Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 36: Internal Energy Cultivation Part One

I could tell by the look on Master Felix's face that he seemed to have given up on teaching me this morning. He walked over and patted me on the head and said: "I will be back in the afternoon to train you. I will leave your junior sister here to learn a thing or two from watching the magic knights." 

I frowned a little knowing Angelina was going to still be here but quickly replaced it with a smile: "I will be sure she is attended to." 

Although I was slightly reluctant and it was probably written all over my face, I still would not treat Angelina badly as long as she did not try to start with me, she was Master Felix's disciple after all, and as her now senior sister, I had to play my part. Master Felix seemed to realize this and gave me a nod in approval. "Then I will see you both later. Angelina, do not cause any problems for your senior sister." 

Angelina gritted her teeth and gave a slight bow: "I won't Master." 

After giving another nod Master Felix left in a puff of magic. This startled me but also made me curious what kind of spell he had just used. I figured I could ask him later on when I saw him. In any case, I need to make sure Angelina was taken care of before I could do anything else. "Miss Angelina, I am not sure if you have eaten this morning, if not, please let me know, I will be sure to have someone bring you something to eat." 

Angelina seemed puzzled by how I addressed her and gave me a weird look. "Not going to rub it in my face that you are the senior sister?' 

"No, why would I? I only call you by that form of address when Master is around. Otherwise, it is more comfortable to just call you Miss Angelina. Even that is stretching it thin. If it was not for the fact that you were a fellow disciple of Master's, I would not even accommodate you or offer you breakfast and frankly, I would just kick you out. I know you do not like me and wish I would disappear but you need to understand one thing if you wish to continue being Master's disciple." I said as I gave her a serious look. I was not trying to tease her or degrade her with what I was about to say.

But she still glared at me and said: "Oh and what would make me not be Master's disciple?"

"Your actions in front of Master. Listen, if you hate me fine, do whatever you can to me, but, do not let Master see your contempt for me or you may just end up losing your place as his disciple because I am not one to sit back and pretend I didn't see anything. If you glare at me I will point it out right away, if you slander me I will beat you up, if you try to harm me I will beat you up until you are on the last thread of your life, and if you even try to harm my friends or my family I will kill you outright. I have killed before so taking one more life won't mean anything to me. " My words were not a pretend threat. No, they were real. I did not care for the strange looks I was getting, I just wanted to make my point clear. If she dared to try to harm me in any shape or form there would be repercussions for her actions. 

I guess my words scared her because her face had suddenly paled but I did not care. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and tapped my foot while looking at her and asked once again: "Are you hungry or not?"

"Ah? No. No, I am fine." Angelina said, shaking her head.

"Alright then, if you get hungry just ask one of the maids here they will happily get you something to snack on. Also if you wish to learn how to use a sword, let me know I will have someone teach you." I left these words and walked back over to Cedric leaving a dazed Angelina behind. 

Seeing that I was done, Cedric quickly took me to the side and had me sit down. "Okay, Rei, cultivating internal energy is basically storing magic into your body that can be called upon at any time to give you a massive explosion in strength. Although you use magic as an energy source it is not actually doing anything but boosting your body's abilities internally and only lasts until the magic in your body disappears, or you turn the boost off yourself. After each use, you will need to replenish the magic you used."

The more I was hearing the more it sounded like nothing more than using magic to boost your abilities. How did storing magic become internal energy? Was it because you did not use it outwards? "System, care to explain?" 

"Rei, the magic contained within the body does turn into a different kind of energy. But it also helps build your magic power as well. The cultivation method I gave you earlier to make your magic stronger will have the same effect. It not only makes your magic stronger but also builds up magic within your body that turns into this internal energy, allowing for a limited time explosion of power." The system answered happily. I wonder if it is because I barely talk to it even though it does call my name from time to time. 

In any case, I now understood. So the magic that is stored within the body is turned into a new kind of energy. This made more sense than just storing magic into my body. Otherwise, it would just be considered a kind of magic spell. 


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