Madness of the Heart

Chapter 53

Chapter 53 Open every day (13)

Sodium cyanide, a chemical raw material, is a deadly poison that is as common as arsenic. It is widely used in the chemical industry. If healthy people take a small dose, they can die in a short time.

The “quick results” feature makes it often appear in suicide or homicide.

“I believed that Wu Zhen committed suicide earlier. His series of operations on the 21st were completely a person who was about to commit suicide.” Fang Yuanhang said, “But who commits suicide will pour himself into the cement? It’s too **** good. It’s cruel and outrageous! At least he has a helper, and this helper is also suspected of murder.”

Due to the serious corruption of the corpse, some of the body surface injuries are already difficult to distinguish, and the corpse is enclosed in cement, and the specific time of death cannot be estimated, which brings great difficulty to the investigation.

Zhou Yuan insisted that Wu Zhen died during the period from June 21 to June 22, and the vocational school is not a no-man’s land. In order to avoid people’s eyes and ears, the homicide should occur at night, with a high probability of being on the 22nd in the dead of night. Wee hours.

“Using sodium cyanide to kill people, or Wu Zhen’s suicide, can be done quietly, but the cement mixer will make noise as soon as it is started.” Ming Shu said, “Whether it is a murderer or a helper, I am not afraid of attracting it. People living in the dormitory of the vocational school?”

After the closure of the vocational school, all the faculty and staff should have left, but part of the logistics team was temporarily living in the dormitory because they did not find a suitable home. However, in a few months, the remaining faculty and staff have moved out one after another, some are still in Dongye City, some have gone to other places, and currently there are only four people still living in the dormitory.

Kong Yuanqiang and Li Gong are a couple, with a junior high school education. Before the school closed, Kong Yuanqiang was a security guard, and Li Gong worked in a wonton shop on Yilu Street. Because the vocational school provides accommodation, the couple live on campus.

“We usually never go to the teaching building. It is too far away, and there is nothing good to see there.” Kong Yuanqiang said: “The valuable things in the building have been sold long ago. Others steal some waste building materials and cement. It’s my business. We are moving away soon.”

“Stealing cement?” Ming Shu asked, “Are you sure someone has stolen cement?”

“Yes.” Kong Yuanqiang said: “Have you seen the half-dug area next to the teaching building? A bungalow was originally going to be built there to serve as a laboratory building for the students, but the school could not continue to operate before the construction started. Yes, building materials and cement, aren’t they all piled there? There is also a cement mixer. There are many poor people in Yilu Street, so the poor like to pick up a little bit of money. Some people steal the cement bag directly, and some people don’t have machines at home. After mixing, Steal it again, go back and use it directly. Anyway, if the mixer rang at night, someone must have come to steal the cement.”

Ming Shu said, “You heard the sound of the cement mixer, but haven’t you seen it?”

Li Gong interjected: “It’s mainly none of our business. I’m still working in Yilujie, so why bother to be nosy?”

The other two logisticians who still live in the dormitory are Li Meng and Gou Can. They are about the same age as Kong Li and his wife. They have similar ideas. They have heard the cement mixer shake in the middle of the night, but they have never thought of crossing the entire playground dam. , To see who is stealing the cement.

Ming Shu asked: “Did you hear the mixer working or something else on the night of June 21st?”

Kong Yuanqiang and Li Gong looked at each other. Li Gong said, “It’s been more than two months. I don’t remember what happened on June 21.”

Mingshu had to change the way of asking, “Then one night in late June, did you notice something different from usual?”

“I haven’t noticed the different movements, but haven’t it been hot since late June this year? In my impression, there are fewer people stealing building materials and cement later.” Gou Can thought for a long time, “almost no more. ”

“Yes, yes.” Li Gong said, “I didn’t sleep well at night. I must wake up when the cement mixer rang. It seems that since late June, no one has come to steal things.”

The trace inspector was still busy at the scene. Ming Shu looked at the dirty cement mixer and asked, “How long has it been since this thing?”

“It’s been two or three months.” Xiao Man said: “It’s not working anymore.”

Ming Shu walked towards the wall behind the teaching building. There was the main entrance of the vocational school there. After the school closed, it was locked. It stands to reason that neither the thief nor Wu Zhen could get in from the front entrance. However, Kong Yuanqiang and others said that there was a gap in the wall, which was made by students in the past to facilitate skipping classes. No one has been blocking it, and they usually use grass to cover it.

“Master, where are you going?” Fang Yuanhang followed, “What did you find?”

“The hot weather can’t stop the thief, only sudden obstacles can stop them.” Ming Shu stopped by the fence and tore away the cluttered pile of grass, only to see the hole that Kong Yuanqiang said, the barbed wire that had been pierced. Sealed.

“This…” Fang Yuanhang said, “It’s sealed like this, no one dares to come in, right? You can’t tear off a piece of skin if you force it in.”

Ming Shu immediately called Hen Xian over to investigate.

“Is this blocked by you?” Li Meng asked the other three.

Both Kong Li and Gou Can shook their heads.

“Then it can only be the murderer.” Ming Shu said to Xiao Man: “Don’t let go of all the traces collected here. After late June, Li Gong and others felt that there were fewer thieves, not because it was too hot. , But the murderer is unwilling to let them in again. Although the location of the cement pier is relatively hidden, it may also be found by the thief. This barbed wire fence is the murderer’s’masterpiece’.”

“Team Ming, do you join the case?” Yi Fei asked.

Mingshu has considered this issue for a long time, but there are still many questions that have not been answered.

At this moment, news came from the Performing Arts Group that Ran He committed suicide.

“Dead?” Fang Yuanhang was surprised, “Is it simply being forced to death, or is there another conspiracy?”

The word “conspiracy” stimulates Mingshu’s nerves. If it was a conspiracy, could Sha Chun’s death also be part of the conspiracy?

The police car drove directly from the vocational school to the performing arts group.

No one who worked there expected that there would be two abnormal deaths around him in a short time.

“The news I get now is that Ran He couldn’t think about it for a while because he lost his job and family, and he chose to commit suicide.” In the fast-moving car, Xiao Yuan said: “Of course, the death of Sha Chun has also caused a lot of psychological pressure on him. Recently performing arts. The people in the group are panicked, and there are many mysterious rumors about the’Shachun Ghost’. Half of the people in the folk music club have already asked for leave.”

“Xiao Ju, I have an idea.” Ming Shu said: “In fact, we have never been able to determine whether Sha Chun was killed or planned her own death. If it is the latter, what is her purpose? She has worked hard for so many years, Can’t see any light, and finally frustrated, thinking of ending everything with death, and then taking revenge on those who humiliated her?”

Xiao Yuan had obviously thought of this, “Go on.”

“Suicide, and then leave a suicide note, and cherish the injustice and cold reception encountered over the years. In fact, it can achieve the goal of making those people feel guilty.” Ming Shu said: “But suicide is not as tragic as homicide, nor can it achieve the horror of the rainy night. The effect. The most important thing is that the police will not investigate further after it is clear that it is a suicide. The deeper we investigate now, the more dirty the folk music club exposes. Maybe this is what Sha Chun wants to see.”

“Then the question goes back to the place we discussed last time. Who helped Sha Chun commit suicide?” Xiao Yu settled down. “Is this the person who is spreading rumors of supernatural beings in the performing arts group?”

Ming Shu pressed his eyebrows, “a bit contradictory.”

Xiao Yuan turned his head, “Huh?”

“I think the Sha Chun case and the Wu Zhen case can be investigated together. The two cases do not seem to have much similarities on the surface, but the internal logical connection is very deep.” Ming Shu said: “But Wu Zhen can be said to be dead. Quietly, if it weren’t for the Sha Chun case, we would never find Wu Zhen. The Wu Zhen case is still an ordinary disappearance. Wu Zhen’s death did not “retaliate” against anyone, and Sha Chun His death indirectly led to Ran He’s suicide and directly caused the turmoil of the performing arts group. As a result, the two cases are far apart.”

“Does Sha Chun know that Ran He cheated during his wife’s pregnancy?” Xiao Yuan asked suddenly.

Ming Shu shook his head, “This is hard to tell.”

“Sha Chun may not be able to predict Ran He’s suicide.” Xiao Yuan said: “As far as I know, in the case of Ran He’s derailment, everyone in the folk music club is Ran He’s wife, Chen Qian, and others from the Chen family to the group. I only found out after the trouble. Sha Chun was collectively isolated, and she had no way to know about it.”

Ming Shu said: “Ran He committed suicide unexpectedly by Sha Chun?”

Xiao Yuan took a deep breath, and was confused as well, “It depends on the sacred person who helped Sha Chun commit suicide.”

No substantive results have been discussed, and the police car has arrived at the performing arts group.

Ran He was lying on the Pingba below the new building, surrounded by blood that had spread.

Mingshu saw Chen Qian, and when his eyes met, Mingshu noticed a little weirdness.

Last time at the Criminal Investigation Bureau, Chen Qian tried her best to defend Ran He, so that anyone could see that she was a weak wife who loved her husband but was unfortunately betrayed by him.

Knowing that her husband was cheating, Chen Qian chose not to forgive. Chen’s father used official methods to make Ran He lose his job. This is a normal response. Chen Qian must hate Ran He, she might wish that Ran He died, but before Ran He betrayed, she loved Ran He, and they fell in love as a student. Now that Ran He is really dead, even if Chen Qian hates him again, she will not May not feel sad.

This is also the reaction of normal people.

But on Chen Qian’s face, Ming Shu could not see any sadness, only fear and surprise.

Why is Chen Qian afraid? What is she afraid of?

There was also an acquaintance on the scene-Ran He’s derailed subject, Yang Yan.

The fear in Yang Yan’s eyes was more obvious than Chen Qian, as if it was not his lover who died, but a…

The person killed by himself.

There were many witnesses to Ran He jumping off the building. The facts are clear and there is no possibility of homicide.

But Ming Shu keenly discovered that Ran He’s suicide was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Fang Yuanhang ran over after receiving the call, “Master, what’s the matter?”

“Go and find out who is spreading the theory of’Sha Chun Ghost’.” Ming Shu said: “This person may be related to Sha Chun’s death.”

Noting that Ming Shu was looking at herself, Chen Qian’s expression changed, as if she was trying to conceal her fear.

Ming Shu told Xiao Yuan about this, and Xiao Yuan squinted his eyes, “Let Tech investigate Chen Qian’s communication records.”

The embarrassing truth is buried under the farce of betrayal.

Zhou Yuan took a pack of communication records and bank records to find Ming Shu. “Team Ming, since three months ago, Chen Qian has contacted Yang Yan many times! He also paid 700,000 yuan to Yang Yan’s bank account in batches. !”

Chen Qian and Yang Yan, one is Ran He’s wife, the other is Ran He’s lover, neither is a friend nor a colleague, how can they contact him many times during Ran He’s derailment, and have money exchanges?

“In addition, Chen Qian contacts a person named’Wang Xuefeng’ every day.” Zhou Yuan said again: “I checked, this man is Chen Qian’s colleague!”

Facing the evidence, Chen Qian’s face turned pale and remained silent for a long time.

Yang Yan couldn’t stand it anymore, and cried, “I never thought it would kill Ran He! Our plan is not like this… Sha Chun is all to blame, Sha Chun is all to blame!”

Ming Shu did not expect that a murder case would involve an unrelated ethical tragedy.

In the marriage of Chen Qian and Ran He, it was not Ran He who cheated first, but Chen Qian.

After Yang Yan admitted that he had collected Chen Qian’s money and tried to seduce Ran He, Chen Qian finally let go, “Yes, I arranged everything.”

“I have no love for Ran He for a long time.” Chen Qian’s eyes were blank, as if losing focus, “I chased him back then, regardless of the opposition of my parents, I had to marry him life and death. Nothing else, I thought he was handsome. Talented, honest people from the countryside.”

“But after so many years, I have had enough!” Chen Qian gritted her teeth. “After getting married, the short-sightedness, scornfulness, and ignorance that poverty attached to him have all been exposed. His home in the countryside is like a blood sucker. How can I fill the hole, I can’t fill it. Why should I pay for his family after I married a man? How could he still want to bring his poor relatives to the city?”

“I have never had a child with him. His family is always urging him. He doesn’t know that I don’t have a baby because I regret it!” Chen Qian gradually became excited. “If I listened to my parents, how could I live like this? awful?”

After a pause, Chen Qian laughed swiftly, “Last year, after I was with Wang Xuefeng, I realized that people, you still have to listen to your parents and be with the right people. Ran He and me are not on the same level.”

Ming Shu said: “Last year? You were not pregnant at that time, so you can choose to divorce.”

“Divorce?” Chen Qian seemed to hear a particularly funny joke, “Can I leave? The Ran family has already entangled me, and Ran He and his poor relatives are going to drain my last drop of blood! I cheated. There is no reason for rural people to derail during marriage. Not only will they not agree to a divorce, but they will also ruin me!”

Chen Qian shook her head, “And my parents can’t afford to lose this person. I have disappointed them once by marrying Ran He, and now I can’t cause them any more trouble.”

“So you decided to stand on the commanding heights of morality and let Ran Heng be the betrayer?” Ming Shu said.

“Why can’t he withstand the temptation?” Chen Qian said contemptuously: “I’m pregnant-of course the child is not his. I must put the divorce on the agenda, and he is not satisfied with not being able to have a married life with me. I found Yang Yan, that woman is just an eye-opener for money. I gave her a bag and asked her to seduce Ran He, and promised to give her 1 million after it was done. She promised, and she promised to be very happy. I think that’s right, Ran He’s skin bag is pretty decent, Yang Yan sleeps and he doesn’t lose. It’s a pity…”

Chen Qian lowered her head, and it took half a minute before she continued: “I originally planned to explode this incident in a while, but I didn’t expect the Sha Chun incident to happen.”

Ming Shu said: “You were in the game that day, and you had a good’acting skills’.”

Chen Qian’s expression suddenly faded, “I practiced for a long time, and I didn’t expect to show it in front of the criminal police. I didn’t think about killing him, I just wanted to divorce him and drive him out of Dongye City, so that he can never again. It affects my life. If you want to blame Sha Chun, if it weren’t for Sha Chun’s death so badly, everyone in the performing arts group would know that Ran He took the lead to bully Sha Chun. He…he wouldn’t want to commit suicide.”

Ming Shu sighed, “In your heart, Ran He is quite kind.”

Chen Qian was startled, “What do you mean?”

“Do you think that Ran He feels guilty for Sha Chun’s death? Isn’t he just believing that he still has such kindness in his heart?” Ming Shu said, “You are wrong. His guilt is almost negligible. He jumped off the building because Having lost his family and job, he jumped out of the countryside and finally found a place to live in the city. He changed the fate of himself and his family-this is what makes him most proud. Now all of this is destroyed in one go, he From having everything to nothing. He couldn’t accept it, so he chose to commit suicide.”

Chen Qian’s eyes opened wide.

“Maybe you thought that Ran He would die.” Ming Shu stood up, “but you don’t care.”

“I didn’t…” Chen Qian hugged her head tightly, her voice became hoarse, “I didn’t!”

It has never been easy to investigate the source of the rumors, especially the weird rumors of “Shachun Ghost”. The folk music club and even the entire performing arts group spread a lot, and almost everyone was talking about it.

“I really heard the cry.” Lu Xin is the administrative assistant of the folk music club. She stayed to work overtime the other night. Only her and two other administrative employees were on the whole floor. “It’s in the bathroom on our floor. I was so scared that I didn’t dare to come out.”

People in the folk music club would believe that Sha Chun was crying, but the crime team would never believe it.

Mingshu immediately asked to check the surveillance, but before and after Lu Xin entered the bathroom, neither the surveillance closest to the bathroom nor the surveillance a little further away captured any suspicious-looking people.

Fang Yuanhang said, “Master, all of these surveillances have blind spots. As long as you know where the blind spots are, you can avoid them.”

“Yeah.” Ming Shu stared at the monitor first, then looked at the layout of the entire floor, and said in a deep voice: “Check other monitors. This person has anti-reconnaissance awareness and knows the blind spots of the surveillance, but the TA may not know it and can shoot. It’s not just the surveillance near the toilet that is under the TA.”

“Team Ming!” Zhou Yuan suddenly exclaimed, “Come here!”

The new building of the Performing Arts Group is unique in design and has a sense of art. The combination of mirrors and glass creates a broad and bright sense. In the picture provided by the No. 4 camera located in the surrounding corridor, in the floor-to-ceiling window that was turned into a mirror by the night, there was a woman in a white gauze costume. Before Lu Xin entered the bathroom, she walked slowly in the direction of the bathroom.

That white tulle costume was exactly what Sha Chun wore when he made his last appearance.

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