Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 42: Taking Things To The Extreme

"You fucking bitch! I will kill you!" Sara yelled at the top of her lungs. Her true colors finally showing. I couldn't help but smirk. This girl was very young but had such a mouth and evil thoughts.

I leaned down and looked coldly at Sara: "You want to kill me? Then I will give you a chance." 

"Rei?" Able was confused by my words I guess but I did not say anything as I reached down and grabbed Sara by her hair.

"Ahh! Young Master save me!" Sara once again yelled out as she reached out trying to latch on to Able. 

I quickly jerked Sara away and dragged her behind me by her hair as I walked back out of the house and made my way back to the training grounds. Able and Alissa quickly followed after me. Neither of them said a word to try to help Sara. Even Cedric who was walking towards us went to raise his hand to say hi but paused when he saw me dragging a person behind me.

"Able what is going on?" I heard Cedric ask Able as I walked by. I was very pissed off. This girl continued to bother me and even after I dislocated her wrist, she was still screaming at me calling me a bitch and even threatened to kill me.

"I think Sara is about to receive a punishment that will make her wish she was dead..."Able replied. Even he was unsure if what he said was correct or not. 

"Oh… Then I will bear witness. But what brought this on?"

"She threatened to kill Rei and Rei snapped..." Able answered.

"I see… then I have a feeling Sara is going to be traumatized for life..." I couldn't see their expressions and I am not sure if they condoned my actions but I will never let someone threaten my life to my face.

I walked into the training field and waited for everyone to enter. Once they did I imagined a barrier that would surround the entire training field that would allow anyone to pass through it except Sara. Once I got a clear picture I waved my hand and a blue barrier formed covering the area causing everyone to look at me with shocked expressions.

After the barrier was up, I tossed Sara to the ground in front of me. " You said you wished to kill me. Now here's your chance. There are swords on the side or you can use magic. If you can kill me then try. But fair warning, I will be retaliating."

With tears in her eyes, Sara slowly climbed up from the ground. Her eyes were filled with hatred and killing intent as she looked at me. "Slut! I will show you! Oh, flames of hell I call upon you to burn my fo….. Ahhh! Hot! It burns!" 

Before she could finish her spell, I waved my hand lighting Sara's entire body on fire. Head to toe she was covered in flames. Her hair, her skin, and even her clothes were burning. Her screams were enough to make anyone cringe. I do not know if I am cruel or maybe I have something wrong with my head but I did not look away as I watched her slowly die in front of me. I have already died once. I do not wish to die. I am afraid of death. So when someone outright threatens to kill me I will not stand idly by and let them have a chance. I would instill fear into this girl so much so that she would never dare to show up in front of me again.


"Able you were right, Sara is about to learn a lesson she will never forget. Rei was right to bring her here. In this place, you can die and you will be brought back to life instantly as if nothing had ever happened, but the pain is completely real. It may seem cruel but if she does this, Sara will always have an everlasting fear of Rei." Cedric said while nodding his head. 

Able looked up at Cedric and also nodded. " Your right. Rei is very kind. Even when she beat Sara up last time, she was not this mad. But once Sara mentioned killing Rei, Rei snapped and dragged her here. But I also feel like this is the right course of action as well. It will allow Rei to instantly stabilize her place as a Ronstine."

"This is correct. But Able, may I ask what is wrong with Miss Coborne here?" Cedric looked at Alissa who was watching the whole scene in front of her with sparkly eyes.

"She's a Rei fanatic, just ignore her." Able replied not taking his eyes off of Rei for an instant.

Looking at Alissa and then at his son Cedric shook his head and sighed: "Seems she is not the only one..."


After Sara died the first time, I walked over to where the respawn area was and waited for Sara to respawn. When she did Sara came charging at me again, her face even more vicious as before. She had no weapons and her hands were aimed straight for my face. "Fucking bitch die! Ahhh!"

I once again lit her on fire and let her slowly burn up. This process continued ten more times until finally when Sara respawned she fell to her knees and begged: "Young Miss, please, no more I don't want to be burned alive aga… Ahhh!" 

After almost two hours of repeating this process, Sara finally spawned and curled up into a ball shivering. Only now did I feel she had suffered enough. I walked over to her which made her shiver even more as tears poured from her eyes. "If you ever appear in front of me again, hire anyone to harm me, or anything else of this nature. I will truly roast you alive. Do you understand? If you do, nod your head?" 

Sara quickly nodded her head not daring to look at me. Seeing this, I waved my hand making the barrier I put up disappear, and walked back over to where Able was standing. I did not say a word as I walked up to him and put my head on his shoulder. I don't know what came over me. I just felt I needed someone to comfort me at that time. What I just did, did not sit well with me but I felt it had to be done. I had to do something extreme in order to stop Sara before she did something to me that I would not be able to escape from. Able must have understood my feelings because he hugged me tightly which made me lose the tough front I was trying to uphold as my tears fell from my eyes. His warmth spread throughout my body allowing me to feel real again...


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