Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 56 *Zhang Wei’s anger*

Chapter 56 *Zhang Wei's anger*

Zhang Wei was puzzled by Leng Mei's reluctance to allow him to date her daughter, "Why?" he asked. "What's wrong with it? Why won't you allow it?"

Leng Mei hesitated for a moment, her expression changing with each passing second.

She bit her lips and took a deep breath before finally speaking up.

"You won't be able to satisfy her!" she blurted out, her face turning slightly rosy as she found her own reason ridiculous but didn't want to explain herself further.

Zhang Wei was taken aback by her response. He looked at her with a strange expression, unable to understand her reasoning.

After a few moments of contemplation, he finally realized what she meant.

However, instead of addressing her concern, he started talking off-topic with a sly smirk on his face.

"Tsk, aren't you too concerned with your daughter's pleasure? To think that a woman who hasn't experienced love in years is talking about sexual satisfaction."

Leng Mei's face contorted with anger. "Did that girl tell you this?" she demanded, her voice rising in indignation.

Zhang Wei chuckled darkly, relishing how he was able to get a rise out of Leng Mei.

"No, my dear, it's just common sense," he taunted. "You look so young, and considering Leng Yan's age, it's clear you had an early pregnancy. Don't you feel bad for being abandoned so early in life?"

Leng Mei's expression changed, her chest heaved with fury as she struggled to control her emotions.

Her fists clenched at her sides, and her eyes blazed with a fiery intensity. The room felt electric with tension as the two of them faced off.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Leng Mei let out a long, slow breath. "If you're finished," she said through gritted teeth, "please leave."

Zhang Wei was taken aback by her lack of reaction; he had expected her to be more responsive.

He couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment in his gut.

It seemed as though her wounds had already healed, but her nonchalant attitude towards his presence frustrated him.

Somehow, he despised her aloofness, which compelled him to stand up abruptly.

Leng Mei was startled, but she did not make any move to retaliate. It was perplexing how she remained so calm in her current state.

She regarded Zhang Wei as nothing more than a juvenile in her eyes, and she could use her powers to subdue him at any moment.

Little did she know that Zhang Wei did not operate on conventional logic.

If something angered him, he could do things that a rational person would never even consider.

Right now, despite knowing that Leng Mei was more powerful than he was, and that his comments had incited her wrath, he still approached her, standing right in front of her.

His face loomed over hers as he peered down, asserting his dominant position above her.

With an irritable click of his tongue, he grabbed her hands and brought them together, startling her. "I had thought you were different from your daughter, but both you and she are nothing but trouble," he spat, his eyes glaring at her with intensity.

Leng Mei was completely taken aback by Zhang Wei's sudden change in attitude.

Surprisingly, she found herself not entirely repulsed by him, at least not for the moment.

"You want to know about your daughter? Well, listen up. Not only do I want to find her, but I also want you," he declared boldly.

Leng Mei's thoughts were interrupted when Zhang Wei spoke up again, his voice laced with arrogance.

"What? Why are you staring at me like that? Let alone you, I can satisfy ten more women like you!"

Leng Mei's eyes widened in utter shock as she heard his words.

She had always known that Zhang Wei had his eyes on her, but she never gave it much thought. Due to her beauty, it was normal for any man to hold an appreciation for her.

However, everything was fine until this man had the audacity to say it to her face.

For a moment, she forgot to breathe, and her surprise was broken only when she felt his aura leaking.

'He is a cultivator?' A look of pure shock and surprise flashed through her eyes.

Leng Yan was not an ordinary woman, so a normal man alone would have a hard time satisfying her, let alone two women at once.

Thus, Leng Mei was completely against the idea of having her daughter share a man with someone else.

However, if Zhang Wei was a cultivator, the case might be different.

On top of this, she couldn't see through him, which made her even more suspicious.

Contrary to his expectations, Leng Mei emitted a powerful aura that made Zhang Wei freeze in place.

He widened his eyes in disbelief, unable to move his feet.

"Who sent you here?" Leng Mei's voice sliced through the air like a sharp blade.

Zhang Wei furrowed his brow, struggling to comprehend her words.

Her eyes glimmered with a vicious glint that signaled she was ready to kill him.

He was utterly baffled by her sudden change in demeanor.

Perceiving his confusion, Leng Mei's eyes narrowed even further. "Are you from the divine mountain?" she inquired, her eyes reflecting the waves of memories that flooded her mind.

Zhang Wei's bewilderment only deepened at her question. "What's the divine mountain?" he retorted.

Leng Mei's eyes narrowed even more, but upon realizing that he wasn't lying, her expression turned bitter. She released him and withdrew her aura.

"It's nothing," she muttered.

Zhang Wei's eyes blazed with fury as he stared at her speechlessly.

Not only had she attacked him without any provocation, but she also refused to explain.

What did she take him for?

He had come here seeking peace, but the world kept pushing him to become a brute.

He let out a deep sigh, and then with a forceful motion, pushed Leng Mei's body backward, causing her to tumble onto the bed.

His movements were rough and urgent as he mounted above her. His eyes bore into hers, shining with a raw, animalistic hunger.

Leng Mei was caught off guard, and her mind exploded with a mixture of surprise, fear, and excitement.

She let out a startled gasp as Zhang Wei's lips descended onto hers, sending an electric shock through her body.

His mouth was soft and plump, and tasted like the sweetest nectar she had ever tasted.

The sensation was overwhelming, and she was powerless to stop him as his fingertips roamed eagerly over her curves.

For a moment, she was lost in the heat of the moment, unable to move or make a sound, as though she were in a trance.

Zhang Wei's lips felt like fire against hers, and she was drowning in waves of pleasure.

But suddenly, Leng Mei let out a powerful burst of qi, causing a shockwave that shook the room.

Zhang Wei was caught off guard, and was blasted backwards with tremendous force.

He slammed into the wall, his back colliding with a resounding thud that made him groan in pain.

"Cough... cough..."

The sound of his coughs echoed through the room as he struggled to stand up, glaring furiously at Leng Mei.

His eyes burned with a fiery gaze, piercing through her like a hot knife through butter.

The air was thick with tension as he tried to gather his senses, his mind racing with confusion and disbelief.

Leng Mei's face was etched with guilt as she saw him glaring at her.

A lump formed in her throat as she realized the gravity of her mistake.

'He could have died?' she thought, an ugly expression hovering above her face, if not for Zhang Wei's diamond body, he would have suffered heavy injuries.

A sense of guilt grew inside of her, as she realised the gravity of her actions.

She grew timid, her body shaking with panic as she stammered, "I-I am sorry, I didn't mean to do it!"

"You just came at me suddenly!" Leng Mei tried to explain, her voice quivering with remorse.

But before she could finish, Zhang Wei had already leapt above her once more, his body hovering over hers like a predator stalking its prey.

With lightning-fast speed, Zhang Wei had already leapt above Leng Mei, his body poised over hers like a predator stalking its prey.

His eyes were dark with hunger and his lips parted in anticipation.

Without warning, his lips crashed onto hers, engulfing her in a fierce kiss that left her breathless.

Leng Mei's was caught off-guard, her heart raced as her body responded to his touch, and she gasped in surprise as his tongue slipped inside her mouth, exploring every inch.

As their tongues tangled, Leng Mei's eyes flickered with emotion.

She had never felt this kind of passion before, and it caught her completely off guard.


Her back arched and she moaned softly as Zhang Wei's hands roamed over her body, exploring every curve and contour.

Despite the overwhelming pleasure coursing through her body, Leng Mei tried to resist.

"Ahhh...n-no..." she moaned softly, her voice laced with desire and reluctance.

But her body betrayed her, responding eagerly to Zhang Wei's touch.

A fiery desire ignited inside her as she eagerly responded to his kiss, her lips pressed tightly against his.

Zhang Wei's hands grew restless as they climbed up to her jade breasts, feeling their softness even through the layers of clothing.

As he squeezed gently, Leng Mei's body trembled with pleasure, and she let out another soft moan.

"Mmm..." she gasped for breath, her voice thick with desire.

But before she could protest further, Zhang Wei had moved on, showering her neck with kisses that left her dizzy with longing.

She tried to speak again, to resist the pull of his touch, but the sensations were too much to bear.

Her moans grew louder and more urgent as he continued to explore her body, each touch sending waves of pleasure through her.

Zhang Wei's skilled hands moved with lightning speed, deftly pulling down the straps of Leng Mei's bra, exposing her creamy, milky-white skin to his ravenous gaze.

A sharp gasp escaped Leng Mei's lips, and her body quivered with excitement as his lips trailed over her bare skin, sending shivers down her spine.

As he kissed and nibbled at her breasts, Leng Mei's mind was ablaze with conflicting thoughts and emotions.

She knew she should resist, but her body was on fire, yearning for more.

Her moans grew louder, filling the room with the sounds of her ecstasy as she arched her back and offered herself up to him, completely surrendering to his every touch and whim.

But then, the guilt and shame hit her like a ton of bricks.

She covered her breasts with her hands, pushing Zhang Wei away with all her might. "No, it's enough already!" she shouted, her voice trembling with shame.

The burning heat of his touch still lingered on her skin, and her body was aching with unbridled desire.

But Leng Mei knew that she couldn't give in to her emotions any longer.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself against the overwhelming sensations that threatened to consume her, and looked up at Zhang Wei with tears in her eyes.

Zhang Wei's eyes widened in disbelief as he stared at Leng Mei, his mind reeling with shock and anger.

Leng Mei's breaths came in quick, ragged gasps, and she was unable to meet his furious gaze.

She looked away, still covering her body, feeling small and vulnerable in the face of his rage.

This small act of hers only served to enrage Zhang Wei further, and his fury knew no bounds.

"How long are you going to let the memory of some bastard control your life?!" he spat, his words venomous and biting, striking Leng Mei like a thunderous blow.

A single tear slipped down the corner of her eye, but she pressed her lips together tightly, unwilling to speak.

Her eyes, however, spoke volumes, betraying the depth of her pain and the weight of her shame.

Zhang Wei's face contorted with rage as he unleashed a torrent of curses on Leng Mei.

His voice grew louder with each word, as if trying to overpower her with his fury.

It was clear that he had never experienced being restrained before, and now he was forced to resort to hurling insults to vent his frustration.

He realized that he couldn't force Leng Mei to do what he wanted due to his lack of power over her and the realization only fueled his anger.

After five long minutes of cursing, Zhang Wei stormed out of Leng Mei's room, slamming the door shut with a resounding bang.

The force of the impact was so great that Leng Mei's body flinched involuntarily.

She felt a pang of guilt for stopping him, even though she knew deep down that he was in the wrong and too forceful with her.

[You could have died there, host] the system commented, its voice filled with concern about the risky behavior that Zhang Wei had just displayed.

Zhang Wei was in no mood to be reminded of his recklessness.

He replied with a mocking voice, 'But I didn't, now shut your mouth!' The anger in his voice was palpable, and it was clear that he was still in a refractory period.

The system couldn't help but remind him of the danger he was putting himself in. [I thought you said not to repeat any suicidal behaviors] it said, its tone urgent.

Zhang Wei's frown deepened, and he let out a frustrated sigh.

He caught hold of the steel railings with his hand, and with a sudden burst of strength, he bent them out of shape.

It was clear that he was still seething with anger and wasn't ready to calm down anytime soon.




A/N: In every chapter, there are a lot of things that I write without explanation, like here when Leng Mei sensed guilt upon realizing the gravity of the situation. This is the first stage of guilt.

Just FYI, if anyone is interested, they can keep an eye out for these hidden clues in the chapters, as there are many more than just this.

Note that the five stages of grief are different from the stages of guilt. Do not confuse the two.

Unlike grief, Guilt consists of four components: 1) gravity, 2) rationalization, 3) projection, and 4) denial planning, which occurs last.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.