Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 34: First Day Training Part Two

Cedric had me pick out a wooden sword. Once I found one with decent weight and took off my own sword and placed it down, I strapped the wooden sword to my belt. "You ready now, Rei?"

Hearing Cedric ask if I was ready, I nodded my head and stood in a lazed stance. Seeing my stance, Cedric seemed to have a light flash in his eyes which kind of confused me but to be honest my stance may have seemed lazy at first glance but if you had looked closely you would see that I had no openings. I was going to do one of my best skills in this fight to see if I could pull it off. It was called drawing. It required speed and precision. If I was too slow on the draw it would mean an instant loss for me. Although I was one hundred percent sure I would lose on this first spar, my blood was still boiling with excitement. 

This brought me back to the times I would spar with my father back on Earth, the strongest man I ever fought. No matter what, I could never beat him. But my blood would always boil when I went to spar with him. Just the thought of fighting someone strong was kind of a thing for me I guess. Yes, I may be strange and I know what you are thinking. 'Why would a girl love fighting so much?' Well, when you grow up in a dojo and your daily life revolves around different forms of martial arts you would also have somewhat of a violent streak in you. I know it is not ladylike but what can I say. The feeling of trying to overcome a strong foe was very exciting to me.

"Okay, Rei, I will let you make the first move!" Cedric yelled over to me. Only then did my stance change.

I bent down slightly, put my hand on the hilt of my wooden sword, and pushed off the ground with my foot, propelling me forward. I could see the slight surprise in Cedric's eyes as he readied his sword. He was watching my movements like a predator waiting to pounce. But unfortunately for him, his eyes were giving his movements away. I was always taught to watch muscle movement and eye movement. This would allow me to grasp how my opponent was going to attack. Of course, you could never just focus on one thing and had to watch both at the same time which made this technique hard to learn. 

As I got closer I could see that Cedric was getting ready to attack. A faint smile formed on my face. 'He will do a faint then attack from the side.' I sped up even faster and just as I was about to reach his area of attack, I pivoted my body to a sudden halt and moved to the left quickly drawing my sword. 





"Good! Very good! You did not disappoint me!" Cedric yelled out with a hearty laugh. All the while I was rubbing the new bump on my head… I never expected him to be so fast! He was even faster than my father was back on Earth!

"You didn't need to hit so hard..." I said with a pout. But this just made Cedric laugh even louder.

"Haha! If you do not feel the pain how will you learn? I did go lighter than I would for my disciples and knights. Come, let's go another round before breakfast." Cedric said while pushing me to go back to my starting place. 

Like this, I ended up with four more fresh bumps on my head. I am wondering if any of my brain cells were killed during today's spar. "Sorry, I seem to have gone overboard, but, Rei, it has been a long time since I have fought a worthy opponent. If you were to use magic with your attacks, it would be hard to know who would win. Especially if you used defense magic." 

Listening to Cedrics words I could understand what he was saying. Not just defense magic but if I had used wind magic to make my body lighter and faster, I could definitely hit him no problem. As I thought more and more my eyes began to light up. "Hehe… Dad lets go on more time. This time with magic!" 

"Hah! Good, let's see how your magic fares!" Cedric said excitedly. 

I got back into my stance and took a deep breath before closing my eyes visualizing the kind of magic I wanted to use. Once I had a general image, I said: "Here I come!" And shot forward.

Wind gathered under my feet, boosting my speed and lightening my body. I could feel myself going at least five times faster than before. I homed in on my target and held the hilt of my wooden sword. Just as I reached Cedric I drew my sword.





I now had six bumps on my head. I didn't even get to see how Cedric moved, never mind guarding against it. I got up and rubbed my head. Dust and dirt was all over my armor. I looked like a mess. But even still, I had fun.

"Not bad, you need to learn control over your magic. You show your movements too much and your magic is easy to detect. But your choice of attack was correct. You went in for a one hit kill which is the right move when facing a superior opponent. After breakfast, you will fight with Able and work on your basic hand to hand combat using magic. Feel free to thrash him however you like. Just make sure you two can still have kids in the future." Cedric said jokingly. Even though I knew it was a joke, I still couldn't keep my face from blushing. 


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