Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Bonus Chapter #12: Zorayas, Tanith, & Tanith’s Knight

As Zorayas rushes forward, she can tell Tanith is surprised. The former Lady of Volcano Manor freezes in place upon her approach. Whether that’s because of Zorayas’ exuberant welcome or her appearance, the Snakeborn knows not. What she does know is that she’s glad to see the woman who raised her again, after all this time.
And back in Volcano Manor at that. The Manor has been greatly changed, as has much of Mt. Gelmir. The Lands Between are healing, and that’s true even for the more barren parts of them. Mt. Gelmir was filled to the brim with all sorts, but plenty of its denizens could and had been reasoned with. Those who could not, had been dealt with. Everything was going to be just fine.
Of course, when Zorayas had come to own Volcano Manor, becoming a lady in her own right, she’d gone out of her way to do a bit of… redecorating. Sure, there were still active magma pools out in the backyard, but that didn’t mean the whole blood-red aesthetic needed to remain. Zorayas herself had always been very partial to the color green.
As such, Volcano Manor had been redone in green hues, and was looking far more… verdant now, if nothing else.
Admittedly, Zorayas had wanted to send a letter to her adoptive mother months ago, back when they’d had the weddings, and everything had been so very crazy but also so very wonderful. But… there was still so much going on, and not nearly as much had been settled yet as she would have preferred. In the end, Zorayas wanted everything to be perfect for Tanith’s return. After all, she didn’t just want her adoptive mother to visit… she wanted her to stay.
And maybe, just maybe, Zorayas could make that happen. The baby in her mother’s hands… Zorayas knew that smell. That scent. She knew who the father of that baby was. Eyes widening slightly as she stares down at the babe, Zorayas’ long forked tongue flicks out of entirely human lips, causing Tanith to stiffen and panic slightly.
“Z-Zorayas, I promise, I can explain. You see-!”
Letting out a laugh that silences her adoptive mother on the spot, Zorayas gives Tanith a wide grin.
“You don’t need to explain anything, mother. My Lord Husband gets around, doesn’t he?”
That causes Tanith’s eyes to widen, and another freeze to overtake the former dancer. She gapes, her mouth opening and closing a few times… which Zorayas takes advantage of to snatch her baby sister from Tanith’s hands, cradling her carefully.
“I have one of my own, you know. She’s up in the Nursery. Ah, you’re just the cutest thing, aren’t you? Have you picked out a name yet, mother?”
Tanith bites her lower lip, and then shakes her head.
“It was… considered bad luck back in my homeland to name children before their fifth year. I wasn’t planning on waiting that long, mind you… but I thought it best to wait at least a year.”
Zorayas nods at that, humming softly. She perks up when a clanking sound can be heard a moment later. Into the doorway, finally arriving behind Tanith, is the Crucible Knight that has ever stood vigil at her mother’s side. Not just that though. Tanith’s Knight had been one of Zorayas’ more frequent baby sitters when she’d still been young and needed to be looked after. Honestly, while Zorayas would have gladly taken just Tanith over nothing, she’s happy to see the Crucible Knight as well all the same.
“I’m so glad you could both make it! Mother… Mother’s Knight. Welcome back to Volcano Manor. I hope you like what I’ve done with the place, but I shall be honest… even if you do not, I shan’t let it change my mind!”
Zorayas grins, and while part of it is a front, an over-exaggeration so to speak, there is in fact a very real kernel of truth under it all. Once upon a time, her whole world had revolved around Lady Tanith’s approval. Now? Her mother meant the world to her, truly she did… but Zorayas was her own woman now.
Both Tanith and her Knight are staring at Zorayas, nonplussed. After a moment, the Snakeborn figures out why.
“Oh! This is the first time you’ve seen my favored form. What do you think?”
She does a quick twirl, still holding her unnamed baby sister securely of course, even as she shows off what she’s taken to calling her ‘favored’ form. Tis a mix between her previous two appearances, albeit a more matured one. She’s done a lot of growing up since Tanith saw her last, after all. Gone is the hunch, because she’s learned how to better fold her true stature down into a humanoid body.
To help with this, Zorayas’ serpentine tail unfurls out from under her green dress, long and thick and almost able to act as a third leg for purposes of balance and the like. She does so love to wrap it around her husband’s waist, whenever he’s taking her from behind. On top of that, Zorayas’ previously mentioned tongue is also snake-like, while her eyes are… quite green.
But beyond that, she wears her old human guise, perhaps with a bit more of a chest to it, and with her back nice and straight, allowing her to stand to her full human height. Yes, while it was all well and good to love herself for who she was, Zorayas had the ability to change her appearance, to shapeshift, all thanks to her mother’s teachings. So why shouldn’t she use it, to find her most favorable form?
After a moment, Tanith and her Knight seem to accept this. Tanith in particular, lets out a soft sigh and offers Zorayas a hesitant, fragile smile.
“It is good to see you, daughter. I do not mind what you’ve done with the place. I’m glad you’ve gotten to meet the child… and… I’m sorry, for everything.”
Zorayas opens her mouth to accept her mother’s heartfelt apology, when a sudden draconic roar echoes overhead, interrupting her. Immediately, the Crucible Knight by her mother’s side goes to unsheathe his sword, only stopping when Zorayas snickers and waves him off.
“Don’t worry, don’t worry! That’s just Lansseax. She’s the Tarnished Lord’s favored mount. In more ways than one.”
Zorayas’ eyes twinkle, as the sound of a dragon landing outside the manor reaches them. This is followed by the softer sound of boots hitting ground as the Tarnished that had impregnated Tanith all those months ago, dismounts.
When he steps inside, Zorayas does not hesitate. Moving over to her mother’s ever-loyal shadow, she offers the Crucible Knight her sister, which the armored fellow takes without question.
“Down the hall and to the right, you’ll find the Nursery. Little Irya is currently down for a nap, so try to be quiet, but there’s plenty of room in the crib for my sister to go down right beside her. Thank you for your service~”
Not waiting for a response from the tall Knight, Zorayas quickly reaches out and grabs her mother by one hand… and the newly arrived Tarnished Lord by the other.
“Come on you two! Upstairs!”
Keep them on their toes. Keep them guessing. Don’t let them have time to think. All lessons that Zorayas had learned at the feet of Lady Irina. The blind noblewoman had taken Zorayas under her wing and taught her everything she knew!
And… to her credit, it worked! While Zorayas had no misconceptions about her beloved Lord simply going along with the ride judging by the amused smile on his face, Tanith was definitely only allowing herself to be dragged along because of how bewildered she was by Zorayas’ take charge attitude!
The Snakeborn was well aware of how much she’d changed since they last saw each other. But she couldn’t be that meek, unassuming girl that Tanith had known for so long anymore. It was time to grow up… and Zorayas had.
Getting her husband and her mother into the same bedroom was step one of the plan. Closing the door behind them all was step two. Step three… was slowing down just a little bit to explain herself.
“Mother… I don’t want you to leave again.”
Stalking forward, she takes her mother by the shoulders. In her new favored form, standing at full height… Zorayas is actually a bit taller than Tanith. Indeed, the other woman has to crane her neck to look up at her. Blushing, Tanith bites her lower lip.
“I… don’t think that’s possible, my dear. I’m not so sure I have a place here. When I was in charge of Volcano Manor… we hurt an awful lot of people on the orders of your father.”
Zorayas bobs her head up and down in agreement, before smiling briefly.
“Yes. On the orders of MY father. Do you think they’d reject you, when they’ve already accepted me? I am the Lady of Mt. Gelmir, mother… and I say you’re forgiven. I say… you’re home.”

That’s when Zorayas leans in and kisses her mother deeply on the lips. It’s a decidedly non-platonic kiss, and not even remotely of the familial variety. She doesn’t extend it for too long, not wanting to give Tanith a chance to pull away before she does. But she definitely does use her forked, elongated tongue to great effect for the brief time that the kiss is happening, before finally pulling back just as Tanith is starting to squirm.
“Z-Zorayas, I…”
“Join us, mother. As family. Only together can we hope to handle the man who defeated the very Gods themselves.”
Turning Tanith by her shoulders, Zorayas smiles at hearing the sharp intake of breath from her mother at the sight of the Tarnished Lord, standing before them, naked. His serpent twitches and pulses as it grows thick and hard betwixt his legs. In that moment, through her grip on her, Zorayas can feel her mother come around to her way of thinking. Slowly, staring down at the Tarnished’s member, Tanith begins to nod.
Yes! Now they could devour him together! This was perfect! All according to-!
Zorayas, Tanith, and even the new Elden Lord all whip around, to the door. There, sprawled out in a rather… embarrassing pose, is Tanith’s Knight. The Knight had had accidentally put too much weight on the door after pushing it open an inch and crashed right on through. On top of that, the Crucible Knight is missing his leg armor, and his bottoms and… and… wait a second.
The Lady of Mt. Gelmir’s jaw drops… and keeps dropping, because she IS a Snakeborn after all. Zorayas’ mouth opens as wide as it possibly can in abject shock, as she stares down at the space between the Crucible Knight’s naked, chiseled, scarred thighs. At the absence of something that is supposed to be there. Tanith’s Knight… all this time… was a…
“Y-You’re a WOMAN?!”
That cry doesn’t come from Zorayas’ lips, but from her mother’s. There’s a half-crash, and Zorayas looks over to see Tanith has had a bit of a fainting spell. Her mother is still conscious, but she’d begun to collapse, and had to be caught by Zorayas’ husband and beloved. Well… to be fair, this was quite the shock. And to think, not even Tanith knew?!
Reaching up, the Crucible Knight removes her helm, to expose a… not unpleasant face beneath. But also, one completely unfamiliar to Zorayas. But then to be fair, she’d actually never seen her mother’s loyal Knight outside of his… no, her armor. And apparently, neither had Tanith herself.
“Apologies, Lady Tanith, for the long deception. I… I made an oath to Praetor Rykard, to never remove this armor, to always protect you…”
The female Knight’s eyes fall to the floor as she averts her gaze.
“… But I failed in that task. That man holding you now in his arms… he defeated me with such ease, such prowess. He destroyed Lord Rykard. I thought my shame complete and considered taking my own life for my failure. But then there came fruit, borne of you spreading your legs for him… and I found myself desiring something new, for the first time ever.”
Lifting her head, the Crucible Knight’s eyes suddenly blaze with need.
“P-Please Lady Tanith… Lady Zorayas! Please… I beg of you, allow me to be bred well and true, as you have been! I would bear the Elden Lord’s child, for my failure!”
… That didn’t make a whole lot of sense, now, did it? She wanted to be knocked up because she failed to protect Lady Tanith? Zorayas might have had a sheltered upbringing, and maybe even a year ago, she might have fallen for that excuse. But as it is, she’s become quite the worldly Snakeborn since she last saw her mother. And if she’s being honest, the female Crucible Knight’s words are a little… silly.
But her tone… her tone is downright desperate. And while Zorayas HAD been intending to pull her mother into a threesome with her Lord Husband that would tie Tanith to her and the new and improved Volcano Manor irrevocably… knocking up Tanith’s Knight and only protector would probably have the same effect, right?
And so, even though the situation is more than a little bewildering, and a whole lot baffling, Zorayas finds herself kneeling across from Tanith on the bed, as they each hold one of the Crucible Knight’s hands. The female Knight… the Lady Knight, Zorayas decides to title her, at least in her head, has been stripped of the rest of her armor. She has a warrior’s body, chiseled and toned, and covered in scars from a hundred battles.
And yet, she also has a woman’s body, and the Tarnished Lord kneels down between her spread legs and slides into her without trouble, given just how aroused she is already. A wanton moan leaves the Lady Knight’s lips, and she arches her back as she tosses her head.
“Yessss! Punish me! I’m sorry, Lady Tanith, for being such a wanton woman! I’m sorry, Lady Zorayas, for my lack of control in your home! Please! Discipline this worthless Knight!”
Who could have guessed that Tanith’s Knight was this kind of person? Certainly not Zorayas, that was for sure. And yet… well, she was asking for it, wasn’t she? As the Tarnished Lord begins to thrust harder into the Lady Knight’s flexing, clenching quim, Zorayas meets her mother’s eyes… and slowly descends to one of the Crucible Knight’s teats. Tanith, hesitating for only a moment, soon joins her, and the two maintain eye contact even as they suck and nibble and bite at the nipples before them.
In response, Tanith’s Knight cries out even louder, and from her own experience, Zorayas knows that the woman is currently in the process of experiencing true ecstasy at the end of her Lord Husband’s meaty, throbbing phallus. Oh yes, Zorayas knows quite well what THAT sounds and looks like… both from the perspective of the one receiving, and from the perspective of one watching.
After a moment, Zorayas pulls back from the female Crucible Knight’s nipple and reaches out, grabbing her mother by the hair and pulling her into another deep, tongue-filled kiss over the chiseled, flexing body being plowed silly beneath them.
This time around, Zorayas lets the kiss extend on for a good, long while, not letting Tanith go even as she squirms. She explores her mother’s mouth with her tongue for several minutes, even as they’re serenaded with the wanton moans of Tanith’s Knight. Until finally… finally, the Tarnished Lord lets out one of his quiet grunts and fills the moaning woman with his seed.
Only then does Zorayas pull back from Tanith, giving her mother a knowing smile.
“You and your Knight will be staying, mother.”
Their dynamic undeniably flipped on its head, Tanith can only blush and avert her gaze, though that doesn’t stop Zorayas from seeing the small, tentative smile on the older woman’s lips.
“… As you wish, daughter.”
Zorayas beams. Her family is finally complete.


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