Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 51 Meeting Leng Yan Again

Chapter 51 Meeting Leng Yan Again

Zhang Wei's voice boomed, "You are smuggling children?!" The shock in his voice echoed in Tang Bo's ears, making him wince.

Tang Bo's face fell, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly. "Brother, we don't have any other choice. We need to run our business, too, you know?" he explained.

He wanted to add that not everyone had a Yu Lei to feed them, but he held his tongue.

The dynamics between him and Zhang Wei had changed, and he didn't want to sound ungrateful.

Zhang Wei was speechless. He let out a long, heavy sigh, "You don't need to sell children to make a living."

Tang Bo scratched his head, feeling embarrassed.

Zhang Wei realized that these smugglers didn't even know the consequences of what they were doing.

Even if it were drugs, women, or anything else illegal, Zhang Wei would not have reacted so strongly.

Tang Bo and his fellow inmates were involved in the despicable business of smuggling young children to Shenwei city.

The process was complex and dangerous, and they had to be careful at every step.

Shenwei was a military-centered location, and most of their clients were high-ranking officers. The demand for young children was high, and Tang Bo and his team were making a fortune out of it.

First, they would kidnap the children from Pier 42. This part was not hard as there were number of visitors there on a daily basis.

The real challenge came in smuggling them out of the city. If they used Pier 42, the news would surely reach the ears of the Dragon Lady, so they had to be careful.

They connected with some of their contacts in the Red Scorpion Gang and used the Port Authority to smuggle the children out of the city. It was a risky move, but they had no other option.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a headache coming on.

If these idiots kept smuggling young children outside, they would earn a lot of money, but it was a no-exit route business.

Once you get caught, there was virtually no way to protect yourself, not even bribing worked.

This was why most gangs never directly got involved in this business.

They would rather outsource it to some other gang sitting in a third-world country.

But Tang Bo was doing it directly, which meant he could get the whole White Tigers Gang involved.

Zhang Wei felt a sense of dread wash over him. If they got caught, they would all be doomed.

Suddenly, Zhang Wei remembered something and his eyes narrowed. "You said children, does it consist of boys as well or only girls?" he asked, his tone serious.

Tang Bo didn't understand and replied, "Of course, both boys and girls!"

Zhang Wei's expression turned dark, and he muttered to himself, "Both? What do those bastards need boys for?"

He couldn't understand why the people in Shenwei city needed young children.

His earlier assumption was that it was only young girls, and those people must have some weird habits.

But now, the matter looked more complicated than he had initially thought.

It was a sad reality that children being smuggled for slavery was considered normal, but even in a city like Shenwei, it was unlikely that they would be used for labor.

The question lingered - what else could these innocent children be used for?

The thought of them being exploited for suicide bombing to spread terror was a chilling possibility.

However, as the truth unraveled, it was evident that the government was not as innocent as it appeared.

Shockingly, it was revealed that they conducted terror attacks on themselves to later fend them off and gain votes.

They were willing to create problems first, make it appear as if they were created by someone else, then solve them and become the country's hero.

This manipulative strategy was not limited to the government but was prevalent in various aspects of life, be it corporate or election campaigns.

Even Zhang Wei had used a similar tactic several times to strengthen his grip over Yu Lei.

It was a bleak reminder that sometimes the ones in power would do anything to maintain their dominance, even if it meant exploiting the innocent.

Tang Bo looked at Zhang Wei dubiously and asked, "Should we stop it?"

Zhang Wei shook his head, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Not for now. Let's go. I also want to see how you do it," he said.

He knew that stopping the operation now would be foolish. It would only lead to Shenwei city finding another source of supply. Zhang Wei was determined to uncover the whole matter.

He knew that if he could do so, he might be able to garner support from many military officers.

This was his chance to make a name for himself.

As they made their way to Pier 42, Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline.

He was thrilled at the prospect of uncovering the truth of Shenwei city.

He wanted to see the process with his own eyes, to understand the operation inside out. Perhaps there were shortcomings that could be fixed, ways to avoid getting caught early.

Originally, Zhang Wei's plan was to go back home and deal with Yu Lei.

But with this new information, he was forced to change his plans.

He left a text for Yu Lei, explaining that he would be late.


Pier 42

Zhang Wei and Tang Bo arrived at Pier 42, where they were met by a group of rough-looking gang members.

The men eyed them with suspicion, but their surprise at seeing Zhang Wei quickly turned to fear when their big boss arrived on the scene.

Zhang Wei watched silently as the gang carried out their plan.

Children were snatched in broad daylight and brought to a guarded location in the evening.

There, they were injected with a dangerous amount of propofol before being transported to Port Authority in a pickup truck.

At the docks, disguised members of the Red Scorpion gang were waiting to take their cut of the commission.

The containers filled with drugged children were loaded onto yachts owned by a real estate organization.

Zhang Wei watched as the yachts disappeared into the night, carrying with them the innocent lives of children who had been cruelly snatched away from their families


Zhang Wei knew he had overstayed his welcome, so he decided it was time to take his leave.

As he turned to leave, he cast a final glance at Tang Bo and issued his clear and concise instructions.

He told Tang Bo to stop cooperating with the Red Scorpion gang and instead perform the transaction from the port owned by the White Tigers gang.

Zhang Wei assured Tang Bo that he would take care of the Dragon Lady's permission.

In exchange for their change in tactics, Zhang Wei ordered Tang Bo to settle a lump sum payment to the Red Scorpion gang for a peaceful end to the deal.

Though Tang Bo was initially confused by the decision, he quickly understood what Zhang Wei wanted when he asked for all of the proof of transactions between Tang Bo and the Red Scorpion gang.

Tang Bo realized that Zhang Wei had a plan for the Red Scorpion gang, and he grinned in delight at the thought of it.

Zhang Wei instructed Tang Bo to continue functioning as a separate unit, rather than under the name of the White Tigers gang.

This way, even if they got caught one day, Zhang Wei could simply cut that unit away and save the remaining gang.

With the instructions firmly in mind, Zhang Wei prepared to leave.

As he approached his car, he heard a distinct click near his head.

His heart leapt into his throat as he instinctively froze for a moment.

Slowly turning his head, Zhang Wei saw a gun pointed directly at him, gripped tightly in the hand of a member of the notorious Red Scorpion gang.

"Don't move!" the man barked, his voice hard and unforgiving.

The sound of police sirens rang out, the wailing of multiple vehicles closing in around him.

Zhang Wei's stomach dropped as he realized with a sinking feeling that he had unknowingly stumbled into the middle of a sting operation.

"Oh, Officer Kai, nice to meet you again," Zhang Wei managed to say calmly, despite the tension that was throbbing through his body.

Huang Kai was the police chief who had accompanied Leng Yan when Yu Lei had lodged an emergency help request.

But before he could say anything else, he was reprimanded once more. "Don't move!" Huang Kai shouted, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Zhang Wei nodded quickly, his heart pounding in his chest. "Yes, yes, I won't move," he said, his voice cracking slightly. "Can you please not shout near my ears?"

Although Zhang Wei did not fear bullets, the situation caused an instinctive increase in his heartbeat. Blood pumped to his hands, ready to defend himself at any moment.

The sound of police officers closing in grew louder and more urgent, creating a cacophony of sirens and shouting.

Meanwhile, Leng Yan was focused on apprehending the other suspects when she heard Zhang Wei's voice.

Her expression turned sour as she realized he was involved.

She couldn't help but feel a small sense of satisfaction at the thought of finally locking him up.

As Leng Yan approached, Zhang Wei's eyes lit up with relief. "Oh, Officer Leng, thank God you're here!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency. "Can you please tell this man to be less violent? I am a bit of a pacifist, you see. Last time I fainted at the sight of my own blood."

Leng Yan's eyebrows raised in disbelief at Zhang Wei's attempt to deceive her.

She couldn't believe he was trying to play the victim. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her voice laced with skepticism.

Zhang Wei's expression turned defensive as he replied, "What do you mean by 'what am I doing here'? Didn't you tell me to go undercover all this while? Oops? Am I supposed to still be undercover? Did I blow my cover?"

Leng Yan was taken aback by the sudden shift in the situation.

Huang Kai, who had been restraining Zhang Wei, looked at her with surprise, "He is with you?" he asked, his eyes darted between the two of them, suspicion written all over his face.

Leng Yan frowned, trying to think of a way to salvage the situation.

She noticed Zhang Wei glaring at her and added hastily, "Y-Yes, he is working for me!" Her voice rang out, trying to convince the others that she was in control of the situation.

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