Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 32: Delivery, 1205 BCE (2)

We are halfway to Sparta, and it is now raining heavily. We are going to take shelter in a nearby cave that I have been before, I was sure that there were no deviants or other predators, so I took Helen and Thena to the cave.

“Are you sure this place is safe?” questioned Thena worriedly.

I hummed. “I’m sure, I’ve been in this cave a couple of times before.”

Helen was covered by one of my constructs so she didn’t get soaked. She was holding my cat construct tightly, as thunder and lightning roared in the sky.

“Zeus must be mad that I left home…” Helen murmured, scared at the thunder.

I chuckled at her remarks. “Let me tell you a secret Helen. Zeus isn’t real.”

“Huh? But mother said that Zeus is my real father? And I shouldn’t go out of the castle because Zeus’s wife will kidnap me if I do…”

I just smiled, and ruffled her hair. “Let’s go inside the cave.”

We then entered the dark cave. Thena conjured one of her weapons for a light source, and we quickly set up a camp fire inside the cave.

“Are we still far away from home?” Helen questioned timidly.

“We should be near by now,” said Thena. “Be patient, child.”

Helen nodded meekly as she sat closer to the campfire for warmth. Thunder continued to roar from outside, and Helen was so scared that she hugged me from the side, burying her face to my chest.

I… am not sure how to deal with this… Thena looked like she won’t help me deal with this… in fact, she is amused by it…

“Umm… What are you afraid of?” I questioned awkwardly.

“Thunder scares me…” she murmured.

“There’s nothing to be afraid of. Thunder and lightning is just a natural occurrence, no gods or living beings are summoning them right now.” Thor could summon them, but he isn’t born yet…

“But it’s still scary…” she whispered again.

I just sighed, and put my hand on her head, caressing her hair ever so gently.

A couple of hours later, Helen was still clinging to me, but she was asleep, tired from the travel.

“She seemed to like you more and more.” commented Thena, looking at Helen’s sleeping face.

“And whose fault is that?” I remarked.

“You don’t seem to complain~” teased Thena.

I just chuckled. “It’s… a strange feeling. Usually children are afraid of me, but this child has a lot of courage…”

“So you like it?” questioned Thena curiously.

“Like what?”

“The feeling. Of someone needing you.” added Thena

I caressed Helen’s hair a little bit more. “Perhaps.”

A couple days later, we are nearing Corinth and was about to arrive at its city, but we were stopped in the middle of the road by two young men, whom I have met before.

“You!” one of the men shouted as he saw Helen beside me playing with the cat construct. “You kidnap our sister! Give her back!”

“Brother!” shouted Helen happily. She jumped from the wagon, and ran towards her brothers to hug them.

“It’s okay Helen, we’re here, you’re okay now…” cooed the man to Helen.

The other brother then pointed his sword at me and Thena. “Get down, we will bring you to Sparta for justice.”

Helen saw what his brother was about to do, and she surprisingly defended me. “Brother! Stop! Pluto and Thena saved me! They weren’t the ones who kidnapped me.”

“Stay back Helen, this isn’t a child’s business.” said the brother who was pointing his sword at me coldly.

I chuckled in amusement as he said that. “Castor and Pollux is it? Surely you haven’t forgotten about me.” I said as my eyes glowed golden, making the two brothers froze in fear.

“I- Immortal O-One…” stuttered Castor, who was the one pointing his sword at me.

I smirked. “That’s right, drop your weapon, boy.”

Castor dropped his sword and he knelt before me. “F-Forgive me I-Immortal one… I did not recognize you at first…”

I waved my hand in dismissal. “It’s fine, Helen’s already with you, so me and Thena should go back.”

“I-Immortal one! You should come visit us in Sparta, I-I’m sure father would be delighted…” exclaimed Pollux.

I shook my head. “Perhaps later, I will be quite busy, perhaps if you have a banquet, send me a letter, I will be staying in Athens.”

“We will do so O’ Immortal One.”

“Then, I will take my leave.” I nodded.

“Wait!” shouted Helen.

I looked at Helen confusingly, and he approached me, much to her brothers’ dismay.

“H-Here is the cat…” she murmured, giving me the cat that she’s holding dearly, she looked quite sad when she was giving it to me.

I sighed, and I ruffled her hair. “You know what? Why don’t you keep it until I visit you once again, to remind you of me. 

“Really?” questioned Helen excitedly. “But you said it is not possible for me to bring?”

I shrugged. “It’s not impossible, but it’s quite far from Athens, so it’s quite a pain, but it’s alright.” I smiled at the girl.

“T-Then… I’ll return it if you ever visit.” she nodded vigorously.

“Good.” I said.

But then Helen suddenly hugged me, she buried her head to my neck. “Thank you for saving me.”

Huh… this is still strange… “You’re welcome, be good back at home. Try not to get kidnapped again.”

The girl chuckled. “I’ll try.”

The girl then left with her brothers, leaving me alone with Thena.

I turned around to enter the wagon, but Thena was looking at me weirdly. “Are you… crying?”

“Huh?” I touched my eyes, and it seemed like I was crying… I didn’t know Eternals could cry. “That’s strange…” I murmured.

Thena shook her head in amusement. “I didn’t know you could get attached so easily.”

I shrugged. “Hey, first time for everything right?”

“I guess.” Thena hummed.

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