Marvel: Familia System

Ch16- Ezio Auditore da Firenze

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Sitting in the warehouse that turned into a training hall, Nero was speaking with Nyx. The dim light from the high windows cast long shadows, creating an almost conspiratorial atmosphere. Nero leaned against Nyx's sleek black hood, arms crossed, eyes glinting with a mix of mischief and determination.

"You're getting soft, Nyx. What happened to the ruthless machine that used to terrorize the streets?" Nero teased, smirking.

"Soft? Little Brother, I've still got more horsepower in my exhaust than you've got in that scrawny frame of yours." Nyx shot back, her headlights flashing in mock indignation.

Nero chuckled, tapping a finger on her hood. "Scrawny, huh? Remember who keeps you polished and fueled."

"Only because you love showing me off," Nyx retorted, her engine purring softly. "And admit it, you love the attention I get."

Nero shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe. But it's your charm, not mine."

Nyx's headlights dimmed slightly, a sign she was rolling her metaphorical eyes. "Charm? I thought it was my top speed and sleek design."

Nero grinned. "That too. But seriously, Nyx, how are you feeling? Suddenly getting all these new feelings."

Nyx's tone softened, the teasing edge gone. "I'm adjusting. It's strange, having memories that aren't entirely mine. But it's also exhilarating. I feel... more alive, if that makes sense."

Nero nodded, his expression turning serious. "Good. Because we're going to need every bit of that speed and those racing instincts."

Nyx's engine growled. "Just point me in the right direction, Little Brother. I'll make sure we get there in record time."

Nero chuckled again, shaking his head. "You always do."

The sound of footsteps echoed through the hall as Maria approached, a curious look on her face. "What's got you two so chummy?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Just discussing Nyx's new abilities," Nero replied, a playful smirk still on his lips.

Maria placed a hand on her hip, eyeing Nyx with interest. "So, how's the integration treating you, Nyx?"

"Better than expected," Nyx replied, her headlights flickering warmly. "Feels like I've got a new lease on life. And more sass, apparently."

Maria laughed. "That's what we need. More sass."

Sorella's voice broke the moment, her words clear and direct as her screen materialized before Nero. [New Achievements, Big Brother.]

Nero's brow furrowed slightly in surprise. "I haven't exactly been busy lately. What's changed?" he asked.

Sorella's giggle was soft, almost teasing. [Family System means family shares glory. Others are growing stronger.]

Nero chuckled, shaking his head. "So I'm getting credit for their hard work, huh? I can live with that."

Maria leaned in, curiosity evident. "What kind of achievements are we talking about?"

Sorella's screen displayed a list of recent accomplishments, each tied to a member of Nero's inner circle. [Various events happened. Everyone's contributions are being recognized.]

"Does that mean I get a raise?" Nyx joked, her engine purring with amusement.

Nero smirked. "I suppose that depends on your performance in our next mission."

Nyx's headlights flickered in what could only be described as a wink. "Oh, I'll be at my best. Count on it."

Maria laughed, shaking her head. "Always the overachiever."

The screen flickered, showing more detailed updates. Sorella started to report;

[Summon Frank Martin entered Kingpin's inner circle.

Summon Nami stole an important document about human trafficking which will have a significant impact.

Summon Sakura established a foothold in Hell's Kitchen as St. Sakura.

Summon Hercule Satan gained a reputation in Hell's Kitchen as the protector of the unfortunate.

Summon Erwin Smith gained Level 2 clearance in SHIELD.]

Nero raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Erwin already at Level 2 clearance? That's quick." He scrolled through the list, seeing Frank's infiltration of Kingpin's network. "And Frank made it into Kingpin's circle. These are no small feats."

Maria, still intrigued, leaned closer. "What else is there?"

Sorella's screen displayed more accomplishments.

[Guardian of Cloud, Nigel, used the Cloud Ring to limit his old age.

Guardian of Lightning, Donald, illuminated his memories and dreams with the Lightning Ring but was stopped by a mysterious force.]

Nero shook his head, already knowing about their progress. "Nigel managing his age is impressive. And Donald, always pushing boundaries."

Sorella's voice chimed in again, [Calculating the rewards.]

Nero chuckled, turning to the others. "Looks like the system's got something in store for us. Let's see what they've earned."

Nero was excited; it had been some time since he received summon cards. Sorella's notification of recent achievements meant a fresh batch of rewards. He couldn’t wait to see what new allies and items he would obtain.

“Sorella, show me the rewards,” Nero commanded, a mix of anticipation and curiosity in his voice.

The holographic screen displayed the new achievements and their corresponding rewards:

Sorella's voice chimed in, [Calculations complete. Ready to display rewards.]

"Show me what we've got," Nero ordered, his excitement barely contained.

The holographic screen displayed a list of rewards:

[Summon Frank Martin entered Kingpin's inner circle: Random Character Card (E Tier) x 1

Summon Nami stole an important document about human trafficking: Random Character Card (E++ Tier) x 1, Random Item (E+ Tier) x 1

Summon Sakura established a foothold in Hell's Kitchen as St. Sakura: Random Ability (E++ Tier) x 1, Random Item (E-- Tier) x 1

Summon Hercule Satan gained a reputation in Hell's Kitchen as the protector of the unfortunate: Random Ability (E-- Tier) x 1, Random Item (F++ Tier) x 1

Summon Erwin Smith gained Level 2 clearance in SHIELD: Random Ability (D-- Tier) x 1, Random Item (D-- Tier) x 1

Guardian of Cloud, Nigel, used the Cloud Ring to limit his old age: Random Character Card (E+ Tier) x 1

Guardian of Lightning, Donald, illuminated his memories and dreams with the Lightning Ring but was stopped by a mysterious force: Random Ability (E+ Tier) x 1

Nero raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Looks like we're moving up in the world. Sorella, what do you think?"

[Would you like to receive more cards with lower rankings or fewer cards with higher rankings?] Sorella asked.

Nero pondered for a moment, his eyes scanning the list. "Let's go with fewer cards but with higher rankings. Quality over quantity."

[Understood, Big Brother. Condensing rewards accordingly. Keep in mind the cards don’t have numeric values, and sometimes not all of the energy will be fully utilized when merging. The unused energy will accumulate to affect the following condensations.]

The screen flickered again, showing the converted rewards:

Random Character Card (D-- Tier) x 1

Random Ability (D- Tier) x 1

Random Item (D Tier) x 1

Nero examined the list with a satisfied nod. “Not bad at all. Let’s see what we've got. Sorella, draw them all.”

The holographic screen flickered to life, and the cards materialized one by one.

“First up, Random Character Card. Let’s see who we get.” Nero's anticipation was palpable.

The card revealed itself, displaying an image of a hooded figure with a hidden blade. "Ezio Auditore, D-- Rank Assassin from Assassin’s Creed Universe." Sorella announced.

Maria whistled softly after Nero filled her in, “An Assassin from the Renaissance. Impressive.”

Nero nodded, his eyes gleaming. "Perfect addition. Next, let’s see the ability."

The screen shifted, showcasing a new card that burst into flames, revealing the words: “Pyrokinesis – D- Tier.”

Maria grinned, "Control over fire. That'll heat things up."

“Just what we need,” Nero said, his mind already racing with tactical applications. “And now, the item.”

The final card appeared, unveiling a dark cloak that seemed to shimmer with an ethereal light. “The Cloak of Silence – enhances stealth abilities. D Rank.”

Maria’s eyes widened with excitement. “That’s a game-changer for infiltration missions.”

Sorella’s screen flickered, confirming the action. [Cards stored, Big Brother. Ready for deployment at your command.]

Nero chuckled, “This haul is better than I expected. Quality over quantity indeed. Let's summon Ezio, he will be useful. Always wanted an assassin in the family," Nero said, grinning. "Sorella, summon Ezio."

The holographic screen flickered, and a beam of light coalesced into the figure of Ezio Auditore. He stood tall, his hood casting a shadow over his face, and his hidden blade glinting menacingly.

"Welcome to the family," Nero said, extending his hand.

Ezio took a moment to survey his surroundings before accepting Nero's hand with a firm grip. "Grazie. I am at your service."

Maria stepped closer, eyeing Ezio with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. "So, what's it like being an assassin from the Renaissance?"

Ezio's lips curved into a faint smile. "Full of challenges and opportunities, much like your world, I imagine."

Nero nodded, his expression serious. "We have plenty of both. You'll fit right in."

Nyx's engine purred softly, drawing Ezio's attention. "And this must be Nyx," he remarked, his tone appreciative.

Nyx's headlights flashed in response. "Pleased to meet you, Ezio. If you need a ride, come and find me. Well, I doubt your time had cars. Imagine being pulled by hundreds of horses."

Ezio chuckled, a low, confident sound. "I assure you, I can imagine."

Nero knew exactly where Ezio would be most valuable: the Assassin's Guild. It was an organization frequented by many influential figures for clandestine operations. If Ezio could climb its ranks, Nero would gain a strategic advantage and access to crucial information, especially if any threats targeted his team.

“Ezio, I bestow upon you the Cloak of Silence. It will enhance your stealth abilities,” Nero declared, handing over the shimmering cloak. “You will train with our team for two months, then infiltrate the Assassin's Guild. Your mission is to climb as high as possible within their ranks.”

Ezio took the cloak, his eyes glinting with determination. "Understood. I will not fail you, Capo."

Maria leaned against Nyx, arms crossed. "Always straight to business, aren't you? Give the guy a minute to adjust."

Nero shrugged, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "Ezio's a professional. He'll adapt quickly."

Maria smiled, "Well, Ezio, if you ever need a break from all the sneaking and stabbing, feel free to check out my art studio. It’s a good place to clear your head. I am also very interested in Renaissance and want to discuss it with you."

Ezio nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Signora Capo. I might take you up on that.”

Nero turned serious again. "Ezio, your skills will be invaluable. This guild operates in the shadows, and they’re bound to have information that can help us. Trust no one but us."

Ezio's expression matched Nero's intensity. "Trust is a luxury I seldom afford, Capo. I'll be vigilant."

Nero and Maria exchanged excited glances, a shared spark of fascination lighting up their faces.

"So, you really knew Leonardo da Vinci?" Maria asked, her voice filled with admiration and curiosity.

Ezio paused, recognizing that glimmer in her eyes. A fan-girl. He shivered internally, already recalling the obsessive admirers he'd encountered during his life. But this one was different. She was part of his family now.

"I did," Ezio replied, his tone calm, though he couldn't help but tease. "He wasn't quite the mystical genius you all imagine. More... scatterbrained, but brilliant, yes."

Maria's eyes widened in disbelief. "Scatterbrained? You're telling me one of the greatest minds in history was just... messy?"

"Very much so," Ezio chuckled softly. "He'd lose his tools in the middle of building something. Always in five places at once, but his ideas? Unmatched."

Nero, smirking, leaned back against Nyx, who purred beneath him. "Sounds like someone else I know," he remarked, glancing at Maria.

"Oh, shut up, Nero!" Maria laughed, giving him a playful nudge. "Still, that must’ve been incredible. Watching him work, seeing those sketches come to life...”

Ezio nodded, a nostalgic smile tugging at his lips. "It was. He never stopped thinking. Every little thing fascinated him, from the mechanics of a bird's wing to how water moved through a stream. It was inspiring... and exhausting."

"Sounds like a real party animal," Nero joked, though his eyes gleamed with interest.

Maria was practically glowing with excitement, her artistic mind already running wild. "I wish I could’ve seen it! You know, I’ve always admired the Renaissance, the way art and invention blended so beautifully...”

Ezio glanced at her, his eyes sharp but curious. “I suspect you’d have fit in well, Signora Capo."

Maria’s face lit up. “So, how do you feel about painting?”

Ezio raised a brow. "As long as I'm not the subject. I’ve posed for enough portraits to last a lifetime."

Nero chuckled, shaking his head. “I’ll bet. But I think Maria would paint you in a better light than most.”

Ezio smirked. “Perhaps, but I doubt I could sit still long enough for her to finish.”

Maria laughed. “I like a challenge.”

"Ezio," Nero asked. "Tell me about the Apple of Eden, and the... ancient civilizations you encountered." Of course, he didn’t tell Ezio his life was a game. Nero himself was still struggling to accept that the Marvel Universe, where he now lived, was just a comic book. He could barely wrap his head around the fact that so much of what was real to him could be neatly inked into panels for someone’s entertainment.

Ezio clenched his fist, his brow furrowing slightly. "I don't know much about those, Capo. Scusa." His voice carried a hint of frustration.

Nero waved his hand dismissively. "It is fine. You already bring plenty of value with your skills. I was just curious about ancient mysteries."

Ezio nodded, the tension in his shoulders easing. "Grazie. Still, I can tell you what I do know. The Apple... it's a tool of power, no doubt, created by the Ones Who Came Before. It's powerful, yes, but it has a mind of its own. It's not something you can simply control without consequences. It reveals things—truths, but sometimes too much. It makes you question everything."

Maria glanced up with curiosity. "Sounds like it’s more trouble than it’s worth."

Ezio gave a tight smile. "It is... yet, people will do anything to possess it."

Nero smiled, his voice confident but calm. "Well, it doesn’t exist in this universe, but artifacts with equal danger are scattered all around. Our job is to get them first, before the wrong hands do. Different world, same mission." He crossed his arms, looking directly at Ezio. "Think of it like this: you're still playing the assassin, just with higher stakes."


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