Magus Reborn [Mana Cultivation] [Kingdom Building]

108. Apprentice awakening

Ever since he had ordered the distribution of coffee in large batches, the productivity around the castle had surged by at least three times.

It was almost uncanny— people who once struggled to keep their eyes open were now working tirelessly, seemingly without needing sleep. He knew this wasn’t sustainable in the long run; their bodies would pay the price eventually.

But right now, there was no choice. The guards and Mages were the only exceptions, mandated to get proper rest for the upcoming battle. As for the rest? Well, they would have to push through. There was simply too much at stake.

Kai himself was buried under a mountain of tasks. With the reinforcements arriving, he had to arrange accommodations in the barracks and negotiate contracts with the mercenaries.

At least the mercs were behaving themselves, an unsurprising turn of events after their little demonstration with the cannons. The display of powers had done wonders.

Most of the mercenaries, now convinced of their odds, had become surprisingly amicable, ready to settle in and get to work.

When it came to the contract discussions, the mood was unexpectedly light.

The mercenaries were confident about the upcoming battle. The cannons and the preparations had helped with their confidence. They still haggled over every copper coin—mercenaries were, after all, mercenaries— but there was a sense of cooperation in the air. Thankfully, Francis had handled most of the negotiations. His experience and sharp tongue ensured that they secured a solid number of seasoned warriors, men and women who could hopefully tip the scales in their favour when the time came.

Not everyone had agreed to the terms, of course. Some had scoffed at the prices offered, demanding more than Kai was willing to pay. They left in a huff, muttering about risking their necks for pennies. But most had stayed. They knew what awaited them out there in the wilderness and had calculated their odds.

Besides, the promise of coins and the thrill of battle were too tempting for many of the mercenaries to pass up.

Kai couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction. This was beyond his initial expectations. He had expected twenty of them to stay, but almost triple that number had signed contracts with Veralt.

As he moved from one task to the next, his mind kept circling back to the cannons. The Mana cannons had been the game-changer.

Aside from managing the chaos, Kai had another important task on his mind: awakening the Mana heart of Rhea, the young girl who he recently took as an apprentice.

She had been eager to learn about magic and after a few days of staying in the castle, she would finally start on her journey as a Mage.

He also had been patiently waiting for Amyra's response to his offer, ready to give her more time if needed. But on the day he had planned to begin Rhea's training, Amyra showed up unexpectedly, bringing Rhea along with her to his room.

Kai was pleasantly surprised by her arrival. He had been prepared to wait a bit longer for her decision, but it seemed fate had other plans.

Looking at Amyra, he couldn’t help but give her a genuine smile. "I’m happy to see you here, Amyra. Have you made your decision?"

She nodded, a slight wavering in her eyes that soon got shadowed by her determination. "Yes, I’ve realised that running away won’t solve anything. I want to embrace magic, even if I’m still hesitant about learning anything that could harm others. But I’m ready to become a Mage."

Kai’s smile widened at her words. On the other hand, Rhea, full of enthusiasm, chimed in, "I want to learn spells that can do damage!"

Kai chuckled at her eagerness.

"Even after awakening your Mana Heart, I would only teach you one offensive spell, but that’s strictly for self-defence. You’re not going to be fighting with the others."

Rhea’s face fell slightly.

"Why not? I was going to fight as a refugee."

Kai’s tone was patient but firm as he explained, "Being a guard and being a Mage are two different things. Right now, with what you know and what you will know soon, you’re far more valuable off the front lines. In the beast wave, as a new Mage, you wouldn’t add much to the fight. Instead, I’ll be teaching you spells to aid with healing so you can support others."

Rhea nodded slowly, digesting his words, while Amyra’s face lit up at the mention of healing. It seemed the idea of magic being used for something other than harm made her feel for magic deeply.

Kai sat both Amyra and Rhea down right after. The floor was big enough for them to spread their legs, but he got them to sit with their legs folded in a meditative position.

"All right," he began, "there are many methods for awakening one's Mana heart, but most of them revolve around one key principle: moving Mana in circles around your already present Mana heart."

He glanced at the two girls to ensure they were following along. "You know about the three organs, right? I sent out a diagram and an explanation on them by Claire yesterday."

His question was directed at Rhea who nodded. "Even if I wasn't able to read it, Claire explained it to me." She looked down briefly, then added, "I can't read or write yet, but Claire's been teaching me the basics whenever she has some spare time."

Kai nodded with understanding. "That's good to hear, Rhea. It’s important to learn as much as you can, even if it’s just the basics for now." He then continued, "The method we’ll be using for your awakening is called the Quin Method of awakening. It is taking as much as Mana possible from the environment and guiding it in the anticlockwise direction. It would basically heat the Mana heart and expand it more, increasing the rate of generation. The key is to focus on making the mana flow in a circular motion. This helps to gradually build and expand your Mana heart, making it stronger and more efficient at holding and utilising mana."

Throughout the explanation, he showed the process by moving mana around his hands in a circular motion. So that they would know about the way they should imagine the mana circulating their Mana hearts.

He paused, looking at both of them to see if they had any questions.

Rhea's hand shot up. "Why does it have to be a circle? And if the way of becoming a Mage is forming a circle in your heart, does that mean a circle can be taken out like a heart?"

Amyra gave Rhea a curious look, but there was a spark of interest in her eyes too. Kai smiled, appreciating Rhea's inquisitive nature. "It’s not that simple," he explained. "We use circles because they’re the most effective shape for expanding the Mana Heart. A circle is continuous, with no beginning or end, which allows mana to flow smoothly and evenly. As you grow stronger, you can add more circles, which further enhances your abilities.

"People have tried other shapes and methods, and while some have had limited success, the circle remains the most effective for most Mages. As for your second question, the circles aren’t something that can be 'taken out.' They aren't a physical part of your body, like a heart or a lung. The circles exist in a metaphysical reality that’s linked to your Mana heart. Think of it like having a small realm inside your heart— a world of its own, where your mana resides and flows. It’s not visible or tangible in the usual sense, but it’s very much a part of you."

Both girls listened intently, absorbing his explanation.

“That’s… fascinating.”

It was Amyra’s voice that came rather in awe.

“It is. There’s an entire field of study devoted to mana organs, and who knows? In the future, we might even see whole disciplines emerge around mana surgeries and enhancements. But for now, we need to focus on the awakening process.”

He extended his hands, guiding them through the first steps. “Feel the mana around you,” he instructed. “Direct it towards your Mana heart. The goal is to absorb it and begin the circular flow.”

As Kai demonstrated, his mana flowed smoothly into their hands, creating a tangible connection. At first, Kai used his own mana to create their flow and smoothen it, so they’d gradually increase the speed towards the direction he wanted them to go. With that, they followed his instructions silently.

Rhea, having already practised sensing and drawing in mana in the last few days, was eager to apply her skills. Amyra, though new to the process, seemed to pick up on it quickly.

With their hands in position, Rhea and Amyra began their work. The process was slow at first, but Kai observed them closely.

Rhea's efforts were commendable, and despite her struggle, she was making progress. Amyra, however, was absorbing mana with an ease that suggested a natural talent. Kai noted that her ability was far beyond his initial assessment.

As the hours passed, both Amyra and Rhea continued their work. The initial rapid beat of their hearts had calmed down considering the steady pace they were moving mana at— it was progress. But Kai patiently waited— seated in front of the two girls.

The mana absorption process took time, much longer than Kai’s own initial experience, but the signs of breakthrough were clear.

They were getting closer to forming a circle, their movements becoming more fluid and their control over the mana improving steadily. He felt every single surge of energy that coursed through them as if his own due to his heightened senses.

By the end of the session, Kai was impressed. Their progress was swift compared to his first attempt in his previous life, and it was evident they had a natural affinity for absorbing mana.

The slow, steady accumulation of mana and the beginnings of circular formation indicated they were well on their way to awakening their Mana hearts.

Kai nodded with approval, satisfied with their efforts. "You're both doing exceptionally well. Keep at it, and you'll soon master the basics. You are very close to forming your first circle."

He said in a slow voice. He didn’t want them to leave their trance, but at the same time, he wanted them to know that they were doing well and they were closer to breaking through. Just like he thought, Amyra was the first to feel the unmistakable shift within herself.

Kai sensed the awakening of her Mana heart, a distinct energy that marked her as a true Mage. Rhea, too, was close, and after another half-hour, her Mana heart finally ignited.

Both of their reactions were different, but they were clearly fascinated with all the mana filling their bodies.

“Woah!” Rhea almost squealed in delight. “I feel incredible.”

On the other hand, Amyra's eyes were widened, having slowly gotten used to her body generating way more mana than before in the last half hour. She simply looked at Kai with an unrecognisable expression, but she didn't seem to regret becoming a Mage.

Kai, observing their reactions, gave them a reassuring smile. “Congratulations, you’re both officially Mages now. It’s a significant achievement, and under different circumstances, we’d have celebrated this milestone with a grand feast. However, time is of the essence. So, while there’s no party today, know that you’ve accomplished something remarkable. You are more than just ordinary now.”

His gaze shifted to Rhea and Amyra, studying them closely. He moved his mana to probe them to check their mana generation rates and was taken aback by the results. Rhea’s mana generation had increased to fifteen times her previous rate, a standard outcome with the Quin method. However, Amyra’s rate was even more extraordinary— twenty times the normal level.

Kai’s eyes widened in surprise as he realised the magnitude of her talent. His own Mana heart, now well-developed and powerful, only managed seventeen times the normal rate at the first circle and that was already beyond extraordinary.

Amyra’s ability was exceptional, marking her as a prodigy even among geniuses. As he looked at her, he realised that if he hadn't saved her back in Vasper Forest, she probably would have passed away. It might have happened in his previous life and the world had lost out on a Mage that held enough talent to reach the peak of the mystic arts.

“You,” Kai said, turning to Amyra, “are an exceptional talent. Your mana generation rate is beyond anything I’ve encountered, even in my own experience. It’s clear you have a natural gift for this.”

Amyra’s lips slightly parted. She didn’t say a word to his response but seemed happy at the compliment.

Kai’s mind drifted back to an earlier observation. He’d noticed it while he had treated her and confirmed during the mana absorption— Amyra’s body seemed almost sculpted for magic. Her veins were perfectly sized for the flow of mana, and her ability to sense it was as acute as his own. It was clear her natural affinity for magic was more than just a talent; it was almost as if her body had been designed for it.

As he pondered this, Rhea’s eager voice pulled him from his thoughts. “Are you going to teach us spells now?”

Kai nodded, shifting his focus back to the task at hand. “Yes, we’ll start with a basic spell— a [Light ball]. It’s fundamental but essential for grasping the basics of spellcasting.”

“What does it do?” Amyra asked, looking a bit wary now that they were moving onto spells.

“Don't worry. It simply creates a ball of light to light up dark areas. Nothing dangerous. It's an easy light affinity spell that most people can perform. We’ll take it step by step. The [Light ball] spell will help you get used to manipulating your mana and channelling it into something tangible.”

Amyra slowly nodded. Kai gave a reassuring smile and focused on Rhea, who eagerly waited till Kai started to speak again.

With that, he forgot about his thoughts about Amyra’s exceptional aptitude for now. There would be plenty of time to explore her potential further in the days to come. The priority was teaching them the fundamentals of magic, starting with a spell that was as simple as it was essential.


After the awakening of his apprentices, Kai had initially planned to delve into more advanced teachings. He was eager to introduce them to first-circle spells and teach them the correct way of pronouncing incantations and spell structures, but time was against him. The pressing demands of preparing for the upcoming beast wave meant that he had to delegate their further training, leaving them to experiment with simpler spells and learn at their own pace.

His attention shifted to more urgent matters. The enchantment of additional weapons was a top priority, and he also needed to oversee further tests on the mana cannons— ensuring they could be reloaded rapidly and function efficiently for multiple uses. Each test brought them closer to being fully prepared for the beast wave, but before that, there was one more crucial objective that he needed to accomplish.

This task required him to join one of the guerilla teams. The team consisted of Gareth and Ronan, an Enforcer and a Mage he was already acquainted with, and two additional members—Lena and Jarek— ordinary hunters who had been recruited from villages and were quick on their feet.

Their destination was an underground cave, concealed beneath a hill to the far left where the beast wave's main force was gathering.

Originally, the others seemed to think of it as another guerrilla attack, but as he interrupted their lines, he presented them with two bags with leather strips.

Kai, now leading the group, consulted a hand-drawn map as they navigated the dimly lit terrain.

The cave’s entrance was obscured by thick underbrush, and the path inside was narrow. The team moved cautiously, their footsteps muffled against the cave’s rocky floor.

Midway through their descent Gareth finally broke the silence. “Lord Arzan,” he began, his curiosity evident. “Can I ask something?”

Kai glanced back, nodding. “Go ahead.”

Gareth hesitated before speaking. “I’m curious why you’re here with us. Originally, this was supposed to be a standard guerilla mission. But when you arrived with those two bags,” he gestured to the items slung over Ronan's shoulders, “It seemed unusual.”

Lena and Jarek looked their way and silently leaned closer. The question must’ve been in their heads for some time by how they all awaited Kai’s response.

“Given that the beast wave is approaching, I thought it prudent to seek out potential allies. I’ve heard whispers of beings who dwell in these caves, and I believe they might be able to lend their support.”

Gareth’s eyes widened. “You think there are human tribes living here?”

“Not exac—”

Before Kai could provide an answer, a deafening noise echoed through the cave, followed by a distant scream. All of them tensed, but whoever the scream came from, it wasn't close to them.

“Stay alert and follow me,” Kai instructed, his tone firm. He quickened his pace, leading the team deeper into the cave. “Keep your weapons ready. The caves like these often hold a lot of dangers.”


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