Marvel Endless Power

Chapter 312 - Hopeless prayer


The atrocities continued, but it was not just Hank Pim who was angry. When Hank Pim couldn’t help but pull out his pistol, someone was a step faster than him.

The **** passenger stretched out his hands and patted **** the ground.

The dust on the ground seemed to have been pulled by some force, and it turned into a gray kitten. However, this seemingly weak cat rushed to the violent gangster at a very fast speed, knocking his tall body away.

The dusty claws were sharper than the knife, but only tore the gangster’s face with bleeding blood.

The screaming sounded, and the other gangsters reacted. The gun in his hand was aimed at the injured passenger.

It was only at this time that Hank Pym also started. Browning pistols fired continuously and immediately killed the two gangsters.

As soon as the others heard the gunshots, they did not care to avenge their companions, and quickly hid on the other side of the bus.

With the cover of Hank Pim, the passenger’s gray cat can continue to make contributions. The gangster saw the gray cat appearing and pulled the trigger without hesitation. It’s just that the kitten made of dust was beaten with holes, but his movements were not affected at all.

A lightning blow struck a gangster’s throat.

In this way, the remaining gangsters will also be killed one by one.

It’s just that the development of things is always unsatisfactory, and there are mutants among the gangsters. A gangster pressed his hand against the metal shell of the bus and even tore a piece of it from above.

Then the metal shell was like an origami, and turned into a dinosaur, which looked much larger than the gray cat.

This metal dinosaur is entangled with the gray cat. The gray cat’s claws have no effect on the metal, and the dinosaur can only smash the gray cat again and again, and cannot completely eliminate the gray cat.

The only function of the metal dinosaur is to block the gray cat and prevent it from attacking other gangsters. And for the gangsters with weapon advantages, as long as everyone rushed out and robbed and fired the gun, they could kill the passenger and Hank Pim.

Just rushing out this way to take risks, Hank Pim’s gun is not vegetarian, and the gangsters are also likely to be killed a few.

In the case of everyone’s concerns, there was a temporary calm. Only the tearful cry of the female passenger continued.

The child was seriously injured, and if he could not be taken to the hospital in time, he would probably die. Hank Pym’s heart was tense, and if he wore the suit, he could kill all the gangsters at once.

Unfortunately, for some reason, he locked up this powerful weapon.

Hank Pym regretted that this world really needed strength to save the tragedy.

Seeing the child’s situation getting worse, Hank Pym finally couldn’t help it. I am already old, and if I can win a chance for my child to survive, the sacrifice is worthwhile.

Hank Pim held the pistol tightly and walked towards the other side of the bus step by step. After moving to the best distance, Hank Pim rushed out at the fastest speed, pulling the trigger against the gangsters who were still surprised.

Hit three! Hank Pim was lucky for his luck, because one of the gangsters who was shot was the mutant who controlled the metal dinosaur.

In this case, the gray cat immediately bypassed the dull metal dinosaur and rushed towards the gangsters.

Gunshots and screams sounded, and when the last gangster fell, Hank Pim also emptied the magazine and sat on the ground weakly.

Severe pain came in his chest, and his coat was soaked in dark red blood.

Although the confrontation was short, Hank Pim was unfortunately hit by a bullet.

Feeling his life was losing, he suddenly remembered his daughter, hoping that she could use the money to live a good life.

Hank Pim felt that his body became cold, which was a sign of excessive blood loss, and he was about to die soon.

The mutant who controlled the gray cat came to Hank Pym and said to him: “How are you feeling?”

“Oh, isn’t it death? I’ve already prepared myself.” Hank Pym said barely.

But unexpectedly, this mutant took a red potion from his arms and said to Hank Pim: “I, I can save you. This is a potion from Shinra, and any trauma can be cured .”

The bright red medicament oozes life’s brilliance in front of Hank Pim, making people eager to swallow it into the body.

However, looking at Hank Pim’s extremely longing look, the mutant said sadly: “But, the child is dying too! But damn, I only have a potion, what should I do?”

The young mutant had blood in his eyes, and the wounds on his face looked scary. This choice is the most embarrassing. Is it to save an innocent child or a hero who saved all?

“Go… save the child, go quickly!” Hank Pim was already very weak, but his words still reached the ear of the mutant clearly.

At this time, the reflection of the healing agent in the sun seemed to attract the poor mother’s attention.

Since the First World War in New York, the cure has been known to the public. It’s just that it was fired far beyond the price of gold. This is a life-saving thing, but it is extremely rare in the hands of civilians.

The poor mother, holding her dying child, walked to the mutant and pleaded with her hoarse voice: “Please, save my son! He is only five years old, please!”

The two lives are at stake, but it is a pity that the weight of the cure is only enough for one person to escape the danger of life. Hesitating, he saw the child suddenly twitching, and nostrils began to bleed.

In this case, the poor mother fell into a frenzy and even wanted to **** the potion from the mutant. Although the two men once saved their lives, when her son was in danger, all morality and gratitude were put behind her.

It’s just that the mutant shrank his hand subconsciously. The mother didn’t grab the healing potion, but took it to the ground.

The sound of crisp glass shattered, and the bright red medicine spilled on the asphalt floor.

The mutant was stunned, so the only life-saving agent was gone? Didn’t even save two lives in the end?

The poor mother digs madly on the ground with her hands, but she only makes her hands bloody, and the medicine seeps into the cracks at a very fast speed.

Hank Pym looked at all this sadly, but he didn’t expect to see such a tragedy before he died.

“At this time, who else can save us?”

Hank Pim felt heavy eyelids, which might never open after closing. Just when the consciousness was blurred, Hank Pym heard the mutant kneel on the ground and said loudly to the sky, “I’m wrong! Almighty Lord, please forgive me!”

“Is it a little late to pray at this time?”

Thinking about this, Hank Pim suddenly felt better, he understood that this was back to the light, and the body secreted adrenaline to give people the last bit of vitality.

“I should not betray the glory of the Lord and leave the kingdom of God, but everything is my fault. Please save them. I am willing to exchange my life for it.”

The voices of the mutants continue, but Hank Pim feels that this is not a general prayer oath, at least not the kind commonly found in churches.

Could it be that this mutant believes not in God, but in other denominations?

However, no matter which **** is, it is estimated that the prayers of such humble believers will not be heard. Hank Pim feels that the strength of the body has disappeared again and the adrenaline has been consumed.

At the last moment, Hank Pim had only desperate prayers, a grieving mother and a dying child.

Such a desolate world, or leaving early is also a good choice.

What is this light just before me? Is there really heaven?


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