Married to a Millionaire

Chapter 6: 006

Chapter 6

Master Fu got drunk, and it was Fu Ming Shi who carried him down the mountain. Zhen Bao ran home, and quickly tidied up her father's bedroom, changing the sheets and quilt to clean cool mats and blankets. Just as she finished, she heard the geese honking in the yard. She went out to the balcony and saw that the big white geese had blocked the door again, not letting Fu Ming Shi in.

Zhen Bao hurried to go get him.

Fu Ming Shi followed behind her as they went inside. Seeing the aggressive big white geese eyeing him, his calves ached a bit.

As they climbed to the second floor and passed by Zhen Bao's bedroom, since the door was open, Fu Ming Shi unintentionally glanced inside. The small ten-square-meter room had light green wallpaper on the walls, the floor was rammed earth, to the north was a homemade wooden bed with bamboo mats and a pink quilt and pillowcases.

Next to the bed was a similarly homemade small bookcase, neatly lined with several rows of books. The big red covers of the Xinhua Dictionary and an English-Chinese dictionary were particularly eye-catching, like the desk essentials of a high school student.

"I just tidied up the room, it's a bit messy." Knowing they were wealthy people, looking at her own shabby room, Zhen Bao felt awkward.

"He likes living in old houses," Fu Ming Shi carefully placed the sleeping Master Fu onto the bed. In the summer heat, he only loosened the collar and sleeves of the Master's outfit, and didn't touch the light green summer quilt on the bed.

"I'll go get some water to wipe Grandpa Fu's face." Having settled him for now, Zhen Bao turned to leave. Reaching the door, she seemed to hear Fu Ming Shi following behind, and looked back in puzzlement.

Fu Ming Shi looked at her calmly, "I'll take care of the Master, you go wash up."

Zhen Bao only then remembered that she had also been crying and was sweaty from running home...

Neither wanted to face people while dirty, Zhen Bao's face flushed red, acquiescing to Fu Ming Shi's arrangement and hurried downstairs. She first put out a basin of water for Fu Ming Shi before collecting the laundry drying in the backyard and going next door to Auntie Guo's house to wash up and tidy herself before returning home.

No one was on the first floor. Zhen Bao slowly went upstairs.

Fu Ming Shi sat at the bedside watching over the old Master. Hearing movement, he turned his head to look out.

Zhen Bao felt guilty about offending him before, and avoided his gaze as she softly asked the old Master, "Do you want some water?"

Fu Ming Shi said, "No need, you tidy up and pack, we'll set off tomorrow morning."

The Master needed medical treatment, and he had business to take care of too, no more time to waste.

At the mention of going to the capital, Zhen Bao's expression darkened as she turned and went back to her own bedroom, closing the door and sitting on the bed in a daze. In all her years, the farthest she had gone was the county town over a hundred miles away. A big city like the capital she had only seen on TV.

How would she live once she got there?

She had a little over 2000 yuan in savings, the chickens could sell for 400-500 yuan, the geese...

Zhen Bao couldn't bear to sell the geese. Chickens only laid eggs while the geese could watch the house. When she went fishing, they would even help catch small fish.

And there was Hei Dan. Zhen Bao couldn't part with him either.


At dusk Auntie Guo next door invited them over for dinner. Master Fu had also woken up, washed his face, and was spirited.

"Is everything packed up at Phoenix Store?" Master Fu asked Zhen Bao after the meal.

Zhen Bao kept her head lowered.

Seeing Hei Dan circling around her, Master Fu laughed. "Couldn't bear to part with Hei Dan? Don't worry, we'll bring Hei Dan with us." City folks all liked pet dogs, like Pomeranians, Huskies, Poodles and the like. Master Fu just liked local dogs, honest and obedient, easy to feed, without so many delicate temperaments.

Zhen Bao's eyes lit up as she looked towards the goose pen, "Can the geese come too?"

Master Fu was rendered speechless for a moment. Seeing Zhen Bao's disappointed look, he quickly added, "Of course, of course! Ming Shi's villa has a swimming pool, and a lake in the backyard, perfect for them to paddle around in."

Zhen Bao looked to Fu Ming Shi for confirmation.

Fu Ming Shi couldn't imagine the swimming pool occupied by a flock of geese, but he didn't want to dampen Zhen Bao's spirits, only reminding her of one thing, "Transporting pets requires quarantine paperwork."

Master Fu immediately said, "That's easy to arrange. I'll take Hei Dan and the geese to City C tonight. You two set off tomorrow morning, the paperwork will definitely be ready by the time you get to the airport." Getting certification might take regular folks a few days, but with the Fu family's money and connections, this little matter was no worry.

"You're leaving now?" Zhen Bao asked in surprise. Fu Ming Shi also frowned at the old Master.

Master Fu put on a stern face and lied to Zhen Bao, "Grandpa has an appointment with the doctor, I must get back tonight. Feng Bao, take your time packing, no rush." After which he instructed Fu Ming Shi, "Feng Bao is going so far from home for the first time, take good care of her on the way."

When Zhen Bao wasn't looking, he secretly winked.

Fu Ming Shi immediately understood that the old Master was deliberately creating opportunities for him and Zhen Bao to spend time alone together.

Looking at Zhen Bao, still foolishly asking after the old Master's condition, Fu Ming Shi averted his gaze, not exposing the old man's intentions.


The Master took two bodyguards, and with Fu Ming Shi's chauffeur, the three men awkwardly yet efficiently handled the seven big white geese, grabbed the yelping Hei Dan, and accompanied Master Fu on an overnight trip, leaving only the rented Volkswagen for Fu Ming Shi.

Zhen Bao stood on the cement road, watching the Master's car and muttering to herself, "Won't they suffocate in the trunk?"

"I told the driver to open the trunk and change the air every hour, they should be fine," Fu Ming Shi closed the car door. In his left hand he carried a suitcase with his laptop and two changes of clothes.

Reassured that the geese would be alright, Zhen Bao finally realized another problem - Fu Ming Shi would be staying with her tonight!

"Does that prenuptial agreement still stand?" Following behind Fu Ming Shi, Zhen Bao eyed his suitcase and asked.

Fu Ming Shi glanced back at her, unable to make out her intention from her downcast eyes, and had to ask, "Which part do you mean?"

Too embarrassed to clarify, Zhen Bao asked for his phone number.

The abrupt change of topic left Fu Ming Shi momentarily bewildered before he recited his number.

Zhen Bao saved it in her old Nokia phone. While Fu Ming Shi was showering downstairs, she closed her bedroom door, leaned against the bed, and typed out a text message.

The Zhen family had no dedicated bathroom. In the backyard a simple shower stall was made with wooden boards, with solar water bags spread atop the roof. Fu Ming Shi was busy with work, and had also brought his phone to the shower. Hearing the text alert, he turned off the showerhead, wiped his hands dry and picked up his phone.

It was an unknown number, the content reading: Boss Fu, I don't need your money, I only hope that Grandpa Fu gets better soon. Once he's recovered I'll come back, and you can marry whoever you like then.

Water droplets rolled down his face. Fu Ming Shi wiped his face and replied: I don't have anyone I like.

Seeing his text, Zhen Bao grew worried. She wanted to subtly remind Fu Ming Shi to remember that their engagement was fake, what was his reply supposed to mean?

Biting her lip, Zhen Bao continued to text: So our engagement is fake, right?

Fu Ming Shi frowned: The engagement is real. If you are unwilling in the end, we don't have to marry.

Zhen Bao was a little confused now. Recalling Master Fu's words, she slowly typed: "After getting engaged, we have to live together?"

Fu Ming Shi paused for a few seconds before replying: Grandfather will hope you live at my place.

The text was sent before Fu Ming Shi suddenly recalled how she had hurriedly hidden in her room, and couldn't help laughing: In separate rooms.

Finally reassured, Zhen Bao responded: Ok.

Fu Ming Shi waited for her reply, only getting an "Ok" in return, oddly a little disappointed as he put down his phone and continued his shower.


The next day the two woke up around the same time. Zhen Bao made rice porridge, and steamed preserved sausages for a dish.

Fu Ming Shi had never eaten preserved sausage before. Out of courtesy he tried a slice, and was pleasantly surprised by the slightly salty and spicy flavor that got more appetizing the more he chewed.

"You made this?" Having downed two bowls of porridge in a row, Fu Ming Shi pointed at the remaining sausages and asked.

Zhen Bao nodded, her lips rosy.

Fu Ming Shi looked away, "Tastes pretty good."

Since Zhen Bao's home still had some left, she was debating whether to take them along, and quickly said, "Then let's bring them to eat on the road?"

Fu Ming Shi rejected the notion without a second thought, "Give them to Auntie Guo. And the chickens too, they're inconvenient to bring along."

Zhen Bao was reluctant to part with them. She muttered softly, "The chickens can sell for 400-500 yuan." She was short on money now. Fu Ming Shi tugged his lips into a smile, "Since you're helping care for grandfather, I'll give you a regular salary. You've earned it."

Zhen Bao accepted it. She could try finding a real job once she got to Beijing.

After explaining things to Auntie Guo, Fu Ming Shi accompanied Zhen Bao upstairs to get her luggage.

Zhen Bao had a suitcase that cost a few dozen yuan, stuffed full. Fu Ming Shi picked it up with some difficulty, immediately setting it back down to ask what she had packed. Thinking he found it too heavy, Zhen Bao wanted to carry it herself, but Fu Ming Shi took in the bare bookcase in the corner, blocked Zhen Bao, and crouched down to open the suitcase.

The bottom was filled with clothes, the top with a stack of books, all senior year textbooks, including the two brick-like dictionaries.

"Are you self-studying?" Fu Ming Shi flipped open a well-worn English textbook, surprised as he asked.

Zhen Bao shook her head, truthfully answering: "No self-studying, I was bored home alone, just passing time."

She liked reading, and after dropping out would get bored at home, borrowing books from a neighbor girl in the village who got into college, and was given all of them by her.

Fu Ming Shi was struck by a thought. Standing up he looked at Zhen Bao and said, "I'll help you transfer to a school in Beijing, then hire tutors to coach you intensively for a month. Study well and take the college entrance exam in June this year."

Using connections he could easily get her a fake college diploma, but since Zhen Bao liked reading herself, Fu Ming Shi wanted to see what grades she could get relying solely on her own ability.

"The college exam?" Zhen Bao didn't have much confidence. "Can I get in?"

"We won't know until you take it." Fu Ming Shi took his own suitcase and retreated out the door. "Just bring two changes of clothes, leave everything else. I'll buy you new books in Beijing."

Not waiting for Zhen Bao to refuse, he left first.

Zhen Bao eyed her big suitcase and Fu Ming Shi's high-end luggage placed together, seeming a little jarring. She obediently picked two of her favorite outfits and transferred them over, sneakily stuffing her underwear and bras into her shirtsleeves, lest Fu Ming Shi see them when opening the case.

Zipping it closed, Zhen Bao carried the suitcase out. As soon as she stepped through the door, she saw Fu Ming Shi already standing to the side, still in a black suit, posture upright.

Without a word Fu Ming Shi bent down to take her suitcase, walking straight for the stairs.

Zhen Bao silently followed behind, gazing at her unfamiliar "fiance's" back, then looking back at the familiar shabby furniture on the first floor. She suddenly felt as if in a dream.

"You sit here." Fu Ming Shi put down the luggage and came over to open the passenger door for her.

Zhen Bao slowly walked over and got into the "black car", the black Volkswagen.

The door closed. After footsteps sounded, Fu Ming Shi circled around to get in on the other side. Sitting down, his legs looked even longer.

"Seatbelt." Fu Ming Shi first reversed the car, ready to set off, and noticed her shoulders were empty. He casually reminded her.

Zhen Bao lowered her head, looking around unable to find which one was the seatbelt.

This was her first time in a sedan. Before this she had only taken buses and vans.

Unable to find the seatbelt, and feeling the man's gaze on her, Zhen Bao was extremely embarrassed.

"Like this." Fu Ming Shi turned to the side, reaching over to pull the seatbelt.

Zhen Bao pursed her lips, watching his hands. Just as she was about to take it, Fu Ming Shi had already started adjusting the belt for her.

Zhen Bao could only sit perfectly still, wanting to see how to do it. But as soon as she lowered her head, she saw the seatbelt was positioned right across her chest.

Zhen Bao's face flushed crimson, mortified as she turned her head away.

Fu Ming Shi also didn't expect her petite frame to make the seatbelt's effect so prominent. He had wanted to demonstrate buckling it for her, but catching sight of her red neck, he no longer had the mood to teach her. Hurriedly fastening the seatbelt for her, he turned back around to grip the steering wheel, eyes fixed straight ahead.

The car drove a long way before Zhen Bao finally righted her head.

The atmosphere in the car felt a little tense, at least to Fu Ming Shi. Her sitting like that was also distracting him.

"I have games on my phone, want to play some?" Fu Ming Shi parked the car on the side of the road, holding up his phone as he asked.

"What games?" Zhen Bao finally turned around, her face still a bit red.

"Wait a sec." Fu Ming Shi first searched for casual games popular with girls, then picked out ones she might like and downloaded them.

Zhen Bao watched the phone screen eagerly.

Fu Ming Shi downloaded a dress-up game for her.

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