Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 55: Adventurers Guild Part One

"Rei too slow! If that was a monster, you would have died already!" Cedric was personally training me now. He decided since I was being trained by Master Felix in magic he would make sure my swordsmanship was at the same level. This I did not mind but I will say, this training was hard. Every morning now, I have to be up before the sun rises and then made to run ten laps around the estate. By the time I am done, I would be covered in sweat which meant I would need to get washed up, and then, I can finally eat a single egg for breakfast before returning back to training. For lunch, I would have a large meal with a lot of meat to feed my muscles. At night I had to do another ten laps and a light meal full of protein. On top of that my system was now on hiatus so it can be upgraded. This was to take a month. So until then, I would be without any extra assistance. But I can at least still view my stats.

I was actually afraid this kind of routine was going to make me a muscle girl but so far I haven't gained any weight. Although It has only been two days. "Rei, we need to work more on your speed. From now on you will be wearing these weights." And out of nowhere, Cedric makes my already tough workout even tougher. 

It had been two days since the day Able kissed me on the lips. I still blush just thinking about it. But I found talking with Able has become more comfortable than before. I do not know if it is because we had that talk or if it is because we entered a new phase in our relationship, but even last night before I went to bed he snuck in a kiss when I was least expecting it. It was nothing more than a few second peck on the lips but it still made my heart race. Luckily it was not only me that was blushing since I saw Able's cheeks grow a tinge of pink last night. 

"Alright time for lunch. Rei, Able, you two stay for a minute I need to talk to you." Cedric said as he waved his hand for us to come over. "Able I am not sure if you heard about this, but the Magical Academy test is very hard, and part of the test is to venture out and kill monsters out in the Misty Forest. To prepare you for this, I will have you both join the adventurers guild and take on requests. These requests go from killing monsters to escorting a caravan and many other things as well. Rei, I have already talked to Great Magus Felix and he has agreed with my judgment on this. He has also said your ability with magic was at a genius level and needed real-world practice anyway. So after lunch, I want the two of you to go to the adventures guild and sign up." 

Joining the adventuring guild sounded somewhat fun but more importantly it would get me out of having to wear these weights all day long or so I thought: "Rei this does not mean you can slack on training either. You will be wearing weights every day from now on even while on guild requests ." Sadly Cedric proved me wrong.

So after a hefty lunch that made me feel heavy, Able and I decided to walk it off on our way to the adventures guild. "Rei, have you heard about the adventures guild at all?"

"No, I was stuck in my little attic without knowing much of the outside world until I finally couldn't take anymore. I spent the years after my mother's death being treated worse than a beggar on the streets, so I did not have much time to learn things." This was the story I came up with. For the most part, my words were true. How many of them I was not sure. I came to this world with no memories of the life the original owner had lived. I was basically just tossed into this world with the system to give me a little bit of direction and information. Luckily my skills were steadily progressing but so were my enemies. The last I looked my stats looked like so.

Character Name: Rei Lancaster

Intellect: 1

Charisma: 4

Fitness: 4

Arts: 0

Martial Arts: 4

Magic Power: 8

Business: 0

Internal Energy Rank: 3

Love Points: 5

Love Interest: 

Able : 10

Alissa: 4

System Points: 6100

People Of Interest: 

Grace Fortlon: Enemy 10

Reed Lancaster: Enemy 5

Kyle Lancaster: Friend 8

Emily: Friend 10

Able Ronstine: In love 1

Alissa Coborne: Interested 10

Great Magus Felix: Friend 10

Angelina Borksmark: Friend 6

Sara: Frightened 10

Venessa: Enemy 10 ++ 

Princess Feia: Enemy 5, Frightened 5

One thing I noticed right away was Able had now gone from Interested to In Love. This makes me very happy to the point that just thinking about it makes me giggle. I will have to ask the system when it returns if there is a way to categorize these things better. Maybe it will be part of the upgrade who knows. At any rate, as long as Able loves me I am happy. 

"That's right too. Sorry, Rei I forgot..." Able lowered his head as if he did something wrong. It was rather cute.

I smiled as I grabbed his hand and interlocked my fingers with his. "No need to be sorry. You did nothing wrong." My words seemed to perk him up as he gripped my hand and blinded me with his handsome face and warm smile that would melt any girl's heart.

"One thing I should warn you is that not all the people at the adventurers guild are good people. I have heard of some adventures doing off the record jobs. Some even try to rob other adventures out in the field. So no matter what, be extra careful when other adventures show up." Able warned me. And to be honest I was not the slightest bit surprised. I mean money talks when you are in need of it. I hate to admit it but sometimes those off the record jobs more than likely pay a higher reward than the ones they get from the guild. 


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