Magical Merchant in Fairy Tail

Page 357

When this ship was made, there was no means to solve the dragon slayer's seasickness, so even if Laxus, Natsu and Wendy regained their strength, they would still spend the next four or five days in seasickness. day boat ride.

"You seem to care about them?"

Timaria rolled her eyes slyly, glanced at the protoss key bag on the table, and then asked with three points of doubt, "Especially which blonde woman, are you really the same as her mother?" know?"

Brandish didn't answer, but ate hard, as if nothing could disturb her tasting the food.

Although the two have known each other for many years and have a good relationship, she does not want to tell others about her past with her mother.

After the air was silent for several seconds, Timaria also saw that the other party had no intention of answering, so she could only shake her head helplessly: "It's fine if you don't want to say it."

After that, she turned and walked out of the room to deal with other matters.

The so-called other matters are naturally not doing some messy and indescribable things with Erza, Eba Green, Lucy and Wendy who were captured, but a very serious and serious matter, and they are also The reason for appearing here is to allow the Alvarez Empire to station troops on Galakel Island!

This is the arrangement of the Consul Imber.

Without Jeref's permission, they can't easily start a war against Ishkar, but if they don't fight now, it doesn't mean they won't fight in the future. After conquering Ishkar, they still have to consider the procedures for the exchange between the two continents, as well as some messy things .

In order to expand the territory of the Alvarez Empire, to prevent spies from mixing into the empire, and to better manage the exchanges between the two continents in the future, it is necessary to occupy the island group in the middle.

There are a large number of these islands on the sea, with a large flow of people and complex humanities. Some of them are self-reliant countries, and some are lawless areas. It will take a lot of time to merge them into the Alvarez Empire and manage them in a unified manner.

So he sent politicians to various islands to negotiate, and sent Brandish, who only eats and drinks all day long and has nothing to do, to accompany the army as a means of deterrence—of course, she does not have to deal with the negotiation.

(This is the reason why Prechto mentioned that 'the Alvarez Empire is about to move in the past six months')

Brandish is a lazy person, and originally planned to reject Inber, but Inber invited Olgast under the sign of 'for the sake of His Majesty and the Empire', so she could only obediently obey the old man's orders, plus There are delicacies like 'Starlight Dessert' on each island, so I agreed to take a trip, and Timaria volunteered to join in after hearing about it.

Otherwise, if it was just to eat star mangoes, they would not have traveled so far, and they would have taken a warship and led an army.

It can only be said that Laxus and his party happened by chance.


In the prison, the group of 'Fairy Tail' was dejected and exhausted.

The three dragon slayers couldn't bear the torment of seasickness even more. They were so nauseated that they staggered to and fro, with their mouths swollen, unable to vomit.

"Seasickness is so uncomfortable..."

"Happy take me to fly..."

Natsu and Wendy lay powerlessly on the ground, their heads against their heads, and they were as angry as gossamer.

"Sorry, Natsu! I'm locked up and can't use Wing Magic!" Happy felt distressed and helpless, so he could only rub his paw on Natsu's face to show comfort.

Laxus was also unbearable. His dragon slaying magic was stronger, and his dizziness was naturally more severe, but he had a tenacious will, and his arrogant personality made him resolutely unwilling to show Natsu such an ugly face in front of his companions.

Needless to say, it is quite effective!

He leaned against the darkest and most edge corner of the cage, covered his embarrassment with the large, dark down coat, and silently endured the nausea and nausea coming from his body, like a lone wolf licking its wounds, without He made a little noise, but his coat was gradually soaked in cold sweat.

The Thunder Gods sat in a row, standing in front of Laxus like thieves—as loyal followers of Laxus, they didn't allow anyone to see Laxus in such a mess, even the guildmates Same.

"Enough, Gray! How many times have you sneaked a look!"

Felid clenched his fists, tears streaming down his face, "Laxus... Laxus...he is the one who doesn't want his companions to see him as weak!"

Gray: "..."

I just haven't seen it, I'm curious, I just want to take a second look... There's really no malice in it...

"This is the first time I've seen Laxus in this state..."

Erza watched with relish, but soon, she restrained her teasing eyes, and turned to look at another sullen person, "Are you okay, Lucy?"

"Well... I'm fine..." Lucy replied softly, "Don't worry!"

She squeezed out an ugly smile to comfort Erza, but everyone could see that she was forcing a smile, and everyone knew what she was worried about. The empty waist already explained the problem.

"Trust me, we'll get out!"

Lucy nodded silently. Now she doesn't care about whether she can go out at all, and even if she does, she won't leave easily. The protoss key being taken away is tantamount to a bolt from the blue for her.

'What does that woman... have to do with my mother? '

This question has been bugging Lucy for hours, but she still has no answer.

Involuntarily, the figure of Brandish appeared in Lucy's mind again, recalling her indifferent eyes, inexplicable hostility, and Mohu's words, her face became even more sad.

'No, not right!She's about my age, but I've never met her, there's no way she'd know her mother!If my guess is correct, she should be related to Akuya.But Akuya's key was handed over to me by my mother, her previous contractor should be my mother...'

'hateful!If I can summon Akuya now, I can make things clear...'

The more Lucy thought about it, the more she felt strange, and her irritated appearance was very similar to the yellow hair who was killed by the bitter master.

Chapter 490: The Magic That Is Doomed to Fail Before You Cast It

In the room, after Timaria left, Brandish finally raised his head from the ice cream.

It's strange, why does my stomach still feel so empty after eating the astral ice cream I've been longing for and eating so many potato chips?

Her eyes looked at the Aquarius key on the table, and she fell into the memories of many years ago.

The key to Aquarius is his mother, Grammy's most cherished thing, which comes from the former mistress Leila Heartfilia in the mother's mouth.

Out of respect for the wife, the mother would take out the Aquarius key every day to wipe, wash, and dry it to ensure that it was not stained with a little dust; and Akuya was her master... yes Her only playmate.

During that time, it was the happiest day in her life. With her mother and Akuya, the three of them lived very happily.

Until X777, when she was ten years old, her mother suddenly received a letter from her old master, Layla, and hurried away with the key of Aquarius. After a while, a message came from the Kingdom of Fiore. With the news of her mother's death, the Aquarius key returned to Layla's hands.

Since then, she has identified Leila as the murderer of her mother.

Then, because of her magical talent, she was taught by Oghast, and with his help, her magic advanced by leaps and bounds until she became Twelve Shields.

Brandish suddenly opened his eyes, got up and walked towards the cell.

She wants to have a good talk with Layla's daughter.


"Let me...vomit...out...go..."

Naz perfectly interpreted what the prisoner should look like at this moment. Although he did so mainly because of seasickness, the endless howls were indeed very appropriate to the situation.

Gray was so quarreled by Naz that his head hurt, so he could only tactfully persuade Naz to keep his voice down: "No matter how much you call the other party, it is impossible to let us go. I think you should save your energy..."

The calm tone made people suspect that he was not locked in a prison at the moment, but sitting outside the cage with his legs crossed and drinking juice.

No, none of the soldiers guarding the cage complained like him.

"No! Otherwise, I'm going to spit it out..."

Naz rejected Gray's proposal, and at the moment he was not in the mood to say that the other party was 'unreasonable' and 'heartless towards his companion', because his physical condition did not allow it.

"Then spit it out!"


"I didn't tell you to spit on me!

Hello!Hold back!hold back! "

Gray's face changed drastically, and he retreated as much as possible, but there was a wall behind him, and he had no way to retreat, so he could only step on Natsu's face and press his mouth to the side - there was Erza direction.


Amidst the crackling sound of vomiting, the sour stomach juice and a bunch of mosaic unknown objects were sprayed directly on the clothes that Erza had just changed into, and some of them even stained her cherished long red hair.

My hair! !

Erza immediately flew into a rage: "You two are still playing at this time?!"

"Eh!? To play?! I don't have it... Wait, don't do it yet..."

"Be serious with me!"


"Finally quiet!"

Looking at Natsu, who was knocked unconscious by the handcuffs, and Gray, who had lost half of his life with a big bag on his head, Erza sat back in her seat with satisfaction.

She was very measured, Naz was the one who made the noise, and Naz was the one who vomited on her, so Naz was mainly responsible and received a heavier punishment; Gray took the secondary responsibility and received a lighter punishment.

"Next time my punishment will not be lighter!"

light?Could you please look at the blood on the handcuffs before saying this? !Gray almost passed out, hey!

Even though she knew that Erza's attacks had always been so merciless, Habi still looked shocked at this moment, with countless complaints flashing in her heart.

It's a pity that Kira is not here, and Lucy is also fugue, and no one will complain with him.

Erza grumbled dissatisfiedly: "Really... the clothes I just changed into are dirty again! I can't change them now..."

The clothes she was wearing now were still put in a cage. Brandish couldn't bear the fact that the girls had no clothes to wear, so she kindly gave them away, and she definitely won't prepare another one in a short time.

Although it feels uncomfortable, how strong is Erza's heart?After a second, I got used to this state: "Forget it, let's think about the current form first."

The magic of the Twelve Shields of the Protectors is indeed powerful. Even if I knew the information in advance, I and Laxus would not be able to defeat it. Even if we have fought once now, we may still be unable to deal with it again later.Now at sea, Lucy's key was taken away again, directly losing four combat powers, and he and others were handcuffed with magic-sealing handcuffs...

"It's a desperate situation!" Erza sighed helplessly.

"But a crisis is also an opportunity!"

Um? ?

"Are you all right, Lucy?"

"Hmm! Sorry to make you worry."

Lucy seemed to cheer up, with the confident smile of the past on her face, "As long as everyone is still together, nothing will happen, we are the mages of 'Fairy Tail'!"

I don't know if this sentence was given by Kira with magic words. All the members of "Fairy Tail" can feel an inexplicable confidence surge from the bottom of their hearts after they say it, allowing them to regain their confidence in the desperate situation. cheer up.

Sure enough, after hearing the words, Elusa was determined, her face brightened, her eyes lit up and she praised: "Well said, Lucy!

I mean the phrase 'crisis is also an opportunity' just now. "

"Hey...that sentence was actually said by Kira~"

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