Marvel: A Visionary’s Tale


The only thought running through my mind was a loud resounding 'NO'. As much as I liked the lord of the mysteries for its intricate worldview, plotlines, power system and characters; I did not want to be in this god forsaken world. Oh no, that was not completely accurate. This world had plenty of godly entities and nothing good ever came from being involved with them. You might never know when you end up in some game between beings of higher sequences. At worst, if you are somehow involved with the outer gods, then I can only pray for that poor soul. May your soul rest in peace in the afterlife. Wait, you might never reach the afterlife.

If you are involved with some of the more benevolent and uncorrupted entities, your fate would be the result of a coin toss. Oh, I don't mean you will definitely die in this case. Quite the contrary. The god or goddess staring at you like a creepy stalker will make sure you live and become more powerful. No, what I mean is that you will wish to die in this case. After all, while your godly patrons and investors will make sure you survive, they will keep hurling you into one mess or another. You might be drinking coffee in to start your brand new day and suddenly the bright sun would be covered in clouds to accompany the descent of some evil god. Or you might just be in luck and face the face the alliance of more than two evil gods.

Now, you might ask why I would be involved with any of them. For any spectators having such doubts while watching me prance around in fright on this grand stage of an apocalyptic world, I would like to remind you not be such a dunce. The myriad of problems my fellow transmigrators before me have are proof of this. Only the evernight goddess seemed to be better off. All the others had to face all sorts of unforeseen circumstances. Especially our dear Mr.Fool.

I also don't know why I am not corrupted for knowing information about the  outer deities and great old ones like others who are below sequence-2. Maybe due to my connection with the chaos sea or the 'something' in my mind. But this knowledge brings more fears. If I am climbing out of the chaos sea and Chernobyl right now, am I the 'vessel' of resurrection for the original god almighty?

I was currently a mortal, I was sure of that. So my situation seems more similar to Klein than the ancient sun god. After all, the ancient sun god was already a true god when he walked out of Chernobyl and the god almighty was already awakening inside him. Did another god stop me from emerging as a god upon me waking up like they did with Klein? There is too little information to go on. As any way I look at it, I am an outsider in the world of lord of the mysteries and so for all I know my knowledge might be obsolete.

This causes me to walk on a closed loop for surviving what the future holds. Why? If I don't climb to a higher sequence, I will die like an ant stepped on by the layouts of the gods. If I was like the ignorant masses, this would be fine as all I would know before I died was that I was in an unfortunate accident. But at the same time when I become a higher sequence beyonder, the will of the original god almighty might start waking up in me and I will have to fight to save my sense of self.

I could choose another beyonder path like the lawyer or arbiter which have no sequence 0's and minimal influence of great old one's on their pathways or the pathways of eternal darkness and become a sequence 2 angel at the very least while being possibly safe from corruption. But even an angel will have limited ability of affecting or surviving in the apocalypse. Also, if I do choose another pathway, I might lose my connection to the chaos sea and lose my only 'transmigrator's welfare benefit' as the works of fiction called it. This is evident in the case of Roselle. I might just die before I even reach the sequences then.

As much as I wanted to be in this world and have the myriad of interesting beyonder powers in my previous life, all that remains is dread now that I am actually here. In a word, I am in denial.

I took a deep breath after freaking out for a good part of the hour. The 'emotion suppression' ability as I will call it from now on, coming into play and ever so slightly mute the heightened emotional response I was facing to create an outward façade of calm.

While I was still freaking out, I was slowly coming to grips with this situation. After all, no matter how much I freaked out I could not change anything in the grand scheme of things. With that in mind and after a well-deserved rest, I started to look around the room and think about how to leave. I think I should be safe for the time being as creatures would presumably be afraid to approach the proximity of the chaos sea. But, if the ancient sun god has already fallen and the eastern continent has become the forsaken land of the gods then I might get swarmed by all sorts of beyonder creatures from the darkness and abilities of higher sequences when I try to leave further away from the chaos sea. If so, then might be stuck in Chernobyl for a while as ironically, it would be the only safe haven.

As I started walking, the 'something' in my mind started resonating towards two directions. I could make out a door with a hatch tightly welded to it and two guns from a science fiction story as I looked the first. It seemed to correspond to the entrance Klein used to enter Chernobyl in the novel. After musing over it for a while, I went towards the other direction. It lead towards another hole in the ground much like the one I climbed up from, accompanied by the faint sound of flowing water. I paused and took a breath as I once again plunged into the darkness, making my way through the narrow path.

Luckily, the way towards the 2nd direction wasn't so long and seemingly dreadful this time. Or the constant barrage of bad news might have mentally vaccinated me to some extent. Either way, I could see my destination after approximately 25 minutes in front of me.

A shock ran through me as saw the object lying down on a rock. This was followed by relief and certain hope as I made my way towards it. All the while hoping it was what I thought it was.

It looks like a silver mirror with ancient patterns on the back and an eye-like pattern on each side at the front. It was about 22 centimeters in height. I was elated thinking I might have some help navigating my way forward if I right about what it is. As I picked up the mirror, words appeared on its surface immediately as if to confirm my suspicions-

"Exalted master, your loyal and humble servant would like to greet you. Is there anything I can be of help to you?"


You know who it is. I really liked the way cuttlefish created arrodes. So I thought why not include it in the crossver, it might be interesting.

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