Marvel: A Visionary’s Tale

Spread of Chaos

Click, click…..The sound of clicking ensued in front of innumerable monitors. If one did not know better, they might just think this represented a common scene in any corporate office. But it certainly was not. Neither was this an ordinary office nor was the current situation taking place currently a common one.

The infinitely large space that housed even more uncountable desks and chairs was currently facing a moment of chaos. The chronomonitors each manning a monitor for a different reality collectively faced an unknown situation. This was certainly a rare scene in the hall of chronometry. After all, the omniscient time-keepers had already announced the chain of events that 'should' happen. And while a timeline bifurcation was a routine thing, they would be able to handle those. Handling such events was their raison d'être. But handling multiple bifurcations in each timeline of the multiverse at the same time was not something they knew how to deal with.

Certainly, this was not a normal situation. Rather, it was most definitely, an artificially made one. Someone or something had managed spread chaos on a multiversal scale. While there were indeed many beings capable of such feats, the time-keepers must have been able to foretell such an even in their prophecy. But an event of this scale to be hidden from their eyes was unbelievable for them who served the TVA. Regardless, it was their duty to maintain the balance of the multiverse and they had to locate the nexus event that led to disruption of said balance. Yet they had not been able to find a single lead for the past multiple hours. Oh, that's not right. Time worked differently in the time variance authority. Or rather it was beyond time, present in the null time zone. But you get the picture, right?

What was more interesting to note was when the receptionist in front of the desk, Casey, he was called I believe, ran in with his desk drawer containing some of the most treasured items of the multiverse. The infinity stones of different universes confiscated by the TVA in their efforts to maintain the sacred timeline.

These stones casted by the cosmic entities, treasured as they were in each universe, were of minute importance in the TVA. That was not the point however. The infinity stones could not be used outside their own respective universes. Thus in the TVA, they were about as valuable as any other stone you might find at a common roadside. But at this moment, every single mind stone was radiating a divine brilliance, as if to resonate with something. The already chaotic hall was further disturbed by this anomalous event. In the minds of the chronomonitors, there was no doubt about it. The anomaly of the mind stone had to be related to whatever was happening in the multiverse.

And while they would be right to assume that, they would not know the reason behind it. For only entities such as us might know about it. It was a thing of the far bygone pasts. Yet for us watchers, this was the moment which we had been waiting for. 'He' had foresaw his fall and prepared for it. 'He' had told us that the mind stone 'He' crafted using 'His' own characteristic would inform them of 'His' return.

They had taken an oath to never interfere in the affairs of the multiverse under 'His' witness. Contracts were also a part of 'His' authority after all. And all this time, they had been abiding by the contracts to only spectate. We still remember he had told us that 'A spectator is always a spectator; they can never take the stage themselves'. Thus, they had followed this sentence as their creed. And they had come to enjoy the act of spectating.

The reason they waited for this moment, for 'His' return, was to watch new and unknown stories unfold. Stories not known by their nigh-omniscient abilities. And the spread of chaos was already living up to their expectations.


" Thanos only strives to replace your importance in the universe with his own. Natural selection is one of the universe's oldest canon's: the strong replace the weak. It is as it should be. No cosmic crime has been committed. The living tribunal shall not become involved in this matter."

The personification of the multiversal law made 'His' ruling on the matter. The court which was convened in the overspace as mortals called it, came to a brief silence. It was because it was a point above and apart from all realities. Of course, many beings rather referred to it as the superflow, an informational space between universes where ideas and dreams come from. These ideas and dreams, or more simply, information would then flow into the universes to be moulded by the astral plane. A gap left behind when the 'One Above All' split apart into the great old ones after completing the initial creation of the multiverse. An infinite expanse of white, if it were to be observed by the mortal eye.

A wide array of cosmic entities could be seen in 'the court'. The watchers, celestials, the 4 abstracts and a handful more. And the one convening this court was naturally, the living tribunal. Not only was it 'His' authority to create and interpret the law, but more importantly, he was the only great old one remaining currently. That is not counting the outer deities coveting the multiverse. The God Almighty had already fallen. And none of the other abstract entities had claimed their spot as a great old one as of yet.

"The mad titan seeks to unbalance that which is, throw the nature of the universe into a maniacal entropy." Eternity, the embodiment of time, could only argue and try to convince the living tribunal to intervene.

"I have considered this matter and canno…."

The living tribunal stopped his words of denial midway. 'He' seemed to understand something of major importance. Not only 'Him', but all the cosmic entities understood the same fact. There was no doubt about it. The God Almighty had returned.


A continuation of the reactions chapter. The next chapter we will go back to our protagonist. Sorry for the slightly shorter chapter.

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