Marvel: Familia System

Ch7- New Members- Nami & Erwin

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Nami was left bewildered as she suddenly found herself standing before a mysterious man named Nero. With his striking brown hair and commanding golden eyes, she couldn't help but feel a sense of inferiority in his presence. It was evident that his eyes held a power that ruled over her. This sudden transport from her familiar world to the unfamiliar "Marvel Universe" was an unexpected and disorienting experience for Nami. Fortunately, a voice provided an explanation before her departure from the One Piece World. Despite never having heard of this alternate universe before, Nami was eager to learn more about this new realm.

Initially, Nami felt hesitant about accepting the voice's proposition to relocate to another world and join a mysterious individual's family. However, as the details were further elaborated, she began to realize the rare chance that lay before her to broaden her perspectives and acquire new knowledge. The voice assured her of comprehensive guidance on the intricacies of this world, and extended an invitation to become part of an extensive familial network.

The prospect of gaining a comprehensive understanding of a new world and its workings while being embraced by a large and supportive family proved to be an irresistible opportunity for Nami.

Over the course of the next few months, Nami dedicated herself wholeheartedly to learning as much as she possibly could about this new world. She underwent rigorous training in the arts of Haki, hand-to-hand combat, technology, and even human psychology. To her great surprise and delight, she discovered that there was much she could learn from Nero's family members, each of whom possessed a wealth of knowledge and expertise in their respective fields.

Under the tutelage of Nigel, the old butler, Nami gained a deep understanding of the intricacies of this world's society and the complex interplay of its people. With the help of Donald, the kindly doctor, she delved into the workings of the human mind, learning to read and interpret the subtle cues that could reveal a person's true motivations and desires. Meanwhile, Diego imparted to her the art of charming others and manipulating them to achieve her goals, using her natural beauty and grace to her advantage.After all, Nami's beauty was undeniable, transcending any societal or cultural standard, regardless of the world she lived in.

Nami found herself utterly captivated by Sofia's unparalleled technological expertise, which far surpassed anything she had ever witnessed in the One Piece World. Sofia's impressive abilities left Nami awestruck, as she marveled at the seemingly limitless possibilities that technology could bring.

As Nami's knowledge and skillset grew, she found herself drawn to Sokka's unique approach to weaponry. His innovative techniques and unconventional tactics piqued her interest, as she eagerly absorbed his teachings.

But it was Satan, the martial arts expert, who truly opened Nami's eyes to the art of combat. His mastery of various techniques and strategies provided her with a wealth of knowledge on how to defend herself in the most efficient and effective way possible.

And lastly, Erwin, with his uncanny ability to see the unseen on the battlefield, taught Nami how to plan and strategize in ways that went beyond simply charging blindly into battle. Even though Nami's role within the family did not involve physical combat, her newfound knowledge and understanding of these key elements were integral to the success of each mission.

As Nami delved deeper into this world and became more acquainted with Nero's family, she came to realize that she held them in high regard and respected them immensely. Among them all, Nero had earned her unwavering loyalty and respect. Nami was captivated by his intellect, strength, and determination. Nero was a compassionate leader who held his family close to his heart, and Nami took pride in being part of such a family. She believed that a leader who is compassionate and caring, despite their flaws, was more admirable than one who was flawless but lacked empathy.

Nami expressed a deep sense of gratitude towards Nero for the incredible opportunity he had bestowed upon her by bringing her to this new world. It was a world full of diverse experiences, unlike anything she had ever encountered in the One Piece World. While she understood that the challenges of this world would be significant, she was ready and willing to face them head-on. Her resolute determination was to make the most of her time here, while also becoming an indispensable member of Nero's family to demonstrate her worth and appreciation for his kindness. Such an incredible gesture of compassion had left her determined to use her talents and skills to their fullest potential.

One day, Nami was hanging out with her family members in Nero's mansion. They were sitting in the living room, chatting about their experiences from their own worlds.

Sokka, the funny jester, started the conversation, "Hey Nami, have you ever encountered a platypus-bear? Those things are crazy!"

Nami raised an eyebrow, "A platypus-bear? No, I haven't. What kind of animal is that?"

"It's a bear that has the bill of a platypus. And it's a nightmare to fight," Sokka replied with a chuckle.

Sakura giggled, "I've never seen anything like that in my world, but I did meet a talking cat once."

"A talking cat?" Hercule Satan interjected, "That's nothing compared to what I've seen. I've fought against aliens, monsters, and even a god!"

Erwin, the born leader, leaned forward, "Tell us more about this god. How did you defeat it?"

Satan smirked, "Well, it was a tough fight, but I managed to knock him out with one punch. The people cheered my name for days after that."

Nami couldn't help but roll her eyes, "Typical Satan. Always bragging about his accomplishments."

Satan shot back while sweating bullets. Thank god no one knew the truth, he thought, "Hey, hey, I am not boasting, you know!"

Nami smirked, "Says the guy who flaunts his wealth every chance he gets."

Sokka cleared his throat, "Let's not get off track, shall we? I want to hear more about everyone's experiences. Sakura, have you ever met someone who stole your heart?"

Sakura blushed, "Well, there was this one guy who I had a crush on, but he was always too focused on training to notice me."

Sokka raised his eyebrows, "Ooh, love troubles. Let me tell you about my ex-girlfriend, Suki-"

Nami cut him off, "Actually, I have a question for Erwin. What kind of battles did you fight in your world?"

Erwin leaned back, "I was a soldier in a war. We fought against Titans, massive humanoid creatures that devoured humans for no reason. It was a constant struggle for survival."

The room fell silent for a moment as everyone processed his words. Finally, Nami spoke up, "It sounds like we've all faced our fair share of challenges in our own worlds. But now, we're all here together, as a family."

Sokka grinned, "That's right! And together, there's nothing we can't handle."

“Oof, cringe.” Satan shivered as he got up to walk away.

“So cringe.” Sakura, too, ran away. Nami giggled as she looked at the scene and felt how lucky she was once again.

Erwin's sudden arrival in the Marvel Universe was disorienting and abrupt. One moment, he was fighting Titans with his Survey Corps, and the next, he found himself standing in front of a figure named Nero. A mysterious voice had just told him that he was about to die, and then, without warning, his consciousness was transferred to another world. At first, Erwin was skeptical, but as he looked around at his new surroundings, he began to believe that what he was experiencing was indeed real. Despite the initial shock, Erwin was intrigued by the possibilities that this new world held for him.

Erwin's initial encounter with his new master, Nero, proved to be nothing short of intriguing. He was immediately awestruck, feeling as if he were in the presence of a deity. And yet, the compassion exuding from his new leader was equally as powerful, leaving him at a loss for words. The emotions he experienced were a paradoxical blend of submission and adoration, overwhelming him to the point where he felt incapable of causing harm, even if he had intended to. Nero's piercing golden gaze held him captive, rendering him powerless in the face of his undeniable charisma. Erwin found himself questioning whether his vocabulary was sufficient to encapsulate what he was feeling, for it was a sentiment that defied description.

Over the next three months, Erwin dedicated himself to intensive training alongside Nero's family. He was impressed by the diverse array of skills they possessed, ranging from Nami's cunning thievery to Sakura's masterful medical Jutsu. While he spent much of his time learning about the technology and culture of this new world from Nigel, Erwin was particularly fascinated by the concept of Haki, which he viewed as a tangible manifestation of one's inner willpower. The idea of harnessing and utilizing such an intangible force appealed greatly to Erwin's analytical mind, and he was determined to explore this power further, while lamenting how useful such a technique would be in his own world against Titans.

Initially, Erwin held a guarded opinion of Nero and his family. However, as he spent more time with them, he began to appreciate their unwavering loyalty and strong sense of family. Having been betrayed numerous times in the past, Erwin had become emotionally numb, but finding a family he could rely on was a comforting experience. Despite not always seeing eye-to-eye with Nero's methods, Erwin respected his leadership skills and dedication to his family. Diego's charm and quick wit were impressive, while Sofia's technological prowess left a lasting impression on Erwin. This newfound sense of community allowed Erwin to trust others with his life, a sentiment he had not felt in a long time.

Erwin had been through countless struggles in his own world, fighting relentlessly for survival against the Titans. The burden of losing friends and comrades along the way weighed heavily on him, and he carried their memory with a heavy heart. However, in this new world, he felt as though he had been gifted with a second chance. His heart swelled with gratitude at the opportunity to start anew, and he was determined to use his skills to make a lasting impact.

During a break from his training, Erwin found himself surrounded by his new family members, who were sharing stories about their experiences and missions. Erwin was eager to join in and engage with his family, as he felt that these conversations could provide him with valuable insights and knowledge about the world he was training to protect.

As they shared their stories, Erwin listened intently, soaking up every detail and asking thoughtful questions to deepen his understanding. He was fascinated by the diverse experiences of his family members, each of whom had faced unique challenges and triumphs in their own missions.

Nami couldn't help but grin at the plan, as her eyes shone like gold bars "Stealing from the rich to give to the poor? That's something I can definitely get behind."

“More like you are lusting over all the gold and jewelry you can put your hands on.” Sokka snorted, making others chuckle.

Satan scoffed. "I don't see the point in wasting my time with small fries in Hell's Kitchen. I'd rather go straight to the top and take down the Kingpin myself."

Erwin shook his head. "That's not how it works. We need to take it slow and gather information before we can make any big moves. I am sure if the idea was to take down Kingpin, Boss would have done it already."

“What is the hold up then?” Satan asked with a frown.

“Not only is the Kingpin controlling most of the criminals in the country, he also has connections with many rich and strong people. Removing him abruptly would create chaos that would hurt Boss’s goals.” He shook his head, surprised many of them are unaware of the term “Power Vacuum.”

“Boss is smart enough to see that, so he is creating a platform for his rise. Slowly but surely, he will remove Kingpin and it will not cause any effect on the lives of innocent people.” Erwin gave an explanation.

Sakura nodded in agreement. "And that's where Sokka and I come in. We'll open up a clinic for the poor and use it as a way to gather intel and gain their trust."

Sokka grinned. "And of course, I'll be the clown doctor that puts a smile on their faces."

Nami turned to Erwin. "So, what's your plan for infiltrating SHIELD and HYDRA?"

Erwin leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I plan on starting at the bottom and working my way up. I'll take on whatever low-level jobs they offer me and slowly but surely make my way into their inner circle."

Satan chuckled. "Sounds like a boring plan to me. I prefer the more direct approach."

Nami rolled her eyes. "And that's why you'll be hanging out in Hell's Kitchen, Satan."

Satan shrugged. "I'll do what needs to be done. And when the time comes, I'll show you all what I'm capable of."

Sakura placed a hand on his shoulder. "We all have our own roles to play, Satan. We're a team and we need to work together to take down Kingpin."

Erwin nodded. "She's right. We can't let our egos get in the way of the mission."

Sokka piped up. "Speaking of egos, have you guys heard the one about the superhero who walked into a bar?"

The group laughed and continued their planning, each bringing their own unique skills to the table. They were determined to take down the Mafia family and make the Marvel Universe a better place.


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