Martial Arts Ain’t That Big of a Deal

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

The situation in the red-light district could be summed up in one sentence:

Total chaos, five minutes ago.

Or maybe it was already total chaos at that point.

By the time I and Chun-bong strolled into the red-light district, the ground was already lavishly decorated with blood and corpses.


I clicked my tongue and glanced around. People were running away screaming, some girls were being dragged by their hair, and the Black Tiger gang members were menacingly waving their knives.

Just watching all this was making my stomach churn—what an absolute mess!

Chun-bong cast me a glance that definitely wasn’t cheerful. Judging by her expression, it looked like she was ready to draw her sword and charge in right away.

I took a deep breath.

“Let’s go…!”

With a shout that echoed like a lion’s roar, the commotion momentarily paused. But that didn’t last long; only a few nearby folks noticed me while the rest continued their chaotic antics.

“This can’t be good.”

I tightened the leather strap securing my sword and strode forward, determined.

“Hey! What’s going on here?”

It was clear I was confronting a thug from the Black Tiger gang. A hefty guy with a massive iron club slung over his shoulder sauntered over, his eyes glinting as he eyed Chun-bong like he had just struck gold.

“Oho, a girl with potential, huh? Come here. If you play your cards right, I won’t treat you badly.”


My eyes widened. Chun-bong was wearing a bamboo hat that covered most of her face.

“How did you even guess I’m a girl just by looking at me? …Ack!”

Chun-bong suddenly stomped forward and kicked me in the behind as she strutted away.

“Ha-ha! That’s a wise choice.”

The thug reached his hand toward Chun-bong. But she deftly dodged, slipped into his space, and kicked him right in the—



Well, that definitely broke something! I couldn’t help but recoil, staring at Chun-bong with trembling eyes.

“…What a cruel girl.”

“What’s wrong? You want a taste too?”


With the thug’s screams attracting nearby Black Tiger goons, it was time for me to make my move.


I slammed the scabbard against the thug, sending the mess that had accumulated flying.


The thug went silent. After shaking off the bits of blood and brain matter from the scabbard, I nodded.

“Farewell, love-struck fool.”

“What the hell are you talking about?!”

“Perverts deserve a swift end.”

“Perverts? I don’t know what you mean, but I’m about to get seriously mad!”

Chun-bong’s fierce glare made it clear she was not exactly impressed with my banter while a guy lay there knocked out and the others were fuming.


My left hand moved quickly. Four fingers flicked out, and the thug quartet went crashing to the ground.

“W-What the…?”

“He’s a master! Get the boss!”

I shook my head at the thugs I had just bested.

“Let’s go, Kim Chun-bong.”


Time to go teach the street trash a thing or two!


How many thugs had we dealt with? By now, the survivors had started to back off, realizing they no longer wanted to continue the fight.

“Listen up, amigos. You’re in our territory now, so if you don’t want to bite the dust, get lost!”

“You think you can just swallow up our Black Tiger gang territory by yourself? Who do you think you are?!”

“Come at me if you’re tough!”

With just a flick of my weapon, the Black Tiger thugs looked ready to bolt.

‘It’s a bit tricky, huh?’

Killing all of them seemed a bit much, but leaving them alive didn’t feel right either.

At the end of the day, vermin like these only multiplied like cockroaches. They weren’t exactly the paragon of goodness just because they were weak. They were openly living the thug life; the streets were teeming with idiots just like them.

“Well, that’s not really my problem.”

While my taste buds longed for adventure, Chun-bong walked up and wiped the blood off her hands onto my clothes.

“Um… why are you wiping that on me?”

“Not a fan?”

“Yeah, actually, that’s pretty gross.”

“Tough luck.”

With her lips jutting out, Chun-bong started cleaning the blood off onto her own clothes.

Honestly, she was pretty scary—she didn’t even need to pull out her sword to turn the thugs into mush.

‘She’s definitely venting some stress. Yikes, I hope I’m not next on her list!’

That kind of future couldn’t be allowed. I needed to give Chun-bong a proper lesson before things went that far.

“Let’s go. Where’s that girl?”

“If we find her, then what?”

“Not really sure.”

Half of the brothels in the red-light district belonged to the Black Tiger Gang. The gang’s friends we had met on the first day probably worked at one of those places.


Suddenly, a large thug blocked our way. The thugs surrounding him brightened at the sight, so he must be one of their big shots.


The river flows. I smashed the sword into the thug’s head, imitating the Clear Flow Sword style.


The thug barely managed to lift his iron club in defense, but it was useless.


With the club shattered and his skull crumbling, the thug collapsed to the ground. I shook off the dust from the scabbard.

“Now, do us a favor and clear out. Unless you fancy an early grave.”


By the time we walked into any random brothel, Chun-bong spoke up.

“Be careful.”

“What’s that about? Why are there so many things to be careful of?”

“If you kept things to common sense, you wouldn’t have many issues. Huh? But you don’t live by common sense!”

Chun-bong pointed at the sword sheathed at her waist.

“If you go around pilfering any sect’s skills without a care, you’re really going to find yourself in a jackpot.”

“Really? Just being picky, are we?”


Chun-bong was fuming.

Though we both knew what she was talking about. When you think about it, it makes sense.

Firstly, every sect’s techniques have their own unique flair.

If someone could use the skills of the Qinghua Sect, it would stand out instantly if they started stabbing around.

Secondly, skills have counters.

If there’s a horizontal slash followed by a vertical slash, the fighter can block the horizontal strike and immediately evade sideways to counterattack, which can become quite tricky for the one using that form.

Of course, counters aren’t that simple, but if they’re created, it can cause chaos within the sect.

Thirdly, people are just like that.

People get jealous over any land someone else buys. Even if someone just sneaks a recipe from the neighbor’s restaurant, it could spark a fight; how weird would it be to steal martial arts?

Even martial arts techniques are like heirlooms handed down through generations. So, when someone steals that, it’s pretty normal for someone to draw their sword first and pose the question later.

“Knowing that, why would you still do it?”

“Well, I still feel wronged.”

To be honest, I had merely copied the flow of the Clear Flow Sword without any intention to steal its essence.

If anything, it would bear some resemblance to the Qinghua Sect’s internal techniques, but could they even differentiate?

They wouldn’t suspect the Qinghua Sect just for similar internal flows; that would only be the case if distinctive techniques were utilized.

Maybe only something like demonic energy or evil aura would give away a copy?

Or unless someone had talents like mine.

“You idiot!”


“You think they’ll automatically assume you lifted their martial arts?”


“Of course, they’ll think you just copied it!”

“Okay, now that’s reasonable.”

I nodded seriously in understanding.

“Then, I’ll just have to try not to make it obvious next time.”

“…Good luck with that.”

Chun-bong sighed.


“Are you saying the girl has been working here for about a year?”

“Uh… yes.”

As soon as we entered the brothel, a woman greeted us. Introducing herself as Maewol, she clearly held a higher standing even among the courtesans, but her aura was quite peculiar.

“It’s not that the numbers are few, but… Well, I’d rather not get into it. If you’d like, I can summon them all.”

I scratched my head awkwardly, exchanging glances with Chun-bong.

“Nah, no need to go that far.”

“Very well. Is there anything else you require?”

Maewol’s alluring eyes narrowed mischievously. I instinctively reached for the hilt of my sword…


“What the heck?!”

“Oh no, that was just a reflex.”

As I shook my stinging hand, I glanced back.

“I should take off now… huh?”

My eyes widened as I spotted a somewhat familiar face. It was her.

“Found her.”

Seeing my reaction made Maewol furrow her brows.

“Is there an issue…?”

“No, not at all!”

“Then go ahead…?”

Maewol stepped back, and I confidently walked toward the girl.

“Hey there.”


The girl turned her head. Her face was quite bruised, and she hurriedly bowed while limping toward me.

“D-did you call for me?”

What was I supposed to say? Just as I was pondering, the girl glanced up, and her eyes widened in shock.

“Y-you…! You son of a b—!”

Where did this all come from?


My hand flew to the hilt again out of instinct.

“Your oppa is just upset.”

“It’s not something to be upset about….”

Chun-bong sidled up, poking me with her elbow. I wasn’t upset anymore.

I shifted my gaze, let go of the sword, and focused intently on the girl.

“Excuse me.”

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