Maidenless No Longer (Elden Ring)

Chapter 54: Ranni, Rennala

She awaits him outside of the Grand Library, having not entered yet. Not because she’s afraid of this reunion, or anything like that. No, she is Lunar Princess Ranni, Goddess of the Stars and Moon. She was afraid of nothing. Rather, she had something to say to her Consort, before they entered the Academy Library together, hand in hand.
As he approaches, the satisfied smile on his face lets her know that his liaison with the Eternal Queen went in his favor. Not that Ranni doubted him for a moment. Still, even the thought of him putting Marika in her place with that massive, unforgettable phallus of his does not completely assuage Ranni’s fury.
Both sets of arms crossed in front of her, mouth set in a small frown, Ranni lifts her head and scowls out at her Consort from beneath the brim of her wide hat.
“I wouldst hath words with thee, mine Consort. I am still most cross with thy decision to spare… nay, to save Queen Marika. She wouldst not have survived thy defeat of the Elden Beast if not for thy interference. Thou’rt as incorrigible as ever.”
He just smiles at her fondly, even as he comes to a stop in front of her, naught but a couple paces away. Seeing that smile on her ever-silent Consort, Ranni scowls.
“Hath I not shown thee much leeway already, mine Consort? My actions, have they not been selfless, in their own way? I allow thee thy women. I even allowed the mortal warrior Nepheli Loux to name thee as HER Consort, knowing that it was a jest at most. But this? Am I supposed to just accept th-urk!”
Mid-word, he suddenly steps into her personal space, reaches out, and hugs her. Ranni flushes, as his arms trap both sets of her arms against her body, his big, strong muscles downright irritating as they rub against her body. He’s q-quite warm, and Ranni’s squirming lasts for only a moment before she sighs and relaxes into his hold.
“Thou’rt truly incorrigible, Dear Consort. Why I put up with thee, I know not.”
He nuzzles into her cheek for a second more before letting her go again. Not entirely though. One of his hands finds one of hers, and he takes it, their fingers intertwining together as he begins to tug her towards the large doors of the Academy’s Grand Library. Suddenly, the weight of what’s about to happen… and the pain she put her mother through all these years, hits Ranni like a massive boulder. Her breath hitches, and she tries to resist his inexorable pull.
“W-Wait, mine Consort. Allow me to comport m-myself. Dearest Consort! Cease, I say! Cease!”
But it’s already too late. The new Elden Lord pushes into the Grand Library and drags Lunar Princess Ranni in along beside him and… and it’s much too late. Recognizing that she cannot retreat now, Ranni stops fighting it and tries to… well, comport herself, as she said. As they approach, there are many of her mother’s ‘sweetings’. The pale, failed attempts at recreating the daughter she lost. At recreating Ranni.
None of them look like her, not as she was before her death, nor as she is now. They look more like softer, younger versions of her mother, and that sends a pang of hurt through Ranni’s heart. Is it possible Queen Rennala came to the conclusion that keeping any trace of Radagon from her new ‘daughters’ would be best, to keep history from repeating itself?
Suddenly feeling no small amount of misplaced negativity towards her mother’s ‘sweetings’, Ranni hisses at them all.
There is power in that word. Power that reverberates through the Grand Library, and sends every single sweeting scurrying away, crawling hastily across the floor and disappearing into their little bolt holes until the main room is completely silent. But not emptied… not quite. For Ranni’s ill-thought command has also caught the eye of the two in the center of the room. Her mother sits there, as ever… and beside her stands the Sorcerer Sellen, reborn into the most complete sweeting that her mother ever managed to create.
Rennala of the Full Moon, Last Queen of Caria, looks absolutely stunned to see Ranni in the flesh. Even if it is not her original flesh, even if she wears a form that might remind her mother more of her mentor, Renna, Ranni knows it is impossible for Rennala to mistake her. No, the Queen of the Full Moon knows exactly who has come before her.
Sellen on the other hand, while she clearly recognizes Ranni’s Consort, does not recognize her. Eyes narrowing, the Sorcerer moves as if to step between them, her loyalty to her ‘mother’ unquestionable. But before she can speak, Rennala reaches out and catches her by the wrist, whispering something into her ear that sees Sellen’s eyes widening, and the reborn Graven Witch scurrying back, leaving them to it, out of sight but not completely gone.
It is only her Consort’s hand, still holding tightly to hers, that keeps Ranni moving forward, especially when Rennala straightens up after Sellen’s departure, her face suddenly one of icy calm and serene regality. For a moment, Ranni wants to flee from that look on her mother’s face. But then, the barest hint of a smile appears on her lips, the upturn of the curve to her mouth small, but visible to one such as the Lunar Princess.
Ranni’s breath hitches, as she and her Consort stop maybe a dozen feet away from the Last Queen of Caria.
 “M-Mother… I am returned. And with mine Consort, the new Elden Lord, at my side.”
Rennala’s eyes travel from Ranni, to the Tarnished she’s holding hands with, and back again. The smile grows, ever so slightly.
“My daughter. I thought thee dead.”
Ranni flushes at that, squirming a little bit under her mother’s imperial gaze. Rennala’s enemies had long thought her broken. But they underestimated her. She was no less than she’d ever been, she’d simply reached a point where she’d stopped caring about what went on outside these walls. Because she thought there was nothing left worth caring about, outside of these walls. Because her sons were mad or blasphemous, and her daughter was thought dead.
“… R-Rumors of my death were greatly exaggerated.”
In the end, Ranni tries for humor. It seems to be the right call, because Rennala’s smile grows ever so slightly, her eyes softening with a fondness. The Queen of the Full Moon, for the first time in who could say how long, sets aside the golden egg that Radagon gave her. She discards it in order to open her arms wide, a clear invitation for Ranni to enter her embrace.
Ranni takes a step forward, only to hesitate, half-expecting her Consort’s grip on her hand to remain and stop her. But no, he lets go of her in the same moment she moves, as if expecting it. And so, she has to take another step forward, and then another. The distance between him and her mother is only a dozen paces at most but feels like an eternity. She is a God, a Goddess Ascended, and yet, walking into her mother’s arms is the hardest thing she has ever had to do.
Eventually though, she reaches Rennala, and she hugs her mother, as her mother hugs her in turn. And for a moment, Ranni relaxes into Rennala’s warm embrace as she did the Tarnished’s mere moments before and sighs, letting her one eye begin to drift shut and-
Suddenly, the Lunar Princess finds herself bent over her mother’s lap, and her mother’s palm coming down on her backside with a vengeance.
“Mine daughter! Gone all these years! Dead, or so I was led to believe!”
Smack! Smack! Smack!
“M-Mama, p-please!”
“And thy first instinct, upon standing before me again, is to jest?!”
Smack! Smack! Smack!
Goddess of the Stars and Moon she might be, Ranni is helpless in the face of her mother’s perfectly reasonable, wholly righteous fury. As Rennala paddles her backside, Ranni can only whine and squirm until finally, it’s done.
Then, as soon as it started, it’s over and Rennala has pulled her up again into another hug, this one filled with such desperation and love that Ranni can’t possibly do anything but hug her mother back. Rennala holds her so tightly it’s as if the Carian Queen fears Ranni will evaporate into nothingness if she lets her go.
But eventually… eventually Rennala reluctantly draws back. She holds her still, but not quite so tightly, allowing Ranni to shift in her mother’s grasp as the older woman turns her eyes… towards the Tarnished.
“Her Consort, are thee?”
Smiling softly, apologetically even, the new Elden Lord inclines his head in a nod of acknowledgment.
“Thou knew of mine daughter’s survival all along, did thee?”
Another nod, a more apologetic smile. For a moment, Ranni almost tenses in anticipation. Ah, what she would give to see her mother try and bend her beloved over her lap for a spanking of his own. She’s not sure HOW that would turn out, if her Consort would let it happen or if her mother would get the tables turned on her in spectacular fashion, but either way it would be a sight to see, would it not?
“… Very well.”
Wait, what? Ranni can’t help but flash Rennala an incredulous gaze. Where was HIS punishment? He had knowingly led Rennala astray! He’d actually lain with both of them, while well aware of Rennala’s grief over Ranni’s death! The Lunar Princess did not begrudge her Consort his vices, and she actually appreciated his efforts to help her mother out of her slump, but still!
“Then as recompense, I demand… grandchildren. Thy work shall begin now.”
Wait… what?!
“M-Mama, truly this dost not have to happen here, d-does it?”
Ah, her darling Ranni was as awkward and adorable as ever. One might think her Ascension would have changed her. Becoming a God was no small feat, after all. Even if she’d chosen to take the form of her mentor, instead of allowing herself to inherit anything from either of her parents, Rennala could not help but be proud of her.
Still, she wouldn’t let Ranni dissuade her from her chosen course of action.
“Darling daughter… it most certainly does.”
Ranni whimpers, one set of her hands covering her face, while the other reaches back and grapples with Rennala’s voluminous robes. It reminds Rennala of times long past, when Ranni was younger and would grab at her robes for her mother’s attention. Of course, at the same time, this situation shares absolutely no true parallels with that moment.
For one, her daughter is a woman grown, a Goddess besides. For two, she is completely naked, her beautiful blue body easily exposed between Rennala and the Tarnished’s hands. Ah, to think that the Tarnished who had so easily taken her and her sweetings by storm would ascend to become Elden Lord. It was quite the shock, almost as shocking as her daughter’s survival… but all the same, Rennala didn’t mind it.
Her daughter deserved nothing but the best. The Last Queen of Caria could see well the part that the Lunar Princess now played in the new Elden Ring. Twas beautiful, even if she shared it with the Eternal Sovereign. Rennala would not let thoughts of Marika ruin this moment, however.
“Go forth, Tarnished. Lay claim to mine daughter’s womb, that thy seed might nestle deep within and birth something anew.”
Ranni sputters at Rennala’s crass wording, as the Carian Queen knew her daughter would. Yet she does not manage to formulate a response before the new Lord pushes deep inside of her, her Consort following Rennala’s instructions to the letter. As he thrusts in and out of her, Ranni whimpers and whines and moans.
It’s quite clear that her composure is irrevocably broken by the nature of the coupling. She is no virgin, Rennala’s daughter, but she’s certainly virginal to antics such as this, being held in her own mother’s arms while being taken by her lover. Rennala just scoffs in amusement, her lips coming close to Ranni’s ear.
“Thou’rt struggling with just one measly man, mine daughter. Consider thy future, and work on thine stamina.”
Rennala just giggles and enjoys the moment for what it is. She had had her suspicions for quite some time, to be fair. It wasn’t as if Ranni’s appearance on this day was a total surprise, beyond when exactly it might happen. After all, for all that everyone thought her a broken woman turned simpleton… she had eyes, did she not?
When a Tarnished walks into your library with a key he should have not and retrieves a ring only ever intended for one purpose, before giving you a sly wink and leaving the way he came, what exactly are you supposed to think? Rennala had barely allowed herself to walk down that path, to be fair. She hadn’t dared to actually let herself hope.
But it was indeed as it had seemed. Ranni had met this very same Tarnished who had taken Rennala’s self-imposed imprisonment by storm and visited pleasure unheard of upon her and her sweetings. She’d met him… and fallen in love with him. So deeply in love, in fact, that she has gifted him the key to the chest that Rennala had kept watch over all this time. The chest that contained the Dark Moon Ring.
So yes, Rennala hadn’t been left completely in the dark, no matter what her well-meaning daughter likely thought she was doing for Rennala’s own good. All the same… well, it didn’t matter. The past was in the past. The future was in the future. The present was truly all they had and seizing what was right in front of them was, in the end, all that could be expected of any of them.
Ranni moans all the more lewdly, as her Consort drives his sizable length deep inside of her body, again and again. Her hands remain on her face though, and that won’t do. And so Rennala reaches up and takes them away, smiling lovingly as Ranni instinctively intertwines their fingers together, clutching at her mother’s hands and holding on for dear life.
The important thing is that she is forced to watch as the new Lord, her dear consort, fills her with his mast again and again, until finally, a sharp yelp later from the Lunar Princess, he proceeds to empty his essence into her, pumping her full of his seed. Rennala sighs happily at the sight. Grandchildren… grandchildren would go a long way to making up for the long, long years of loneliness and sorrow that her darling daughter had left her with.
“F-Forgive me, mother…”
Oh, Rennala had forgiven Ranni easily. Twas water under the bridge.
“Of course, dear daughter. Thou’rt forgiven. Now… prepare thyself. We are far from done…”
Ranni whimpers, her fingers flexing in Rennala’s grip, while her other set of hands continues to cling to her dress.
“B-But mother… wouldst thou not wish to have thy own t-turn with the new L-Lord? A-Ah… t-to further cement the bonds between House C-Caria and the Elden Throne?”
Ah, yes… her daughter was as adorable and awkward as ever. And so woefully transparent, even after ascending to the status of a God. Rennala just chuckles, and nods to the Tarnished, who begins moving within her daughter again at her unspoken request.
“Do not fret, mine daughter. Thou’rt doing quite well on thy own, for the moment.”
Ranni’s whines, a high-pitched noise in response, but does not argue further. After all, she knows better. No matter how powerful she has become, Rennala is her mother… and mother ALWAYS knows best.


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