Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-11,5 Meanwhile Yui

 Yui got excited about the fight that started and started to leave the school with a quick step, which caused a few shocked eyes of the students who never saw her smiling. Everyone who saw her smile blushed because of how hot she looked with that light smile and sharp gaze.

When Yui left school she quickly went to a dark alley where she pulled a small amethyst pebble out of her bag. She crushed it into dust, which caused a flash of purple light from which a purple ribbon emerged, which moved like a living thing and started wrapping itself tightly around Yui, even without her orders. She was slightly surprised by this, apparently when she is not transformed, her artifacts absorb her cravings.

As for how she could summon her artifact, Vili showed her that by using a magic crystal in this case the demon core, she was able to use a partial transformation and she used it to summon one artifact. Thanks to the ability of the ribbon to devour mana, she wanted to suppress the magic impulse for the transformation, but not completely, however the Magical Girls are too far away and are fighting so they would not feel it anyway.

"Hey, girl." Yui heard a drunken voice and then looked back to see a drunken old guy looking at her with a filthy look and a disgusting smile. Disgusted Yui just said.

"Get lost!" Then she ignored him and began her transformation.

The purple ribbon shone and then wrapped itself around her whole body, a cross emerged from her breast and smashed into millions of pieces which revolved around Yui following the ribbons close to her body and then absorbed itself into her body, through which she began to shine in a unholy light that was far less bright than usual, allowing one to see more than just the silhouette but all the curves, entwining with the dark ribbon wrapping her. 

When the transformation was over, the ribbon was still on her, so she started to unwrap it by putting it on her hand. In her other hand there were several amethyst crystals, which were the cores of the demons that Yui had created last time. She made a small bag of mana, where she hid all the cores and placed them on her waist.


A hand grabbed her breast and fondle it, then another hand ran over her inner thigh, lifting her skirt slightly.

"O little Witch." A drunk man said, apparently not worrying about who Yui is. The girl calmly tried to grasp the hand touching her thigh but was stopped by the other hand that let go of her breast. "I can hand you over to the police you know, you are a criminal. Just give yourself up to me, and you'll love it. Right little slut?" His hand touching her thigh moved to her panties...


However, before he could do anything more he got hit with elbow in the belly, he didn't even groan when he flew a few metres back. He was too drunk and stupid, he didn't understand what situation he was in and thought only with his dick. Yui changed in front of him because any normal person would run away at the sight of the Witch. It wouldn't have made her a problem because he didn't see much of her face and he would probably have forgotten about her when he would have been freaking out.

Yui's gaze was cold as ice, her face was like a solid rock and had no facial expression. Slowly she approached the man who was on the ground holding on to his belly. The man looked at Yui with anger.

"Who do you think you are, bitch!" He started screaming. "Now you get it! HELP!!" He screamed all over his lungs with a smile on his face.

Yui was just tilting her head, unable to believe how big an idiot lies before her.  A minute passed and no one came. The man was surprised and shouted again... or rather he tried because Yui kicked him under the chin making the man fly on his back.

"You fuck..."

"Shut your mouth!"

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" Yui crushed his crotch with a strong stomp, it made him scream in agony. She repeated it again and again and as long as it took the man to stop screaming. Where his crotch was, now there is only a wet patch of blood and urine that came out in pain. Then she stood on him and wiped her shoe from his fluids on his clothes.

No one heard him scream for the simple reason that Yui put up a barrier. After all this, she leaned over slightly and said.

"Not without permission." Her empty look scared the man who had been crying for some time now.

"So farewell." She flew away.


Yui reached the battlefield, where the Witch fought the three Magical Girls, and one fought demons.

Without wasting any time, she went to the nearest clothing shop, which was close by and more importantly deserted. She approached each mannequin and placed demonic cores on its forehead as well as saw a mascot made of fabric and decided to place one in it as well.

The dummies quickly turned into sharp clawed demons, but the rest of their bodies looked the same as a normal dummy, only that it could move around. The clothes they wore turned into purple cloaks with a slit in the middle, making them look like wings when they levitated.

The little dog's mascot did not change in his plush except that his eyes now had an amethyst colour. He was chasing around Yui like a real dog and she squatted and stroke him, which made the demon wave its tail. 

At the very end she placed one core on the ground and then made a small casing for it out of her mana, creating a pseudo artifact whose only task was to collect the mana from the area that was in the air.

The final touch was to order the demon dog to collect demon cores from the battlefield and leave them here, after which she left one of the two black marble balls that she got from Vila and which could form temporary portals. When he collected them all, he had to teleport from here with all the prey, on her order.

At that point, suddenly, when she decided to leave the shop, the whole area was covered in crimson smoke, which Yui took advantage of by placing her demons on the battlefield and making them lie still.  On this order, their cloaks changed their colour to that of asphalt and then they ran away. Yui herself ran to the middle and hid under the cloak of one of her demons.

After a while, the smoke diluted, leaving only a light layer of it at ground level. At this point Yui noticed that all the Magical Girls are extremely focused on the Witch before them. She used as little mana as she could to sneak behind the Magical Girl who was not in the field of vision of anyone present except Yui. 

When she was behind the girl she used her ribbon to take her from behind and before the Magician Girl even reacted she grabbed her tits.


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