Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 14: in Egypt w/ Sprite, 3600 BCE (1)

[Upper Egypt, 3600 BCE]

 We’re nearing Upper Egypt now, where Phastos parked the Domo, the place still looks empty, as Egypt hasn't been united yet.

We’re passing through a settlement, and once the humans at the settlement saw my Hydra walking through their settlement, they freaked out and ran away… Now that I think about it, I miss this feeling… making the humans shit in their pants…

“I see old habits haven’t changed.” Gilgamesh commented in amusement.

“What? We’re only passing through.” I answered innocently.

Gilgamesh just shook his head in amusement and didn’t say anything anymore.

“Where is it by the way?” I asked. “The Domo I mean.”

“Just follow the directions.” Kingo answered. “We’re hiding the domo from the humans now.”

“Different tactics?” I asked.

He hummed. “Ajak said that we better hide technology from them.”

“Good thinking.” I hummed back. “Soon enough, we’ll have to hide our powers as well.”

“But that would not be a case for a long time.” Gilgamesh added.

Our group then continued to travel to where the Domo was parked. It was hidden alright, it’s hidden between the hills. I wouldn’t have guessed it if I’m not told that the domo was there.

We looked upon the domo, and we were beamed to the inside of it, like star trek i guess… not that I remember the plot of that movie.

As soon as our vision came back, we were greeted by a smiling Ajak and a frowning Sersi, while the rest were nowhere to be seen.

“Welcome back, Thena and Pluto.” Ajak welcomed us.

“Did you really have to scare the entire population of Upper Egypt just to get here?” Sersi questioned while crossing her hands, not even welcoming us.

“Good to see you too, Sersi.” I said sarcastically. “By the way, where’s Phastos?”

“Hiding from you.” Sersi commented.

Ajak shook her head in amusement and decided to interfere. “Come on, let’s go to the meeting room.”

“Can you help us bring this then?” I pointed at the basket beside me.

“What’s that?” Sersi questioned.


Sersi raised her eyebrow and looked at what’s inside it. “Glowing rocks?”

“It’s Vibranium.” I specified, which surprises Sersi and Ajak.

“There’s Vibranium on earth?” Sersi questioned once again.

I shrugged. “I discovered it.”

“Where is it?”

“It’s quite close from here. Maybe a day of flying using my fastest construct. By the way… I’m curious… Can you transmute something into Vibranium?”

“Of course I can’t.” she shook her head. “It’s a special metal...”

“I don’t know what you mean but I’ll take the answer.” I said. “Now, help me or not?”

“I’ll take it to the storage.” Gilgamesh offered.

“Thank you Gil.” I said it with the most sincere tone I’ve ever done, which wasn’t much.

He rolled his eyes and grabbed the basket, bringing it to the storage.

“Come on, tell us about your journey.” Ajak then guided us to the meeting room, where I finally saw Sprite inside it, not really doing anything.

“Hello Sprite.” I greeted the little girl.

“Hello Mister P.” she said, smirking. Nope, I totally didn’t hear Mister P.

“What is up with these nicknames?!” I questioned rather harshly.

“Because you’re a dick?” Sprite snorted. “Leaving us at the spur of the moment....”

“It wasn’t the spur of the moment.” I pointed out. “And besides, I was sick of waiting, so I left.”

“Still, you left us.”

“Ajak agreed with it.”

“I didn’t.”

“You said you were ‘fine with it’.” I said in a deadpan look.

“I changed my mind.” this fucking kid is annoying…

“Fine, whatever.”

“Calm down all of you.” Ajak said in a motherly tone. “Now, would you tell me how your journey went? Thena? Pluto?”

I hummed along with Thena, we both then continued to tell our journey, about becoming a ‘god’ for a tribe, saving a group of people, taking care of them, teaching gorillas sign language, teaching gorillas how to fight, trolling some human tribe that tried to attack us, and the evolving deviant.

Ajak frowned more and more when she listened to our story. “You taught humans Thena?”

“It’s to protect them, they were kids.” Thena argued.

“The problem here is that Pluto taught this ‘gorillas’ sign language!” Sprite said. “That didn’t raise any flags to you all?”

“I mean it was just an experiment...” I countered. “The knowledge will probably die down after a couple of hundred years...”

“It was still wrong, Pluto.” Ajak said sternly. “But what’s done is done, don’t do it again.”

I just hummed, she can’t control me, I’ll do it whenever I want again.

“Now, what about the ‘evolving deviant’ you talked about, you warned us about it, but we never see them.”

I proceeded to tell them the details about the deviant we encountered at the river, and Ajak frowned more and more the longer I explained.

“Have you encountered it again?” she asked.

I shook my head. “No, it was just at that one time.”

She hummed. “We need to investigate this more...” she said. “But for now… why don’t you tour around this part of the world?”

“What? Tour?”

“Yes, with Sprite.”

“No way!” Sprite refused. “I’m not going to be a tour guide!”

“You’re well liked by the humans here Sprite… your stories fascinate them.”

“Well, He can tour the place himself!”

“Sprite. Behave.” Ajak sternly said.

Sprite just grumbles. “Fine...”

“Wait… does no one want to mention that Pluto just named every single animal and location he encountered?” Kingo suddenly commented.

“It’s easier that way.” I shrugged. “Now, are there any more questions? I need to see Phastos, I need to get my long awaited weapon...”

“You can go now.” Ajak nodded, and I quickly left with Thena and Sprite.

“Just wait outside, it’ll be quick.” I said to both of them.

“Five minutes, and we’re leaving,” said Sprite.

“What? You’ll tour the entire place just by walking?” I asked in amusement, which she just grumbled and walked quickly to the exit.

I then entered Phastos lab, and I saw that he’s currently examining the Vibranium I brought.

“Enjoying the souvenir?” I questioned, making him jump in fright, but once he saw me, he snorted.

“Where did you get this?” he asked.

“At a place.” I said.

“Need details here.” he said hurriedly.

“I’ll tell you later, but for now, make me my weapon.”

He stared at me for a while before sighing. “Fine… I made you wait long enough anyway...”

“When will it be done?” I asked excitedly.

“When it’s finished,” he said.

I sighed, well, I guess it’s better than nothing. “Alright then, see you later Phastos.”

I then got out of his lab to do his thing, and walked towards Sprite and Thena. They were standing awkwardly outside, waiting for me.

“Alright, where do we go first?” I asked while summoning my winged construct.

“Let’s go to the nearest settlement town first.” Sprite said dismissively.

“Okay, ladies first.” I allowed the two ladies to hop on my winged construct first, and they did, after that, I hopped on.

“Don’t land in the populated area, land near it.” Sprite said. “It’ll just ruin their perception towards us.”

“Look at you Sprite… Watching your reputation.” I teased, which made her snort.

“They treat me like a kid there anyway...” She murmured, I heard that, but didn’t say anything.

We then flew to the nearest settlement, there isn’t a name for it yet, but I could tell that this was going to be one of the biggest cities in Egypt.

“People here call this land ‘The land’.” Sprite informed. “They worship a lot of gods, but one of the dominant ones is Hathor, the Goddess of Fertility… it’s basically Sersi...”

I raised my eyebrow. “Sersi? How come that’s the case?”

“Well, Sersi did her thing like usual, and slowly but surely, people started worshiping her… so, I made a story about her being a cow goddess and all...”

“Cow? Sersi’s not mad?” Thena questioned in amusement.

“Not really, she’s flattered that the humans worshipped her to be honest...” Sprite shrugged. “There’s also Horus, that’s Ikaris...”

“I don’t even want to know how did you think about these stories, Sprite.” I shook my head in amusement, “Right, let’s land.”

We then landed beside a hill near the settlement so they didn't panic when they saw us. The land was quite wet considering that the Sahara is getting more and more hotter, I guess that’s the Nile's effect.

We’re now on top of the hill, overlooking the small settlement on the foot of it.

“They’re just moving in.” Sprite said. “They used to be nomadic.”

“I can tell...” I said, looking at the temporary tents that they build. “Probably because of the drying.”

“Who knows.” She shrugged. “Let’s go.‘

The Three of us then walked down the hill, walking towards the settlement. Once we arrived, we saw a lot of people building mud houses, planting seeds in the farmlands near the Nile, tending to livestock, making pottery, and many more. It’s soon going to be a busy settlement.

“What do they call this place?” I asked.

“They don’t have a name for it yet.” Sprite said. “But probably not for long till they got one.”

I hummed, and we continued to walk through the crowd, amidst the busy ‘street’ of the settlement.

“What are we doing here now?” Thena, who had been quiet, asked.

“I’m just going to give you a tour...” Sprite murmured. “Nothing else.”

Suddenly, a lot of people’s gazes seemed to turn to us, particularly to Sprite.

They smiled and greeted her, while they only bowed to us. Thena and I looked at each other, and just nodded back.

“Looks like you’re respected here.” I commented.

“The Deviants used to regularly attack them.” Sprite said. “Until Ikaris and the others got rid of it.”

“Interesting...” I murmured. “They see you as gods?”

“No...” she said. “At least not me… I’m like the god's messenger to them  I guess...”

“Really? That’s amusing.” I chuckled. “Like a kid messenger?”

“Don’t remind me.” she grumbled, and we continued to walk through the settlement, occasionally stopping because people offered us some bread and beer… which was interesting.

“So the staple food here is bread and beer?” Thena questioned, while Sprite was conversing with the locals.

“It’s basically it, plus beef.” she nodded. “It’s quite a lot already considering the technology they have.”

“This region is quite rich…” I commented. “I bet they’ll be an empire.”

“Sure, whatever.” Sprite then stood up and said thanks to the people who gave them food. When we’re about to leave, a couple of kids suddenly grabbed Sprite’s arm, and asked her to play.

“Go ahead Sprite, play with the kids your age.” I chuckled in amusement, but she was not amused.

“Shut up, let’s just go.” She sternly said, she excused herself from the kids, making them cry, and we walked away from them, towards the hill we landed. 

“You really have to make them cry?” Thena questioned, frowning at Sprite.

“They’re being a bother.” Sprite answered. “Why do you care anyway?”

“Oh, you don’t know yet.” I chuckled. “She’s a bit soft towards children.”

“Really? That’s funny.” Sprite smirked. “So you’re going soft on me too?”

“You’re no child Sprite.” Thena coldly said, making Sprite shiver.

“R-Right… of course, who am I kidding, it’s not like every human calls me a kid...”

After that, I summoned my construct again, and we flew north, to Lower Egypt.

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