Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 33 – Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double (8)

Messed around with some AI art creation. Any recommendations?

Anime style: Imgcreator
Unreal Engine/Realistic: Leonardo
Others: Playgroundai

Some pics may be lewd. Just be careful with who's around.
I'll put them under spoiler tags with warning labels. Enjoy:)

Feeu owning at basketball arcade game. Ignore the background (Safe):


Chapter 33 – Prepare For Trouble And Make It Double (8)


By the time Lust and Feeu exited the arcade, the afternoon sun had slid halfway past the horizon and was now casting a red glow across the sky. Flooding the cordoned-off street was an exodus of hungry office workers and students after club activities in search of a good deal among the plentitude of food carts. Dinner time on a weekday must no doubt be lucrative for the stalls.

Hugging on the roadside to avoid the worst of the crowd, they hiked. Perhaps coincidently, Feeu took the outer edge and partially shielded Lust from the masses. To show her appreciation, Lust clung onto Feeu's arm granting the full sensation of her breasts. 

Lust asked, "Are you alright with a family restaurant? I've never tried it before, but I trust the person who recommended it to me. Supposedly, the food's cheap and good.”

“Anything," Feeu grunted. "I just hope that there isn't another interference. What's with everyone approaching? First those thugs, then those cosplayers, even your demon appeared. Who next? The prime minister?”

Surprisingly, she had not shaken Lust off. Did she accept its inevitability? Lust grinned, "Ara~ Be careful who you wish for Feeu-chan~"


“Hurry up, Misaki-san! The ceremony will be starting soon.”

"Careful, Hara-san. I know you're excited but you're going to trip like that."

"Hehe~ I won't~"

Yui exited the exhibit hall with Keiko merrily skipping along. Just minutes ago, Keiko looked destroyed, racked with self-doubt. But she seemed to have completely recovered and back to her bubbly self.

*Sigh* So innocent. . . So delicious. . . No! Not yet. Control yourself.

Yui scolded herself for eyeing Keiko hungrily. The seed had just been planted. Keiko has not blossomed. There were still many hardships for Keiko to overcome and many more to fail.

And all the while, she will be there.

Like a diligent gardener, she will constantly water her little seed with encouragement. When her little seedling withers because it cannot take root in the hard unforgiving ground, she will be the soft soil to support her. When her little flower is battered by the cruel weather, she will be the gentle sun and give her hope.

Once I have her everything, I wonder, how beautiful will Keiko be? Lust shuddered at the thought and slurped back her drool.


The evening air greeted them as they stepped outside, though, little else did. Standing atop the steps of the exhibition hall, the only things in sight were the forgotten metal barricades, lonely banners fluttering in the wind, and the odd passersby. Strange.

Keiko, oblivious to the glaring issue, merrily asked. “Did Misaki-san enjoy it? Oro-san's works were phenomenal as always. And the whole black-and-white gallery. Wow! To think those brave photographers used it as a platform to protest against the censorship, no wonder there's the controversy."

Unfortunately, Yui was busy inspecting a nearby banner and did not reply. Which, Keiko took as a rejection. "Erm, Misaki-san? Did you not like it? Ah, now that I think about it, maybe coming here was not the best idea. Was an amusement park better? Nobody'd like a photo gallery for their. . . erm. . .f-f-first date.”

Faint heat crept up her cheeks as Keiko glued her eyes on the floor

“Hara-san, we have a problem.” Yui declared after she finished inspecting.

"Eep! I know it! I should've picked a cafe or the beach or Hawaii! No one wants to go to a photo gallery! I didn't imagine Misaki-san would consider this a date. . . Well, I did imagine it, but it's just a dream! No way it'd happen! But it did! Oh no, what have I done?! Misaki-san hates me n—" Keiko panicked.

Her thoughts swirled constantly double backing on themselves or wandering off to darker places. But Yui put a stop to it by clapping both hands on her cheeks. “Hara-san, calm down. I don’t understand a thing you’re saying, but I know I'd never hate you.”

m sowwy,” Keiko apologised while her lips were adorably puckered like a goldfish.

An arrow of moeness pierced Yui's heart. Keep it together girl. Releasing her clamp on Keiko's soft cheeks, Yui directed Keiko to the bottom section of an info banner. "I just wanted to say that I don't think there'll be a ceremony. Look here, the month's different."

EEEP!” Keiko's eyes swam again. Searching all over the place trying to find evidence to the contrary, to the empty surroundings, to the lonely reception in the exhibit hall. Despite her efforts, the unforgiving truth remained. She had mistaken the date.

“Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no. . .”

Tears were pooling at the corner of her eyes. But before she was overwhelmed, Yui pinched her cheeks. 

"Puuu! M'suki-an, stwop dat," Keiko complained.

"Kukuku, much better," Yui laughed at Keiko's aggrieved expression. "No need for tears."

"Bwut bwut bwut. . . Yow didn't lwike de gallewy. Noww, thwere's no pwarty. . . It wwas suppwose to be awwesome! Bwut noww, thwere's nothing. . ."

"There, there. You were really looking forward to this, weren't you?" Yui rubbed Keiko's head lovingly. "How about we come again on the correct day?"

Keiko nodded her head.

"And one more thing. You seemed to have misunderstood that I disliked viewing the gallery. I did enjoy the various exhibits, particularly the last section. But do you know what I enjoyed the most?" Yui asked. Keiko shook her head to which Yui answered. "It was spending that time with you."

Keiko meekly lowered her head trying to hide her glowing face.

They stood like that for some time until a low rumble emitted from Keiko's stomach. Keiko immediately jumped away, "Eep! It-It-It isn't what you think!"

"Pff hahaha, shall we find some food?"

“Yes!" Keiko bounded down the steps as if running away from her embarrassment. Before coming to a screeching halt, "Not good. . . I thought we'd eat during the celebration. I didn't plan where to have dinner.”

“That's fine, I know of a few good places.”

“No!” Uncharacteristically, Keiko stubbornly refused. Fired up to amend her mistake. “Hmm. . . Where to go? Maybe a couple’s cafe? We can do lovey-dovey stuff like feed each other, share the same drink with a two-person heart straw—her cheeks heat up the moment she uttered those words—Forget what I said, Misaki-san won’t like those kinds of things.”

“I wouldn’t mind. Do you know any couples cafes?”

“Eep! Me and Misaki-san in a couple's cafe. . . gulp. . . My heart isn't prepared." Keiko mumbled to herself. Contemplating, her eyes flickered over to Yui. "I know! A high-class restaurant. Where's my phone, I'll need to search it up."

"Kukuku, silly~ a cafe or family restaurant is fine. I don't want to destroy your wallet." Yui laughed.

"I have a lot of savings!" Keiko proudly puffed her large chest. TransMagica prepared special bank accounts for Magical Girls while keeping their real identities hidden. Since she barely touched it, the amount inside, for risking her life to save the world, was very healthy. "I'll look them up now."

"You'll do no such thing." Yui hurriedly stopped Keiko from pulling out her phone. 

"Eep! Why not, Misaki-san?" Keiko asked, bemused by Yui's actions

". . . " Instead of answering, Yui asked like a patient teacher guiding her student towards the correct answer. "Hara-san, do you often go to high-class restaurants?"

"Um, no, never."

"What type of restaurants do you normally go to?"

"Family restaurants? My family does go to a nice restaurant when we're celebrating."

"A high-class one?"

"No way, it's a slightly expensive sushi-ya1sushi bar not too far from home. My whole family loves it."

"Then, how did you decide upon a fine dining establishment?"

"Because I thought you'd like it. . . But it doesn't look like Misaki-san is a fan of the idea. . ." Keiko pieced together the clues. "Ah! I messed up again!"

"I wanted to do something special for our first" Keiko confessed but her voice grew fainted until even Yui could not make out the next sentence. "And I wanted to show that I can also bring Misaki-san to your usual places."

“I understand, thank you, Hara-san. That was a lovely thought." Yui patted Keiko's head. "I'm not against it, it just. . . perhaps, another time, preferably when we're better dressed?"

Keiko glanced at the school uniform that they were wearing. "Ah, that would've been bad."

"No worries," Yui combed her fingers through the short blue hair. "Now that that's taken care of. Know any normal eateries around here?”

Enjoying Yui's calming head pat, Keiko pointed in a direction without looking. "There's a family restaurant that we'd go to after. . . after council sessions. The food's tasty, cheap, and they give a lot.

'We' as in the student council?” Yui looked at where Keiko indicated.

“Yup, it's a nice place to sit down and relax after a hard day’s work. Especially off-peak hours when we can get a student discount, they even have a free flow of drinks for when we're there late." Keiko expounded on the greatness of the diner.

"Sounds wonderful."

"Well, except for one tiny thing. . . but it shouldn't be a problem."

“I see. I didn’t expect Hara-san and the others to be so bold, but your recommendation convinced me." Yui nodded. "Who am I to judge a book by its cover? Pink Paradise, it is.”

“Eh?” Keiko looked up and, to her horror, was pointing at a gaudily flashing building. “Eeeep!!!”

Paying no mind to the colour draining from her rabbit’s face, Yui linked arms with Keiko and sauntered over in its direction. Keiko dug her heels in desperation yet Yui managed to drag her along. Keiko was a little confused because Yui seemed much stronger than she appeared, but she did not have time to ponder on it, they were nearing the love hotel.

“Misaki-san, Misaki-san, that’s wrong! The diner is the other way!”

“No need to be shy Hara-san, I've already mentally prepared myself—I haven't Keiko wanted to shout—I'm just sad I wasn’t the first to go with you. To think the student council were so close. Truly unexpected. But as the incoming president, I must strive to learn your customs.”

They now stood outside the hotel entrance. Luckily for them, the missing closing ceremony meant there was no one around to give them strange stares. Keiko trembled under the pink glow of the neon lights.

“Shall we?” Yui whispered into Keiko’s ear and wrapped her arm around Keiko’s waist before she. . . tickled her. “Just kidding~♥”

“Hahaha—Stwoooppp—Hahahaha! Mou! Misaki-san no Baka!” Keiko squirmed and laughed under Yui's torturous fingers.

“Fufufu, sorry, teasing you was so fun, hahaha." Yui laughed too. "Did that cheer you up?”

Baka,” Keiko grumbled, yet, as they walked arms linked in the correct direction, away from the love hotel, she leaned in closer against Yui. Strolling for some time in silence, Keiko asked, “Are you so certain that you’ll be the next president?”

“Undoubtedly, my chances are practically guaranteed with the approval of the current council and my popularity. Best regards for the future, I’m looking forward to the fun we’ll have together and with the others.”

“Ah, likewise. I'm sure Misaki-san will get along well with everyone.”

"I’m, actually, both relieved and disappointed." Yui confided drawing a curious look from Keiko. "Relieved and disappointed that the council doesn’t hold secret gatherings in a love hotel. But more disappointed that the four of you don't share an earth-shattering secret. Imagine how fun it'd be to uncover said secret. Fufufu~”

Keiko (Safe):



The family restaurant was a hop, skip, and jump away from the exhibit hall just as Keiko said, but for her, the entire journey was spent stiff like a frozen fish. It was the most nerve-wracking few minutes of her life—Well. . . She was pretty anxious when she confessed to Misaki-san. And after they met up, and when they viewed the gallery, and as Misaki-san pulled her towards the hotel. . . Wow, now that she thought about it, Misaki-san had a supernatural ability to make things really stressful. So, Misaki-san nailing them being Magical Girls was merely another coincidence manifested by her ability. . . Right?

Thankfully, Misaki-san did not seem to have noticed her discomfort and continued talking about mundane things, completely glossing over the topic.

Located in the quieter parts of the shopping district, tucked between a pharmacy and a closed-down clothing outlet, they soon approached the familiar glass exterior. It gave her a sense of safety and normalcy on this crazy day, easily washing away her anxieties. 

This place was her refuge during the school break. Those days seemed so distant now. Spending all her mornings and afternoons getting used to her Magical Girl powers, while accompanying her senior Magical Girls on patrols at night. She remembered when she struggled to defeat a single demon and dragged Aya-chan over here to sulk. They had ordered all the desserts on the menu and strangely the next thing she knew she was lying on the table which was covered in empty plates. Afterwards, Aya-chan claimed to have only eaten one parfait. But she knew Aya-chan was just saying that because she was embarrassed to admit she stuffed herself. . . Right?

Cheep! Cheep!

A dry electronic bird chirp announced their arrival. What the owner was thinking when he installed it was anyone's guess, perhaps to advertise his cheap food. 

What greeted them was not the blonde waitress, engrossed with her phone, but the racket of loud discussion between office workers and the boisterous chatter of students across the tables. The restaurant was packed, the crowd no doubt drawn by the pure allure of decent inexpensive food.

Knowing the shop well, Keiko took the lead. She strode up to the reception where the lone waitress of the shop sat. She never liked this waitress. Look even now, as she stood in front, the university-aged waitress ignored her and kept chatting away on her phone.

"For realz? That's totes cool!"

How the waitress managed to keep her job would have been a mystery if Keiko was not already looking at the answer. Two large answers to be accurate. A good portion of the male customers occasionally glanced in their direction. So much for the pure allure of food. . .

Disinterested Waitress (Safe):


Straining against her dislike, Keiko rang the desk bell and asked politely, "Table for two, please."

But all she received was a curt reply before the waitress returned to chatting. "Tough luck kiddos, full house, find somewhere else—Mah, don't sweat, don't sweat, ya GF can cum too. JK~ lol~"

Something snapped in Keiko as she saw those money-makers sway against the half-unbuttoned waitress's attire when the waitress laughed.

Everything about that bitch screamed FAKE! That accent? Fake! Those tits? Fake! Those golden pupils? Fake! That blonde hair? Fake! Those lashes? Fake! Fake! Fake! Fake!

A calming hand patted her head forcing her to swallow her rage. Throwing a thankful look to Yui, she once more asked the distracted waitress. “What about the back table?”

Having been here many times, she knew of a special table that few others knew existed. The owner, in his desire to increase the table count, had haphazardly squeezed a table in a hidden corner towards the back of the shop, far from the general population. And right now, her magic senses told her it was unoccupied.

"kay-kay, c'ya Fri—What ya want kid?" The waitress asked after hanging up.

"May we use the back table?"

Sigh, nope. Four min. I see only two.” 

“Grrrr… That's stupid!”

“Shoo shoo, take a hike, kids.”

The waitress opened an app on her phone and proceeded to ignore them once again. Keiko turned back to Yui, who was enjoying the rollercoaster of Keiko's emotions, hanging her head in shame. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you the one apologising?” Yui stroked Keiko’s head again. How could she resist? She liked running her hand through Keiko's hair and Keiko liked her touch. Win-Win for all. “Besides, it’s not impossible, we’ll have to share a table with another pair.”

“Ok. . .” Keiko wanted to be with Misaki-san alone, but it cannot be helped. Maybe Misaki-san will accept her proposal to go to the high-class restaurant now, they will definitely have better service there.

Just then, her magic sensing triggered an alarm.

Cheep! Cheep!

As the door opened behind them,


“. . . No way. . .”

Feeu and Keiko came face to face with each other.


AI is terrible with fingers and limbs in general, there's still a way to go. Tell me if you enjoy more images in the comments.

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