Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 40: A thousand ships will come. 1194 CE

[3rd POV]

In front of the majestic gate of the city of Troy stood Hector, king Priam’s first son. He was standing, his face seemed pale, and his hands were shaking. Around him were his accomplices, their faces are similar to Hector, pale, full of worry and anxiety.

They were welcoming Hector’s brother, Paris to the city. They had heard the news about Paris’s deeds. They heard that Paris smirched Spartan’s hospitality and sacked the city, and they had heard that Paris kidnapped the Spartan’s queen, Helen.

Once Paris stood in front of his brother, he bowed. “Brother, I have come back.” His face is calm, devoid of guilt, only pride.

Hector didn’t greet Paris. Instead, he grabbed Paris’s collar, and yelled in front of his face. “What have you done!”

Paris was pale, even though he had defeated his brother, but now, it was different. Paris had avoided training, and his skills were blunt.

“What are you talking about, brother?” Paris questioned, trying to be calm as possible.

Hector ignored the question, and said again. “You have risked the safety of Troy! I will ask again, do you know what you have done?!”

Paris seemed to think about something, and answered. “It was the goddess’s will. Helen was promised to me by the goddess Aphrodite.” said Paris innocently.

“Lies!” roared Hector, punching the face of Paris. “I am tired of your lies, Paris! You have doomed the souls of innocent men and women!”

Paris laughed. “What can those Spartans do, they are only one city in greece! They cannot conquer our walls!”

Hector seemingly turns calm. “One city, you say?” he repeated. “Do you know about the oath, brother?”

Paris was confused. “What oath?”

“There was a banquet in Sparta then…” told Hector. “That banquet is for the late king of Sparta to choose Helen’s husband. But the king cannot choose, as he was worried about the retaliation of the ones who aren’t chosen. So the king got an idea, that Helen will choose her husband herself, and the king commanded that all of the ones who want to be chosen must swear an oath, to protect the chosen’s marriage with Helen at all cost, even if it means war.”

Paris paled a bit. “So…”

“The whole of Greece is coming to us,” said Hector solemnly.

Paris gulped. He fucked up. Real bad. “T-Then… we have to return Helen back.”

Hector shook his head. “It’s too late, unless you want to sacrifice yourself for the good of Troy.”

“No, no, no. I don’t want to die…” murmured Paris.

Hector closed his eyes, he looked at the sky above him. “I thought so, brother. Very well, you are my blood, and we will defend you to our last drop of blood.”

Hector then walked past the cowering Paris, through the delegation, and to Helen herself, who was in a makeshift cage. She was gagged, tied up, and her hair is messy.

Hector opened the cage, untied her, and ungagged her. “Are you well, my lady?”

Helen was staring at Hector with absolute contempt in her eyes. “You’re asking me now, Trojan?”

Hector sighed. “Have you been touched?”

Helen flinched, and Hector knew the answer.

Hector clenched his fist. “It is done… Forgive me, my lady…”

“You Trojans will face the consequences… just you wait.”

Agamemnon was sitting on his throne in Mycenae, he was quite bored, staring at the empty halls of the palace. It was quiet, but then, that emptiness was disturbed by the coming of Menelaus, Agamemnon's brother. 

Menelaus entered the hall roughly, slamming the door. 

"He's taken her! He's taken my wife!" Menelaus shouted desperately. 

Agamemnon smiled. He heard the trumpets of war. Agamemnon stood up as his brother kneeled before him. 

He touched his brother's head, and said: "Do not worry brother, I will fulfil my oath to you. I will bring Helen back."

"No." Said Menelaus. "I want her head."

The king just nodded. "A thousand ships will sail to Troy. We will destroy their walls, and enslave their women and children."

Menelaus clenched his fist. His revenge will come. To the one who took his wife. To his unfilial wife. To Troy. 

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