Madness of the Heart

Chapter 90

Chapter 90 For good (10)

Although “Baby Shrimp” is not a small restaurant for a long time, the couple of Huanghui and Qinxiong still keep the habit when they first started this business-take turns to watch in the store every day, no matter what happens, one of them must be Will stay in the store, staring at every account with vigilance.

“Baby Shrimp” is doing business at night, Huang Hui usually arrives earlier than the employees, and all the dishes delivered have to be passed through her eyes.

But today, the ingredients have arrived. Huang Hui and Qin Xiong did not come alone. The landline at home could not be reached, and the mobile phones of both people were turned off.

Sister Qin had to call Qin Ke, the eldest daughter of Huang and Qin, but Qin Ke’s cell phone turned off.

“What about Qin Xu?” Old Liu said, “Isn’t the family not answering the phone?”

“I don’t know Qin Xu’s number, that weird kid, even his parents are afraid of him!” Sister Qin looked next door after she finished speaking.

It was also at the stage of preparing for the business. There were already guests sitting on the stools of “Cheng Jianghu” outside. The 30-year-old boss came out with melon seeds and peanuts, smiled to the guests, and told the guests. Later.

Sister Qin sighed heavily and complained: “The two of you don’t even look at how they do business!”

Old Liu asked: “What should I do today? The vegetables are piled in it, do you still do business?”

Sister Qin untied her apron and stuffed it into Old Liu’s arms, “Do! Why not do it? Now that the guests have been snatched away by the next door, we are closed at this time, and others must think we are bankrupt!”

Old Liu said, “Where are you going?”

“The family of those couples!” Sister Qin said, “It must be a fight at home. If there is a problem, it will be troublesome. Let me go and see!”

Old Liu shook his apron and said to himself: “What’s the use of going to see? Be careful to fight with you.”

Relying on the accumulation of more than ten years, Huang Hui and Qin Xiong have bought two houses and a Porsche, but they usually drive a lot of Santana. Two houses are given to their daughters and the other is to be given to their sons. I still live in the old house on Longcheng Road.

Sister Qin had been there countless times and found the way, and walked there in a quarter of an hour.

The old houses are close to each other, and some elderly people who eat early dinner have already started cooking. Sister Qin sneezed through the twists and turns of the alley.

Huanghui and his wife live on the fifth floor. There is no elevator, and the corridor is of that kind of back shape. They have to make a circle to climb up one floor. This kind of structure is very characteristic of the times, and it seems extremely inconvenient now, but in the past, every household had seven or eight people, and this structure could contain as many people as possible.

Sister Qin crawled out of breath, and repeatedly cursed: “It’s a dog! You two are fighting, I’m suffering!”

The iron fence door at 5-8 and the wooden door inside were closed tightly. Sister Qin listened to the door for a while, but did not hear anything.

“Weird.” She said, “Not at home?”

It’s already here, Sister Qin doesn’t plan to just go back like this. She yelled “Xiongzi” first, and then started knocking on the door.

After knocking for more than ten minutes, no one came to open the door. Instead, the other two houses on the same floor opened. A middle-aged man cursed: “Dead woman, your **** funeral!”

Sister Qin immediately scolded back: “I’ll call your mother funeral!”

The middle-aged man rushed over while cursing, making a gesture of beating someone.

Sister Qin wasn’t someone who didn’t dare to scold her. When she was young, she picked up a pole in the countryside and smashed it on a person’s head. Now that she had nothing in her hand, she hit the man with one shoulder.

The two scuffled together on the ground. The young man upstairs poked his head and called the police with the mentality of watching a good show.

When the police from the police station arrived, Sister Qin had a disheveled hair, crying and making trouble on the ground. The face of the middle-aged man had been scratched, and the police had to make judgments.

The policemen are the first and the two big, and are planning to take the two back to the police station, but Sister Qin said: “I’m not going, you guys came just right, help me open this door!”

The police said: “We are not responsible for unlocking.”

Sister Qin said: “I don’t care. You have to open the door when you come. I’ll find someone! The owner of our shop and their daughters are all gone, and my son doesn’t know where. I really can’t help it. Come to their house!”

The middle-aged man cursed: “I can’t find it, I beg!”

“Your whole family is dead!” Sister Qin scolded back viciously.

Seeing that the two were about to do something again, the police hurriedly stopped and reported the situation to the captain. After a while, other police officers arrived.

Sister Qin calmed down and explained the situation honestly, but the police who came to know Qin Xiong and also called Qin Xiong, but they really couldn’t get through.

At this time, someone came out of the house, saying that they heard 5-8 fighting last night, but didn’t see the couple coming out today.

Sister Qin panicked, “Don’t kill me? Why can’t you be contacted by everyone? Their girl…”

“Captain.” A small policeman sniffed at the door, “There seems to be a smell in it.”

“What’s the smell?”

“I think it’s blood!”

“Ah!” The middle-aged man who was still arrogant just now was startled, “Is it really dead?”

In the evening, after completing a series of procedures, the door of 5-8 was opened, and a strong smell of blood came out.

The entrance is a narrow corridor, and the view from the outside of the door is not wide.

The police cautiously walked inside and saw the tragic situation of a house——

There were two “blood men” sitting on the sofa, the exposed skin was almost covered with blood, and it was completely skinless. The eyes and mouth formed three “blood holes”, and a large number of human fragments were scattered on the ground;

In the bedroom, a man was lying naked on his back on the bed. The sheets were soaked with blood. Like the “blood man” on the sofa, his eyes and mouth were also mashed;

In the study, a neatly dressed woman was sitting on the bay window. The blood gushing from the huge gap in her neck made her light-colored skirt lose its true color.

There was no sound in the room, and the three policemen were all in a daze.

Sister Qin didn’t know when she touched it in, and when she saw the “blood man” on the sofa, she burst out with a harsh and penetrating scream.

“Well, this is kill, kill the door?” The voice of the youngest policeman was trembling, “Four or four people, there seems to be only four people in this family. All of them were killed all at once?”

The “Miemen case” is definitely not a street police station that can handle it. The case was quickly transferred to the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Nancheng Branch, and then reported to the Criminal Investigation Bureau.

No matter which city, the “Miemen Case” is a serious case, but the serious crime team is now focusing on the “1013 Case.” Xiao Yuan considered it for a while before calling Ming Shu over.

“This is…” Ming Shu frowned when he looked at the case report from the sub-bureau, “Is the victim the owner of “Baby Shrimp”?”

“Of the four victims, three of them have their faces severely damaged, and their identities are still being identified.” Xiao Yuan said: “However, the first scene is in their home. The undisfigured deceased has been determined to be the eldest daughter of the Qin family, Qin Ke. No. In the event of an accident, the four deceased should be the owner’s family.”

The four members of the Qin family, Qin Xiong, Huang Hui, Qin Ke, Qin Xu, and Ming Shu have met two of them. During the investigation of Sha Chun’s case, Qin Xiong had learned about the gathering of the Chinese People’s Music Club in “Baby Shrimp”. I saw Qin Xu who behaved strangely in Qiyue Mountain.

They have been killed?


What kind of deep hatred can kill everyone in a family?

Ming Shu did not speak for a while, bowed his head and walked around in front of Xiao Yuan.

Not long ago, he also analyzed the relationship between Qiu Min’s disappearance and the “baby shrimp”.

Assuming that Qiu Min’s disappearance did not take the initiative to leave, but was victimized, then who is most likely to act on Qiu Min?

Qiu Min used his influence on the Internet to help many unknown restaurants. In the eyes of most people, he was kind and generous and did not do any criminal activities. Fans found foods that he had never eaten in his videos. , The niche attractions that he has never been to, the popularity of the restaurants he photographed has skyrocketed, and he has become full of guests and friends, and he himself has received a new wave of attention. For the three parties, he “sells Amway” every time, It’s all a good thing. But will those shops that are not favored by him—such as “Baby Shrimp”—have a grudge against him?

Ming Shu even thought about whether Qiu Min’s disappearance was related to the “baby shrimp”.

But now, Qin Xiong’s family may have been killed.

Ming Shu suddenly whispered: “Qin Xu…”

Xiao Yuan said: “The youngest son of the Qin family.”

“Yes, the youngest son of the Qin family, I met him at Qiyueshan.” Ming Shu briefly explained the situation at the time, and then said: “I just had an idea to overturn all previous analyses, Lu Chen and Zhao Siyan. It was someone who ran into something on Qiyue Mountain and was killed. What we saw later was not the true psychological projection of the murderer when he committed the crime.”

This line of thought was originally the “rope” Xiao Yuan put on Mingshu. Xiao Yuan nodded, “Well, keep talking.”

“What about Qin Xu?” Ming Shu rested his chin, “Why were he and his family killed?”

Xiao Yuan said: “It seems that you have already planned to take this case.”

Ming Shu sighed, “First, this may be a’Miemen case’. It was the responsibility of the crime team to solve the’Miemen case’. Second, Qin Xu was behaving strangely. He took a camera to Mount Qiyue not long ago. , And was the first person to discover Lu Chen and Zhao Siyan. Did he bring the murder to his family? In this way, the Qin family’s four members were killed, maybe it was related to Qiyue Mountain. I can’t let go of this clue.”

“I heard that a case from the Dongcheng Branch has also been transferred to you?” Xiao Yuan asked, “Is it difficult?”

“You said that the Internet celebrity blogger disappeared?” Ming Shu shook his head. “That’s not true. Lan Qiao and their female police squadron are still investigating, but if there are any doubts, Lan Qiao will tell me.”

Xiao Yuan took his coat and said, “Let’s go then.”

Ming Shu was surprised, “Where to go?”

Xiao Yuan said: “You are the captain, don’t you go to the scene to see?”

“Of course I want to go!” Ming Shu said, “I was asking where you are going?”

“I will also go to the scene.” Xiao Yuan said: “Appropriately reduce the burden of my captain.”

The second section of Longcheng Road, the old gear manufacturer belongs to 3 buildings 5-8.

The trace inspector of the serious crime team and the trace inspector of the Nancheng branch are working together. Ming Shu stood in the living room, looking at the two bodies whose original appearance was no longer recognizable. His eyes gradually shifted from their faces to their chests.

Although they were at home, neither of them changed the clothes they went out to wear at home. It is possible that they were killed when they came home or when they were about to go out.

The ground was stained with blood, and the scattered human fragments were basically collected, one by one, all of them were cut from the victim’s cheeks, arms, chest and abdomen, legs, and an eyeball. The left breast of the deceased woman on the left was cut off and was not thrown on the ground with the other fragments, but placed on the TV cabinet opposite the sofa. Judging from the blood stains on the TV screen and the top, it should have been placed on the TV at first, and then it fell off.

This is undoubtedly a very permeating picture. The victims were sitting side by side, as if they were watching TV, and their eyes must fall on the **** on the TV.

Ming Shu exhaled, turned around and looked in the back room, and saw Xiao Yuan observing at the entrance of the study.

“Xiao Ju?” Ming Shu shouted.

Xiao Yuan beckoned, “Come here.”

Ming Shu quickly walked over.

“Among the four victims, only Qin Ke has been identified now, because her face has not been damaged.” Xiao Yuan walked to the bay window, squatted, and looked at the beautiful woman who had died from below, “Why didn’t the murderer destroy Her face? Because she thinks she is beautiful, she is’received’? Or some other reason? The four victims were all mutilated and mutilated. The murderer’s tendency to vent his anger is obvious.”

Ming Shu stood behind Xiao Yu’an, bent down, and put his hands on his legs.

Xiao Yuan said again: “This is the home of Qin Xiong and Huang Hui. It really doesn’t make sense to prevent the police from identifying their identities by destroying their faces, and the murderer only destroyed the victim’s face, not fingerprints.”

Ming Shu thought for a while, “I don’t plan to analyze the murderer’s psychology from the situation at the scene for the time being.”

Xiao Yuan raised his eyes and whispered softly, “Have you learned a lesson from the case of Qi Yueshan?”

“Can you not learn it? Criminal investigation technology is advancing, but the murderer is also evolving. Those murderers with strong anti-reconnaissance awareness may no longer be satisfied with removing their traces and avoiding surveillance.” Ming Shu said, “I will go to Xing first. Take a look at the teacher.”

Xiao Yuan nodded, “Go ahead.”

Xing Mu was in the bedroom at this time, doing a preliminary autopsy on the naked male body.

“This person should not be Qin Xu.” Xing Mu said: “I have seen Qin Xu. He is thinner and weaker. This person is stronger than Qin Xu.”

Ming Shu also noticed that Qin Xu had longer hair, while the victim had shorter hair.

“If this person is not Qin Xu, then where Qin Xu is now is very important.” Ming Shu shouted, “Wish Zhou!”

Zhou Yuan ran over wearing shoe covers, “Ming team, what’s the matter?”

Ming Shu said: “Qin Xu’s mobile phone is turned off, you can find out the others for me.”

“I’m going now!”

Ming Shu turned his gaze back to the corpse on the bed. There were countless wounds on the victim’s body, but it was easy to tell that the one on the chest was the fatal wound.

“The victim’s chest was repeatedly stabbed with a sharp object, his heart and aorta ruptured, and his neck was choked.” Xing Mu said and gestured twice. “The murderer was wearing gloves, pressing the victim’s neck with his left hand, and holding the sharp with his right hand. , Pierced the victim’s chest. Judging from the wound condition, the murder weapon had hooks, bloodletting holes, and was not a common knife or dagger.”

“But it was ordinary knives that caused cuts on other parts of the body.” Xing Mu added: “There is no life reaction, it is caused after death.”

Even if Xing Mu didn’t say anything, Ming Shu had already determined that the stab wounds on the victim’s body were caused after death.

Cutting on the body with a knife is tantamount to Ling Chi. It is impossible for the victim not to yell, and such densely populated old residential buildings have poor sound insulation effects. Once someone continues to yell, they will inevitably be discovered by neighbors.

“The victim had binding injuries on his arms and legs. From the perspective of the ditch, the ropes used to bind the wires were wires.” Xing Mu continued: “But there were four victims. Under what conditions did the murderer bind them? Get up, it’s hard to say now, you have to go back and do an autopsy, and then combine with other surveys to make a comprehensive judgment.”

Ming Shu asked: “What is the time of death? The residents of 5-6 said that they heard the sound of fighting from 5-8 in the middle of the night. The staff of “Baby Shrimp” confirmed that it was Qin Xiong who was guarding the store last night. The shop closed at 3 a.m. and left. Then, based on the time when Qin Xiong went home, the time for the murderer to commit the crime should be after 3:30 a.m.?”

Xing Mu shook his head, “But judging by the degree of corpse stiffness and corpse spots, the time of death of this victim was between 1 am and 3 am today.”

Ming Shu folded his arms, frowned slightly, and turned to look in the direction of the living room.

Although the identity of the corpse in the bedroom has become a mystery for the time being, from the perspective of clothing, the two victims in the living room are likely to be Qin Xiong and Huang Hui.

Qin Xiong arrived home after 3:30 in the morning, while the other person who died in 5-8 died before 3 o’clock. That is to say, the murderer had already removed the other three people in the house before Qin Xiong returned home. Killed, and waiting for Qin Xiong to go home?

The door lock showed no signs of being broken. If the murderer didn’t enter through the window, either he had the key or the person in the room opened the door when he heard the knock on the door.

The murderer is an acquaintance of the victim, and is likely to be a close acquaintance.

“Leader.” Xing Mu shouted.

Ming Shu returned to his senses, “Huh?”

“I think the possibility of the murderer is Qin Xu is very high.” Xing Mu said: “The last time I heard Fang Yuanhang say, Qin Xu seems to have a distorted psychology.”

“I know.” Ming Shu said: “I will analyze this when I go back to the meeting. I guess that by then Zhou Yuan should have found something. There are now four cadavers that need to be dissected. Just focus on the autopsy. Xing. Brother, you have worked hard.”

Xing Mu is still the same, hating being criticized, being praised and caring and uncomfortable, he squatted his mouth, muffled and said: “Okay, leader. I see, leader.”

Busy till the early morning, the trace inspector completed the extraction of the traces inside and outside 5-8, and the DNA test results of the three victims have also been sent to Mingshu. Mingshu immediately called the team members to hold a case analysis meeting in the No. 2 Office of the Crime Squad. Xiao Yuan did not leave, but sat on the diagonal of Mingshu.

“The identities of the victims have been determined. They are Qin Ke, 21 years old, Qin Xiong, 45 years old, Huang Hui, 43 years old. These three people are father and daughter, mother and daughter, husband and wife.” Ming Shu said: “The one in the bedroom The victim was not Qin Xu, the son of Qin Xiong and Huang Hui, but Qin Ke’s boyfriend, Yu Xiaohai, who was 19 years old. The autopsy results are now only two copies. Wait a minute, Teacher Xing will come over in a while. Xiao Manxian will talk about the scene. Of the survey.”

“Yes.” Xiao Man said: “The murderer did not clean up the scene. We extracted a total of six sets of fresh footprints, four of which have been confirmed to belong to the four deceased. In the other two groups, there must be footprints of the murderer. From the shoe size, According to the judgment of the shoe pattern, the unknown footprint No. 1 is likely to belong to a man. In addition, I compared the shoes and footprints left by Qin Xu in 5-8, and the unknown footprint No. 2 belongs to Qin Xu.”

Zhou Yuan raised his hand and said, “I’ll interrupt. Based on network positioning and public surveillance, I’m sure that Qin Xu is now near Huangqiu Road in Beicheng District and Brother Xu Chun has rushed over. Qin Xu is a sophomore in high school and has classes all day today, but he I didn’t go to school in the morning, and showed up near the second section of Longcheng Road at 11:24 in the morning. At 8 o’clock last night, Huang Hui called him a call lasting 2 minutes.”

“The second section of Longcheng Road is his home.” Ming Shu thought for a while and said to Xiao Man: “Continue.”

Xiao Man nodded, “I focused on checking all the windows and door locks of 5-8. There were no signs of being climbed on the windows and the dust was not damaged. As for the door locks, there are fingerprints of all the victims except Yu Xiaohai. Qin Xu’s fingerprints. The murderer-whether or not Qin Xu-was wearing gloves when committing the crime. The fingerprints are of little significance. The most important clue now is the unknown footprint No. 1. Who is this person and why did he appear in the Qin family? ”

Yi Fei said, “Qin Ke went home suddenly and it was abnormal.”

Ming Shu looked over, “What did you find out?”

Qin Ke was the first victim to be identified, and his death was different from the other three. Soon after the crime squad arrived at the scene, Ming Shu sent Yi Fei to investigate Qin Ke and his personal relationships.

Qin Ke is very likely to have a breakthrough in investigation.

“Although Qin Ke and Qin Xu are elder brothers and sisters, there is a big gap in character and grades. Qin Xu is withdrawn and perverse, but his grades are at the level of’excellent’ since childhood. Qin Ke has a cheerful personality and cannot study well. After graduating from high school I didn’t go any further.” Yi Fei said, “With Qin’s family conditions, it’s actually very easy for Qin Ke to go abroad and buy a degree certificate. If Qin Ke is unwilling to study, Qin Xiong can help her with the contacts she has run for many years. Find a suitable job. If it doesn’t work, Qin Ke can still start a small business on his own. But since leaving school at the age of 18, Qin Ke has never worked.”

“Three years, neither studying nor working.” Ming Shu said: “The Qin family can afford her, but this kind of family relationship…”

“The Qin family’s family relationship is terrible.” Yi Fei said, “Qin Ke has no income, and his monthly credit card bills are all paid in cash. That Yu Xiaohai is a boyfriend that Qin Ke only made a month ago. Guess he is. what for?”

Xiao Man said, “Tony?”

Yi Fei shook his head, “It’s the waiter in Chongshan.”

Ming Shu squinted, “It’s interesting to be a’Chongshan’ person.”

“Chongshan” is a famous nightclub in Dongye City. It only serves women. The waiters inside are the “duck” in the saying.

“My daughter has a ‘duck’, how can this family relationship get better?” Xiao Man disdainfully said: “If my daughter is like this, I will break her leg!”

Fang Yuanhang choked: “Give back your daughter, you don’t even have a girlfriend!”

Ming Shu said: “Since the relationship is so bad, why did Qin Ke and Yu Xiaohai stay in the same room with Qin Xiong Huanghui on the night of the incident?”

At the same time, Huangqiu Road, Beicheng District.

The man in the hood stood outside the “Zhongshan” clubhouse where he was drunk and fancied with a sullen and arrogant smile.

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