Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 12 – Teasing A Student Council President (1)

Act I - A Spring of Lust

A long chapter to start off the act


Girl Guide:

Shirokana Hikari - Argent

Hara Keiko - Eisst

Imai Aya - Feeu

Nakano Mai - Aqua

Misaki Yui - Lust

Kobayashi - Teacher/TransMagica Agent

Chapter 12 - Teasing A Student Council President (1)


Hikari sat alone inside the student council room, a stack of documents laid on her table, unfinished. Somehow, on this lovely day, she could not bring herself to complete her work. The distant buzz of crickets calling mixed with the buzz of youthful activities from the sports clubs lull her into a daze. While the vestiges of spring and the coming summer formed a dozy temperature that exacerbated that feeling of laziness.

She gazed out the window, at the drifting clouds, wishing these peaceful days would last. Just yesterday, she had a huge fight with the Witches, she almost lost to the Witch of Hate and was forced to team up with Lust. Worst of all, she let down her guard when they finally managed to repel the assault, causing her two friends to be kidnapped. Thankfully, they have been safely recovered, though knowing who took them, she could not fathom what debauchery they experienced. 

So much has changed, Hikari distinctly recalled the emergence of magic, the tumultuous times when the Etativi declare they would conquer Earth.

How could she not remember? Back then, she was a carefree freshman in high school and her worries constituted making friends in a new school or which club to choose or failing a test, not some world-ending crisis. When the first sirens rang and the first cities fell, she felt as confused and frightened as everyone else. But now, look at her, just two years later, both the Student Council President and the leader of a Magical Girl squad, the last bulwark of humanity, she has changed so much.

That's enough daydreaming. Hikari tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and dived back to her paperwork. That small motion would attract many glances if there were any to witness it. After all, in the most recent underground school poll, she emerged as the number one person everyone wanted to date for both boys and girls.

And for good reason, she had long flowing silver hair, firm yet kind silver eyes, and a graceful body with sexiness in all the right places. Not only that, the air of self-confidence and authority, from being the President and a Magical Girl, made her aura undeniable, how could she not win? 


Hikari made good progress on the stack of documents, shrinking it significantly, by the time someone knocked on the door. "Enter," she called out. "Please wait a moment, I'm nearly done." She was so focused on completing her work that she did not notice the door locking. 

A minute later, she finished the document and apologised to her patient visitor. Raising her gaze, she took in the beautiful sight of the school's resident Ice Queen. Suddenly she had a sinking feeling in the pits of her stomach, she knew she had forgotten something important but she could not figure out what.

"Good Afternoon, Shirokana-Kaichou1School President. I see you're hard at work. Are the rest not around to help?" The Ice Queen asked. 

"Misaki-san, good afternoon." Hikari greeted, "Hara-san and Imai-san were ill yesterday, I gave them a break. While Nakano-san has some outside matter to handle for the next few days."

Aqua is on stand-by duty for the week. Feeu and Eisst came to school but I forbade them from doing council work. Hikari translated in her head. "Misaki-san, did Kobayashi-sensei ask you to deliver something again?"

"Oh no. I came to pick up something I forgot2A plot set-up from the previous series." Yui explained as she took half the documents, "I'll help with this."

The sinking feeling returned, Hikari could almost place her finger on it, but it flirted just out of her grasp, teasing her. "Misaki-san, there's no need to."

Her protest went ignored as Yui pulled a chair over. "Misaki-san, there're other tables you could use." Hikari pointed to the surrounding tables, yet Yui sat facing her, sharing the same table, once more her objection was duly ignored. Yui began to fill out the document. Noting her futile efforts, Hikari relented, deciding to focus on finishing the work with Yui's help. 

Papers rustled, pens scratched, no one talked. But Hikari could not get back into the grove of work, one document now took the same amount of time as three previously. It was most definitely the fault of the one seated before her. Something about her drew Hikari's attention, like mermaids of old, beckoning would-be explorers, promising wonders and mysteries and hidden dangers.

Hikari observed the Ice Queen, Ice Queen, an apt moniker. She had seen her around school, typically in the library, alone surrounded by an icy barrier. And when someone mustered up the courage to speak with her, a cold curt reply was the best they could hope for or else a freezing glance, even teachers received the same treatment.

Yet, Hikari had a hunch that Yui spoke more words with the council members than anyone else in school, heck, they were even blessed with the occasional smile, perhaps it was a sign of Yui warming up to them.

But the mystery does not end there, Hikari had peeked behind Yui's veil, detecting playfulness behind the cold facade. Something she could attest to, having experienced Yui's teasing.

Seriously, Misaki Yui, who are you? Inspecting Yui, the tinge of amethyst in her black eyes and the streaks of violet in her luscious long straight black hair was a constant reminder of Hikari's failure. She failed to stop the giant wolf from capturing Yui, as a result, she was forced to use her body to keep Yui alive. 

Lowering her gaze, Hikari took in her beautiful face, from its golden ratio to those soft lips. Her gaze lingered on those succulently soft lips, she knew how squishy, how delicious they were. She wanted to feel them agai—

Wait, why did she know how they felt? The stress of the fight and the guilt of letting down her friends yesterday made her forget something so important. She now knew why she had that sinking feeling, she finally remembered what happened two days ago.

Keiko had an episode with Lust mana and Yui was caught up in it. She brought Yui to the infirmary when the aroused Yui attacked her, it took her a while but she managed to turn the tables on Yui with some mana, but... she did not know what came over her when she instead assaulted Yui. From that entire memory, the thing most vivid was enjoying those soft lips against hers.

Hikari could feel her face flush, now that she remembered, she became even more conscious of Yui. She had pretty much stopped working as she devoured every little detail of Yui, the small crease between her brow as she concentrated on the document, how she delicately held her pen.

"Shirokana-Kaichou, is there something wrong?" Yui asked as if she just noticed Hikari's constant glances.

"Ehh? N-No, No, No, t-there's nothing wrong." Hikari waved her hands in a panic, making herself more suspicious if her red face was not already a dead giveaway.

"Your face is very red, Shirokana-Kaichou. You could be coming down with the same illness as Hara-san and Imai-san." Before Hikari could react, Yui stood up, reached across the table, and touched their foreheads together. "Hmm, a little warm."

Hikari's heart jumped. Yui's face was almost nose to nose with her.  She just needed to lean forward to close the gap between their lips. She was so close! She could feel Yui's sweet breath! But her reason reeled her back, using the tricks she learnt as a Magical Girl to calm herself, she gently but firmly pushed Yui away. "Misaki-san, I'm fine. I just get a little red when it's hot."

"Is that so..." Yui returned to her seat. "In that case, you should take off your jacket."

Seeing no reason to refuse, Hikari slung her outer layer on the back of the chair and focused on work. She mentally berated herself for being distracted by such thoughts. How could she think of Misaki-san like that? Misaki-san was obviously under the influence of the lust mana that day. Taking a deep breath, her flushed face gradually returned to normal, though some redness remained.

Hikari managed to complete several forms at a snail's pace when a wrench was thrown into her works.

"You were right, it is a little hot." Yui took off her jacket and undid her top two buttons.

Hikari's eyes were instantly drawn to the delicate white patch of skin,  She gulped. "M-Misaki-san, it's not proper."

"I don't mind," Yui said nonchalantly

BUT I DO! If Hikari strained hard enough, she could make out the edges of a purple-black bra.

"You're getting red again, Shirokana-Kaichou." Yui pointed out. "You could do the same as me, I do not mind."

Hikari laughed weakly, "P-perhaps later."

"Suit yourself." Yui went back to work.

Hikari tore her gaze away from the sacred land and once more calmed herself down. She kept her focus locked on the paper, determined to not look up.

After another few forms, "Shirokana-Kaichou, what do I write for this?" Yui asked, leaning over the table to give Hikari a view of the paper she was referring to. In turn, providing an even better view of her now unbuttoned valley.

"M-M-Misaki-san!" Hikari exclaimed causing Yui to tilt her head in confusion.

Misaki-san must not have noticed. Hikari reasoned and decided to play it cool. "N-no, it's nothing. That form was from last year, it must have gotten mixed up. You can just leave it aside." But her eyes did not stay cool, locking on to the inviting valley the entire time Yui leaned over, following until Yui sat back down. When Hikari closed her legs, they felt slightly sticky.

And so, Hikari's torment continued in this manner. A coincidence happened, drawing her attention, Hikari tried to calm herself down and stop blushing, in the end, she comes out a little more aroused. If she was not so stimulated, she might have figured out those 'coincidences' were not so coincidental. 

In one 'coincidence', Yui adjusted her seat, resulting in her leg finding itself between Hikari's. In another, Yui leaned against her own arm, pushing up her breast for Hikari to see. In yet another, Yui gingerly bit her pen, enveloping the end in those soft lips.

By the time the school bell rang signalling the end of club activity, the calm confident student council president was no more. Replaced by a blushing aroused Hikari, who was desperately trying to regain her composure.

"This is the final document, I'll handle it. Misaki-san, thank you very much for your help, I could not have done it without you." Hikari said. Her completed pile was significantly smaller than Yui's, owing to her distracted circumstance.

"Don't forget items on your way out, we kept lost things back there." Hikari not so subtly urged Yui out, gesturing to a small desk behind her.

"Ah, thank you for reminding me," Yui nodded along. "I noticed there are other stacks left," Yui pointed to the other tables.

"Those are for the upcoming school trip. Because the three having prior matters, the forms accumulated." Hikari responded, "They're not urgent, only due by the end of this week. I'll manage somehow."

"Oh my, I can't let you do them all by yourself. I'll come by the next few days to assist you." Yui smiled.

"No!" Hikari exclaimed suddenly. Several days with Misaki-san? I'll die from a heart attack. She had splendidly dug her own grave, and now she needed to dig herself out. Calming her frayed nerves, she took a deep breath, something she seemed to do quite recently this past hour. "I mean, this takes a lot of time, I would not want to impos—"

"It's quite alright, I don't have any club activities. I'm very free after school." Yui's smile grew just that tiny bit.

"It's extremely boring and tediou—"

"I've done it before, I do not mind."

Backed into a corner, Hikari pulled out her secret weapon. "We've already received so much help from you and we greatly appreciate it but the student council must carry its own weight."

"That's very admirable," Yui said.

A flawless defense, even Yui's smile returned to neutrality. But Hikari failed to see the gleam in those amethyst-black eyes, of a hunter watching a prey walking straight into the trap. "I'm glad you understan—" Hikari's parade was short-lived.

"So admirable in fact, that I want to join the student council." Yui dropped the bombshell.

"Ehh, join the student council?" The words did not register in Hikari's mind.

"Yes. After working and having so much fun together with everyone the previous times, the thought appeared. And now, your outstanding spirit of self-reliance cemented that thought." Yui expounded on Hikari's virtues.

Hikari forced her brain to work. Several days together would be torture, but semesters? She might as well start ordering her coffin. 

Then it hit her, "Misaki-san, unfortunately (fortunately), the registering period for council members is already over. The next application would be next year. Though, I'm really grateful for your enthusiasm."

Another flawless defense... For Yui to shatter.

"That's alright. Since Shirokana-Kaichou is a third-year student, you'll be stepping down by the second semester. I was thinking of running for Student Council president. The elections are around the corner. If I'm elected, I'll have to shadow you to learn what to do, nothing wrong with starting early." Yui reasoned perfectly.

"Don't you have to win first?" But that only got a Hikari a weird look from Yui, as if the thought of losing was impossible.

Hikari grasped at straws, finally using the Ultra-Super-Saiyan-9000<technique passed down from generations, "I think it's better if you consult Kobayashi-sensei about it."

She taichi'd the responsibility to someone else. Elsewhere, Kobayashi felt a chill down her spine.

"I'll be sure to." Yui smiled like Kobayashi's agreement was already in the bag.

Hikari covered her eyes and rubbed her temples, she had that sinking feeling again, because knowing who they were talking about, Yui would really get her agreement.

But when she opened her eyes, noticed a change in Yui. But be for she could process why, Yui struck first, "Oh, I almost forgot. What happened two days ago between us, Shi~ro~ka~na~Kai~chou~❤️?"

"Ah... Eh... Erm..." This shook Hikari off balance. Even though she had spent the past hour concocting an excuse for this exact situation, all the while, dreading every second she did not use it. When Yui called out her name, dragging each syllable, she could only squeeze her legs together at the seductiveness.

"M-Misaki-san, you see... at that t-time you were c-confuse by l-lust mana..." Hikari had practiced it in her head, she knew the words. But once more, Yui threw a wrench in her plans.

With each word Hikari spoke, Yui took a step, sauntering ever closer, hips swaying.

"I. Step. got. Step. s-some. Step. f-from. Step. c-contact. Step. w-w-with. Step. y-y-you." Hikari, stuck to her chair, looked up at Yui, who now leaned over her. She could once more gaze upon the bewitching valley right before her eyes. Mustering what strength remained, she bowed her head and blurted out her planned apology, "ImverysorryformyinappropiateconductIhopeMisakisanwillforgiveme."

She felt a shiver as Yui ran a hand down her head. Yui gripped the back of her head firmly and pressed them into those marvelous mounds. She was trapped between Heaven and Hell, suffocating on Yui's breast, what a way to die. Every breath she drew smelt of lavender and Yui.

Hugging her head, Yui bent over and breathed into her ear. "N~o~❤️" Her struggle to get fresh air ceased for a moment, as the sweet tingling echoed in her brain.

She felt a weight on her lap as Yui sat on her, "I won't accept your apology because I enjoyed it too, Hi~ka~ri~chan~❤️"

Hikari could only think of Yui, her smell, her voice, her touch, all her senses were overloaded with Yui. And when she managed to wiggle out of the stranglehold, she took a deep breath to refill her crying lungs, only for her mouth to be sealed again. This time not by twin hills but by something much softer and more delectable.

Despite her lack of oxygen, Hikari could not hold herself back, pushing forward and mashing her lips against those plump luscious lips. She greedily devoured them, she just could not get enough. Everything else faded from her thoughts, only feeling the connection between them.

Hikari felt Yui's lips part, prying open hers in the process, and something slithered in. She used her tongue to greet the intruder. They conducted their slippery dance with both taking the lead at different points. Sometimes she invaded and plundered her loot, but she always had to be wary of the strong counterattack, it would always leave her weak.

Not breaking their sensual kiss, she felt something massage her breast. Firmly gripping at times, gently pinching at others, she could not suppress a moan, which seemed to encourage the rouge. A hand moved lower, searching for the grand prize, past her skirt and onto the moist thin cloth—

Hikari's eyes flew wide open as she used some mana to push Yui away. A string of saliva still connected them. Her gaze was drawn to Yui licking her lips, "Hikari-chan sure has a way of giving apologies."

“Mi-Mi-Mi-sa-ki-san, p-please don’t joke about these types of things.” Hikari breathed heavily. While her entire face was radiating heat, her swirling eyes slowly returned to focus. Her mind immediately focused on Yui's sudden change of demeanour that had caused this and scolded herself for not noticing earlier.

Making herself sound as calm as possible, Hikari said. “Please return to normal Misaki-san. You are under the influence of residue lust mana left behind by Hara-san,"

Gradually, Yui's seductive charm disappeared replaced by a confused face, very much like a person awakening from a mana trance.

"Misaki-san, I won't tell anyone about what happened," Hikari reassured. "I think it is best you take your things and leave. School is closing soon.”

She used her peripheral vision to watch Yui, too embarrassed to look at her straight on, as Yui adjusted her disheveled uniform and walk out, taking her stuff.

Hikari breathed a sigh of relief... a little too soon.

"See you tomorrow, Shirokana-Kaichou," Yui stopped at the door and said.

The door closed, leaving Hikari all alone. The only thoughts in her right now were 'What the heck just happened???' and 'They were softer than she remembered' as she unconsciously touched her lips


Outside, Yui leaned against the wall. Luckily the corridor was empty, if someone had seen her, they would be instantly entranced, no more the fabled Ice Queen, instead, a Succubus Queen. She could not stop herself from trembling, the amethyst in her eyes gleamed brightly while her hands roamed her body erotically.

"Ah~ Hikari-chan, you're too cute..." Yui panted steamily, face flushed, remembering every single detail of what just occurred. "Trying to keep your composure as your body succumbs~ No matter I will get you, in the end, Hikari-chan~"

"Look forward to tomorrow, Hikari-chan, I'll have a surprise waiting. After all, if pushing does not work, why not pull?" Yui licked her lips, savouring the lingering taste. 



What is Yui planning?

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