Male and Female Reversal High School Pure Love

Chapter 30

30. Invitation (2)


When I’m with Han Seung-gi, there are times when I feel embarrassed along with a strange sense of satisfaction.

That cause is entirely praiseworthy.

Han Seung-gi’s endless praise.

It’s not like I’m giving compliments so ignorantly as to express it like that.

What do you think is right?

I can describe myself as a super insider now, but when I was younger, I didn’t have that many friends.

I’ve been told a lot that I look scary, and even when I play, I often play villains.

Now I know how to deal with people to some extent, and I was able to make some friends as the other kids got older, but anyway, that means it was like that in the old days.

Well, that doesn’t mean the situation has gotten any better.

It’s already been over a month since the semester started, and I know that there are still kids who are afraid of me.

Hmm. Puppies.

Ooh. No. Hmm. These nasty lookists.

I am a person who approaches in a pleasant way, but it seems that I have some kind of instinctive resistance.

Of course, not everyone rejected me.

There were quite a few people who approached me first.

The problem was that most of them were bullies who started smoking in elementary and middle school, but it was a problem.

Objectively, I think I’m on the pretty side, but normal friends ran away because of their bloody looks, and bad guys came closer to their looks.

How many confessions have I received? They were all like that.

Smoking, bullying kids. Those who are close to the arch girls are their life’s achievements.

How not to eat poop no matter how much you are a motherf*cker.

Anyway. My life has been like this.

I said that, but it didn’t hurt me.

It’s not like I’ve experienced this kind of thing once or twice, and to be honest, I think I’ve become numb to reactions like that.

My close friends were afraid of me at first, and there were times when strange kids approached me at the beginning of the semester.

As I always say, Han Seung-gi was quite different.

It’s not that I don’t judge myself based on my appearance. Feeling like I don’t care if I’m bloody or not, and I don’t care about my appearance?

Because of my looks and I’m not a person who studies, there were a lot of times when tolerable people just thought of me as a bully, but Han Seung-gi never misunderstood me as such a bad person.

So, back to the compliments.

I think this is the first time I’ve been recognized like this by someone other than my parents.

Tell me you’re nice even in trivial things, and tell me you’re pretty even when the kids playfully tease you.

It’s the first time in my life that I’ve studied properly like this, but they tell me that I’m good at it and that I’m smart.

At first I felt embarrassed about this.

… ….

I’m still embarrassed.

I feel like they compliment me too much even for trivial things.

I don’t feel bad, but I mean.

Anyway, the kids looked at me earlier and said that the time I spent with Han Seung-gi increased.

I wonder if this might have an effect.

Han Seung-gi seems to be especially comfortable with me, and I feel comfortable when I’m with him.


I think we might be best friends.

I don’t know what he thinks.

I never thought the day would come when I would be more comfortable with my male friends than with girls.


Friday evening. No, night.

Me, Min Ah-rin, facing the last moment of the Friday, is now.

She is cleaning the room.

Hmm. There are several reasons for this.

What is the reason for cleaning first? No big deal.

Wouldn’t it be nice to just clean it?

Recently, the room was in a dirty state because it was not maintained, so I was a little uncomfortable.

Of course, Han Seung-gi is scheduled to visit tomorrow, and the other day something unpleasant happened with my garbage can.

… ….

Still. This is not cleaning with Han Seung-gi in mind.

Strictly speaking, Han Seung-gi’s visit is not the biggest reason I clean!

No way.

That can’t be.

There’s no reason why I should look good to him, right?

Just…… I just do it because I remember it. And I’m just doing it to keep the minimum cleanliness!

Hmm. And what else was there?

Yes, that’s right. It’s test period now!

It is a national rule to clean the room during the exam period.

Since Han Seung-gi said he was coming, it is true that I thought of cleaning.

By the way, that, anyway, what should I say?



Now, my conclusion is that this is not for a visit by a customer, but just for thought.

And. Why are you cleaning in the middle of the night?

Because if I suddenly step out and clean the room, the family members will definitely attract aggro.

I have already told my parents about Han Seung-gi’s visit.

In that situation. What if you suddenly start cleaning hard the day before Han Seung-gi’s visit?

As I said before, this cleaning is just cleaning, but timing is timing anyway.

The reason I clean in this situation is because in the eyes of others, I end up cleaning because I want to look good to Han Seung-gi.

I don’t intend to suffer from such slander.

I think Han Seung-gi is a really good person, and I think he’s a really good friend too.

This has nothing to do with that.

I organized my thoughts like that and continued cleaning.

If you take a peek at the trash can…… Toilet paper and wipes.

When did this pile up like this?

As soon as I checked, I carefully opened the door and took the trash can and went out.

I need to get rid of this quickly.

It doesn’t look good.

After taking care of it, you come back to the room and you see a chair.

Hmm. It’s expensive, but also convenient. Han Seung-gi should be able to use that.

… ….

Customers are supposed to use good things.

I was trying to organize my desk like that, but I saw a picture frame.

The picture frame my dad recently brought to me contains a picture from when I was little.

Somehow, I don’t want to show my childhood image to others. Do you feel ashamed of something?

I moved the picture frame over the dresser and turned it over.

I wasn’t a person who cared about things like this, but I didn’t like the picture of me as a child today.

When I took my eyes off the picture frame in the closet, what caught my eye this time was the bed.

Underwear and socks on it.

No, why did you leave it there? Didn’t you clean it up earlier?

I immediately moved my body and tossed them into the washing machine that was running.

After that, I picked up my underwear that was lying around outside and stuffed it into the closet.

I had no intention of showing Han Seung-gi his underwear.


Why does the room smell so bad?

I also put a diffuser on it, but it bothers me for nothing.

Since Min Su-rin also said she was sleeping outside, I should bring some perfume from there and spray it on the room.

The effect…… There must be what I don’t know either.

… ….

Cleaning the room never ends.

Why don’t you like all of them?

I can’t show myself like this to a friend I’m thankful for like Han Seung-gi.

I’m going to have a hard time tonight.


What I’m feeling these days is that I go out more often than before.

The past is, of course, a previous life. I’m talking about things in the previous world.

The number of friends was definitely greater then than now.

Because the biggest reason why I don’t make many friends in the first place is the gender reversal.

Even so, I don’t have many memories of hanging out with those friends back then.

If you look at the reasons why you can go out like this now, there will be many things, but one reason could be the reduced burden of studying.

I also have a body that has penetrated the entrance of Seoul National University.

I have no intention of giving up on my studies even if I do return, but I can say that I no longer have to work as hard as I did in the past.

Well, I have nothing to do, so I just study, but anyway.


I hate to admit it, but there seems to be one more important reason.

In the past, there was no one as close as Min Ah-rin.

If you ask me if I’m like a close friend with Min Ah-rin, there might be a question mark, but we’re pretty close.

Anyway, we stick together a lot, and we do a lot of things together.

Right now, there was a club time not too long ago, and we spent almost a few hours together.

And today. Saturday.

With less than two weeks left until the exam, I’m on my way to Min Ah-rin’s house.

Hmm. It was quite embarrassing that Min Ah-rin’s parents wanted to see me, but it wasn’t something she wouldn’t understand if she recalled her usual life.

If people suddenly changed like that, I think I would have been curious about the cause.

Anyway, her friend’s parents miss her, and I’m not one to deny that one.

It’s not that difficult, is it?

I went to the library and went to Min Ah-rin’s house and there was nothing else.

I walked down the street with such different thoughts.

It takes at least 30 minutes to get to Min Ah-rin’s house, but today I didn’t feel that hard.

Of course it wasn’t hard physically, and it was mentally as well.

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Maybe it’s the influence of spring.

The weather is warm, but it’s not that hot because a cool breeze blows. Totally different from summer and winter.

I can still feel the scent of flowers and feel the unique vitality of spring.

… ….

But when I think it’s summer soon, I suddenly feel bad.

Because the earth is dying, spring and autumn are rapidly decreasing now.

If you enjoy spring a little bit, the heat will come in no time.


How should I be this summer?

It’s kind of embarrassing, I don’t think I’ll be able to pass comfortably.


I hope it doesn’t rain.

My neighborhood. It’s because the land is low.

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