Marvel: Familia System

Ch4- Guardians

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"Maria," Nero spoke once more, his voice filled with sincerity and love. "You are the love of my life, and I cannot imagine a future without you. Will you say yes and make me the happiest man in the world?"

"Yes! Oh my god, yes!" Maria jumped on Nero as she hugged him.

Maria's excitement was palpable as she jumped into Nero's arms, embracing him tightly. The ring may have looked peculiar, yet their love transcended any materialistic concerns. Nero knew that even if he had proposed to her with a simple thread of rope, she would have said yes.

“Boss.” Nigel, who had always addressed Nero as "Little Boss," now addressed him as simply "Boss." This marked a significant moment for Nero, as Nigel had always been a mentor figure to him. "Why the change of heart, Nigel?" Nero couldn't help but chuckle.

"You are a man now," Nigel replied, a broad smile spreading across his face. "Remember the lesson? A boy becomes a man only when he has a woman that unconditionally supports him."

Nero thanked Nigel with a hug, presenting him with a silver ring adorned with a purple stone. The Cloud Ring represented the attribute of "limit" and was worn by the Cloud Guardian of the Vongola Family.

The Cloud Ring allowed the Cloud Guardian to manipulate the limits of objects, people, and even concepts. They could control the boundaries of speed, power, range, and many other aspects of their environment. In addition, the Cloud Guardian could create illusions by manipulating the limits of reality.

"I want you to be the Cloud Guardian, Nigel," Nero said with conviction. "It's a task that I cannot entrust to anyone else. I know you've worked as an intelligent agent for my father for years, and now I want you to reach out to your connections and create a wide network before we move to New York."

Nero knew that Cloud represented freedom, multiplication and boundlessness, and he believed that Nigel embodied those qualities. Nigel's experience and connections would prove invaluable to his family's success in their new venture.

Nigel took the ring from Nero and bowed. "Leave it to me, boss," he said. With a smile, he turned and left the room, leaving Nero and Maria alone.

Nigel started by reaching out to his old contacts, carefully choosing those who he knew could be trusted and would keep their mouths shut. He contacted them one by one, making sure that his true identity and purpose were kept hidden.

It was easy for Nigel to slip back into his old life, to become the shadowy figure that gathered information for nobody. He moved in the shadows, leaving no trace of his existence, but his reach was far and wide. He gathered information from all corners of the world, making connections that would benefit the Principe Family when the time was right.

As Nigel was dealing with his old contacts, Nero called his friends to the abandoned warehouse where he had tested his powers earlier, the first to arrive was Anthony, with Sofia in tow.

"What's up, boss?" Anthony asked, using his usual greeting as Nero's bodyguard.

"Hey, lovebirds," Sofia greeted with a smile.

"Hey, you two," Maria chimed in, smiling warmly. "We're not the only lovebirds around here, I'm sure."

Sofia, unlike Maria, was shy, and her cheeks turned red upon hearing her words. Anthony, too, blushed at the mention of love, despite his imposing physique. He was a gentle person, and talk of love made him feel self-conscious.

"Dude, don't blush like a high school girl. It's not cute," Nero teased, chuckling.

"Hey there, happy couples. Did you summon me here to mock my loneliness?" Diego arrived, sighing.

"Just be a man and grab a man already," Anthony teased.

"How about I grab you?" Diego countered with a smile, giving Anthony a flirtatious glance.

"Back off, bitch. He's mine," Sofia said, stepping protectively in front of Diego, like a mother protecting her cub.

“I see you all are here already. Good way to remind the cripple is too slow.” Donald walked in with a joke.

“Dude.” Diego exclaimed. “Don’t mock cripples, I have an uncle who is cripple.”

“Cripples can mock cripples. It is fine.” Donald chuckled.

"That's all fun, but let's cut to the chase," Nero said with a chuckle, taking out three rings.

"Diego Martinez, I, the leader of the Principe Family, bestow upon you the Ring of Storm.

Anthony Russo, I, the leader of the Principe Family, bestow upon you the Ring of Sun.

Sofia Mitchell, I, the leader of the Principe Family, bestow upon you the Ring of Rain.

Donald Blake, I, the leader of Principe Family, bestow upon you the Ring of Lightning" he declared, before explaining the powers of the rings.

“Wait, wait. Are you serious?” Diego asked in disbelief as he gazed at the ring with a red stone. The Storm Ring was a symbol of the attribute of "force" and was worn by the Storm Guardian of the Vongola Family.

The Storm Ring was renowned for its ability to manipulate the force of things. The Storm Guardian possessed the power to control the force and movement of objects, people, and even emotions. They could manipulate the force of gravity, electromagnetism, and even the flow of time.

The Storm Guardian could also summon and control lightning and thunder, using the power of the Storm Ring to summon bolts of electricity that could strike their enemies with devastating force. They could also control wind and tornadoes, using their mastery of force to create powerful gusts of wind and whirlwinds that could blow away their enemies.

In addition, the Storm Guardian could enhance their physical strength and speed, using the power of the Storm Ring to increase their force and agility beyond human limits. They could also sense and track their enemies by reading the electrical currents in the atmosphere.

“It's real,” Nero affirmed as he ignited orange flames from his hand and forehead, looking at his friends with conviction. “You are the people I trust the most. You have been with me through thick and thin. I have shared my secrets about my family and identity with you, and not only have you kept them, but you have also been concerned about my well-being.

“And now, I am declaring that I possess powers beyond humanity that I want to share with you. I will go to New York in a year or two to avenge my family and reclaim my seat,” Nero declared with conviction.

“You want to become a mafia member?” Sofia asked uncertainty.

“In name only, yes,” Nero responded with a bated breath. “I will not become a criminal; don’t worry. Although I will not become a hero, I will not force anyone to betray their conscience.”

“I see,” Sofia nodded as she looked at the blue gem on her ring. The Rain Ring symbolized the attribute of "tranquility" and was worn by the Rain Guardian of the Vongola Family.

The Rain Ring was famous for its ability to manipulate the "tranquility" of things. The Rain Guardian had the power to control the flow and balance of emotions, energy, and even weather patterns. They could manipulate the balance of nature, bringing calm or causing a storm.

The Rain Guardian could also create illusions by manipulating the emotions of others. They could create rain or a rainbow to calm people's emotions or create a storm to heighten their emotions, using the power of the Rain Ring to control the atmosphere.

Additionally, the Rain Guardian had the power to heal people, using the power of the Rain Ring to restore harmony and balance to their bodies and minds. They could also sense the emotions of others, using their empathy to connect with people on a deeper level. They could control ice, sedate their opponents, negate attacks of other flames, and create devastating attacks.

"I will follow you to hell, boss," Anthony declared with a determined clench of his fist. He had always been indebted to the Principe family ever since the old butler had saved him. The life he had now was a gift from Nero, and he was determined to repay that debt. As he tightened his grip, he felt the ring on his finger shining with a brilliant yellow luster.

The Sun Ring, specifically designed to represent the attribute of "radiance," was worn only by the Sun Guardian of the Vongola Family. The Sun Ring was renowned for its ability to manipulate the radiance of things. The Sun Guardian could control the light and energy of the sun, using it to create and control flames. They could alter the size, shape, and temperature of flames, and could even create new types of flames with unique properties.

Moreover, the Sun Guardian possessed the power to enhance their physical strength and speed. Using the power of the Sun Ring, they could increase their agility and endurance beyond human limits. They could even heal their wounds and the wounds of others with their flames, using their radiance to purify and cleanse.

Furthermore, the Sun Guardian could inspire and motivate others, using their radiance to instill courage and hope in their allies. They could also create illusions by manipulating light, using their radiance to create blinding flashes or distracting shadows.

The last one was Donald. Ever since he put the ring on his finger, he felt something deep within him quiver. It was an odd feeling. As if something was coming out but there was something blocking it.

The Lightning Ring, adorned with a green stone, symbolizes the attribute of "hardness" and is worn by the Lightning Guardian of the Vongola Family.

The Lightning Ring is renowned for its ability to manipulate hardening in various forms. The Lightning Guardian possesses the power to control and manipulate tenacity of things and also lightning and thunder, shaping it into powerful beams or blinding flashes. They can create lightning storms and also harden anything, even beliefs, fears, hopes, making themselves or others unbreakable.

In addition to controlling hardness, the Lightning Guardian can harness the energy of electricity. They can summon bolts of lightning that strike with pinpoint accuracy, delivering shocking force to their opponents. They can manipulate electrical currents, disrupting technology or enhancing their own abilities with electrical charges.

Moreover, the Lightning Guardian can enhance their physical capabilities, using the power of their ring to increase speed and agility to superhuman levels. They can move with lightning-fast reflexes, dodging attacks and striking with precision.

Furthermore, the Lightning Ring grants its bearer the ability to sense and control the electromagnetic spectrum. They can detect and analyze electromagnetic fields, allowing them to locate hidden objects or sense the presence of others. This mastery over illumination and electricity makes the Lightning Guardian a formidable ally and a dangerous adversary in battle.

“Nero…” He started as he looked at the green stone on the ring, “I am not worthy.”

“Who decides the worth?” Nero held his shoulder and looked him in the eye, “You are my brother like others, Donald. From now on we are family.”

“I am a cripple!” Donald slapped Nero’s hand as he turned away, “I will slow you down. I… I appreciate all of your friendship for all this while. I do! But now that you are going to take away your legacy, and battle with those strong people… I can’t help you.”

“Donald…” Maria whispered.

“Donald, don’t worry.” Nero smiled, “With these powers come the opportunity to heal your leg.”

“Are you serious?” Donald looked at him in disbelief, his lips trembling.

“I would never joke about something like this.” Nero said with as much as seriousness he could muster, “I also recently learned that the world we are living in is a magical one. There are mutants, magicians, aliens, people with superpowers, gods and more. I don’t want to overload you with all this information but believe me. We are destined for greatness, and I really want you by my side when I take this battle.”

“Are you sure about this?” Donald asked one last time.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way, brother.” Nero reached out his hand. Orange fire burning on his ring.

“Then I accept it.” Donald’s ring shone with green light. Nero looked at others and saw some were still hesitant.

"I understand it's a lot to take in," Nero shook his head. "Go home and think it over. Give me your answer when you're ready."

Nero was not worried, as all four of them were already on the Core Family Tab. He had not told them about the Family System or the merging of another soul with his own yet, but he just didn’t want to overload them with all this. He was going to tell them soon enough. They were his closest friends, after all.


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