Mark of the Fool

Chapter 754: Hidden Icons

“You know, I thought we were going to die,” Birger shook his head, seeming shocked that they were still alive. He raised his arms toward the ceiling, stretching his aching back as the trio entered the lab. “You went through all the trouble of making us stay out of the summoning room when you were conjuring simple elementals, big birds, and engeli. But you keep us right there with you when you call the Slaughterer of the Infinite, literally, something called the Slaughterer of the Infinite! Then you try and antagonise it?”

Bjorgrund shuddered. “When you started talking about revenge near the end there, I was sure she was going to leap out of the summoning circle and start butchering us!”

“I wasn't worried, not even for one second!” Alex said loudly, like someone lying about not being worried. His hands shook. “The only thing I felt was the sweet thrill of victory!”

The giants looked at each other, then back to the young wizard sceptically.

Alex’s grin cracked. “Okay, I'm lying. I was actually shaking in my boots. For a moment there, I wasn’t sure how offended she’d be, but I also had to show her that I wasn’t afraid of her. She made it pretty clear that she had no respect for weakness. But yeah, I wouldn't have had you with me if I didn't need you. Bjorgund and I needed to do that demonstration, and I didn't think you'd want to leave your son alone with me and something like her, Birger, and besides, if she’d started going berserk, I would have grabbed you two and teleported the hells out of there before she could get out of the summoning circle.”

“Well, you thought right. I'm just glad she seemed to admire you showing her some backbone,” Birger said. “So, does this mean we’re all ready, then?”

“Just about,” Alex nodded to the control panel for the sanctum. “Did you finish mapping a route for our ‘guests’?”

Birger gave him a nasty smile. “Why don't you take a look? We wrote everything down in that book over there.”

The old firbolg pointed to the notebook lying open beside the controls.

Alex eagerly picked it up, reading each notation carefully, his smile growing wider at everything he saw. Laid out across the pages, was a detailed route through the sanctum, beginning at the entrance chamber with the goddess statues, and leading through a number of rooms. The trap in each area was highlighted, along with which pathways would go to the next room along the giants’ diabolical route.

Every room had two exits, each one leading to a different branch along the passageway, giving the hidden church the illusion of choice. They would be drawn in, believing that they were moving through the sanctum of their own choosing, while in fact, they would be led along a set path to death.

Alex nodded in approval. “This is vicious,” he said admiringly. “Well done. Now, they can get a taste of what being ambushed feels like.”

“And it never leads to anywhere we don't want them to go: no summoning chamber and no lab. But you know what the best part is?” Bjorgrund pointed at the end of the route, all smiles. “Look where they end up.”

Alex’s eyes went to the end of the route, then he burst out laughing. “Right back to the goddess statues! Oh, that's evil!”

“I'll be sitting at the controls, turning traps on and off,” Birger grinned. “If they look confident, then all the traps will be on in every room they go to. If they look like they're starting to get nervous, I'll turn off a few traps—give them a bit of hope—and keep luring them in. Once they get comfortable again, then we start hitting them with the ‘good’ stuff. I think the best part is when they first get to the entrance chamber, the statues will be off. We won't be so kind when they find themselves back in that same room at the end of it all.”

“Excellent, just what I like to hear.” The young wizard rubbed his hands together. “And by the time they get back there, the summoned monsters waiting for them, as well as the traps, will have whittled their numbers down so much that very few will be left. And if that sneaky fae, any priests or those two Apostles are left, they’ll get a taste of what’s waiting in that room. That's when we hit them with my most powerful summoned monsters, including our new ally.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Birger said, looking at his son. “You understand you don't have to be involved in the last part of this fight if you don't want to be, Bjorgrund?”

“That’s absolutely true, you've done more than enough for me,” Alex agreed.

Bjorgrund snorted. “You're gonna have me do all that training with you, and then not let me take part in the best part? No way. I want a piece of them myself, you didn't give me this axe and armour so I could just sit around and admire them.”

“I thought you'd say something like that,” Birger said. “Just make sure you don't let them best you, son.”

The larger giant patted his father on the back. “I won't, father. None of your stories end that way, so how could I let that happen?”

Alex and Birger looked at each other in confusion.

“What do you mean?” the firbolg asked his son.

The young giant grinned. “What, you didn't figure it out yet? This is just like one of your stories! You know, the ones about the young farm boys?”

Alex raised a brow in amusement. “What farmer stories?”

“Oh, those ones, “ Birger said, suddenly laughing. “I see what you mean, son!”

“Okay, now I feel like you’re sharing a joke that I don't know the punchline to.” The young wizard looked around suspiciously. “What are you two talking about?”

You could be reading stolen content. Head to the original site for the genuine story.

“Well, there wasn't much to do to pass the time in the woods,” Bjorgrund explained. “So when I was little, father would sing and tell me all sorts of stories at night. A lot of them were about young, human farm boys who’d always get chosen for some great destiny. Usually, they’d get some sort of mark or something like it that shows their greatness—”

“Clearly works of wild fantasy,” Alex said dryly.

“—and they'd always be raised by grumpy grandfathers, aunts or uncles,” the young giant continued.

“Not too grumpy,” Birger said, sounding offended.

“Anyway, they would live on these farms, or in the middle of the woods, until one day a wizard comes to them. Usually they'd be old men, but sometimes, they'd be beautiful women…” Bjorgrund trailed off, his eyes shifting to Alex.

“Why are you looking at me like I'm some merchant who just gave you a bad deal?” Alex asked, squinting at the young giant.

“I don't know, why aren't you some beautiful sorceress?” the giant shot back.

“Yeah, fair enough. I'd be kind of pissed too,” Alex said. “Well, at least I'm not an old man.”

“You’re old compared to me.”

Alex shuddered, imagining grey already replacing brown hair. “Don't make me wish I left you back at that cottage.”

“It's okay, it's okay! I'm joking!” Bjorgrund laughed. “Point is, this wizard would sweep these farm boys up on these grand journeys of adventure, and would mentor and train them for some great destiny of theirs. I mean, things are a little different with our situation, but I did get marked with a rune when I was younger, and then a wizard did show up at my door to take me on a grand adventure, and I did get trained by that wizard.”

Alex burst out laughing. “I know those stories! By the Traveller, how come I didn’t see it myself? That's too funny!” He paused. “Wait, doesn't the mentor usually die in those stories?”

“Uh…” Bjorgrund went quiet.

“Well, as you said, works of wild fantasy…” Birger said, shifting uncomfortably.

“They better be, because I ain't dying,” Alex said. “Not to the church.” He paused, thinking of Carey.

Talk of friends dying, and the church, brought her to mind, leaving him wondering if she was alright, and growing stronger by Hannah’sside. He wondered how her parents were, and if they ever took comfort in the painting he’d made of Carey’s final celebration with her friends.

The young wizard paused again.

A final picture.

He reached into his satchel, feeling around.

“Hey, before we give our ‘guests’ their invitation, would you mind if we do something?” He pulled out Hannah’s phone. “It'd be great if we could take an instant portrait together—I mean, this device will immortalise an image of the three of us. Think of it as making a realistic painting really fast as a keepsake in case…things don't go right.”

Birger looked grimly at Kelda, laying at rest in her glass coffin.

“Aye, seems like a proper thing to do,” the old firbolg said. “How do we do it?”

Well, the easiest thing to do would be to have a Wizard’s Hand take it…hold on for a bit, let me fiddle with it for a second, let me try something.”

He began looking through the menus slowly.

“I don’t know what’s all in here, so there might be hidden functions…ah, here’s a menu I’ve never seen before…there's all these unique looking icons in here…” The young wizard tinkered with the artefact, scrolling through different characters.

“Maybe this…wait, what's this?”

He touched a symbol that displayed another menu, then pressed an arrow.

Music blared through the room.

“Gah!” Alex cried.

“What is that?” Bjorgrund shouted, lifting his axe. “Are we under attack?”

“I've got to get to the controls!” Birger shouted.

Meanwhile, Alex was fumbling with the phone, juggling it in both hands, trying desperately not to drop it.

The melody rising from the artefact changed as a singer with a clear, climbing voice joined in, adding lyrics to the melody that soared through the air. By the time the young wizard caught the phone and secured it, the singer had reached a chorus.

We are the chaaaaampioooons, weee are the champions! No time for losers, ‘cause we are the champions of the world—” the vocalist repeated the lyrics.

At least, that is what the sounds sounded like, though Alex did not know their meaning.

“It's okay, we're not under attack, that’s coming from the phone—I mean the artefact—I mean the thing in my hand!” Alex quickly shouted.

“Sounds like music! Good music from the sound of it. I like the melody, though I don't know what the words mean!” Bjorgrund cried.

"We ar tha champeeons?" Alex asked, enjoying the music now that he realised the phone wasn't about to explode. "Birger do you know?"

“No, but it's a very good use of melody,” Birger said. “And the singer is fantastic. The voice is a little too high for my tastes, but it's nice and clear. Does it say who the performers are?”

Alex shook his head. “I can’t tell, I don’t know what all of this says. There's an image of a creepy-looking bald thing here, but I don't know anything about it. It looks kind of like a ghoul.”

“Ghouls that sing like kings, wonder of wonders,” Birger said. “I can't believe such a thing was hidden in there.”

“Yeah, me neither. It must have been important to Hannah if she had it on here, maybe she can tell me the words in the common tongue if I see her again," Alex chuckled. “It seems all sorts of things could be hidden in a device like this. I mean it can record information, images, music and Traveller knows what else, so why wouldn’t it have all sorts of…other…functions…”

Alex suddenly gasped.

“What is it? Is it exploding?” Bjorgrund said, looking ready to run for a portal.

“Something just occurred to me…” the wizard said. “I don't have any hard evidence to support this, so it's only a hunch but…”

“A hunch about what?” Bjorgrund asked.

“About where someone might hide information…” the young wizard said.

Alex was thinking about Uldar’s sanctum, to the mostly empty rooms. The god had immortalised so much of his life in that sanctum—through notes, carvings etched into the walls of the staircase—but there was also so much that seemed to be missing. In his throne room, the expedition had found a scene that looked to be right out of a murder story.

A dead body.

Mysterious black ichor.

A place setting for a guest who’d never arrived for their meal.

But Uldar had left no recordings or diaries anywhere.

Or had he?

Perhaps they simply hadn’t found any.

Perhaps they hadn’t looked in the right places.

Alex considered the throne room where Uldar once sat looking upon the entirety of his kingdom, watching moving images that surrounded him on all sides.

The god had recorded his voice to greet guests…what if he’d recorded something else elsewhere?

What if, just like the music on Hannah’s phone, there were secrets hidden in the chamber of images in his sanctum?

He had to contact Claygon—it was only a hunch, right now, but if he was right, it could be the first lead they’d had in months. Theresa should know so she could tell their allies.

‘I wouldn’t mind taking a look around myself,’ he thought. ‘And even if I'm wrong, maybe I can find a way to take control of that room now that I've unlocked the Mark of the General. We could look for the Ravener in more than one place at a time. But, in order to be free to head back to Thameland, I need to get rid of those people hunting me.’

He balled his right hand into a fist.

‘We’re ready now. First, we take the hidden church, then we put an end to the Ravener for good; no more cycles, no more spawn, no more coming back killing people, creating chaos, making five young people fight it every hundred. It has to end forever,’ Alex thought.

In the background, while a clear voiced singer sang of champions, the General of Thameland got ready to take a picture of himself and his two companions.

After that, it would be time to lure their enemies.

Time for the final battles in the endless cycle of Thameland’s wars.

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