Man of Archives

Chapter 15

Hot sex always leaves a pleasant aftertaste and a mind free from emotional clutter.


"So, what happens now?" I decided to voice the question.


"What happens now," Maggie echoed, pulling back slightly. "I want to be with you... but I can’t. My heart hurts because of this."


Mentally sighing, I decided to delve into her thoughts to understand why she felt this way and what she hoped to hear from me. But first, I needed to quickly figure out what I wanted from her.


Honestly, I’d be fine with just having a lover to blow off some steam. On the other hand, why not gain some influence in the non-magical world? It would be a perfect integration. I’m sure there’s a lot of interesting things in the Muggle world. Maggie, as a member of that society, could easily access places I never could, and she understands non-magical matters much better. So, I’m not opposed to keeping her close.


Catching her gaze, I easily slipped into her mind. Working inside was simple because she doesn’t possess a drop of magical talent and fully trusts me. If she didn’t, this night wouldn’t have happened. In such an open mind, finding the answers to my questions is ridiculously easy. All I had to do was ask... and I did.


The answers came to me almost immediately. It turned out that my education at the "private" school had greatly influenced her because the entire senior management at the bank where she worked were also graduates of real private schools. She was pleased that she had recently almost completely convinced her daughter, Tamara, that she should definitely stick with me rather than someone with an uncertain future. But she also had her own personal ambitions... she too wanted to achieve something more in life. She was particularly affected when some "little upstart," as she called the twenty-year-old girl, simply got involved with an older man and within weeks became nearly a millionaire.


Not being especially popular with men due to her voluptuous figure, it would be difficult for her to pull off something like that. That’s why she decided to seduce me, hoping that in the future she could become someone like that "upstart." Mentally, she convinced herself that she had fallen in love with me and was therefore going to seduce me, casting aside any mercenary motives. The first meeting had a magical effect on her, and her self-persuasion began to turn into reality. Today's meeting cemented this belief completely... so much so that I couldn’t remove it without damaging her mind.


It’s surprising that she managed to wind herself up like this, and with a light touch of magic on my part, she became madly in love with me. There’s also this... if I fulfill her dream of a rich and comfortable life, I won’t find a more loyal ally.


I no longer wanted to be in her mind because I found it somewhat difficult to understand her. But never mind... I don’t mind having a woman who will do whatever I wish. I wonder, does Tamara think the same or not?


"Don't worry about it," I decided to reply to her. "Because I’m definitely not letting you go anywhere. Especially not after a night like this."


"Have you thought about what you'll do after you finish school?" she asked. With my new understanding of her, I realize Maggie wants reassurance that I have a plan or that she can help me create one.


"Yes," I nodded.


As a wizard, I won’t need to worry about money, food, or anything else. Even now, as an apprentice, I’m already at the level of an average wizard in England and can expect the same income. But when I become a master, that will set me apart. There are only a hundred and ten Transfiguration Masters in England, as I already know. This makes them an elite in society. Once I earn that title, I definitely won’t live in poverty.


Achieving this title will also grant me significant influence in the non-magical world, as wizards pay a lot for the work of masters. They pay not only in Galleons but also in Muggle money, if that’s of interest to a wizard. Sometimes, payment can be in other forms.


"Care to share?" she asked in a seductive tone, running her hand over my body.


"Haste makes waste," I decided to dodge and shift the conversation. "By the way, are you sure you won’t get pregnant?"


"No," she replied. "I’m on the pill. Same as Tamara."


The last part was said with a strange undertone, but I chose to ignore it for now.


"And what about Tamara?" I asked, curious to know her thoughts, especially since she had technically seduced her daughter’s "boyfriend."


"And what about her?" Maggie smirked. "All that matters is your happiness. I’ll make sure my daughter doesn’t think it’s wrong that I’m sleeping with you. Or she simply won’t know..."


I froze for a moment. Maggie is completely crazy...


Showing no reaction, I just nodded. Let it be. I don’t want to mess around in her mind. It feels wrong, and it’s not dangerous.


"I have to go," she said after a few minutes of lying there. "I don’t want Tamara to see us. And I think you need to think things over."


"Of course," I agreed.


The woman slipped out of bed, quickly grabbed her panties, and threw on a robe, disappearing into the bathroom moments later.


I passed out right after.


I woke up quite early in the morning. As it turned out, it had snowed during the night, and now the ground was covered in a white sheet. But nobody seemed to care.


New Year's Day started off calmly and relaxed. After a while, Maggie woke up, completely unashamed. The only thing she wore was a small scarf around her neck. When Tamara asked why, she replied that she had a slight sore throat.


We didn’t discuss what happened between Maggie and me, although I know she’s not opposed to continuing our affair. But I felt an urge to leave as quickly as possible and return to studying magic.


At home, no one asked me anything since my parents didn’t think anything interesting had happened. They just asked if I enjoyed the fireworks. After that, I locked myself in my room and went back to analyzing books while simultaneously pondering ways to become stronger.


If I want to achieve real mastery in magic, I need the most advanced resources, and I don’t have them. Surprisingly, the effect of releasing sexual tension was still lingering, and my mind was buzzing with ideas on how to find a solution that wouldn’t land me in too much trouble.


And there are such options. I remember Myrtle giving me her powers in exchange for satisfying her sexual interest. The question is... can I repeat this with another female ghost? It might work, but it doesn’t seem like it would be easy.


Another option is somehow finding the Philosopher’s Stone and using it to brew an alchemical potion. The recipe for this potion is publicly available because getting the Philosopher’s Stone itself is nearly impossible. So, let’s set that idea aside, far away.


The next option is rituals, but I can’t get the necessary ingredients, so that’s out too.


The last path to strength is simply to keep casting spells until I drop. Then, with small, microscopic steps, my power will gradually grow.


For the past few days, I’ve been studying books until it was time to meet Nymphadora. My father gave me a lift to the Leaky Cauldron, where I met her. She was dressed in a simple robe and a gray knitted hat. With her stood a short, slightly chubby man in a purple robe with a calm expression.


"Oh! Timothy!" Nymphadora called out when she saw me. I walked up to them. "Dad, let me introduce you to my good friend, Timothy Jodie."


I extended my hand.


"And this is my father, Ted Tonks," she said.


"Nice to meet you, Mr. Tonks," I said.


"Likewise, young man," he replied, firmly shaking my hand. "I read about you in the paper, and I can congratulate you on winning the Olympiad. That’s an excellent achievement at your age."


"Thank you, Mr. Tonks," I replied. "I really put in the effort."


"I understand," he nodded. "Shall we go?"


"Yes," Nymphadora nodded.


"Then hold on to me."


I grabbed Ted on one side, and Nymphadora on the other. In the next moment, we were pulled through a long, narrow tube. A moment later, we found ourselves standing on a small platform. Snow swirled up from our arrival and slowly began to settle.


In front of us was a small stone house, surrounded by waist-high stone walls. A thin trail of gray smoke rose from the chimney, indicating someone was inside.


Ted led the way, with Nymphadora following, and I brought up the rear. Ted waved his wand, and the snow that had piled up on the path instantly vanished. Only then did we enter the house.


I immediately realized that someone had expertly used space magic on this house. The interior was much larger than it appeared from the outside. It’s a wonderful and quite popular approach for various homes, but it carries a risk. If a wizard finds a way to collapse the space, he instantly becomes a dangerous person. I know this, and I understand that anything left in collapsed space is destroyed and never returns.


"Dromeda, we’re home," Ted called out loudly.


After a moment, a slender witch with dark hair appeared. The first thing I noticed was her aristocratic posture. Besides that, for a few moments, I felt like I had seen a similar face before. I strained my brain a bit and then remembered... Narcissa Malfoy.


"Glad to meet you," she said with a slight smile. "You must be Timothy... My daughter has spoken a lot about you."


"Mom," the witch blushed slightly in embarrassment.


"Good afternoon, miss," I greeted her. "Timothy Jodie. Pleased to meet you."


"Andromeda Tonks," she replied. "Alright, come inside."


We went inside, and Nymphadora immediately dragged me to her room. It was simple but tastefully decorated. Several shelves of books, a few photo albums, a small desk, and a wardrobe. Besides that, on the desk was a cage with a brown owl, which was looking at me somewhat reproachfully.


The girl really talked a lot, introduced me to her life, and much more. I even had to help her with one topic on Transfiguration that Nymphadora didn’t quite understand. Let’s just say, we spent our time both interestingly and productively.


After that, there was a small lunch prepared by Andromeda. They asked me about my life and what I planned to do after graduating from Hogwarts. I didn’t go into much detail because I didn’t think it was worth it.


Then they went somewhere, leaving us alone in the house. Of course, nothing dishonorable happened. We just talked and occasionally kissed. Nymphadora was the one initiating the latter, and I didn’t mind. In the evening, I returned home and again immersed myself in analyzing and studying books. I’m sure when I return to Hogwarts, things will change a bit, and I’ll have to focus even more on Transfiguration. I don’t mind, to be honest, but I’d still like to have more time.


On the fourth, I was already sitting in the Hogwarts Express, in my compartment, reading a new book on Transfiguration that I bought in Diagon Alley. The book was simple, interesting, but it was just a cover. In Gringotts, I launched a search for Transfiguration books, especially those for preparing for the bachelor’s exam. And I found such a book. Loading it took almost an hour. To keep the goblins from suspecting anything, I requested a catalog of services they could offer me.


The analysis took almost an entire night, but the information I got was very interesting and useful. It complemented everything I knew theoretically, allowing me to view some problems from a completely different perspective. For example, the speed of spell creation, a more in-depth understanding of matter transformation, and several other topics. Some might wonder why I suddenly decided to delve into Transfiguration so seriously? My goal is to obtain a bachelor’s degree by the end of this school year.


"Oh, hello!" Isolda said, entering my compartment. Dorsani followed her. "Long time no see, Timothy."


"Hello, Isolda," I nodded to the girl. "And hello to you too, Dorsani. How was your break?"


"I went to Austria," Isolda replied. "There was a small symposium where my father was an invited speaker."


"Oh," I nodded respectfully. "And how was it?"


"Boring, to be honest," the girl replied. "But I met some wizards, Masters of Charms."


"That’s cool," I nodded.


At that moment, the door to the compartment opened again, and there stood Nymphadora.


"Hi, may I join you?" she asked.


"Sure, why not," I nodded to her, ignoring the fact that Isolda wanted to object.


"Thank you," Nymphadora smiled.


A meaningless conversation began between the girls, while I immersed myself in studying the materials I had downloaded and analyzed earlier. The girls didn’t distract me, which was just great, but they did engage in active and serious verbal sparring, occasionally trying to lightly jab each other to get the other to leave the compartment. But neither Nymphadora nor Isolda intended to leave.


And so they traveled all the way to Hogwarts. There, we switched to the carriages and headed to the school. Everyone was returning to school, so the day was busy with socializing. The Gryffindor table was as noisy as ever. I didn’t run away from it; instead, I joined in, as I was talking to a few fifth-year students and some seventh-years.


At the first dinner at school, I received a note from the Headmaster, inviting me to meet him the next day. I didn’t mind, so I met his gaze and nodded slightly. The note then dissolved into fiery sparks.


Classes began the next day, but for me, they weren’t difficult. Neither Charms nor all the other subjects... perhaps only Potions, which still gave me some trouble. Though it wasn’t simple Potions but Advanced, like all the other subjects.


In the evening, I went to the Headmaster’s office, and after stating the password, I entered. Albus Dumbledore was already waiting for me. This time, he had nothing to distract him.


"Good evening, Headmaster," I greeted him.


"And good evening to you, Timothy," the wizard nodded. "How was your break?"


"Thank you, Headmaster," I replied. "Overall, it was fine. I continued studying."


"Still focused on Transfiguration?" he inquired.


"Of course," I nodded. "I set myself a goal to become a Bachelor of Transfiguration by the end of this year."


"A worthy goal," the Headmaster agreed. "But then you’ll need to work hard on both the practical and theoretical aspects."


"I’m ready for that," I sighed after a few seconds of thought. "Before I start training with a master, I want to know and be able to do as much as possible."


The Headmaster nodded, pulled out a piece of paper, and made a few quick notes. Then he handed me the paper. It was permission to access the Restricted Section of the Library for research purposes. Technically, I didn’t need this because I could access it using my Archive magic. But the document is definitely worth having on hand.


"Then, I think we need to set a schedule," the Headmaster said. "I’ll be busy, so I can only give you a few hours on Tuesdays. Between those times, you can ask Professor McGonagall for help in understanding a particular topic."


"How will this work?" I asked.


"I’ll give you books or notes to study, as well as material to practice," the Headmaster said calmly. "All the books I assign you are in the school library. If you need help finding them, you can ask Madam Pince. She’ll be happy to assist you."


"Thank you, Headmaster Dumbledore," I nodded to him.


"And one more thing," he said, pulling out another piece of paper. "I’m offering you a contract to assist the Transfiguration professor until the end of this semester."


I took the contract and began to review it. Overall, my responsibilities were everything I had been doing before. Only now, I would also receive a small salary. I would be paid ten Galleons per month. Not bad money, I’d say, for a student.


"I agree," I nodded to him.


After signing the contract, I returned the paper to Dumbledore. He tucked it into the sleeve of his robe with a touch of magic.


"Excellent," the Headmaster smiled. "Then I’ll give you the literature to study before our next meeting. So, here’s what you need to read..."


He listed three books and two treatises that I should read before our next meeting, which would be the following Tuesday. The Headmaster would check not only the theory but also the practice of these spells.


After returning from that meeting, I immediately began searching for these books through the search bar. As soon as they were found, they were immediately uploaded to my Archive, and I began analyzing them. Surprisingly, there was only twenty percent unfamiliar information in the material.


The next morning, I started early. I quickly got myself in order and headed straight to the eighth floor to my secret training room. Two and a half hours were enough for a small physical and magical training session.


Breakfast was no longer early for me, so I smiled as I watched the barely awake students, who could barely get their food to their mouths. After that, there were classes, which posed no problems for me. Since I had already achieved the rank of Apprentice in Transfiguration, I was exempt from attending classes, which I used to practice the material the Headmaster had given me.


"Timothy," a fourth-year girl addressed me. Surprisingly, it wasn’t that she spoke to me, but how... It’s not customary to address someone like that if you’re not acquainted. "I don’t understand how color addition works."


"Hmm," I muttered. "It’s not that difficult."


Explaining the topic was simple. Several other fourth-year students also listened with interest to my explanation, and some even made additional notes in their notebooks. They asked more questions, which I easily answered, explaining the topic even more thoroughly and in-depth.


Practicing the material for the Headmaster’s lessons was quick and easy for me. I still had time to explore a new subject called Healing Magic. There was even more theory in this branch of magic, but that didn’t scare me. As they say, a journey of a thousand steps begins with getting out of bed.


My duties as an assistant to the Transfiguration professor allowed me to interact with almost all the students, of all different ages. First-year students were replaced by seventh-years, who were replaced by third-years. In short, there was a lot to do, but I wasn’t going to slack off and just relax.


Isolda, along with Dorsani and Nymphadora, followed me almost everywhere. Since I don’t waste time on the games that are popular among students, the girls had to limit themselves in that too. Instead, they delved a bit more into books and magical knowledge.


Waiting for Tuesday wasn’t easy because I wanted to show the Headmaster my achievements. I’m sure he’ll appreciate them. And when the day came, I could barely wait for the right time. When it came, I was already at Dumbledore’s office, stating the password. As soon as the gargoyle had fully moved aside, I slipped inside and climbed the stairs.


This time, the Headmaster wasn’t in the office, so I had some time to search through the Archive for interesting books that might be stored here. I found some, but choosing which one to download was difficult. In the end, I chose one that looked interesting but wasn’t directly related to Transfiguration. I started the download, and just at that moment, the Headmaster arrived.


"Oh, you’re already here," he nodded and headed for his chair. The Phoenix flew off his shoulder and landed on its perch. The Headmaster pulled some grain from a small pouch and poured it into the feeding tray for the fiery bird. It began to casually peck at the metal bottom of the tray and eat. "How was your week, Timothy?"


"Overall, it went well," I replied. "I studied books, prepared for other subjects, and helped students."


"Excellent," Dumbledore nodded. "Were you able to practice?"


He sat in his chair and watched me intently. This time, he didn’t use magic to read my emotions or anything else.


"Yes," I replied after some thought. "I think I’m ready to demonstrate what I’ve learned."


"Really?" the Headmaster said with a hint of surprise. "Well, let’s check then?"




"This way," the Headmaster nodded towards a small door that appeared in the wall. I went in first. Dumbledore followed right behind me. We found ourselves in a small room that was completely sealed off from the outside world. Another thing that caught my attention was that the room itself was the result of Space Magic. It seems that this room was specially created.


Then the Headmaster proceeded with a practical test of the assignments he had given me, as well as a check of my theoretical knowledge. Overall, it was surprisingly easy. The Headmaster was also pleased that his student was absorbing the material so quickly.


"Excellent work," the wizard nodded when we returned to his office. "To be honest, I didn’t think you’d grasp this material so quickly and be able to use it."


"I just tried really hard," I replied.


"And rightly so," Dumbledore nodded. "As they say... Hard work pays off. Alright, here are the next treatises to read and practice."


I took the list, which was a bit longer this time than last. Interesting. I had already read some of the treatises, which was great because it meant I wouldn’t have to worry about any unknown information.


"Alright," I nodded to the Headmaster. "So, we meet again in a week?"


"Yes," Dumbledore nodded.


"Thank you, Headmaster," I said, standing up. "Have a good evening."


"And to you too."


I left the Headmaster’s office and immediately headed to the library. Why delay absorbing new information for my Archive? When I was almost at the library, I nearly bumped into a Slytherin wizard.


Matthew Travers was standing, leaning against a stone wall. Around him were a few other Slytherins, who seemed to have their own tasks. Reaching for my wand, I didn’t draw it just yet.


"Jodie," the Slytherin student, whom I had recently trounced in a duel, addressed me.


"Travers," I nodded to him in the same tone. There would be no respect between us, I was sure of that. Just as there would be no friendship.


The wizard was silent for a while, but he didn’t say anything. It was clear that he was somewhat uncomfortable with the situation. A few seventh-years, whom I had already sent to the hospital wing, were now standing with their arms folded, looking at Matthew as if he was supposed to say something.


"Ahem," the boy cleared his throat. "I’d like to apologize for my behavior in the past."


Surprising. It’s really surprising that the boy decided to step on his pride and apologize. Although... it seems to me that this wasn’t his decision, but pressure from other students in his House.


"Alright," I nodded. "Apology accepted. Have a good day."


I walked past them, keeping my head held high and practically marching. Of course, if there was a backstab, I’d have to react quickly and very actively. My wand was at my fingertips, ready to engage. But nothing happened.


When I entered the library, I was able to relax a little. I’m not afraid of a fight, but I wouldn’t want to get stabbed in the back. Actually, after this apology, I shouldn’t be planning revenge, but you should never forget that this move by Matthew Travers might just be a trick to distract me. In general, let my revenge remain just a plan, ready to be executed.


In the library, I searched for treatises that I hadn’t read yet, but were on the list. Finding them wasn’t difficult, and the download and analysis didn’t take much time. The theoretical information wasn’t large in volume, but the amount of information and references to other treatises made it necessary to treat the acquired information with great care and attention. The download of additional data perfectly complemented the picture that was forming in my mind.


The information obtained wasn’t easy to understand, but if I didn’t have the book on the Theory of Magic in my Archive, it would have been much more difficult. As it was, a lot of things made sense to me fairly quickly because I had the foundation on which everything was built. The Theory of Magic now serves as something like a solid foundation on which other magical subjects are built.


Returning to the common room after curfew, I noticed the Weasley twins trying to sneak off somewhere, looking in different directions. But they still didn’t expect me to spot them.


"Uh," one of the twins muttered when they nearly bumped into me.


"Good evening," the second greeted and immediately tried to go on the offensive, hoping to catch me off guard. "Why aren’t you in your room? It’s curfew time!"


"I’m allowed," I replied with a smirk. "I have the same question for you. What are two second-years doing in the halls of Hogwarts at this hour?"


"Well," the first began.


"We have an important magical research!" the second immediately said. "Yes, we..."


"Want to study..."


"Hogwarts a bit..."


"Alright," I interrupted the stream of speech. "Do what you want. I don’t care for now."


I turned away from them and headed to my room. I’m not a prefect or a professor to send them back to their dorms. Besides, I don’t have the authority to give or take points. In general, if a professor catches them, then so be it... they’ll get their punishment.


The next morning I followed the same time schedule as I had all last week. At breakfast, Isolda sat next to me and asked:


"So, when are we resuming my training?" she inquired.


"I think during the next trip to Hogsmeade," I told her. "But for that lesson, I advise you to bring some paper and a pencil or pen. You’ll have to make some notes and sketches."


"Alright," she nodded with all seriousness. "And when can you train me in dueling? Of course, not for free!"


"I’m not sure yet," I replied. "For that, I need to find time free from all other tasks."


"But you don’t attend Transfiguration," she immediately pointed out.


"But that doesn’t mean I’m just sitting around doing nothing."


"Alright, I get it," the girl sighed. "But I’ll keep pestering you."


"Be my guest," I waved my hand.


At that moment, a flock of owls flew into the Great Hall. There weren’t many of them because the students had just returned from home and hadn’t had time to miss their parents and vice versa. The Weasley twins received a large, red letter. They didn’t look particularly happy.


"Fred and George Weasley," a somewhat unpleasant voice echoed as the letter flew up and a schematic female face formed on it. "How dare you! You disgrace my family with your antics. How could you even think of sneaking into Professor Snape’s storeroom! You..."


I waved my wand, and the letter went silent. The voice was really unpleasant. It felt like it was driving needles into my brain and rubbing them against some material. Listening to that first thing in the morning was not something I was interested in. Another red-haired fifth-year also looked displeased, but not because he had heard his mother’s unpleasant voice, but for some other reason.


The twins had drawn almost the entire school’s attention. Attempted theft is something beyond ordinary pranks and more like petty crime. I hope they don’t go down a slippery slope.


"We lost two hundred points because of them," Isolda whispered. "We won’t see the House Cup this year."


"And we wouldn’t have gotten it anyway," I muttered.


"Yes," the girl agreed with me. "But we could have tried to fight for second place. Now we’ll be last."


"Well, so be it," I waved my hand. "It’s not the worst thing that could happen."


"Mm-hmm," Isolda agreed. Dorsani just nodded silently. "By the way, can you help me with the essay I’m writing for Transfiguration?"


"I’ll help, why not," I nodded to her. "It’s not hard for me."


"Thanks," she nodded. "Dorsani, could you pass me the salad plate, please?"


"Of course."


After that, we headed to our classes, only to meet later in the evening in the library. Nymphadora joined us because she also had some issues with the Transfiguration assignment.


"In general, I understand," I nodded to them after they told me the topic they were given to write about.


We were sitting at a large, long table that allowed not just one or three students to sit and study, but fifteen at once.


"First of all, for this essay, you need to have a good grasp of some theoretical foundations of magic," I began explaining to them. "You’ve probably already thought about what magic is, haven’t you?"


Hesitant nods were my answer. It seems they hadn’t thought about it.


"According to the Theory of Magic authored by Aleister Crowley, magic is an energy field that a wizard influences with their own magical powers. Magical powers exist within a wizard and are formed from the soul. That’s the basic foundation you need to know."


Nods were my answer. Besides... the girls were incredibly interested in what I had said.


I continued my explanation, adding some informational context that made understanding the issue more global and easier. I helped them with this essay until evening, for which they were grateful. But I didn’t do their homework for them, no. I just helped, and they wrote everything down on paper themselves.


"Thanks for the help," Nymphadora said. "I feel like I understand the subject much better now."


"You should," Isolda added. "To be honest, the explanation was excellent! Even I learned a lot of new things. Thanks!"


"I’m always happy to help," I replied with a kind smile. "Especially when I have the time."


In general, Isolda’s attitude towards me had changed a lot. Before, I could feel that she wanted to bend me to her will, put me under her heel so that I would help her with things. But after I became an Apprentice and a duel winner, everything changed. The girl started treating me as an equal. This affected her attitude and even the language she used.


Overall, I like this kind of respect, and I want to keep getting it. I’ve never been in a situation like this before. In my past world, I would never have achieved this. So, I can’t afford to relax. My achievements are still impressive only now because I’m still a Hogwarts student. Later, everything will change because many others will also become Apprentices. The only way I can stay on top of this wave is to keep earning new titles as quickly as possible. Later, of course, I plan to get titles from other Guilds, but that will be after I graduate from Hogwarts.


"Alright, girls," I said, glancing at the clock. "It’s time to return to the common room. Curfew is coming soon. I don’t care, but I wouldn’t want you to get detention or anything like that."


"Indeed," Isolda agreed with me.


"Can you walk me?" Nymphadora asked.


"Of course," I smiled at her.


And I really did walk her to the door of her House. I know Nymphadora wanted to hug, but since Isolda and Dorsani were with us, she couldn’t do it. She didn’t want to reveal our relationship to other students.


"Thank you," she nodded. "And goodnight to you, Timothy, and to you, Isolda and Dorsani."


"Goodnight to you too," I smiled.


"Goodnight," Isolda also wished.


After that, I returned to the common room with the Gryffindor girls.


"I see you’ve gotten close to her," Isolda said with barely audible jealousy in her tone.


"We’re close friends," I replied.


"I never would have thought," she smirked.


"Why?" I was a little surprised.


"She’s Bellatrix Lestrange’s niece," Isolda said. "One of the Dark Lord’s closest followers, who has dozens of wizard deaths on her hands and many tortured and killed Muggles. She’s one of the few members of his inner circle who’s now sitting in Azkaban."


"Really?" I was surprised. "I didn’t know."


"She’s a Black," Isolda continued. "And they’re all crazy in some way and supported the Dark Lord. So... be careful with her."


"Thank you for telling me," I smiled at her. "I’ll be careful."


I wasn’t going to directly tell her that I didn’t particularly care about her opinion. That’s the quickest way to make an enemy for no reason. It’s better to say something more neutral and not get into an unnecessary conflict.

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