Magical Girls are the Best Toys

Ch-22 Passion in the middle of a fight

With the wolf fast approaching school, Argent wanted to break through the Witch's defence to stop him but, despite using all her strength, she could not do so. The demon resembling a driad, though weaker than her, had something that made her the worst possible oppenent for the Magical Girl to face.

The Witch created the driad with a special skill in mind, it was designed to stop Argent's attacks. The Witch could not stop them on her own, so she gave the demon the ability to absorb light, which proved to be a perfect defence.

In an attempt to bypass them, Argent attacked to create a cover using tens of small bullets that were blocked by the plant's shields while the Witch used her sword behind the cover. The sword was able to extend like a whip to attack the Magical Girl, but these attacks were repelled by a spear or barrier set at an ideal moment, with an angle that made the blade not blocked but simply diverted from its trajectory.

"You know you have to hurry!" The Witch cried out pretending to be very anxious with her voice, sending another volley of purple bullets that were shining in unholy light, curving their trajectory to attack Argent from all sides. "The great evil wolf may eat innocent children!"

"What do you want?!" Without playing games with the Witch, Argent cried out in a powerful voice demanding an answer, as she sent another four lasers towards her which, however were blocked by the shield of the driad, leaving only small burns which healed quickly. "What is your objective?!"

During their fight, although it seemed that the Witch and her demon had the advantage, it did not change the fact that their joint strength was still far too weak to match that of Argent, so much in fact that they had to keep retreating in order not to get into an extended melee fight, which would have ended fatally for them, so the Witch tried to occupy the Magical Girl with a conversation, but that did not help much.

"What do I want? Isn't that obvious? I just want to have fun with you, I love your reactions and I want to know them all just as much as I want to know your body." The Witch gave a completely honest explanation of her motivation to constantly attacking Argent, which surprised her greatly and temporarily slowed down her attack, apparently this response caused her to think about a few things. 

"You are crazy." Argent was only able to put her thoughts into words in such a way, being so surprised that she did not even react to the part of the Witch's statement that she wanted to practically have sex with her, only being able to look at her in shock thinking about what the Witch decided to say next.

"However, you are not making this easy for me, so I need persuasive force." Suddenly, she launched towards the school where her wolf had almost reached his destination, which surprised Argent, who quickly got over it before she too started following the Witch in order to hinder her despicable plan, not forgetting to attack with magical attacks, which were unfortunately blocked once again by a driad shield who started firing shots from her crossbow, slowing down Argent, who had to defend herself against them.


Fenrir, who finally reached the school, broke into it through the third floor window and quickly moved to the closest classroom in accordance with his master's orders. He was looking for a specific target, so when he finally reached it, he threw himself on the target without any kind of hesitation. It was a girl with black hair and eyes, who was very attractive, with a fearful expression on her face, which if someone took a closer look was artificial, but the students couldn't see it, too terrified, while running away, to think about others.

Apart from her, everyone started to run out of the classroom when she just squatted pretending to be scared, but the teacher stayed, the woman was apparently not as scared as the others and pulled something out of her desk that looked like a gun, but was too futuristic to be a device designed for gunpowder.

"Get the fuck out of here, you dog!" She screamed with a killer expression on her face, starting to shoot with great accuracy in the head area, but these attempts didn't bring much, as the blue magic bullets were stopped by a concentrated amethyst fog surrounding the wolf, which didn't even throw attention to the still barking woman and continued its mission.

The wolf threw itself at the girl, biting her waist lightly, gently to avoid even the slightest harm, she was practically all in his mouth as his head was practically as big as she was and quickly ran out of the classroom again through the window to go to the roof according to the master's plans, which he wanted to accomplish best of his skills.

"Come back here and leave her alone you motherfucker!!" The teacher shouted running after the wolf into a hole in the wall constantly yelling in desperation to start the wolf, which of course she couldn't do anything, consequentially she was left with alone only with hatred in her eyes.


The Witch, seeing the success of her wolf's attack, was pleased that she created a smile on her face that promised nothing good and looked back to see the terrified Argent, who increased the intensity of her attacks without paying attention to the consumption of her mana.

Her attacks flew to the right and left as if she was trying to blast through the shield of the driad, which worked to some extent since the demon was sent backwards with every repulsed attack. In this great bombing by Argent, the Witch too sometimes had to defend herself using her armour, and with each attack it gained more cracks, which started to concern the Witch.

However despite her great determination, the Magical Girl was not able to stop the wolf or the Witch, who were able to get to school and then go to its rooftop, where her loyal servant, who had done his mission excellently, had already been waiting for her, bringing a girl with black hair and eyes.

When Argent finally reached the roof of the school, only there did she sense any magical signals, what struck her was a huge cloud of black and violet smoke, which blinded her sense of vision as well as the magical one, so she couldn't sense anything, now only being able to use magic to disperse the smoke, which unfortunately ate her mana unnecessarily, it probably was another inescapable plan for the Witch, but she couldn't leave the hostage for a bit of mana in hands of demon.

After a magical burst that dispersed the fog to all sides from Argent in the centre, the girl saw something that made her grind her teeth in anger and annoyance as the Witch sat on the school roof in a big chair made of roots, stone and branches that still had leaves on them, a driad at her side slightly behind and a wolf that had a pinched girl under her paw that the Magical Girl knew. Yui was lying clearly unconscious with several tears on her clothes, surrounded by a concentrated dark shadow-like amethyst fog, which was apparently her cage and even the slightest movement of Argent made this cage react with small pulsations, tightening slightly.

"You finally came to me," The Witch, who crossed her legs in a seductive motion, said in a calm tone. "You made her wait for you. That's not nice, you know?"

"What do you want?" Argent asked as calmly as she could, she couldn't make any sudden moves to avoid provoking wolf or Witch, she didn't want to risk Yui's life, and even that thought clenched her heart.

"I have already told you what I want, didn't you listen to me?" The Witch, now apparently annoyed, asked. However, before long, a sadistic smile appeared on her face which caused goosebumps in Argent who remembered her words, but the Witch did not allow her to think for long and gave her order.

"Take off your clothes!"


Yui could not suppress her smile when she saw the shocked and flushed face of Argent, who could not find a good answer to her opponent's order, so she was still holding her weapon in her hand.

Her humour was also improved by the fact that Argent was torn between helping the hostage and attacking the Witch, even though they are one and the same person. Yui used the last demonic core to create her double, which is now sitting on the throne, being controlled by her, and her real body is now lying on the ground under Fenrir's paw, not reacting because Yui is concentrating all her attention on the double.

Before leaving school to fight the Magical Girls, she activated it to replace her in the classroom, although without her control it behaved a little bit stiffly, nobody noticed due to the panic, but now Yui have given him a full attention to shift control over it to confuse Argent.  Unfortunately, no matter how good the double is, being a combination of a demon with an artifact, it would always emit demonic energy, which Yui did not do without her transformation, so she switched places with it.

In the fog that she created, she swiftly transformed off herself while passing the rest of her mana to the double and started pretending to be unconscious, now without having to worry about anything, she can have fun with Argent, because the double transfers almost all its sensations to Yui, and no to mention she had now a good reason why her eyes have now become amethyst.

"So what are you waiting for?" Yui clapped her hands, on her face a sadistic smile, "We don't have all day, and I want to see everything properly."

Argent squinted her eyes in anger, looking into the eyes of the Witch, who leaned on her hand on the side of the chair, clearly taking pleasure in the Magical Girl's embarrassment and not knowing what to do, she opened her mouth to start arguing but... "Ahhhrrr" She heard the groaning of the captured 'Yui', apparently an impatient wolf threatened her not to make her mistress wait even a second longer, thus Argent lost all rights to object.

She dropped her silver spear which made a nice sound by hitting the ground, then she started unbuttoning her tailcoat, the buttons one by one were all undone and Argent pulled it down just by throwing it to the ground, showing that underneath it she wore only a black sleeveless T-shirt, it was also visible that she was not wearing a bra, which attracted the attention of the Witch who focused on her tits, which embarrassed the Magical Girl.

She then took off her gloves and shoes, putting them aside, and driven by the wolf's growling, she started taking off her black shorts, leaving only her black plain panties behind, now standing in her underwear. Knowing that this wasn't the end of it, she hardened her resolve and began to take off her t-shirt, then her panties, standing now completely naked, being able to protect her secret places only with her hands from the predatory eyes of the Witch, in which she saw a tremendous hunger.

"Come!" She commanded like to a trained dog, Argent walked up to her, while invited by Witch free hand finger who moved slowly, so the Magical Girl started to approach her, constantly hiding with her hands from the Witch, who was still sitting in the chair and who then clapped her hands on her thigh. "Sit!"

Argent hesitated for a moment however, when she noticed that the Witch's smile began to shrink a little, in panic she overcame her shame and sat on her lap like a small child, where she was surprised by the feeling of a hand on her waist that drew her further to the Witch. Now, being so close to the Witch, she was able to feel the girl's sizeable breasts on her bare skin and couldn't help but notice her blushing face, which did not want to listen to her.

"Ahhhh!" The Witch's cold hand touched the underside of the Magical Girl's breast and she jumped slightly with shock along with moaning, causing a little giggle in the Witch and shame in Argent, who couldn't do anything about it. One hand on the waist and the other on the chest, where both began to massage the body of Argent, who in the blink of an eye became aroused to her dislike, but even if she started complaining, it is not as if the Witch would listen to her, so she must endure until someone will come to help her with this bitch. For Yui, she has to stand it, that is what she told herself.

"How does it feel?" The Witch asked Argent to her surprise, now starting to massage her belly and getting another moaning, then whispered in Magical Girl's ear, to finished her question. "Your companions are fighting, the girl is waiting for you to rescue her and you are being filled with pleasure by me, how does it feel?"

"What! I don't... Ahhhh!" Argent started screaming in anger, but was silenced by the Witch, who squeezed the erected nipple of Magical Girl making her moan loudly. The Magical Girl could only clench her fist to the teasing of the Witch, deciding not to give out even one more moan. However, this attitude, which the Witch quickly noticed and considered a challenge, she decided to break it.

"What do you mean, no? When are you so wet already?" The Witch took her hand from the Magical Girl's belly and quickly sent it to Argent's pussy, where she started to ride her finger along the slit, which was indeed already quite wet. "Ahhhh" Argent clenched her teeth with all her might, but despite this, she was unable to stop her moaning because of a sudden attack, thus breaking her little promise.

"Ha ha" The Witch giggled, Argent just turned her head to look furiously into her eyes, but no matter how furious she was with her red face and the eyes in which the tears began to form she looked unbelievably sexy and this only excited the Witch more, as she showed by grabbing the girl's chin with her hand and kissing her by pushing her tongue into the Magical Girl's mouth.

"Mmyyy" She wanted to break away but was unable to do so because her hands were grabbed by a driad who, in this moment, by order of her master, lifted the girl slightly, turning her towards the Witch and chained her hands and legs to a wooden stool created by the skill of the demon. Argent, now with her legs open and her hands over her head attached to the branches that extended from the chair, still had her mouth invaded by the Witch's tongue, which dominated the her own.

Their kiss lasted quite a long time and Argent was starting to run out of breath, but the Witch did not intend to stop, leaving her only for a moment where she could not even catch one whole breath and during this she took her other hand and started to massage her pussy again, which was already soaked.

It was only with her eyes that she commanded the driad who, following her new instruction, positioned herself behind Argent and began to squeeze her breasts with her hands that had a rough structure, which started to excite the girl more and more, especially when the demon began to use a translucent gold syrup, from her wooden parts to increase the sensations of the Magical Girl who now had gold cloaking her breasts.

"*pant*, *pant*, *pant*" Argent breathed deeply as she was finally freed from the Witch's merciless kiss, leaving between them a thread of saliva. The Witch kept massaging her pussy though, causing her to twitch in her lower parts and, though she didn't want to admit it, she was getting close to cumming, which was clearly visible to the Witch based on her behaviour. "Y-you finished?"

"Don't you want more?" The Witch answered with a question, stopping all her movements for a moment and telling the demon to do the same, Argent's body slightly twitched, even though she said she didn't want it, her body had the completely opposite opinion. At this sight, the Witch just smiled sweetly, which made Argent's heart jump a bit and she quickly looked at herself. "You know, it is not healthy to oppose the needs of your body."

"Ahhhh!" With these words, the Witch pushed her fingers into Argent's pussy, before the hymen, causing the girl who was holding back all the time, while being on the verge on cumming, to finaly cum. Her vision to become blurred for a moment, her back to arch and the strength to completely drain from Argent's body.

The Witch, however, did not intend to finish so quickly, as they still had some time, so she ordered the driad to perform her final mission, a large mushroom grew out of her crotch with its head close to the shaft, setting it at the entrance to the Magical Girl's ass, who jumped weakly at an unknown feeling. Argent turned her head just to see how the fungus of driads soaked in her syrup giving it a golden gleam was forced into her anus. "Aaaaaaa!" It caused her to scream in pain.

So far, the driad has not moved, letting Argent get used to the feeling of having something big in her anus and her eyes this time started to tear more from pain than from something else. The Witch at that time licked her fingers to clean Argent's juices, who looked at her happy face with a compiled expression, there was a anger beacouse of fungus bull up her ass, disgrace, embarrassment and pure shock. At the very end, the Witch put half-cleaned fingers in Argen's mouth, which she unconsciously started to lick herself, only after a while realizing what she was doing and stopping when she felt taste of her fluids combined with the Witch's saliva, she could only look away not wanting to say anything.

"So let's continue." She whispered in her ear and then again caught Argen in a passionate kiss this time the girl did not put up such a defence as she had previously done, too tired or resigned to worry about it, but that did not mean that she allowed herself to do whatever the Witch wanted with her and kept wriggling to free herself from her but knew that it was impossible.

"Ahhh... Myyy!" The Driad started thrusting her mushroom into the anus of Argent and the Witch returned to play with her pussy, which was tight to her fingers, only in the break for air during the kiss was she able even to moan, it all quickly led her to another orgasm, but this time her opponents did not stop their attack and continued as they wanted.

In the end however, after a few orgasms, the driad, during Argent's next climax, sent a large amount of her golden syrup from her fungus into the anus of the Magical Girl who started to wriggle in shock, but after a while she stopped, now only her ass moved a little by itself, trembling slightly, which pleased the Witch who finally dropped Argent to the ground. The girl could barely sit down, not knowing what the Witch was going to do now and did did not know what to do herself, she could only feel the fluid coming out of her anus.

"We're done!" She shouted out satisfied with herself, then turned to the driad. "You know what to do."

"Hey... what? Ahhhh! " The driad approached Argent, who was too weak to do anything, picked her up, then pushed something into her anus, it came in without much trouble and even made her moan nicely. The demon, however, continued and wove a root strip around her waist, which connected to a plug that she pushed in Argent to prevent the syrup from leaking from inside her and then unceremoniously let her down.

"Dress up, your cavalry has arrived, you can't look so incompetent." The Witch said then she threw a black marble, which created a black portal into which her demons entered, leaving Yui and Argent together with the Witch, who only turned and sent the Magical Girl's a kiss. "I can't wait for the next time, nobody will disturb us then."

She walked in after these words, leaving the roof of the school terribly quiet, and Argent could not stop thinking about the words of the Witch that now rumble in her head and the girl could only swallow her saliva, red from the implications of these words.

However, when she looked at her companions, she saw that the support arrived in the form of TransMagia units, which pleased her, but she remembered that she was completely naked and quickly started dressing, not even taking off the plug, ignoring the feeling of fullness she felt. She ran up to Yui to check her condition and as she thought she was completely fine, only unconscious, which caused her to sigh out in relief.


Aqua and Feeu were pissed off at the demons because they didn't take them seriously, when they were almost able to destroy the shields of the demons, they used the skill of the bears to restore them, and the masked demons started firing flying slashes from their blades, from which they had trouble defending themselves. Even the forest wolves began to use their control skills over the wood to attack with their tails like spears that could barely break through their barriers.

Demons only began to reveal their skills when support from TransMagica arrived, just as they did after the fight with the Crimson Witch, and they started to shoot their magic rifles at the demons, who then had no choice but to go all out, especially as someone else showed up with the support team. 

A man shorter than his teammates was wearing a black grey body suit which had the TransMagica crest on its chest. His outfit looked like it was pulled out of a Sci-Fi film, where he was visibly armored and gave the man a strong image. On the ankles by the shoes, knees on the sides, waist on both sides, shoulders and back on the shoulder blades there were protruding elements on the ball joints which were even more heavily armored than the rest, they were magic engines from which they allowed him to fly.

The weapon of choice of the warrior were two machine guns that had blades under the barrel of half a meter long and were shooting magical bulets of grey and black colour. They were able to hurt the shields of the demons, but these created a unified front to defend themselves and opened a magical portal behind them to escape.

"I won't let you get away!" Aqua screamed, angry at the demons who treated her without seriousness and threw herself into pursuit. She used all the remaining mana to create a giant water drill that she threw at them, but it was stopped by a demonic bear that took it on, using his skill to keep on repairing itself and to help all the bears use their skill on it too, while the demons with shields strengthened him.

Forest wolves attacked the isolated Magical Girl, interrupting her attack and saving the already half destroyed bear, throwing themselves at her and entangling her in the roots using their skill and then escaping to the portal, the Magic Girl still entangled in their root tails.

So they accidentally kidnapped Aqua through the portal to the paralysing shock of everyone present.

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