
Chapter 79: Advancing Beyond

Kazane made several temporary inns side by side near the bathhouses the next day. She also prepared lodging for Zakuro, and a few plots of nearby land were set aside. It seemed the plan was for this to be some kind of town center, with the expectation that the market in front of the cave would gradually expand in this direction.

However, yesterday's story had already spread around the neighborhood, and nobody carelessly approached Kazane' s cottage.

「I will be sure to keep the hot spring operating until evening.」

「You have an indefatigable commercial spirit.」

Although Kazane was impressed, isn't the fact that Kazane can make a hot spring in such a short time much more amazing  ... Louise thought.

「By the way, we decided to name it Kazane Hot Springs. It's possible it will become Kazane Hot Spring Town.」


It seemed the story was developing in an even more incomprehensible way. Kazane at that time had no way of knowing that it was decided that『The Hero's Preferred Water』would be said in reference to King Tatsuyoshi.

Well, in the evening she would find out. With the anecdote that Kazane was acquainted with him, Zakuro-san attached that catchphrase.

「I will manage the bathing fees, but if you have any requests please let me know.」

「No, I will leave it to Zakuro-san. I just think it's awful that Louise-san and Tiara's backing will be hidden.」

She was currently connected with a Zenith Firm representative, the queen of Minshiana, the king of Tsuvara, and the original king of Tsuvara. The relationships behind the scenes were too tremendous. In the first place, yesterday's matter was already being tied to Kazane's reputation as the Ogre Killing Princess. The person herself didn't know that information, but it became a very troublesome matter.

Incidentally, she contacted Yuuko-nee and summarized the details but

Yuuko-nee: 「Well then, over there we'll go with Kazane Magic Hot Spring Town.」

came back. Which reminded her that there was a hot spring town planned near Conrad. The future possibility of mistaking the names of the two hot spring towns was now highly expected.

◎ Rock Hold Cave, 5th Layer - Just Before Noon

「We had to rush to reach this place by this time. I wonder if we've reached the limit of what can be accomplished with day trips.」

Jinrai nodded at Kazane's remark.

「We should think about camping in the dungeon before we advance any further.」

Kazane nodded to Jinrai's proposal. Yumika didn't mind, but Tiara and Sieg wore anxious faces when they heard the discussion about staying in a place where monsters exist. However, they could not reach the dragon on the 32nd floor with a day trip.

「About how many days would it take to pass through?」

「For the time being shouldn't we bring about three days of food rations and see how it goes? We can observe to what degree we can supplement by hunting.」

They could also stockpile food from hunting if they didn't go too far. Return timing was also important.

「Sure. Honestly, I'm done with going and returning like this, so it seems like the next time is the right time to try it out.」

「Ah, that's right.」

Jinrai also nodded. The two royal family members had uneasy faces, but Jinrai felt that it was a suitable time.

Today they would search the 5th layer. The scene gradually changed from a rocky cave to a lush forest.

(Really, it's a strange scene)

Kazane looked around. The demarcation between areas in the dungeon was too artificial.

(Well, it's easy to understand, so it's fine)

Kazane discarded unnecessary ideas and moved forward while vigilantly observing the surroundings. Based on the map purchased from the guild, they would explore the yet unexplored locations.

「Mu, there are Dart Boars and Burrow Tigers.」

Kazane said while she pulled out Black Fang.

「Are they in the middle of fighting?」

「Maybe. Both are agitated, at least.」

Monsters that were not of the same species fundamentally did not join together, but fought instead. Kazane had heard that it seemed like monsters that accumulated many such experiences would become a boss or the like.

「There are 3 on each side, should we wait until the conflict ends to approach?」

「It's not an amount we can't deal with.」

Jinrai was eager.

「OK. Tiara, keep one Flame Knight on defense and send one into battle. Sieg, fire two White Fangs as a preemptive strike then withdraw.」

「Understood, Kazane.」


Sieg's White Fang was powerful and had a long range, but scoring a direct hit was still a problem. Considering the risk of accidentally hitting an ally, it was safest to limit it to preemptive strikes.

If Kazane and the others entered the battle Sieg's attacks were unnecessary, but doing it this way allowed Tiara and Sieg to accumulate experience at the same time.

「Sieg, if a boar comes this way it's fine to fight it. Avoid the Burrow Tigers.」

「Ye, yes.」

Kazane judged he could handle it, and training Sieg's swordsmanship was also important. Although the sword skill was from『Warrior's Memory』his body was wielding it. Kazane's own experience let her know that letting Sieg accumulate combat experience was valuable.


As directed by Kazane, Sieg activated the White Sword, then jumped out and fired White Fang.



The fighting Burrow Tigers and Dart Boars were surprised at seeing the sudden attack and panicked.

「A Dart Boar was hit, but it only grazed the Burrow Tiger's leg?」

「I'm sorry. I tried to aim properly.」

Sieg looked at Kazane apologetically.

「It's fine. As long as you keep doing your best.」

She said in praise while she patted his head. In fact, Kazane thought he was doing incredibly well for someone whose first time battling a monster or exploring a dungeon was after they met.

(A result of Yuuko-nee's education?)

「Kazane, are we charging in?」

「Yeah. Yumika and Jinrai-san, aim for the Burrow Tigers.」

Yumika and Jinrai nodded while they started running towards the Burrow Tigers that were leaping towards them.

「Tiara, use a Flame Knight to drive a Dart Boar this way and fight it together with Sieg.」

「Understood」「I will do my best」

Tiara and Sieg said enthusiastically. A calm-faced Louise on the other side asked Kazane a question.

「What should I do?」

「Support as necessary, please!」

Kazane returned as she started running towards the boars like the Flame Knight.

「Support? That's it?」

It seemed like Tiara heard Louise, but since Tiara was operating the Flame Knights with all her might, she couldn't reply. Louise shrugged her shoulders and said「do your best」as she began supporting. In addition, she judged that opponents of this level could not easily reduce the Magic Power of a skilled magician, so she didn't bother holding back.

「Well then.」

Kazane ascended to the sky with multi-stage jumping. She kept her height at a sensible level where she would not receive too much of a shock when she landed. Kazane hopped freely in the sky and stabbed a Dart Boar.


The cut Dart Boar screamed. But Kazane's eyes lacked anything like compassion. That would be a mistaken judgement.

「Skill・Killing Leg!」

The fur was useful material, so she finished it off with a kick to the abdomen so that she wouldn't damage it.

「Uuuu, yaaaaa」

On the other side Sieg was wielding his sword against a Dart Boar.

The Dart Boar rushed in with its tusks, and Sieg fended them off with the White Sword.

「There it is, do it!」


He dodged, then leapt forward and cut off a foreleg.



For a moment Sieg recoiled from the bleeding Dart Boar, but still vigorously finished it off.


The White Sword pierced through and destroyed the core near the heart.

With a final scream the movement of the Dart Boar stopped.

「Ha, haa」

「Well done.」


Sieg cheerfully responded to Kazane's unexaggerated praise.

「Tiara also did well.」

「Fufufu, please entrust more to me.」

Tiara replied with beads of sweat on her forehead. Although she only summoned two Flame Knights, it was very mentally taxing work to drive the Dart Boars towards Kazane and Sieg. Flame Knights did not have their own will like Yuuko-nee or Mefirus; they were summoned knights completely controlled by their operator. It was possible to set them to act freely, but the difficulty level was considerably higher when operating more than one or doing detailed work.

As for Yumika and Jinrai,

「They were a little weak, Master.」

「It seems they were tired from the Dart Boar battle. Boring.」

They seemed calm. Jinrai's observations were particularly carefree, in Louise's opinion.

◎ Rock Hold Cave, Fifth Layer - Evening

「I'm a little tired, so let's take a break.」

Kazane said while looking back, and the whole party halted.

They had battled three more times since the mixed battle with the Burrow Tigers and Dart Boars in the morning. Tiara and Sieg's Magic Power was almost gone, and it was about time to return.

「A break is fine, but isn't it already about time to return?」

Jinrai asked Kazane.

「That's true, but I need to consult with you for a bit. We're being tailed.」


Jinrai knitted his brows.

「At first I thought they were crossing our path by chance, but they have also stopped.」

「One of the guys from yesterday?」

「No, this smell wasn't there.」

Kazane answered Tiara's question.

「Mu, I'd like to lose them.」

If we stay here our tail might realize we've noticed ... Kazane thought, but no conclusion appeared.

「What do you think? Should we pursue them?」

Yumika asked Kazane. Yumika was a little nervous about Jinrai's「dungeon attack」remark from yesterday.

「No, let's go back. It's possible I'll meet them by chance since I've already memorized the『scent.』」

Everyone nodded at Kazane's words, and they decided to return the way they came.

On the way she discovered a hidden room. Kazane was in high spirits so she destroyed the wall to the hidden room and entered, but『It』was there.….

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Silver Breastplate, Silver Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Carapace Bull Trousers, Berserk Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring

Level : 23

Health: 80

Magic Power: 138+300

Strength: 38

Agility: 30

Endurance: 19

Wisdom : 40

Dexterity : 22

Spell : 『Fly』 『Torch』 『Fire』 『Heal』『Firestorm』

Skill : 『Warrior's Memory』 『Night Vision』 『Crushing Blow』 『Dog’s Sense of Smell』 『Golem Maker: Lv2』 『Rush』 『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』 『Healing Principle: Second Chapter』 『Air Jump: Lv2』 『Killing Leg』 『Fear Voice』 『Invisible』 『Tiger Eye』 『Wall Walking』 『Intuition』 『Cheat Death』 『Nimble』『Charge』

Yumika: 「Is this the first chapter that ended on a cliffhanger?」

Kazane: 「No, in Yumika: 「Oh!」

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