Madness of the Heart

Chapter 71

Chapter 71 Open every day (31)

Wang Ying’s reaction has indirectly demonstrated that Wu Zhen had also instilled similar ideas in Wang Ying while “cultivating” Sha Chun. But Wu Zhen finally chose Sha Chun, perhaps because he discovered that Wang Ying could not be an excellent “successor.”

Yi Fei asked: “You and Wu Zhen knew each other because of making a short film. You should be looking for’Streamer’ by your college? With so many small film and television companies now, why did you find’Streamer’?”

Wang Ying became more and more nervous, “I…I don’t understand why you came to check me.”

Yi Fei paused for a few seconds and looked at Wang Ying’s eyes and said seriously: “Because Wu Zhen is involved in a criminal case. You are one of the important people he has ever contacted, and we need your cooperation.”

Wang Ying whispered, “Can I ask what the criminal case is?”

“In the investigation stage, the details cannot be disclosed.” Yi Fei said, “Student Wang, don’t be afraid. Whatever I ask, you can tell me what you know. Be careful and don’t lie.”

Wang Ying shook her head quickly, “How dare I lie to the police!”

Yi Fei smiled, “Relax. Now answer my last question-why did you choose ‘Streamer’ among many small film and television companies?”

“I was the person in charge of that event. In fact, although the event was organized by the College Student Union, in fact… I was basically doing everything by myself.” Wang Ying kept looking at the desktop while speaking. This was the first time for many people. Face the instinct of the criminal police.

“Can I understand that you organized the entire event alone?” Yi Fei asked: “Why? Also, are there many people who know you are busy with activities alone?”

Wang Ying sighed, “Because they have used me as a coolie since the freshman year. I have no talent, and the only advantage is that I am more diligent than others.”

Yi Fei said warmly: “The latter question.”

“Everyone in the student union knows it.” Wang Ying said: “Others who know me should also know. It’s not a secret. Then I chose ‘Streamer’ and I saw the leaflet on the college bulletin board.”


“Yeah.” Wang Ying explained: “Each college has a notice board downstairs, posting information about postgraduate entrance examinations, going abroad, student activities, etc. I watch it every day. The chairman of the student union handed me the short video activities. For a while, I was thinking of contacting a film and television company, and I saw the leaflet of “Streamer”.”

Yi Fei said: “Will the film and television company go to the Medical University to post a leaflet?”

Wang Ying was startled, “I don’t seem to have seen a similar leaflet before.”

Yi Fei asked: “You chose’Streamer’ just because of a leaflet?”

“I was actually a little bit scared. This leaflet suddenly appeared. I thought it might be fate.” Wang Ying said: “And unlike other film and television companies, they focus on campus short videos.”

Yi Fei frowned suddenly.

“Streamer” focuses on campus short videos?

Nothing at all!

The business focus of “Liuguang” has always been on TV dramas and online scripts. When did you focus on campus short videos?

Wang Ying shrank her shoulders and asked anxiously, “Am I saying something wrong? I… I didn’t lie.”

Yi Fei asked: “Did you still keep that leaflet?”

Wang Ying shook her head, “I lost it long ago, but I took a picture.”

Yi Fei took Wang Ying’s mobile phone and immediately sent the photos to his and Ming Shu’s mobile phones, and then looked at the photos carefully.

The leaflet is very campus-like, emphasizing that the company has cooperated with many elementary and middle schools, colleges and vocational schools over the years to produce a large number of excellent short videos.

As for the real main business of “Streamer”, nothing was mentioned in the leaflet.

When seeing Wu Zhen’s name, Yi Fei whispered to himself: “This is…”

On the leaflet, Wu Zhen was written as the chief screenwriter of the campus business of “Streamer”.

Wang Ying rubbed her hands gently, “I think it’s better to choose another company than this company that focuses on campus short videos. I took the leaflet and went to’Streamer’ and said that I wanted to cooperate with Teacher Wu.”

Although it has not been verified, Yifei has been able to determine that this leaflet is forged.

“Have you seen the leaflet for the people of’Streamer’?” Yi Fei asked, “What was their reaction?”

Wang Ying said: “I didn’t show it to them directly, but I remember that I left the leaflet on’Streamer’ and the staff should be able to see it. The reaction…I don’t know.”

Yi Fei nodded and asked, “You and Wu Zhen frequently communicated because of this event. Since when did he discuss the topic of’effortless effort’ with you? How did you discuss it later?”

Wang Ying’s mood calmed down for a while, and when she heard this question, she became nervous again, “I can’t tell exactly when it was. Teacher Wu has said many times that I can tell that I’m very diligent. He started to talk about himself, always emphasizing that for mediocre people, hard work is useless…”

Yi Fei said, “I guess, you were in a very bad mood during that time.”

“Yes.” Wang Ying lowered her head again, “I thought I couldn’t do it. In fact, I was really stupid than most of my classmates. Those things Teacher Wu said made me feel that I was better off dead.”

After thinking about it, Yi Fei asked the main point, “Did Wu Zhen mention his death plan to you?”

Wang Ying opened her eyes wide, “What? Death plan?”

Yi Fei observed Wang Ying for a long time, “He just kept telling you that the mediocre and hardworking people are sad, isn’t it?”

“Well, after the short video was shot, we had no contact.” Wang Ying suddenly reacted, “Ms. Wu wants to… kill me?”

Yi Fei calmed down a few words, and then asked, “Who can usually post a leaflet on your college bulletin board?”

“Part-time students, faculty and staff are basically not businessmen.” Wang Ying said: “Most colleges and universities are like this.”

Yi Fei then asked: “Did you have a strange feeling before you came into contact with Wu Zhen?”

Wang Ying didn’t understand, “What’s the strange feeling?”

“For example, occasionally I feel that someone is watching you and following you.” Yi Fei said, “After all, your girls are sometimes more sensitive and strong in observation.”

“You said that…” Wang Ying thought for a while, “In the first half of this year, I do feel that someone is observing me, but I don’t know who it is. It may be an illusion.”

“Is it on campus?”


After leaving Dongye Medical University, Yi Fei went straight to “Streamer” and showed the flyer to Wu Zhen’s boss, and Ou Xianghe, director of the screenwriting department, read it.

“We have never made this kind of leaflet.” Ou Xianghe didn’t seem surprised. “I’ve noticed this list before. It was printed by Wu Zhen himself.”

Yi Fei asked: “Are you sure?”

Ou Xianghe was stunned, and then asked, “Who else would print it if it wasn’t him? Didn’t Wu Zhen start to transform last year? The quality of short videos for governments, schools, and companies is actually not very important. The most important thing is publicity. He wants to make quick money. It’s normal to go to school and post this kind of leaflet.”

Normal and abnormal, we can’t generalize. This kind of thing may be normal when placed on the other screenwriters of “Liuguang”, but when placed on Wu Zhen, it is ridiculously wrong.

Wu Zhen was working on instigating Sha Chun to become his “heir”, so how could he go to colleges and universities to post leaflets in order to make quick money?

The leaflet can only be posted by the man behind the scenes, and the reason for posting is because he discovered the “seed” of Wang Ying.

After clearing the clues, Yi Fei immediately called Mingshu.

Mingshu was standing at the downstairs of a half-new residential building in Dongcheng District, looking up at a shoddy sign-Li Feichang.

From time to time, young people walked into residential buildings, chatting whether to buy a catty or half a catty this time, and there were also people coming out of the building with plastic bags in their hands.

“Li Feichang” is also written on the plastic bag.

Of all the food, the most unacceptable thing for Ming Shu is the fatty intestines. He twisted his eyebrows and walked upstairs.

On the second floor, “Li Feichang”, which has been in business for less than two months, has a good business. Not only has it gained a reputation nearby, there are even foodies from other districts who drove to buy them.

A man in his thirties wears an apron and is busy in the kitchen, and a boy who looks less than twenty years old confirms the customer’s order and collects money.

Ming Shu looked at the man, and from the appearance and aura of the other party, he could no longer see the appearance of a good salesman.

But hard work is still worth a lot.

The man is Luo Ganfeng.

Luo Ganfeng disappeared in the first half of the year. After investigation, he did not leave Dongye City. Instead, he rented an old house and made a living by selling fatty sausages and braised vegetables.

Customers think the boss’s surname is Li, calling him “Brother Li” and “Little Li”.

Luo Ganfeng is in good condition, not the same as Manager Luo described, and even more different from Wu Zhen and Sha Chun.

In his eyes, there is market but vivid vitality.

After the peak in the store passed, Ming Shu walked up to Luo Ganfeng and showed his credentials.

Luo Ganfeng’s reaction was thought-provoking, a little nervous in calm, and relieved in tension, as if he had been mentally prepared for a while and was waiting for the police to come.

Ming Shu said, “You seem to know why I am looking for you.”

“Because of Wu Zhen.” Luo Ganfeng took out a bottle of honey tea from the refrigerator and placed it in front of Ming Shu. “He is dead, isn’t he?”

Ming Shu and Luo Ganfeng crossed their sights, and said after a moment: “It seems that I have found the right person. Wu Zhen regards you as his kind, and hopes that you can help him complete his death, and then hand over the baton to you, and you will find you again. ‘S next’heir’-did he tell you all this?”

Luo Ganfeng’s cheeks trembled slightly, “You have found it very clearly.”

Ming Shu said: “But I still need your help.”

There are no customers in the shop, and the boy scrubs the stove in the kitchen.

Luo Ganfeng turned around and shouted: “Xiaojun, you go outside and stay for a while, and help me close the door by the way.”

Xiaojun said, “Brother, don’t you do business anymore?”

“Wait later.” Luo Ganfeng said.

Xiaojun looked very well-behaved and didn’t ask much. He changed his clothes and went out.

Luo Ganfeng said: “My brother, my only relative.”

Ming Shu nodded and put the recorder on the table.

Luo Ganfeng glanced at him, “I met Wu Zhen because I was shooting a promotional video. I was in a bad state of work at the time. When I encountered a video reflecting the work of the employees in the store, we asked me to adjust my mood and let me Responsible for this.”

“Well, Manager Luo told me.” Ming Shu asked: “Wu Zhen did you find it yourself?”

“Yes.” Luo Ganfeng said: “I am not well-educated. I don’t know how to write copywriting. I don’t know about photography. I can only search on the Internet. I went to’Streamer’ and several other companies that provide similar services. “Streamer”.”

Ming Shu asked: “What’s the reason?”

Luo Ganfeng said: “Wu Zhen’s age makes me feel very reliable. The other companies introduced me to me are young people in their twenties.”

Ming Shu asked again: “Did you not receive any outside influence in the process of making your choice?”

Luo Ganfeng looked confused, and shook his head after a few seconds, “It’s all decided by myself.”

Ming Shu hastily drew a few strokes in his notebook, like a scripture, only he could understand.

The situation of Luo Ganfeng and Yu Xiaocheng is somewhat similar. Their choice seems to have not been affected by the black hand behind the scenes, or was affected, but he did not notice it.

“Is there any problem?” Luo Ganfeng said.

“No.” Ming Shu said: “You continue to say.”

“Because I didn’t know how to make videos, I often communicated with Wu Zhen. Later, when I started working, I told him a little bit of distress.” Luo Ganfeng said, “I just feel that I have no talent, and I find it very difficult to do anything. Category.”

“Since then, your relationship has changed slightly.” Ming Shu said: “Wu Zhen gradually made you feel that you are of the same kind.”

As if thinking of a very unpleasant experience, Luo Ganfeng wiped his face, “I felt painful because of mediocrity. Wu Zhen told me about his experience over the years. I can fully understand it. I felt that being alive was particularly boring at that time. Losing at the starting line, no matter how hard you try, it’s useless.”

The room was quiet for a while, and Ming Shu said: “When you were in the lowest mood, Wu Zhen told you his plan?”

Luo Ganfeng took a long breath, “Mind if I smoke a cigarette?”

“up to you.”

Luo Ganfeng lit a cigarette and smoked half a cigarette before he said: “He invited me to join his plan-after killing him, find another person like he found me and let that person kill me. He said, this is us. The last resistance of the mediocre, despised person.”

At the end of this sentence, Luo Ganfeng’s voice was already trembling.

Ming Shu pushed the unopened honey tea in front of him.

He unscrewed it and poured half of the bottle in one breath.

“Speak slowly.” Ming Shu said.

Luo Ganfeng nodded, “I was shocked at the time, but I felt like I was really persuaded by him. I almost agreed to him.”


“I thought of my younger brother, it’s Xiaojun.” Speaking of his younger brother, Luo Ganfeng’s eyes showed tenderness, “Xiaojun’s body has not been very well, if I just leave like this, who will take care of him. I want to fight again. , At least save him medical expenses, and save his life in the critical moment.”

The fragile people are the easiest to go crazy, but there is an important person around who is enough to make sense return.

There is no lack of emotion in Ming Shu’s heart. Wu Zhen and Sha Chun are both the loneliest people in this city. They have been unaccompanied for a long time and have no concern. If they also have a relative who must take care of, they will probably not be able to take the last step.

“I resigned. First, the pressure on me from work is too great. I can’t bear it anymore. I want to live in a different way. But more importantly, I don’t want to see Wu Zhen again.” Luo Ganfeng said, “He took him All of his plans have been told to me, and I suddenly withdrew, he will definitely not let me go.”

Ming Shu glanced around the room, “You are not afraid of being found by him when you open a store?”

“I didn’t open a shop right away.” Luo Ganfeng lit up another cigarette. “The city of Dongye is so big, I am called’Li Feichang’ here, and I am not called’Luo Feichang’. He is not a policeman, so it is so easy to find. And I I don’t have much savings. If I don’t make any money, neither I nor Xiaojun will be able to live.”

Ming Shu looked at Luo Ganfeng’s eyes, “One more thing, you actually know that Wu Zhen will die soon.”

Luo Ganfeng’s eyelids trembled.

“Don’t be surprised.” Ming Shu said: “You said that you have been waiting for the police. Of course, it means that you expected Wu Zhen’s death.”

Luo Ganfeng smiled bitterly, “He is desperate. If he can’t find me, he will definitely go to other people. There will always be someone who fulfills his wish, just like he fulfilled that professor’s wish.”

“Wait!” Ming Shu interrupted, “Which professor?”

Luo Ganfeng said: “It was the person Wu Zhen helped to kill. In order to persuade me, Wu Zhen used this professor to give me an example-“Professor is a master? Professor Qin still chose to die, even Professor Qin. We all think that hard work is useless, what can we more mediocre people have to struggle with?'”

Ming Shu breathed tightly, “Did Wu Zhen say which university professor Qin was? When did he kill the other party?”

Luo Ganfeng was surprised at Ming Shu’s reaction, and he stunned, “Ah…”

“Sorry.” Ming Shu adjusted his tone. “What is the full name of this Professor Qin? Which college did he come from? When did he die?”

Luo Ganfeng drank the remaining honey tea, “Qin Guoxing, Dongye Medical University, Wu Zhen did not specify when he committed suicide, but I guessed from Wu Zhen’s words that it should be around the Spring Festival this year.”

Qin Guoxing, a professor of medical science, this is undoubtedly an extremely important clue.

When Ming Shu returned to the car, he saw the missed call and quickly dialed Yi Fei back.

“I am basically sure that the black hand behind the planning is the person from the Medical University.” Yi Fei described Wang Ying’s situation. “He is too familiar with the Medical University, and he also knows Wang Ying very well. An outsider many times. It is easy to be suspicious to appear on campus, but if he is a faculty member of the Medical University, he will step on and observe people, and he will not be easily noticed. It is he who pushes Wang Ying to Wu Zhen for Wu Zhen to choose, just like He pushed Long Tianhao and Wen He in front of Sha Chun!”

Ming Shu did not answer immediately.

“Xiao Ming?” Yi Fei said, “Are you listening?”

“Yes.” Ming Shu said: “The’dominos’ before Wu Zhen may have been a professor at the University of Medical Sciences.”

Yi Fei was surprised, “What?”

“You think it’s weird too?” Ming Shu hasn’t started the car. “The professor of the Medical University was killed earlier this year-at least it seems like this. We have been investigating at the Medical University for so long. Why is there no news? No? Even if no one knows that he is dead, the school should know that he is missing, right? A professor’s disappearance is not an ordinary incident.”

Yi Fei murmured softly, “But the medical department is calm.”

“The reasonable explanation is that this professor is still alive. Only Wu Zhen thought he was dead.” Ming Shu said, “I guess this person might be behind the scenes. Wu Zhen and Sha Chun are all his experiments.’!”

Once there is a goal, the progress of the investigation will accelerate.

Surprisingly, Dongye Medical University does not have a professor named Qin Guoxing.

Ming Shu immediately changed his mind, “check the homophony!”

After this investigation, the results were even more surprising. There was a pharmacy lecturer named “Qin Guosheng” in the School of Pharmacy of the Medical University, but this lecturer died nine years ago.

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