Magical Love: Learn To Love In Another World

Chapter 57: Guild Test Part One

Able and I decided to try the food here since we had to wait before we could take our test. We only got some meat on a stick, what kind of meat I do not know, but it at least tasted good. "Able do you know what the test will be?" 

"If I remember right, dad told me it was a series of tests. They check your magic and strength. Then it is a combat test. I believe they have an ex-B rank adventurer who oversees the combat test." Able explained. I guess I should not use my full strength. I do not want to make a scene at the adventurers guild. I just want to test out my skills in an actual battle by taking on requests. 

"I will be holding back then..." I said as I finished off my meat on a stick.

"Yeah, I will be too. By the way. The Academy gives credits to those who have an E rank or higher with the adventurers guild. So it will come in handy to reach your goal of graduating at the top of the school." Able said suddenly which was very good news to me. 

"Since we got nothing else to do today, then let's take a request right after signing up!" I said excitedly. I mean the sooner we started the better right? We have two years until we could take the assessment to enter the academy. My first goal was to enter S class right from the start. So combined with a few extra credits from having a decent rank with the adventures guild it should be good, right? 

"Sounds good to me. Do you want to do a kill request or..." Able was interrupted when someone called out our names.

"Able Ronstine, Rei Lancaster, You can take your test now!" Able and I looked at each other and nodded before getting up and walking to the door on the side wall. 

After passing through the door, I was surprised to see that we were outside. It seemed the middle of the guild was an outdoor arena. It was fairly big, at least the same size as the training field at Able's house. Beside Abel and I, there were eight other people here. They range from all ages. There was even a little boy younger than us here. His clothes were dirty and ragged, I could only guess he was an orphan or someone from the slums. It was common for kids from poor families to become adventurers at a young age to help support the family. Sometimes the child had no parents but still had younger siblings. Not many places would hire someone so young, so adventuring was their best bet for a steady income. 

Sadly whether they were young or old, some of them would not return from their first request due to bad luck. Some would take a kill request thinking they could earn some fast cash but ended up overestimating their abilities and end up dying to their prey. 

Besides these ten people and the older man with a scar over his right eye, there were two large stones on each side of the arena. My guess was that these were for the strength and magic tests. It was when Able and I lined up with the others, did the older looking man finally step forward with a smile on his face. "Good you all here. My name is Ray Thomson. I will be overseeing your test today. This test will not allow you to quickly rise in rank. But it will give us a good idea if you are cut out to become an Adventurer or not. Although your lives are your own to take care of. You still must meet a certain criteria in order to even take your first request. Even if that request is to collect herbs it does not matter. Any time venturing outside of the city can end your life. Whether it is bandits or monsters, they are all out there and are able to take your life easily. "

"I do not say this to be mean, I do this so you will not lose your life. Alright, with that all said, let's start off with introductions. We will start off with you." Ray pointed at a young girl who looked to be around fifteen to sixteen years of age. She had long green hair and pointed ears. She was quite a beauty. 

"My name is Marsil, I am a half breed. I know most of you think us half breeds are dirty but do not think just because I'm a half that I can not kill you." Marsil looked at everyone with a cold look until her eyes landed on me causing a look of surprise on her face. Mainly because I smiled and waved at her. 

I mean I come from a world where race is not an issue. So half breed, full breed, none of this mattered to me. But in this world, half breeds were very much frowned upon. Most would be bullied by their peers or kicked out of the villages they lived in all because they were born a half breed. To me, this was highly unfair. I mean you do not get to pick and choose how you were born. Whether you were born disfigured, halfbreed, or normal, it should matter. Your race no matter when or where should not be judged by anyone. Luckily for Marsil, she has lived free all the way to her current age. Most half breeds are sold off to slavery. Which normally does not give them a good end. 

The introductions continued until it finally reached the young boy who stood next to Able. "My name is Sam, as you can see I am an orphan with no parents but I have two little sisters who rely on me. No matter what today I will be passing this test so I can take care of what family I have left." 


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