Madness of the Heart

Chapter 81

Chapter 81 For good (01)

Nancheng District, Section 3 of Longcheng Road, “Shrimp Baby” food stalls.

Perhaps because it is already in the autumn, the production of crayfish has dropped sharply and is no longer fat. “Baby Shrimp” is not as overcrowded as Ming Shu saw last time, but the business of a restaurant next to the river and lake of the same grade is more prosperous.

With the mentality of “all coming”, Ming Shu parked his car outside the Jiangnan Theater after a few laps, and walked to “Baby Shrimp” with Xiao Yuan.

“The crayfish here are very famous. In July and August, the line can line up a whole street, and the car can’t stop, only a few kilometers away.” Ming Shu was extremely rigorous in investigating the case, but now he brags about the draft. Don’t fight one.

Xiao Yuan smiled, “You can stop a few kilometers for me to try?”

“Isn’t this an exaggeration?” Ming Shu said, “It’s just a train running on your lips, don’t take it seriously.”

The two talked and laughed and walked into the store. At eight o’clock, it was the peak period of business, and there was room for the store to make room.

Ming Shu sat down and looked around at random, but did not see the boss he met during the last investigation.

A waitress ran over and put a greasy menu on the table.

Mingshu didn’t ask Xiao Yuan what he wanted to eat. Ma Liu ordered a spicy crayfish, a garlic crayfish, a stir-fried eel, a carp with chopped peppers, and a dish of salted edamame at the end.

Before the dishes were served, an aunt came in with a warm water bottle and asked at the table if she wanted to drink iced mung bean soup and iced soy milk.

Many food stalls in Dongye City are like this. Although the shops provide drinks, many people living nearby come in to sell drinks. It used to be three yuan for a cup, but now it has risen to five yuan. The shops are not in a hurry. Earn it.

Xiao Yuan stopped the people and ordered two cups of mung bean soup and two cups of soy milk.

The money has already been paid, but the auntie pours the soy milk, but she said “Oh”, “I’m sorry, this bottle is gone, wait, I’ll go back and get it!”

Ming Shu smiled and asked, “Go home and get it?”

“No, it’s right next to me, in my car!” The aunt said: “Three minutes, just wait for me for three minutes!”

Ming Shu was not in a hurry, and took a sip of the poured mung bean soup, “not enough ice.”

“It’s been a few months, don’t you think it’s cold?” Xiao Yuan said.

The shop was noisy, and the two sat in the corner again, no one looking in this direction. Ming Shu stretched out the hand holding the cup into Xiao Yuan’s hand, “Then you give it warm?”

Xiao Yuan grasped the paw that was handed over and squeezed it firmly.

It was very heavy, Ming Shu was pinched in pain, and he hurriedly retracted, “Let you be warm, what are you pinching?”

At this time, the salted edamame came up, and it happened that the aunt came back with a warm water bottle, “Here is coming, fresh sweet soy milk!”

Ming Shu said “thank you”.

Auntie is a very talkative person. While pouring soy milk, she said that the car (tricycle) soy milk and mung bean soup she prepared is almost sold out. The restaurant next to the Jianghu cuisine has a lot of customers. The dishes are spicy and numb, and the customers can’t stand it. Buy her sweet soup one after another.

“You guys go try it next time.” The auntie said in a low voice: “The house is newly opened, and the boss treats guests very well. Unlike here, it has been opened for too many years and has become an’old fried dough stick’. It tastes good, but …”

Seeing someone coming to serve food, the aunt hurriedly stopped and walked to another table.

The crayfish has to be cut back and the process is complicated. The first main dish is the stir-fried eel.

Ming Shu tasted it, “General.”

Xiao Yuan smiled: “I said just now that there is a whole street in line.”

“Look at the crayfish. The specialty here is crayfish.” Ming Shu put down his chopsticks and began to peel the salted edamame.

He especially liked eating this stuff when he was young, and he went to Xiao’s kitchen to wait in the summer in the afternoon.

Both salted edamame and salted peanuts are delicious after being cooked, but Xiao Yuan’s cousin Xiao Jincheng always likes to **** him. As soon as a pot of salted edamame was picked up, the two children reached out and grabbed it. Xiao Jincheng was so scalded that he was crying for his brother. Only at this unfortunate moment would Xiao Jincheng remember that he also had his brother’s pain, and he was holding the quilt. Red fingers went to find Xiao Yuan.

It happened so many years ago, but now it still feels interesting when I think about it.

Soon, two crayfish were served. Xiao Yuan took off his gloves and handed them to Ming Shu, “Put them on.”

Ming Shu said: “I’ll peel it, don’t move. This thing is too oily, and the gloves can’t stop it at all.”

Xiao Yuan said: “I’m so expensive? Can’t even peel shrimp?”

“Am I not serving you?” Ming Shu smiled, and his eyebrows trembled twice. “How can I let go of this important moment of showing my boyfriend’s power?”

Xiao Yuan let him go, “Then I will wait for you to serve.”

Ming Shu peeled a few times and put it in Xiao Yuan’s bowl, “Come on, taste the shrimp that your man peeled for you.”

Xiao Yuan picked it up slowly, and heard Ming Shu reminder: “Quick!”

“Your carefully peeled shrimp, I will eat it if I don’t appreciate it. Aren’t you too sorry for your boyfriend’s strength?” Xiao Yuan said.

Ming Shu said generously: “You can eat, your man will continue to peel it for you!”

Xiao Yuan finished tasting and said, “It’s very much.”

“This is a high evaluation!” Ming Shu had already started peeling the second one, saying it was for Xiao Yu’an, but after the peeling, he put it in his own mouth.

Xiao Yuan looked at him and smiled.

Ming Shu said, “It’s just so common. Isn’t Ma Xiao always smelling like this, so why is it so much in your place?”

Xiao Yuan said: “With a full score of five, this shrimp can score three points, and the remaining seven points are for your boyfriend.”

Ming Shu was happy, “I love to hear these words.”

The two ate while chatting, and it was already ten o’clock when they checked out and left.

At this time, there were fewer customers in the store, but the Jianghu restaurant next to it was more lively than it was after eight o’clock. The plastic bench outside was full of customers with equal signs.

“The business is so good, the taste should be good.” Xiao Yuan said: “Come and taste it later?”

Ming Shu shook his head: “No, no, no. Didn’t’Baby Shrimp’ line up before? I thought it tasted different, but it turned out to be just plain delicious.”

“In fact, most restaurants are ordinary and delicious, or ordinary unpalatable.” Xiao Yuan said: “But the publicity work is done well, and some people praise it, that is,’getting more and more delicious’. On the contrary, those ordinary unpalatable Stores, if someone rushes to step on it, it will be’more and more unpalatable’. This is the group effect.”

Ming Shu said: “Most people will choose to follow the trend. Look, we also followed the trend today.”

At the red light, Xiao Yuan stopped, stretched out his hand to block, and stopped Ming Shu by his side, “Occasionally, it’s okay to follow the wind, it’s not unpleasant.”

Ming Shu took advantage of Xiao Yuan’s hand, and when the green light was on, they walked across the street together.

The hands of the two can’t be said to be delicate. There are many gun cocoons on Xiao Yu’an’s palms, all of which have been polished in the special operations team for so many years. Ming Shu is not much better. The gun cocoons stuck in each other’s palms, causing a delicate itching. .

“Where are you going back tonight?” Ming Shu asked.

“Anything.” Xiao Yuan said: “It depends on where you want to go back.”

“Did sister bring good things again?” Ming Shu said, “Then I want to go back to you.”

Xiao Yuan scratched the palm of his hand, “Where can I do my homework?”

Ming Shu was choked by the oncoming wind, “Xiao Ju, under the public…”

“Some people’s homework has already piled up.” Xiao Yuan said.

Ming Shu: “Cough cough cough–”

Xiao Yuan patted him on the back lightly, “If you don’t make it up, Ming classmate will fail the final exam.”

There were heavy traffic on the third section of Longcheng Road, and the two of them soon fell into the crowd.

Just after they left the “Baby Shrimp”, the guests at one of the tables on the second floor suddenly quarreled with the waiter. The reason was that the good crayfish never came. After waiting for more than an hour, they finally served the table, but two of them did not. Open back.

“I’m really sorry.” The waiter apologized one after another, “I will pay you both.”

“Am I missing these two of you?” The guests slapped the table and said, getting more and more angry, “You say so, as if I have mistaken your two crayfish. I have been to your restaurant many times. Come every year. Your business was very good before. Wait an hour for a crayfish. Okay, I’ll wait. Are you busy today? Why do you still have to wait for an hour? No, I have to doubt your attitude!”

The waiter was already a little impatient, “I will pay you if I say…”

“What is your attitude?” The guests are even more popular. “No wonder your business is dying now, but you can’t compare to the next door! You have made enough money in the past few years. Don’t take customers seriously? Yes, I will see what you do. Time to be crushed by the next door!”

“What’s the noise?” A woman in her forties rushed over and pulled the waiter aside, looking at the customer with an unkind expression. “If you have any grievances, please tell me, is it necessary to make such a noise?”

“I’m making trouble?” The guest said: “It’s your shop who bullied the customers!”

The woman is Huang Hui, the proprietress of “Baby Shrimp”. She has a fierce personality, and she can’t afford to lose her. , We have promised to make you two more. If you are not satisfied with the two, will the four be okay? You are making trouble here, do you have to give you a waiver?”

The guests flushed with anger, suddenly lifted the tablecloth, and all the dishes that hadn’t been moved on the table fell to the ground with a sound.

The ground is messy.

The guests at the next table also stood up, and many picked up their phones to take pictures and videos.

Huang Hui did not expect that the guest was so angry, he was dumbfounded for a while, and hurriedly shouted: “Call the police! Call the police!”

“Call the police!” The guest shouted: “I’m still afraid of you? I tell you today clearly that you are being held up! Where do you think your home tastes so good? Without our old customers, you can do what you are today. How far?”

The police arrived shortly afterwards and took the guests, Huang Hui, and several attendants to the police station.

Huang Hui cried loudly at the police station and insisted on the police to make a comment.

When this matter is investigated, it is the guest who is the first to act, and it is also the guest who is at fault.

But in the catering industry, it is often not a matter of reasoning and disregarding.

It is a big deal for the guests to compensate for the loss of the “baby shrimp”, which is only a hundred yuan.

But the real loss of “Baby Shrimp” is more than this hundred dollars.

In the future, guests can post on the Internet, or tell relatives, friends, neighbors, and colleagues that the “Baby Shrimp” shop bullies its customers, and even the wicked complain first.

The reputation of “Baby Shrimp” was smashed.

Besides, there were many guests on the second floor at that time, and all of them took photos.

It’s always easy for guests to stand in the line of guests. Few guests will stand from the perspective of the store and think about who is wrong in this matter.

The two sides of the police mediation, the client refused to apologize, but Huang Hui’s attitude gradually softened.

No way, the business of “Baby Shrimp” has recently been hit by the food of the neighboring rivers and lakes, and the source of customers is declining every day. There are many overlaps between “Baby Shrimp” dishes and Jianghu dishes. People are tired of eating “Baby Shrimp”, so they go to the side to try them fresh. In the past, people who came to the third section of Longcheng Road to eat, mostly rushed to the “baby shrimp”, now more and more people go to the Jianghu cuisine.

Huang Hui has been very anxious during this period of time, and it suddenly broke out today. This is also the reason.

At eleven o’clock, Huang Hui’s husband, Qin Xiong, the owner of “Baby Shrimp” arrived, and cursed Huang Hui in front of the guests. The guest’s anger disappeared a lot, and after some mediation by the police, when it was almost 12 o’clock, the two sides reconciled and left the police station one after another.

After this night, there were only a few tables of guests left in “Baby Shrimp”. At 2 o’clock in the morning, the last table of guests left. Huang Hui was silent and cleaned up with the waiter, while Qin Xiong sat outside smoking.

There is still a lot of cheers in the Jianghu restaurant, and it is likely to be open until four or five o’clock.

At this time, a group of guests left, and a man in his thirties sent them to the door, smiled and waved his hand, “Come back next time.”

Qin Xiong’s eyes suddenly turned sullen, and he cursed: “Damn it!”

The man is the owner of Jianghu cuisine. His surname is Cheng. He is a foreigner. He doesn’t look like a cook at all. He smiles when he meets everyone, as if he sells not vegetables, but faces.

“Little white face!” Qin Xiong tickled his teeth with hatred.

The man turned around after sending off the guests, and his eyes met Qin Xiong.

Qin Xiong was too late to put away the stunned expression on his face. The man was stunned first, then he curled his lips in a friendly way and nodded to Qin Xiong.

Qin Xiong also had to squeeze a stiff smile.

When the man returned to the store, Qin Xiong’s smile disappeared immediately.

When doing business, the source of customers is money. Jianghucai robbed the customer source of “Baby Shrimp”, which is equivalent to robbed the Qin family’s money.

As the saying goes, cutting off a person’s wealth is equivalent to killing his parents, and Qin Xiong now knows it firsthand.

In fact, the Jianghu restaurant has existed for a long time, but it has been run by another family before. It was transferred to the boss surnamed Cheng two months ago. At first, Qin Xiong didn’t take it seriously, thinking that no matter how powerful the other party is, it’s impossible for him. Storms were set off on the site.

Because of people’s word of mouth and the media’s touting it, “Baby Shrimp” has long become a famous food stall in Dongye City. Qin Xiong is a local. He was born in Nancheng District and grew up in Nancheng District. He relies on the catering industry on Longcheng Road. Yiba, several times in private, said that this was the site of his Qin family.

Unexpectedly, the surname Cheng took over Jianghu cuisine for two months, threatening his own business.

Qin Xiong hated and anxious, seeing the loss of customers, unable to think of a good solution, had to cast his anger on his wife Huang Hui.

Huang Hui is not the kind of woman who doesn’t fight back. If Qin Xiong wants to quarrel, she will accompany her. The shop hasn’t closed. The two of them yelled at each other directly on the first floor. The waiters were relatives of their hometown. “Baby” has been working for many years and their business has declined. Although their wages have not been affected for the time being, before the end of the year, Qin Xiong would give everyone a big red envelope. Looking at the situation this year, there may be no red envelopes at the end of the year. Up. Everyone had grievances and dissatisfaction in their hearts, but in the end, no one tried to persuade them, allowing Qin and Huang to throw their bowls and smash their stools.

“Is it interesting for you?” A thin boy of sixteen or seventeen stood in front of the store with a gloomy expression, “isn’t it for people to see jokes?”

“Xiaoxu, why are you here?” Huang Hui wiped away his tears, “what time is this?”

Qin Xu is the son of Qin Xiong and Huang Hui, and there is also a two-year-old sister, Qin Ke. Relying on the hot business these years, the Qin family has lived very well. Qin Xu, a high school student, is full of famous brands in the eyes of children his age.

“If I don’t come, are you going to make a noise until dawn? It’s so noise that everyone knows?” Qin Xu spit out two words coldly: “Shame.”

Qin Xiong immediately rushed forward with his right hand, “Do you dare to scold you Lao Tzu?”

Qin Xu didn’t avoid it, “If you have the ability, you can fight.”

Huang Hui hurriedly protected his son behind him, the tigress glared at Qin Xiong, “Go away!”

Qin Xiong didn’t slap that slap, he just shouted angrily: “It’s up to the sky, it’s up to the sky!”

When the Qin’s family was in a feather, Ming Shu and Xiao Yuan made up their long-lost homework.

Before dawn, an autumn rain suddenly fell, and the wind came in from the half-open window, and the heavy curtains rang.

Ming Shu slept very deeply, his whole body was naked, and most of his face was buried in the quilt.

He doesn’t have the habit of sleeping naked. When he is at home, he doesn’t say that he wears tightly and can at least put on underwear. But every time he has **** with Xiao Yuan, he doesn’t want to wear clothes. He wants to sleep naked beside Xiao Yuan. Fortunately, when I woke up, I found myself stuck in Xiao Yuan’s arms.

Xiao Yuan carefully turned away the person who was tired of him, without turning on the light, and looked for a while with a dim light before getting up from the bed gently, walking to the window, and closing the window.

When he returned to the bed, Xiao Yuan was about to hold the quilt, Ming Shu leaned in half-dreaming as if he had discovered the heat source.

Xiao Yuan pulled the quilt and hugged the person.

Ming Shu didn’t open his eyes, “Dawn?”

“Not yet.” Xiao Yuan said: “Sleep a little longer.”

“Oh.” Ming Shu answered vaguely, and really fell asleep again.

Before dawn, the night was particularly dense, and his long figure cast a black shadow on the ground, his eyes opened, he looked at everything in front of him compassionately, and then he gave a compassionate smile.

In the morning, Xiao Yuan woke up very early, and when he remembered about frying two eggs, he was surrounded by Ming Shu from behind.

“What?” Xiao Yuan asked gently.

Ming Shu’s legs were hung up, “Don’t go.”

Xiao Yuan coaxed: “I’ll make breakfast for you.”

Ming Shu bulged his cheeks, “I don’t want breakfast, I want you.”

Xiao Yuan smiled, “Are you sure?”

Ming Shu has been pressed into the bedding room, and said vaguely: “Yes.”

Half an hour later, Xiao Yuan went to the bathroom and took a shower, then came back and leaned over to kiss Ming Shu’s forehead, “There is no time for breakfast.”

Ming Shu covered his head, pretending that the diligent student who had to make up his homework just now was not himself.

Xiao Yuan patted him on the waist through the quilt and set off to the game.

The rainy days of autumn seemed to be suitable for nesting in the quilt, Ming Shu listened to the patter of rain outside, turning over a few times and didn’t want to get up.

When ten o’clock came, the doorbell rang.

Mingshu sat up and looked at his phone. Xiao Yuan didn’t send a message to order takeaway.

This house is Xiao Yu’an’s private house. Very few people know about it. Who will come to the house at this time?

The doorbell rang again, and Ming Shu put on his clothes and opened the video. After seeing the person, he unlocked and said, “Tsk, the enemy is coming.”

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