caixin’s relationship with her parents became more tense.

Yu Caixin chose to live in the high school where she was promoted to the second middle school and hardly went home.

After she was not controlled by her parents, she saved food expenses and secretly bought cheap but beautiful clothes. Later, she lost weight and gradually returned to the state before she gained weight.

In the next semester, her grades fluctuate. Even the head teacher thinks it is normal. Don’t worry. Yu father and mother Yu rushed into her dormitory after the parent meeting and searched through all the beautiful clothes in her cabinet. She tore her face.

“I knew it! Your grades dropped because of these clothes!” Yu Mu cried and denounced: “Your task now is to study, not to dress up! You are still a student, how can you dress nicely? Why don’t you listen to your dad What mother said? We are all for your good!”

The whole bedroom, the girls on the whole floor rushed to watch the excitement, Yu Caixin was poked at the shoulder by Yu’s mother, step by step back to the wall…

The farce of junior high school made a comeback, and Yu Caixin’s efforts were smashed by her parents “for your own good”, and she finally became the laughing stock of her classmates.

For three years in high school, Yu Caixin was constantly being pointed out because of her appearance. There are stories about her skirt being torn to pieces by her mother on campus, and even the junior high school students use her as a joke—

“Yu Caixin is so pitiful, her parents are too weird.”

“What clothes does Yu Caixin wear, why are they so earthy?”

“Yes, and her haircut. In fact, she doesn’t look bad, doesn’t she know how to clean herself?”

“I heard from her junior high school classmates that she doesn’t wear a corset.”

“Really? How come there are girls who don’t wear corsets?”

“Why is she so fat? Isn’t she ugly?”

In the college entrance examination, Yu Caixin took the test in Yizi City, finally got rid of his parents and made a boyfriend on the new campus.

That may have been the four years in which Yu Caixin lived the happiest.

The boyfriend is from Yizi. After graduation, because the family helped arrange the job, he insisted on returning to Yizi City.

Yu Caixin had to return to Yizi City together.

Soon, the boyfriend cheated, “Little San” is a colleague in the unit, “Returnee”, very beautiful, and very good at dressing up.

In the small city of Yizi, Yu Caixin once again became a joke.

At the age of 24, she left Yizi City and went to Dongye City to work hard, breaking all contact with her relatives.

“Yu Caixin has always been troubled by her appearance.” Xiao Yuan said: “After coming to Dongye City, she seemed to have a different person. The success of her career made her more and more confident, but the shadow of the past-oppressed by her parents, ridiculed by her classmates, Betrayed by her boyfriend, these things have formed a knot in her heart and have never been untied. She has not seen a psychiatrist in these years, and let the knot become more and more entangled.”

“So she can’t accept any negative comments about her appearance. Before the plastic surgery, she often walked around the Huayun Center just to be affirmed by street fans, but the only evaluation she got was’she is not good-looking’.” Ming Shu said. He said, “Yu Cai doesn’t know how much hate is suppressed in her heart. She was unable to avenge her parents, classmates, and boyfriends, but now she is finally able to retaliate against Chen Quanhan and Luo Xiangfu.”

Xiao Yuan shook his head, “Maybe it’s not just a question of ability. Yu Caixin must have not been distorted as it is now. At that time, she was just a student, did not step into society, and hatred has not turned into a murderous intent. She came to Ye City for eight years, She has been living alone and never had a boyfriend. She has no relatives or friends around. Yu Caixin seems to be a successful person, but she only knows what she has experienced and the burden on her shoulders in the past eight years. Psychological problems have not been cured for a moment.”

Ming Shu thought of Cao Xiang, “Xinxiang’s headhunting company has a big problem. Yu Caixin and her partner Cao Xiang have been fighting for power.”

Xiao Yuan looked out the window, “Maybe Yu Caixin was at the lowest point when she walked around the Huayun Center. The pressure almost broke her. She hoped to be praised, even if there was only one. But that day, all she heard was Chen Quanhan’s “She is not beautiful” .”

A conversation between Yu Caixin and Zhou Yuan came from the surveillance. Yu Caixin laughed frequently, but the laughter was quite weird.

Ming Shu looked at Yu Caixin, and felt that this woman was like a gorgeous sculpture, gradually collapsing from the inside.

“Yu Caixin doesn’t have anyone she trusts. This is the same as Hou Cheng. She can’t let her friends keep the photos for her, and there is a high probability that she won’t let the photos be too far away from herself.” Xiao Yuan said: “When she wanted to find out and recall Chen When Luo struggles desperately, he can easily see it.”

“She has searched all over her house.” Ming Shu said, “Should I go there again?”

“Wait.” Xiao Yuan asked: “If it’s not in her house, where is it most likely?”

“I…” Ming Shu had thought about this issue a long time ago, but had no clue.

Yu Caixin can hide the photos anywhere, as close as under the dirt of the flower beds in the community, as far as the police can’t think of.

“Close to her, you can see if you want to see it, and it is difficult for the police to doubt.” Xiao Yuan almost muttered to herself, “Where will it be…”

Ming Shu closed his eyes, clues collided in his head.

He has checked most of the monitoring screens of the Love Shui’an community. Yu Caixin leaves home and goes home regularly. There is no weird behavior in the community. He often goes to the convenience store to buy drinks and cigarettes, or to the fruit store to buy a bag of fruit. , Sometimes take the courier home.

express delivery?

Ming Shu opened his eyes suddenly.

A trivial thing, like a piece of driftwood, appeared in his writhing mind.

Before going to Los Angeles to trace the clues in the heart of the tomb, he ordered a set of kitchen supplies online and sent it to Xiao Yuan’s residence. When the things were sent to Dongye City, he and Xiao Yuan were already in Los Angeles, and no one received them temporarily.

It is the property office that collects the express delivery in the community. Call him and ask him to get it as soon as possible. The office only keeps it for a week.

This irritated him a little.

He often buys online, but most of them are sent to his own community, rarely to Xiao Yu’an’s residence, and he has never encountered the situation of “only keeping for a week”.

The district where he lives collects express delivery at a convenience store, not a property office. He often went on business trips and didn’t go home for ten and a half months. He had already agreed with the shopkeepers that he would leave the courier when he arrived. He would pay more for the storage fee and collect it together when he returned home.

When a person is regarded as a suspect, the police will search TA’s home, TA’s unit, and even the residences of TA’s relatives and friends, but they will never search the convenience store of TA’s community.

“Brother!” Ming Shu said, “I thought of a place.”

There are a total of four convenience stores in Aegean Shui’an District, all of which provide express delivery services. Ming Shu personally led the team to inquire, but the bosses all said that Yu Caixin’s express delivery was not stored in his warehouse.

However, after the second round of search of Yu Caixin’s home, nothing was found.

“Master.” Fang Yuanhang bought a few bottles of water in a convenience store and tossed them to Ming Shu. “We can only let Yu Caixin confess, otherwise where can we find it?”

“How to get her to confess?” Ming Shu said, “Extorting a confession by torture?”

Fang Yuanhang rolled his eyes, “Master, what did you say?”

“I also want to ask what you said.” Ming Shu poured half a bottle of water in one breath, frowning under the scorching sun, “Do you know why Yu Caixin is so arrogant? It’s because she expected we can’t find evidence. As long as we can’t find it. , As soon as the time limit is up, we can only let him go. In this case, do you think she will plead guilty?”

Fang Yuanhang put the bottle on his face, not knowing whether he was cooling his face or his brain.

Ming Shu returned to the police car and was thinking about other possibilities. He suddenly saw someone arguing outside the gate 2 of the community not far away.

A courier who used a tricycle to deliver goods was stopped by the property management. The courier shouted, “Why can they get in?”

“They” refer to the van passing through the motorway.

The property manager said: “Are you new here? Your courier company does not have a cooperative relationship with our convenience store. You can’t go in.”

“What about my truck?” The courier was sweaty, and his young face was full of anxiety.

“Let it there.” The property management pointed to a row of small shops outside the community. “Your company’s express delivery is unified there. Have you seen it?”

Ming Shu flashed in his mind and immediately said, “Go!”

When checking the express delivery point, he overlooked one thing, that is, not only the convenience stores in the community, but also the vegetable shops, dry cleaners, and even braised vegetable shops and pharmacies near the community.

For residents, the collection points inside and outside the community are only separated by a wall. It doesn’t matter where they are taken, it is just a few more steps.

After investigating half the street, a fruit shop named “Dotora” admitted that there was a courier from Ms. Yu in the shop.

After searching for a long time, the shopkeeper found a tightly packed box from the corner of the narrow warehouse, “Here, that’s it.”

Ming Shu took it immediately. Judging from the information on the list, the courier was sent from a delivery point in Beicheng District, and the sender’s contact number was familiar.

A few seconds later, Ming Shu remembered that this number was Yu Caixin’s mobile phone number, and the recipient’s number was Yu Caixin’s other mobile phone number.

“She gave me one hundred yuan a month. She said she was busy with work. It was early in the morning when she came back every day. My shop was closed. She couldn’t get the express delivery, so she could only save a few more days.” The owner said, “She gave me everything. I have the money, of course I will help her to collect it. She has taken several times to express it with me. They are all such boxes and don’t know what to buy. This has been left for more than half a month, and she didn’t come to get it.”

Ming Shu handed the box to Fang Yuanhang, “Look at the weight, if it is indeed what we are looking for, it should be a micro order.”

Yu Caixin had already moved from the interrogation room to the interrogation room. Under the bright light, her slightly adjusted eyes opened in amazement, staring directly at the micro-single in the transparent material evidence bag.

“I found the most critical evidence.” Ming Shu held a stack of photos in both hands, aligns them lightly on the table, and then arranged them one by one on the table. “You can’t quibble.”

In the lower right corner of those photos, the exact time before Chen Quanhan and Luo Xiangfu were killed is printed to the minute and second. Their faces were initially covered by their own clothes, and the naked and old bodies of elderly men appear in the photos.

Even if they couldn’t see their faces, their fear and despair seemed to pass through the frozen picture, through the elapsed time, and passed to the detectives.

As time passed, the clothes were taken off, and the two faces that had nothing in common had similar expressions.

They were crying, begging for mercy, and they were crying, trying to escape, but they couldn’t move their bodies at all.

“Only your fingerprint is on the camera, and there is Luo Xiangfu’s blood on the camera — you probably didn’t notice it when you cleaned it.” Ming Shu looked at Yu Caixin solemnly, “Do you have anything you want to say?”

The interrogation room fell into silence, and for a long time, Yu Caixin gave a trembling smirk.

“Yes, I killed them.” Her artificially carved face had become hideous for some time, like an inferior beautiful painting. “I not only killed them, but also took pictures of them! They love to take pictures so much. I’ll help them take enough pictures of people’s bodies! Take pictures of their own bodies and show them how ugly they are! Why do they judge me for such an ugly person?”

Mingshu’s vision was dim, and there was no trace of the kindness in protecting children on Yu Caixin’s face.

The most elusive thing is people. She can kill people because of a word from a stranger. She can also stand in front of the murderer when everyone retreats and exchange herself for a stranger.

“Don’t they deserve to die?” Yu Caixin laughed harshly. “Some people deserve to die. I’m just doing harm to the people.”

“You really know how to act.” Ming Shu said, “Is it inspired by Lu Kun?”

Yu Caixin shook her head, “You don’t understand anything.”

“If I don’t understand, how can I figure out your psychology? How can I find your camera hidden in the fruit shop?” Ming Shu sneered, “You dare not put the camera next to you, and you are unwilling to delete the photo. You have to open it as soon as possible. Camera, you can appreciate the despair of Luo and Chen. You send the camera from various delivery points near your company, and it is placed in the fruit shop owner’s warehouse like ordinary express delivery. Because you paid the storage fee, the owner is very concerned , It will never be lost. When you want to see a photo, you take it away as if you are taking a courier. No one knows what you are taking, and no one will even doubt it. After all, taking a courier is really true. It’s normal. After you enjoy it, you pack the camera and send it out again the next day. You won’t lose your trophy. You think the police will never find your trophy.”

Yu Caixin’s smooth cheeks twitched.

“Lu Kun’s behavior makes you realize that you can put on yourself the cloak of’righteous’.” Ming Shu continued: “So you deliberately bought the book before he went crazy. Let me guess, you want to say next It must be—the heart of the tomb bewitched me! I only committed crimes after reading his book! At Shuhan Cafe that day, you not only saved people, but also broadened your mind.”

Yu Caixin’s sweaty hands pressed against the interrogation table, making an unpleasant noise.

Ming Shu said again: “If you insist that the heart of the tomb is bewitching you, then at least you should be more sincere and read his book page by page instead of buying it and turning it over and putting it on the shelf. ”

Yu Caixin hadn’t moved her facial bones, but at this time, her face seemed to be torn apart, her beauty disappeared.

“What I want to emphasize to you is that from beginning to end, you are the one who committed the crime.” Ming Shu said: “Whether you are deceived by the heart of the tomb or not, you must be responsible for the crimes you committed!”

After a few breaths of silence, Yu Cai seemed to be unable to support her, and her back slammed into the back of the chair.

Muffled, the recorder was startled and almost stood up to help Yu Caixin.

“Am I ugly?” Yu Caixin asked suddenly.

Outside the interrogation room, Fang Yuanhang said while watching the surveillance: “I don’t understand, why does she have to smash her looks? Her face, whether it is before or after plastic surgery, is not related to ugliness. If she’s all ugly, then more ordinary girls won’t live?”

“It’s not her appearance, it’s the evaluation of the outside world.” Zhou Yuan sighed, not too many words, “Everyone has their own demon, and her demon is the evaluation of her appearance by others. If someone asked her at the beginning Whether she is willing to take pictures, she will not become what she is now.”

“That was the hardest time for me. The team lost the orders of several major customers. Cao Xiang was against me in the company again, trying to disintegrate the team that I had worked so hard to build. I heard someone say in private, Mr. Yu Nothing, an old woman, can’t eat the headhunting meal.” Yu Caixin raised her head slantingly, her eyes didn’t know where she was looking, and she said slowly, “They said I was old and earthy, and I used a heavy foundation to hide wrinkles on my face , Relying on brand-name clothing to conceal the blessed body. The young front desk girl came to the company, young and beautiful, and especially foreign. I suddenly remembered what happened in my hometown many years ago, and I was always pointed out, so Many years have passed, and I thought I had gotten rid of the evaluations of “soil”, “ugliness” and “fat”, but in the eyes of others, I am still soil, ugly, or fat, and even more new evaluations-old.”

Yu Caixin smiled dullly, “I’m an old woman. I went for a walk at Huayun Center and none of the cameras were on me. Even if I walked around in front of the photographers on purpose, they just looked at me and then chased the young and beautiful Little girl. Do you understand that mood?”

Ming Shu frowned slightly.

“I’m like being abandoned by fate. They can only see those glamorous and beautiful people. No matter how expensive clothes or delicate makeup I put on, they can’t see me.” Yu Caixin’s voice tightened. Get excited, “They see me occasionally, and then tell me with their eyes-you are really ugly, you are not qualified to be photographed by me. Chen Quanhan, he said I was ugly in front of me. Luo Xiangfu, he would rather chase me than be taken by him The woman who photographed did not stop to photograph me. I and the woman he was chasing that day wore very similar clothes. He deliberately humiliated me!”

Fang Yuanhang shook his head, “Yu Caixin is delusional, how could this be a deliberate humiliation? Luo Xiangfu may not have noticed her at all.”

Zhou Yuan said: “Not being noticed is actually equivalent to humiliation in her logic.”

“I don’t want people who humiliated me to continue to live, so they all have to die.” Yu Caixin looked at Ming Shu again and smiled, “I just went to the plastic surgery hospital to adjust the facial features a bit, and they went crazy collectively, and they all wanted to give I take pictures, you say it’s funny, isn’t it funny?”

Ming Shu said: “You have been to the place where Chen Quanhan lives.”

“Of course!” Yu Cai suddenly had a look in her eyes, “He has chased me several times in the Huayun Center, and I didn’t agree to let him take pictures. I pretended to’pass by’ Puouxin Street and gave him a bottle of stuffed ingredients. Tell him that if you want to take a photo, I can wait for me at the grove of the popular science amusement park at 11 o’clock in the evening. That bad old man did what I said. He was drunk, so I covered it with a drug His nose, he is no longer my opponent.”

Ming Shu said: “On July 2, you killed Luo Xiangfu in the same way.”

Yu Caixin pondered for a while, “Luo Xiangfu is very strange. He must take pictures of me wearing professional attire, and he also said that I can help people in remote areas. He said that I have the aura of a real professional woman, and those who wear beautiful and long clothes. The women in the skirts are different, and my photos are easier to change who and who thinks. This is strange. I was a professional woman before doing micro-rectification, and often wore professional attire. How could he not discover my beauty? In the end, it’s just a mean excuse.”

“You promised Luo Xiangfu to wear professional attire to let him take pictures, give him wine with ingredients, and order him to wait for you in the playground late at night.” Mingshu sighed, “When you kill them, don’t you feel fear?”

“Why should I be afraid?” Yu Caixin said, “I often feel that I was killed. When I was a young girl, I was killed by many people. Have you come to find my body? You guys? Have you ever redressed me? All of you just watched with a smile, using my pain as a talkative. No one ever cared about me—my parents, my classmates, my ex-boyfriend…

A line of tears slipped from the corner of Yu Caixin’s eyes. She lowered her head and raised her hand to wipe it away.

“You might as well ask, do they feel fear when they kill me?”

Volume Two is open

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