
Chapter 74: Hearing the Way Back Home

◎ Royal Castle Delgura

「I think trials are necessary for boys.」

「You should stop forcing your ideals on your own child.」

While Kazane was being walking toward the Queen she heard Yuuko-nee's thoughtless remark and the following tsukkomi. It sounded like something that could be said on the topic of horrible baby names.

Roger cleared his throat with a cough from the side.


Kazane reluctantly kneeled. There were some knights and civil servants in the surroundings. She guessed her speech shouldn't be too familiar, and Kazane also decided to show that she wasn't a child who couldn't read the air.

「I would like to hear more details about the request reward, Queen-sama.」

Kazane asked formally in a polite tone.

「I know of a place where the possibility exists.」

Yuuko-nee answered Kazane's question.

「I actually saw it. Cars with Nerima license plates. Tokyo Tower. People walking with cell phones.」

Starting with Roger, the surrounding people all tilted their heads in confusion at the conversation they couldn't understand.

「That, truly?」

With an unbelieving manner Kazane looked at Yuuko-nee. However, Yuuko-nee nodded her head in confirmation.

「I know about King Tatsuyoshi, and there's also King Taro Yamada, the unifying king from a thousand years ago.」

Kazane was surprised after learning of that person.

「But it is also true that I saw it. The place I saw it was at the end of『a certain dungeon.』」


Kazane's face tightened.

「That place is now a dungeon of considerable difficulty. I think it is dangerous to send you now. I can't tell the details to beginners who have only delved up to 4 layers deep, right? 」

Yuuko-nee announced. That manner of speaking was similar to the old days in Zexiahart. Yuuko-nee was usually gentle, but in those matters she was strict. She disliked people getting in over their heads.

「After we do it, you'll tell us?」

Yuuko-nee nodded at Kazane's words.

「After the dragon's complete defeat I will tell you the name of the dungeon.」

After thinking a little about the words, Kazane nodded and said「I understand.」

(There is no reason for Yuuko-nee to lie about such a thing, and searching ourselves would be unreasonable.)

Being told by her meant they would receive exact details, so Kazane thought it would be the best idea. Since that was the case, it was fine. The other one was a challenge.

「Then, I'd like to know why you're leaving your son in our care.」

Kazane returned to normal speech. Kazane was at her limit.

「As I said at the beginning, I'd like to give the boy a challenge.」

「It's way too dangerous.」

「Well, I still think it's for the best. He has not been able to master the White Sword, so it seems a good way for him to learn how to use it to some extent.」

「Are you aiming for growth in actual battle?」

「That kid's quantity of Magical Power is similar to mine and has been naturally high since birth, so the prerequisites shouldn't be a problem. But up until now he has yet to master the White Sword, so I was thinking that perhaps he hasn't had enough opportunities to wield it.」

There was nothing wrong with the idea. Getting accustomed to the timing of that sword's special attack『White Fang』was especially difficult.

「Therefore, he'll travel with us?」

Yuuko-nee nodded after Kazane's remark.

「You're someone I'm able to trust, so I'll entrust the matter to your group.」

After being told that Kazane couldn't do anything but nod and agree.

「Just to confirm, accompanying us in the dungeon is one thing, but accompanying us for the dragon extermination doesn't seem necessary. You think he should, even though it's unreasonable?」

「Yes, although I wrote it impulsively on the request, it isn't a problem.」

Roger and the others stared in amazement. They understood from the conversation that Kazane's group had received a request, and had heard when the bodyguard schedule was altered that Prince Sieg would be accompanied by an adventurer party.

But they had heard nothing about the opponent being a dragon, and it didn't seem possible. However, neither Yuuko-nee nor Kazane explained that detail. Or more importantly, don't write such things on impulse…..was the common thought of everyone there.

「Well then, Sieg. Come here.」


Sieg had been waiting behind Yuuko-nee and came forward.

「From now you are assigned to journey with this Kazane for the purpose of training to master the White Sword. Do not bring shame upon our Minshiana royal family's name, and return with splendid results.」

「Yes, Your Majesty Queen Yuuko. I will obtain results that meet Your Exalted Majesty's expectations and return.」

Sieg declared to his mother. While observing, Kazane thought

(I wonder if this child will easily master it. He seems accustomed to his equipment and doesn't have the manner of a pampered rich kid. Well, Yuuko-nee also considered such things.)

◎ Royal Capital Shubain, Outskirts


With the visage of a silver haired dog, Yumika continuously attacked with vigor. The silver spear and hardened silver protectors shone with a divine response. It seemed there was an attribute resonance with the Wolf God Transformation that enhanced them.

「Fun nuoo」

Opposing her was the dragonbone spear wielded by Jinrai. The speed could no longer be visually followed and Yumika's attacks were returned, repelled, and handled by reading from her previous attacks with intuition.

「I understand that Yumika became amazing, but Jinrai-kun is also amazing, right?」

Louise watched with a surprised face from a short distance away. These practice bouts had been happening for the past three days, since Yumika became able to do the Wolf God Transformation. Meanwhile, Jinrai remained undefeated despite Yumika's transformation.

『Hm. Perhaps what Kazane said wasn't mistaken.』

According to Kazane,

「Magical Power is enhancing his vitality, and with the activation, his body is『Rejuvenating.』I think that perhaps meeting an opponent that can compete with himself is starting his enlightenment.」

It was a guess based on Kazane's Intuition, and it seemed pertinent. Furthermore, the body is rehabilitated with the activation of magical power ...... it was a popular story in this world. There were many cases of masters in this world with high longevity, though not to the same extent as elves.

「Although he was skilled when he was in my party, is it extending even further here?」

「He's a lively ojii-chan.」

By the way, Tiara was beside them doing intense training to control eight knights in formation. Mefirus and Louise's instruction was also quite Spartan.


Yumika attacked Jinrai with a full-bodied thrust.


Jinrai avoided it with『Weeping Willow.』

(Here it is!)

Yumika struck the ground with『Spin.』


And Yumika opened her eyes wide with shock as Jinrai's spear was thrust in front of her.

「Uwaa, I lost.」

Yumika said, then took her hands from her spear and surrendered.

「Fuu ...... I win? It's tiring.」

Saying that in a satisfied voice, Jinrai used his spear like a walking stick and sat on the ground.

「You're too strong, master. Or perhaps I should say you've gotten stronger?」

Yumika asked. Although she lost, she wasn't overly tired due to the effect of the Wolf God Transformation.

「For the last ten years I've been fighting monsters ...... well, it might be the influence of specializing. I'm finally getting accustomed to interpersonal warfare and that speed.」

Jinrai muttered while breathing heavily, though Yumika didn't think that was the whole story.

「Looks good.」

As if she had chosen the perfect time to arrive after the conclusion of their battle (or perhaps she really did), Kazane walked towards them.

「How was it, Kazane?」

But right after saying that Yumika saw the other person following behind and said「Ah.」

「Yes, well, I accepted the request without change. Here, let's do greetings.」

Kazane grabbed Sieg's shoulders and brought him out in front.

「Ye, Yes.」

Sieg was flustered from suddenly having his shoulders grabbed by Kazane.

「I am Sieg・Waiti・Shubaina. Everyone, I will be receiving your favor.」

Everyone returned their own greetings. After that Kazane consulted with Jinrai.

「Since it would be bad to reveal he is a prince, I was planning on deceiving people by saying it is Jinrai-san's grandson, but is that okay?」

He entered a party full of young girls, constantly went to hot springs with them, and started traveling with a grandson unknown to his wife ... such rumors would flow to his wife in Hyvern, and Jinrai was unaware of the cruel future that awaited him as he casually returned「no problem.」

It was a problem. Jinrai would understand that later.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Berserk Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring

Level : 22

Health: 77

Magic Power: 132+300

Strength: 33

Agility: 27

Endurance: 17

Wisdom : 34

Dexterity : 20

Spell : 『Fly』 『Torch』 『Fire』 『Heal』『Firestorm』

Skill : 『Warrior's Memory』 『Night Vision』 『Crushing Blow』 『Dog’s Sense of Smell』 『Golem Maker: Lv2』 『Rush』 『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』 『Healing Principle: Second Chapter』 『Air Jump』 『Killing Leg』 『Fear Voice』 『Invisible』 『Tiger Eye』 『Wall Walking』 『Intuition』 『Cheat Death』 『Nimble』

Kazane: 「Jinrai-san is gradually being cornered.」

Yuuko-nee: 「Before the person himself realizes it.」

Yumika: 「Master.......」

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