Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Chapter 28: Ranni

In the aftermath of her final victory over her Two Fingers and the ascension she’d long sought, Ranni recognizes that she has quite a bit more to be grateful for than even she initially thought. Indeed, the Tarnished who she had taken as a Consort… he had done more for her than she could possibly have understood, at least at the time.
While Ranni and her soon-to-be Consort had traveled the Ainsel River, and he had faced down the Two Fingers’ Baleful Shadows for her, things had taken a turn for the worst, up above. As Ranni had made her way to the Moonlight Altar, and entered the Cathedral of Manus Celes, the Two Fingers’ agents had also been on the move, even then.
It was just like them, to be several steps behind her at all times. Indeed, the Two Fingers had been so secure in their safety, so sure that they were untouchable in their hiding place, that they had spared barely any thought to their own defense. After the defeat of that final Baleful Shadow, Ranni had faced not one single adversary more before she’d stood before the Two Fingers, Fingerslayer Blade in hand.
The reason for that was simple. The Two Fingers’ remaining agents were hunting for her where she no longer was, and upon finding nothing of her where they thought they would find her, they had instead taken it out upon her loyal subjects.
In the aftermath of her Consort’s recovery of the Fingerslayer Blade, her War Counselor Iji had taken it upon himself to make sure Blaidd was not easily subverted by the Two Fingers, especially with Ranni’s victory so very close at hand.
… She did not blame Iji, for the decision he’d made. In truth, it was probably the correct one. However, she did feel regret over the pain Blaidd had suffered as a result. In the end, even though Iji had locked Blaidd up in the Forlorn Hound Evergoal, it had not stopped the Two Fingers from making their move. Their agents had conspired to release Blaidd, and loyal as he was, he had returned to her tower, intent on protecting her from all threats.
Alas, this was all according to their enemy’s plan. Though he slew the agents who had conspired to use him against her, twas not before they delivered the maddening poison to his veins. Their weapons drove him to insanity, and provoked Blaidd into a feral, hungering beast who could no longer see friend from foe. He would have tried to slay anyone who came close to him, be it her or Iji or even her Fair Consort. All in the name of trying to protect her.
As she was now as Lunar Princess, Ranni could see the path fate might have taken. With her Fair Consort coming for a visit, only to be forced to slay Blaidd. The news, once delivered to Iji, would have broken her dear War Counselor, prompting him to remove the helm-piece that had protected him from the scrying of the Two Fingers’ agents. The end result would have been his joining Blaidd in death.
Thanks to her Consort, Ranni had fair warning. Thanks to her Tarnished’s admonishment, she did not let these things come to pass as they could have. Blaidd’s madness was not easily cured, but she would be quite the loathsome mistress, to not save him simply because it was not an ‘easy’ thing to accomplish. Recapturing him had been the first order of business, so that he could not hurt anyone else, or be hurt in turn.
Curing him had taken some days more, but what would have been impossible for Ranni the Witch was not remotely as difficult for Lunar Princess Ranni. The Two Fingers were slain, and the last of their agents were finally hunted down. Blaidd was cured, and he and Iji were safe. All… all was as it should be. And Ranni had her Consort to thank for this… for refusing to let her ignore the trees in favor of the forest.
Indeed, she had much to learn from him… and much to tell him as well. Was it any wonder then, that when he made his way back to her tower, she prepared for his arrival once more? Unlike before, when she stacked heavy tomes upon her chair in order to give her doll body more height, Ranni leaves the chair empty as her Consort ascends the stairs. An open invitation, as she stands hidden, just out of sight.
She’s well aware that he comes from the Academy of Raya Lucaria, and a fresh visit to her mother. Well aware, even, of what he’s been up to with the Graven Witch all this time. Sellen… Ranni cares not for the woman, one way or the other. Her Consort is the kind sort, who goes out of his way to save the maidens who cross his path… even from themselves.
Rennala seemed happy enough to help him with his efforts, and Sellen seemed to have learned her lesson, even as she settled into life as the newest child of the Carian Queen’s Court. All is well, all is fine… and now that her Consort has come for a visit, Ranni can turn her attention away from the Academy, and back to this tower, this moment.
As he reaches her chamber at the top of the Rise, Ranni watches him walk into the room and glance around for a moment before staring in silence at the empty chair where she’d sat during their previous conversations here. Only once he’s past her does she appear behind him, stepping into proper space between one fraction of a moment and the next, smiling as she spreads one pair of hands and folds the other in front of her.
“Mine Consort. Please, sit.”
He turns to regard her, not seeming surprised or startled in the least. But of course, she should have known better than to think she could get the drop on him. Her Consort, for all that he is a simple man with simple tastes, is also still quite… mysterious. Luckily, they have an eternity for her to puzzle him out, once he handles the kindling maiden’s little request.
Giving her a smile and a nod, he sits down in the chair she’s pointed to, resting comfortably with the absence of the tomes she’d used before to give her more height. There’s a little something extra in his gaze as well. He has all of his usual warmth… but also a happiness that Ranni can tell has everything to do with her actions towards her allies and loyal servants.
It takes everything the Lunar Princess has not to blush in embarrassment, even as she flushes happily.
“I take it thou’st noticed then? I shouldn’t be surprised.”
Stepping forward, Ranni lets out a shuddering breath. She has… intentions for the direction of this conversation. She wants to make sure her Consort’s attentions are entirely on her. As such, she starts with stepping forward and gracefully descending to her knees betwixt her Consort’s legs. He watches, as she slowly slides two of her four hands up from his knees along his thighs. Making quick work of his armor and pants with dexterous fingers, Ranni’s smile widens, as she frees his member from its confines.
He's certainly… eager, even now. Her breath hitches at his size, as his length pushes up in front of her, standing almost at attention. Certainly, his mast is something to be admired. It still amazes her that she had that inside of her. All the same… she should probably begin.
Starting with the two hands, she strokes up and down her Consort’s phallus, even as she gazes up at him. Her other set of hands remains clasped in her lap quite demurely for the time being, in direct contrast to what her first pair are doing.
“I thought I might expound a little further… upon the order I envision.”
It’s important to her, that he knows what she’s planning. For one, he is powerful. She recognizes that now, restored to her true form and true strength as the Lunar Princess. He is the Consort, but all the same… Ranni still feels like she has some catching up to do. That said, she will not play second fiddle. If he is to become Elden Lord while remaining her Consort, then they must remain on the same page.
Her hands stroke along his throbbing, warm shaft, and she admits quietly to herself that he is… quite large. In fact, she can’t fully close her fingers around his girth, he is so thick around. It is somewhat amazing, that he can be this aroused so soon after a visit to her mother… but no matter. She has his focus, and that is all that matters.
“Mine will be an order not of gold, but the stars and moon of the chill night.”
The Golden Order had done much damage to the world. Ranni would not see it restored, no matter what. The Greater Will and its servants had done enough harm to the Lands Between. She would rather die a thousand more deaths, commit to a thousand more Nights of the Black Knives, before she let the Greater Will regain its foothold in this world.
Everything she had done… was to break the Golden Order that her father and brother so dearly loved and wished to uphold. Even in the throes of rot and madness and agony, Radahn had held back the stars. Even now, it pained Ranni that her brother had had to die… but all the same, she knew he would not have listened to reason. Not as he was after the battle with Malenia.
Hmph, Malenia and Miquella. The Empyrean Twins. Ranni knew not where they were, though they could present an obstacle to her ultimate goals. For a moment, she considers asking her Consort to find them for her… before thinking better of it. What would her Consort do with a woman like Malenia? Ranni finds she really doesn’t want to know, nor find out.
Instead, shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she returns her attention to the matter at hand. Namely, stroking her Consort’s member with her hands, while explaining to him her plan for the world after he rises to the throne.
“I would keep them far from the earth beneath our feet, of course. As it is now, life and souls and order are all bound tightly together. I would have them at a great remove, from the lands of mortals.”
She looks up at him then and narrows her eyes.
“Dost thou understand, mine consort? I would have mine order at such a remove that it would not be possible to clearly see, feel, believe in, or touch mine order with mortal hands.”
It was the only way, in Ranni’s opinion. For too long had Queen Marika the Eternal ruled directly with the Golden Order at her back. And look where that had gotten them. It was… too much power concentrated in one place. It was too much power concentrated in one person. Even knowing what she knew about Queen Marika’s true nature as the ruler of the Lands Between… Ranni would not abide by going back to that, ever again.
She would never be a Queen. But… perhaps a Steward? She would steward the power to the stars and leave the people here free to finally make their own decisions and lead their own lives. But of course… she needed her Consort on the same page as her. And as she looks up at him… she’s not entirely sure he is. Which of course means that he almost certainly isn’t.
“Thou dost not agree, mine Consort?”
Frowning slightly, Ranni finally unfolds her other pair of hands. One goes to the top of her Consort’s large, throbbing phallus. The other goes down below it. Both wrap around their chosen locations, with blue fingers sliding up and down and dragging along the flesh of his member’s bulbous head and the other groping and squeezing and fondling his churning family jewels.
He, of course, does not answer verbally. Though she does draw a groan from him, as she uses all four of her hands to great effect on his… sizable mast. Ranni’s heartbeat quickens in her chest. She herself is not being touched in any way, and yet giving him this pleasure… is having its own effect on her. She is aroused, simply because she knows how much she is arousing HIM. Indeed, she’ll need some attention after this, to be sure…
“If thou hast a plan of thine own, I do hope it will become apparent, soon.”
Humming, Ranni increases her efforts, the speed with which she’s fondling his balls, stroking his shaft, and groping his tip. She knows exactly what she’s doing, as she looks up at him and licks her lips.
“I would abandon this soul, with mine order. Wouldst thou come to me? Wouldst thou cum FOR me?”
In the end, that’s all she needs. Her Consort groans and erupts into her palm a moment more. His sticky essence covers the hand that is currently cupping the top of his member, before streaming down to make a mess of all three of her other hands as well. Once he is done, Ranni rocks back on the balls of her feet, pulling her hands away and gazing at them for a moment before experimentally licking one clean.
The others, she wipes off on her dress, before pulling it off her body and discarding it. Naked as can be, the Lunar Princess does not wait. She climbs to her feet and then climbs aboard her Consort without hesitation, sliding into his lap and mounting him right then and there. Perhaps not as visceral a moment as when he’d taken her upon the corpse of the Two Fingers, but it is no less intimate, to be riding him now.
Sliding up and down his throbbing phallus, still rock hard despite the… mm, foreplay, Ranni smiles, as she rides him.
“Mine Consort… my one and only lord. I will not allow thee to be at odds with me. My plan can be… flexible. But do not tally for long with the kindling maiden. She will only grow more and more impatient with thee, mine Consort.”
Chuckling throatily, her voice getting huskier as her sex and core clench down on her Tarnished’s sizable shaft, Ranni throws her head back and cries out. Now, she is experiencing just as much of the pleasure as he was before. Perhaps more so. Her sex, so very wet and ready for this sort of action, squeezes down all the harder upon the intrusion within it, trying desperately to pull it in even deeper, into her darkest depths.
They do not talk any further about their plans. Instead, they exult in one another for a time, celebrating their reunion, as temporary as it might be, joining and coupling with one another as only a pair such as them can. He is her Consort, and no matter what disagreements they might have about the future they are planning to shape together, that will not change. Ranni can… roll with the punches, so to speak.
Of course, in the aftermath comes the true challenge. When all is said and done, and they’ve pulled apart. With his essence flowing slowly down her inner thighs, Ranni has put back on her dress, and watches as her Consort fixes up his armor… before turning and fixing HER with a look. Just as with his admonishment concerning Blaidd and Iji, Ranni has no trouble understanding his meaning in this moment.
A flush spreads across her face, as she averts her gaze.
“Thou wisheth me to contact my mother. To let her know I yet live.”
A glance back shows him nodding, allowing her to know she interpreted his look correctly. His face is solemn, and meaningful. For a moment, Ranni wants to agree, wants to accept this admonishment as she accepted his previous one and immediately move to fix her mistake. But… no, she cannot.
“Thou asketh too much of me this time, mine Consort. Perhaps… perhaps when the end comes. Then, we might revisit thy idea.”
As if he was expecting as much, he simply nods again, before stepping in and stealing one last kiss from her lips. Ranni stiffens as he does so, before leaning forward and stealing a kiss right back in return. Then, he is gone, her Consort departing to return to his task once more. He still has a long road ahead of him, after all.


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