Magical Girls are the Best Toys 2

Chapter 9 – Wrath (3)

A little late, but a long chapter to make up


Slight change to the last line of the last chapter


Witch Avatar/Witch Form is the transformed state of a Witch. It encompasses the Witch outfit, the anti-recognition magic, and a magical layer that overlaps the witch's real body as protection against damage. (Damage can still be dealt to the real body if severe enough like in Yui's case. But Yui's anti-recognition magic did not fail, it held up when she was unconscious because her Witch Form was still active. It had been pierced not totally broken)

Witch Outfit is basically the clothes a Witch wears when they transform. (Can be dematerialised or physically removed)


Chapter 9 - Wrath (3)


Yui opened her arms for Miyu to dive in, letting Yui spin them around many times. With a giggle, Miyu looked up, her face between Yui's soft breast. "I'm back, Onee-chan."

Yui almost had a nosebleed from the intense moeness. Gazing into Miyu's eyes, Yui replied lovingly. "Welcome back, Mi-chan. Have you been a good girl while Onee-chan was sleeping?" Buried her face back into Yui's chest, Miyu hummed with confirmation. Yui stroked her ever-lovable Imouto's red hair, and every time she brushed red sparkles would spontaneously flake off.

Vili unceremoniously interrupted their tender moment. "Huston, we have a problem."

The air itself shuddered as a wave from the shattering crimson sky propagated through the wrath mana. It seemed to have given the mana an intent, all of the wrath mana began to move. Slowly at first, but like an avalanche, it picked up speed and grew in size with each passing second. And this unstoppable tidal wave of wrath mana was barreling towards them, towards Miyu.

All of that wrath mana was seeking to be absorbed by Miyu. Yui instinctively knew they could not run, the sheer quantity of mana disrupted any teleportation, nor could they stop the storm. But that would not stop her from protecting her precious Imouto. While the wrath mana would not damage Miyu when absorbed, the amount meant it would easily exceed her mana capacity many times over and ruin her body.

Surround them, the brewing storm rumbled closer. Yui could not even see through the writhing stormfront, only billows of red and rage occasionally breaking apart and reforming.

Tightening her grip on Miyu, Yui harden her resolve and summoned her artefacts, her armour, a ribbon, and a flying cross. The ribbon could drain mana from a target while the cross siphoned mana from the surroundings to supplement her when she fought. From the nature of the approaching enemy, these were the most appropriate.

"Fluffles! One problem after another!" Vili hastily cobbled together a plan, "Miyu, you need to focus on diverting as much mana as you can to the central tree, it should be able to absorb everything instead of you. Yui, use your artefacts to regulate her mana intake. Use those artefacts to drain her of the excess mana that she comes into contact with. I'll set up a containment field but I need time."

But just as Yui and Vili prepared themselves for a long war, Miyu squirmed out of Yui's hug, "It's ok, Onee-chan." She opened her arms to welcome the rampaging torrent, 

"MI-CHAN!" "STOP HER!" Yui and Vili lept in front of Miyu. Vili summoned 12 magical stones to form a barrier while Yui surrounded the three of them with her ribbon with the cross hovered above. The onslaught of wrath mana arrived, crashing against Vili's barrier. They watch in horror as two of the twelve magic stones shattered on impact, causing the barrier to buckle and cracks to form. Some wrath mana seeped through, for it to be absorbed by the ribbon and cross.

Vili and Yui stood protectively around Miyu. They were stuck in its bowels, like being in a crimson fog. They could barely see anything, only that they would be overwhelmed. They had carved out a small pocket of safety, but it would not hold for long.

"It's fine, Onee-chan," Miyu said calmly. Her voice seemed to echo as if there were several Miyus calling from inside the storm. "It won't hurt us. It's the same as Miyu, Miyu can feel it. Full of rage and fury. At the world, at the people, at itself... But it won't hurt Onee-chan."

"Mi-chan?" Yui saw Miyu staring out into the depths of the storm.

"When Miyu could not protect Onee-chan when the bad Etativi and bad Witch came for Miyu. When Miyu could not protect Onee-chan when the evil Witch surprised attacked. When Miyu could not protect Onee-chan from dying... Miyu too was angry. Angry at the world, at everyone, but Miyu is most angry at Miyu..."

"Mi-chan..." Yui lowered herself to eye-level and hugged Miyu, Miyu embraced her back.

"Please let Miyu go. Please let Miyu become stronger and protect Onee-chan."

Yui felt her shoulder get wet. Bringing Miyu to look her face to face, she kissed away each tear, pecking them as she did in the kitchen all those hours ago. "Go Mi-chan, show Onee-chan her strong Imouto." Yui pushed Miyu gently.

"Hai!1Yes in jap" Brushing away her tears, she walked confidently to the edge of the barrier and with a final smile to Yui crossed the barrier. The red mana instantly surrounded her in a crimson cocoon blocking out the sight.

Vili watched all these with disbelief. What the Fluffle?! I spent so much effort getting Miyu back from WRATH only for this to happen?! And now what? Miyu said the mana won't hurt Yui but what about me??? FLUFFLES! Over the course of the conversation, four more magic stones had crumbled.

"Vili, drop the barrier," Yui instructed.

"FLUFFLES!!! If I die, I swear I'll haunt you!" Vili retracted the barrier, allowing the swarm of mana to pour in. To Vili's relief, it did not harm them, in fact, it seemed to actively avoid them.

And so they waited, inside the ocean of wrath mana, they waited, keeping vigil on the crimson cocoon. More mana poured into the cocoon growing it bigger. All the while, Yui kept silent sitting right in front of the egg. 

After what seemed like an eternity, a boom could be heard from inside the crimson cocoon. Cracks spread across the surface as two bones pierced through the membrane. With a tremendous swipe from both bones, the shell burst open.

Miyu looked mostly unchanged except for two skeleton wings that protruded from her back. Each was twice as large as Miyu herself, black-red with intricate pinkish veins crisscrossing on the surface. The shards of the shell did not disappear, some fused together to form a full plate armour for Miyu, while the majority attached themselves to the skeleton wings as crimson blade feathers.

Miyu flapped her new wings and took off, forcing the remaining wrath mana away. Yui could barely follow her flight with her eyes, only the trails left in the cloud of mana clued her into where Miyu was.

She was unprepared for Miyu's tackle that tumbled them to the ground. "Now, I can protect Onee-chan." Miyu smiled brightly, sitting on Yui's stomach and showing off her new Witch form, her level 3 form.

Taking Miyu into a cuddle, "My Mi-chan has gotten strong."

Relaxing in the cuddle, Miyu wanted to reply but her eyelids felt heavy. She dispelled her armor and wings before falling asleep.


Yui princess carried Miyu to the master bedroom, tenderly laying her down on the bed that could hold over ten people. Red glows continued to spontaneously sparkle off Miyu's hair despite her being out of her Witch Avatar. Hopefully, they could explain it away as a side-effect of mana contamination when Miyu returns to school.

Gazing at Miyu's sleeping face, Yui only felt tenderness and love welling up. This was her lovely Imouto, Yui would protect her, just as Miyu would protect her. Planting a gentle kiss on her forehead, Yui quietly left the room.


By the time Yui exited the mansion, the setting crimson sun spelled the end of her promise to her lovelies. She had many things she planned on doing, unfortunately, events forced her hand. Well, there's always another time. But... A crimson sun, she noticed the change. Since the central tree was the core of this entire pocket dimension, absorbing so much wrath mana had left a permanent reminder of what happened.

She watched as the sea of wrath mana drifted limply to the central tree. It had lost all interest in Miyu the moment she level up. Now a clear view, she estimated the entire cloud of mana shrinking by a third. At this rate, the tree would absorb all the remaining mana by tomorrow.

In that cursory sweep, several strange tears in the air drew her attention. No, not the air, it tore through something fundamental, she did not know what but it gave her a faint feeling of dread. Thankfully, the central tree used its absorbed mana to mend the cracks.

Her demons were busy clearing up the devastated region, ice spires, still raging fire pits, and overturned earth marred the area, the aftermath of some great battle. She spotted Sofi, her demon maid, carrying Dryad to the demon barracks and several of her earth golems doing the same for Fenrir.

Yui sighed, so many things happened when she was unconscious. And the only thing she figured out was Miyu going beserk and causing most of this. She approached the two Magical Girls that were placed together on a bed of flowers outside the wrecked area. At least now that things had quietened down, she could question Vili.

"Forget everything about WRATH." Vili threatened Feeu and Eisst who were just regaining their consciousness. She levitated 12 magic stones in a circle around the Magical Girls.

"So much for quietening down..." Yui sighed again, before stepping between the extremely confused girls and Vili. "What's this about?" 

"Trust me for now. If you do not want trouble, tell your girlies not to speak of what happened." Lightning arched between the levitating magical stones. 

"Is that really necessary?" Yui tried to understand the situation. Vili merely frowned, her dead-serious cat face told Yui all she needed to know. "Alright... But there better be a good explanation for this."

Yui turned to the Magical Girls, "I'm sorry but you've heard the grumpy cat, it sounds troublesome. Promise not to talk about what happened and we can send you back as promised. I've enjoyed your company and want to keep you for longer, yet circumstances have deemed otherwise."

The two glanced at each other. "Erm, Lust-san, Etativi-san, I do not know about Feeu-san but I do not remember much. Just a lot of red and being very angry..." Eisst's voice tapered off.

"All the better. Swear you won't convey any information of any sort and we're done." Vili urged.

After some thought, Eisst decided, "I promise not to convey any information about Wrath-san."

"Feeu?" Yui asked the usually reluctant girl.

"Arrr... Fine." Feeu relented. "I promise too." 

"Good." The circle of magic stones whirled before two shot out and phased into the Magical Girls, one for each. "This will hold you to your oath. If you break it... hehehe—KCCHH" Vili chuckled like a villain but was cut short by Yui grabbing her long rabbit plushy ears.

Yui brought the Etativi up to her eye level, her face emotionless. "What did you do to them?"  

"Oww... It's just insurance," Vili desperately reassured Yui, her tiny paws waving about in the air. But Yui would have none of that and pulled her ears even more. "Oww Oww... It's contract magic. As long as they hold their side of the bargain, nothing will happen." Yui relaxed her grip but did not release the groaning cat-rabbit plushy.

A sudden groan caught her attention. Getting a closer look, a smashed-up meat patty was groaning. 

"That's Envy." Vili explained, "Your demons brought her here. WRATH did a pounding, she won't last long. It's up to you if you want to put her out of her misery."

Feeu remained dismissive of whichever way the conclusion went. While Eisst hesitated to step forward. After all, the damage done to Envy was far beyond anything Eisst had seen before, she had to avert her eyes from the gruesome sight. She knew, out of everyone, only the Etativi seemed to be able to save Envy but that Etativi was also the one calling for Envy's death. It would not listen to her. Perhaps if she could appeal to Lust...

"Save her," Yui said.

"Save that?" Vili, still dangling in Yui's hand, commented, "Envy nearly killed you and caused this whole incident."

"Oh, I know that. I'll just need to train her properly. Besides, she made Mi-chan angry." Eisst and Feeu shuddered at what they heard but did not intervene.

"It's not an easy job." Vili scanned the extensive damage. "And I haven't been rewarded for saving you from your carelessness or settled the score for this mistreatment."

"What do you want?" Yui sighed for the third time. Aftermaths can be so stressful, is this what the TransMagica people have to deal with constantly? She gave them a silent prayer and made a mental note to cuddle with her Miyu when all this settles.

"One century's worth of tangerine!" Vili held up a paw, swaying in Yui's clutch.

"Deal." Yui instantly shook the paw and dropped Vili. She spirited the Magical Girls away before Vili could retract the offer, leaving Vili wondering if she should have asked for more. 


Yui took the hands of the two, they did not reject her touch. She lead them back the way they came. Technically, she could teleport them away where they stood but she wanted to check up on them. She sensed some tension between them and the several minutes of brooding silence, confirmed it.

"Don't worry, that Etativi may be annoying but she is not a liar." She started with a safe topic. "How are you two? I still feel some residue healing magic from my Magical Girls."

"Terrible, I have a pounding headache and shitty memories of someone mocking me..." Yui felt Eisst stiffen when Feeu replied. "I don't want to talk about it" Feeu added hurriedly when she saw Yui about to comment.

Instead, Feeu flipped the discussion on Yui, "Why did you shield us?"

Yui looked at her weirdly. "... Huh?" As if she could not comprehend the question.

"Why did you shield us from the attack?" Feeu pressed.

Yui looked at her even stranger. "Isn't it obvious?"

"..." Feeu hesitated. Perhaps she did know why, but she feared it, and so she subconsciously rejected it. Why did she fear it? She honestly did not know. And why if she feared the answer, why did she ask? That, too, was a mystery. Feeu ended her train of thought before she went in a dangerous direction.

The conversation died down once more, leaving only the sound of crunching gravel under their shoes.

Yui noticed Eisst lost in contemplation. The beautiful scenery passed them by, yet unlike when they first arrived, Eisst's eyes focused on the ground. "Eisst-chan, are you alright?" Yui tightened her grip on Eisst's hand. "What are you thinking about?"

"... Oh... nothing." Eisst evaded her probe, but Yui was undeterred.

"Hmm~" Yui grew her mischievous grin. "Should Onee-san punish this bad girl? It seems Eisst-chan won't be returning by evening, Onee-san supposes Feeu-chan could send a message saying Eisst-chan will be late. Something along the lines of, enjoying herself too much to leave?"

Eisst puffed her cheeks upon hearing her. This was the first time Yui saw Eisst do that and was extremely tempted by the moeness to act on her words. 

"I was just thinking about what you said," Eisst explained. "Is it true Wrath-san becoming a Witch to make friends?"

Yui's grin faded, she was not expecting this question, "... Yes, Mi-chan is a lonely child. A bastard Etativi came along and took advantage of her."

"Eisst-chan, would you be her friend?" Yui asked in earnest. Eisst open her mouth to reply but was stopped by Yui. "Before you decide lightly, let me warn you that my Mi-chan takes friendships very seriously. Give it some thought, you do not need to choose now."

Yui stopped their trek and threw a teleportation bead before them. A portal opened to reveal several TransMagica personnel going about their duty of clearing up the damaged area of the morning's fight, oblivious to the Witch and Magical Girls.

"Despite the unforeseen ending to our tea party, I've enjoyed both your company, Eisst-chan, Feeu-chan. I'll like to invite you back again, possibly with Aqua-chan and Argent-chan." She pulled Eisst in for a kiss on the cheek, "See you later, Eisst-chan. Think about what I said, I know Mi-chan would like you." Before pushing Eisst through the portal.

Yui was about to give Feeu her kiss but Feeu dodged and tried to step through the portal. Yui was prepared and easily caught her. Yui did not show mercy, spinning Feeu around until Feeu had to hold onto her so she would not fall. Yui crashed their lips together and slipped her tongue in, mixing saliva with Feeu. Feeu's legs almost gave out, only then did Yui free her.

"Take care, Feeu-chan." She said to the misty eyes Feeu. "I don't know what Eisst did, but I do know Eisst-chan is a good girl. She must not have meant whatever means things she said." Yui playfully spanked Feeu and pushed her through the portal even though Feeu wanted to say something.

In the end, the Magical Girls left the garden with more questions and troubling answers than when they first entered.


The sun had set by the time Yui took a shower to wash off the dirt and blood. She gently pushed open the bedroom door, checking on Miyu before heading to the basement to press Vili for an explanation about everything. Vili should have brought Envy there to do the treatment.

"Onee-chan..." Miyu called out in her sleep, a frown creased across her face. She was having a nightmare. 

"Onee-chan is here," Yui gave her a kiss on the forehead, stroking her hair. Miyu calmed down her frown melting away. Yui got up to leave but Miyu was clutching the corner of her clothes.

"I guess an explanation can wait." Yui got into bed with Miyu, her exhaustion from fighting a battle in the morning, having a good time in the afternoon, and getting injured finally caught up to her. She fell asleep cuddling her Miyu.



Yes, Vili looks like a purplish-black Kyubey (That little fuck) from Madoka Magica.


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