Martial Arts Ain’t That Big of a Deal

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

After Chun-bong woke up, she lazily set off towards the Black Tiger Sect.

As she stuffed our meager belongings into a single bundle, she rubbed her sleepy eyes and let out a small yawn.

“Yawn… I can’t believe we’re leaving. It was my home for a whole year.”

“A year in that place is quite long. Honestly, the fact that it didn’t collapse while you were sleeping is pure luck.”

At my comment, Chun-bong pouted her lips.

“Well, that’s true, but still. Why do I feel the urge to smack you?”

“Oh ho, Kim Chun-bong! Don’t you dare say such things!”

As I massaged her neck, she let out a weird sound, like ngyaaaah!, and her body stiffened. What is she, a cat?

“Anyway… huh? Hey, you there!”

I spotted a friend with a rather unfriendly face and called out to him.

“C-crazy killer…!?”

“Oh wow, I think I’ve become famous! Now everyone recognizes me.”

“Shut it.”

Laughing, I approached him and threw an arm around his shoulder.

“Buddy, don’t you know anyone around here? More than ten would be great.”

“Are you asking me to betray my comrades?”

“Don’t put it like that. I’m just asking if you know where some of those annoying guys you don’t like are hanging out.”

His eyes darted around, looking like they might pop out.

“…If you walk a bit, there are some guys from the Black Infamy.”



Just as my friend said, we didn’t walk far before spotting a shabby building.

“W-well, I guess I’ll take my leave now.”

“Whoa, where do you think you’re going? You’re coming with us.”

“But you said you’d let me go if I told you!”

“When did I ever say that?”

Okay, I seriously never did.

Scratching my head, I noticed the guy’s face twist in confusion as he tried to remember.

Whatever, I’ll leave that behind.


I kicked the door down and shouted, “We’re looking for ten fine workers!”

Naturally, the response wasn’t kind.

“Who’s this crazy guy?!”

“Told you, there are all kinds of idiots out here.”

The guys from the Black Infamy looked at me in disbelief, each holding a weapon. I guess they figured they needed to do something about the lunatic who just smashed the door down.

That was their mistake.

“Seriously, these guys only listen after they get a good beating.”

I grabbed my sword.

I dropped the bloody scabbard.

“Phew, let’s go, guys.”

“…Yes, hyung.”

After they all got a good thrashing, they started calling me “hyung.” Apparently, you really do need to get hit to be heard.

Leading my worker buddies through the back alley, all eyes were on us.

Begging souls hid away, watching us, while the guys from the Black Infamy pretended to mind their own business but kept a watchful eye on us.

Brushing it off, we arrived at the Black Tiger Sect after what felt like an eternity.

“Oh, man, what a mess.”

“Everything useful has probably been stripped clean.”

Just like Chun-bong said, the Black Tiger Sect had already been raided by the alleyway folks.

But what mattered wasn’t the stuff in there, but the building itself.

I turned to the laborers trudging behind me. “Okay, guys. I don’t want much; let’s just clean up the bodies.”


As we stepped inside, the smell of rotting corpses hit us like a brick wall.

All sorts of dead bodies splayed across the hallway.

Even the rough guys from the Black Infamy were shocked, but I guess clearing out the dead was better than getting a beating. Chun-bong sighed while watching them work in silence.

“A lot of people died.”

“Good riddance to the scum.”

“That’s true.”

Though all kinds of characters made up the Black Infamy, the Black Tiger Sect was among the worst.

They were definitely involved in human trafficking, at the very least.

After the Black Infamy workers voluntarily helped clear out all the bodies, I stood in front of the Black Tiger Sect building.

It was the largest structure amid all of them.

“Do we really need this one?”

“If it’s just the two of us, we don’t.”

So, that meant we didn’t need it.

With a smirk, I drew my sword.

The newly forged Essence-Unity Divine Technique began to take shape in my mind.

‘Should I do a final check?’

A river flowing roughly, the sky alternating between bright and dark.

I surveyed the world I’d constructed in my mind. What I learned from the Clear Flow Sword Technique was the flow of Qi and mental images. Even though I just copied the sword technique, it was almost like I brought the core technique along.

Of course, I didn’t know the exact formula, but having the mental images and the flow of energy meant I basically had the essence of the heart technique.

Three heart techniques mixed together, birthing something new.


Taking a deep breath, I lifted my sword high. A murky golden blade aura surged violently over the sword.

“What the… what is that…?”

Chun-bong’s eyes widened as I swung my sword down.


The pillar and a wall of the building completely shattered. I nodded in satisfaction at the rough cut left behind.

“Not bad at all.”

“No, seriously! What the hell is this!? I’ve never taught you such things!”

“Oh, this? It’s called the Essence-Unity Divine Technique.”

“What did you mix with the Yellow Cloud Divine Art!? You lunatic! You’ll get yourself killed doing this!”

“Oh, it’s all good.”

The guys from the Black Infamy trembled at the sight of me demolishing the building with my sword.

I briefly glanced at them and then turned to the glaring Chun-bong.

“Hey, Kim Chun-bong.”


“I feel like going ultra-level now.”

“Seriously, stop it.”


I smashed another pillar.

“What’s this ultra-level? Is that someone’s dog name?”

“Ultra-level isn’t even a dog name!”

“…You’ve got me speechless.”


Three pillars crumbled.

At that point, the building began to groan ominously.

I gestured for Chun-bong to step back and raised my sword once more.

Watching me, Chun-bong exclaimed, “Ultra-level is different. That’s a realm reached by mastering energy, and even for you, it’s going to take at least ten more years.”

“Ten years? Ten days would do.”

“Now that’s just crazy.”

Honestly, I thought so too. The ten days part was just an off-the-cuff exaggeration.


Ultra-level (超絶頂) literally means going beyond Peak-level (絶頂) attainment.

So, what does peak level even mean? It literally refers to reaching the highest realm.

But wait, isn’t there an ultra-level and even more levels beyond that?

People who claim such ridiculous things are simply idiots.

It’s merely a term indicating that you’ve attained the highest level as an ordinary human.

Looking at it another way, once you surpass ultra-level, it means you’re no longer human.


As I grinned while watching the building collapse from the strike of my sword, I remarked, “Wow, that’s a refreshingly clean collapse!”

Cough…! Damn, dust!

“Hey, Chun-bong, did you eat dust?”

“…You’ve been getting pretty cocky lately.”

“Ah, sorry.”

I stepped onto the fallen building debris, standing high beneath the sun, which still hadn’t reached its peak.


Chun-bong looked genuinely concerned.

“…Has he lost his mind?”


Demolishing a building with a sword.

With that bucket list item checked off, I hummed a tune while starting to tidy up our new home.

Our new place was a quaint little building next to the massive one that had just collapsed, probably once used as a warehouse?

Laborer buddies? I sent them back home.

“Isn’t it nice, Chun-bong? We don’t have to worry about this one collapsing.”

“Yeah, unless you’re the one who makes it collapse.”

“Am I crazy? I wouldn’t demolish our home.”


Chun-bong rolled her eyes, wiping the floor with a rag and grumbling.

“By the way, what’s up with this Essence-Unity Divine Technique? Where’d the technique I taught you go? Was that even proper martial art?”

“When I go out later, I need a martial art to use, right? You said I can’t use the Yellow Cloud Divine Art.”


Ah, she’s sulking.

Chun-bong takes immense pride in the Yellow Cloud Divine Art, and it seems she’s jealous of any other martial art I create.


But now, I’m also the master of Kim Chun-bong. My major is Chun-bong Psychology. A little poking, and she’ll be perfectly fine.


I pinched her soft cheeks without mercy, causing her to squirm.

“Hey, enough! Stop it! My cheeks will wear out!”

“Absolutely not. It’s my joy in life!”

“What’s this about joy in life…?”

With a sigh, she lightly slapped her slightly reddened cheeks.

I stood there with my arms crossed, grinning smugly at her.

“Anyway, while it might not seem like a proper technique right now, it will be different later on.”

After all, the foundation is the Yellow Cloud Divine Art. I might have messed with it a bit, causing it to feel lower tier, but that’s only in the present moment.

Who knows? Someday, maybe the Essence-Unity Divine Technique could be called the best martial art in the world.

Even now, it felt more suited to me than the Yellow Cloud Divine Art.

“Make sure to record that the Yellow Cloud Divine Art was the original, okay?”

“Sure thing!”

I ruffled her hair roughly.

Once cleaning was all done, Chun-bong sighed and asked, “So, about going to the Qinghua Sect. When are we heading out?”

“I dunno. Maybe tomorrow? I suddenly feel a bit lazy.”

– I know all you’re hiding in there! Come out now!

Suddenly, a loud voice echoed, and we exchanged glances.

“Looks like they’ve come for us.”

“I knew this would happen.”

Chun-bong clicked her tongue and stood up.

“Grab your sword. If there’s a fight, don’t hold back just because they’re from a righteous faction. Remember, your survival comes first.”

“Aw, I’m touched.”

“Shut it.”

As we stepped outside, several men in green attire awaited us.

Amid them stood a familiar face at the front.

“Oh, it’s that Ching-cong-whatever.”

“It’s Qingyun. The lord has summoned you, so follow us.”


I nodded obediently, and Clear Sky looked at me with suspicion, but then gestured to the other guys and began walking.

“Let’s go.”


I thought the Qinghua Sect would be just a small-time group, but it turned out to be bigger than expected.

Qingyun, who brought me there, chatted with the gatekeeper for a bit before approaching me.

“Listen carefully. Do not act foolishly in front of the lord.”


“I’m talking about the way you’re acting right now!”

“Senior brother, the Sect Leader has requested your presence immediately.


Qingyun nodded and led the way somewhere.

They soon arrived at the Sect Leader’s Hall. In front of the rather grand building, Cheongun bowed.

“Sect Leader, it’s Qingyun.”

“Come in.”

The voice was quite deep. Following behind Qingyun, I soon saw a middle-aged man who looked quite aged.

“Is that the boy?”

“Yes, Sect Leader.”

“You lost to such a worthless Black Tiger scum?”


“Well, it seems you need more training.”

The Sect Leader, speaking as if backbiting, made me scratch my head and open my mouth.

“Um, excuse me.”

“Shut your mouth unless you want to die.”

Tch, the leader clicked his tongue and turned back to Qingyun, continuing,

He talked about how in the martial world, being careless equals death, and how one should be wary of the dirty tricks of the black path.

As I stood there, utterly dumbfounded, I couldn’t help but smile.

“Heh, you son of a bitch. Can we talk like people, damn it?”

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