Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 39: Magic Lessons Part Two

"Alright now that Rei has come back to us, let's continue the lessons. First, one must understand that magic is something that can be good and bad." Master Felix then waved his hand creating a diagram in the air in front of me and Angelina. "As you can see here magic can be put into a few categories. 

"The first category is Battle Magic. This is further split down to attack, defense, and support magic. Attack magic is just like earlier when, the off in her own little world Rei, shot out a fireball when testing her ability to handle magic." It seemed Master Felix was never going to let this incident go but I did see a small sly smile on his face as he said his words.

"Attack magic can be any element or mix of elements. It can range from direct attacks to indirect attacks, and even creating golems to do the attacking for you. 

"Defence magic can also use any kind of element or mix. It can consist of creating magical shields, armor, and even barriers. The power of the defense is also based on how strong your ability to use magic is.

"Support magic is a bit different. Think of it as a person who stands in the backline of a formation during battle casting heals on the front line as well as defensive magic and even buffing the targeted person's abilities. They are normally protected by a few defensive mages that will block the attacks trying to take out the support magicians. They are what keep the battle going and should never be looked down upon. These three categories are the basis of all battle magic. " Master Felix looked at me and Angelina and asked: "Any questions thus far? These are all things that will be taught to you during the academy. You can raise your head proud when you enter the Magic Academy because you will be a few years ahead of them in knowledge when you first arrive."

Hearing Master Felix say this made me excited because I really did want to graduate from the academy at the top of my class. If it was my old life, where I had to walk to and fro from school, sit in class, take tests, and deal with the everyday norm, the thought of coming in first in the class never mind the grade was a pipe dream. Mainly because school was a boring place and my attitude during that time was also not the best. All I cared about was playing my otome games and dreaming about love. But the Magic Academy was different. It was an amazing place. You lived on campus and went to school to learn about magic and magic theory. This whole world functions on magic so things like math and other subjects all incorporated magic. The best part was the battle assessment. It helped rank the students based on their abilities. This kept the kids in some classes who were failing from always staying in the top class. 

This was why classes were lettered and numbered from S class which was the best class, to 0 class which was the worst class. During the assessment to enter the Academy only the top twenty students could enter the S class. From there the lettered classes ranged from A to F. After which it was just numbered classes which ranged from 10 to 0. 

Resources were also divided up based on rank. So it really made for high competition for those who were willing to better themselves. It was easy to get up a rank during battle assessments. All you had to do was defeat someone from a higher ranked class. A simple manner right? Well not necessarily. Let's put it like this. During the monthly assessment, you could not fight anyone two ranks higher than yourself. Only during the main tests held twice a year, could you jump to a letter class from a number class if you were lucky enough to beat your opponent. During that time you could be in the 0 class and still challenge an S class member to take their spot, it all came down to ability. 

According to the game, Magical Love, Able and Alissa, and the other male leads were all in the S class. I hopped in the future Alissa would be able to settle down and be with one of the male leads. I was more than content with being with Able. But if one thing led to another I am not sure if I would fight with Alissa or not for Able. Only the future can tell.

"Now that you know this you must also know that there are two more categories of magic. Daily magic that is useful within the home and on the job. Then there are special kinds of magic that are considered very rare. They are called S class magic and only a few people in the world can cast them. This consists of time and space magic, void magic, holy magic, and armageddon magic. Only those with the proper elements can cast these kinds of magic." Master Felix went on to explain.

Thinking of the proper elements I raised my hand and asked: "Master, how do we know which magic elements we are? I know I can cast many kinds of magic..."

"Rei you are what we call an anomaly. Most people can only cast a few kinds of magic, like 2 or 3, while you are able to cast many. Earlier I had you cast different kinds of magic because I wanted to see where your limits were. But it was foolish of me to think you even had a limit. I should have realized this when I noticed that your weapon was an artifact weapon."


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