Marvel: I am The Gamer

14: Grinding

The next morning, Austin woke up before getting ready for the day, He then left for the class he had scheduled today.

While walking to class, Austin was listening to music through his airpods. 

"ah!" Austin heard a noise and suddenly realized someone had bumped into him causing their books to fall, he unconsciously got down to help her pick up her fallen books but he then realized who it was. 

"Cynthia?" Austin said while looking at the girl who was in a rush to grab her books.

"oh Austin, I didn't expect to see you this morning, also why is your whole body like a brick, I bumped into you and almost got injured," Cynthia said as she picked up her books.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going," Austin said while helping her pick up her books.

he was lying, his mana was roaming the area around him, and even a mosquito couldn't escape his senses, of course, he had noticed Cynthia. 

"What class do you have right now? I'll walk you to class" Austin said while holding some of her books.

"Aww, thank you Austin," Cynthia said with a smile while holding half of her books which had dropped.

"if you don't mind me asking, why do you have so many books by the way?" Austin said in confusion while looking at a few of her books, they were all on subjects he didn't understand at all.

"well I am an outstanding student, I study many things," Cynthia said with a smile, she was proud of her intelligent ability. 

Austin walked her to her classroom and bid her farewell before leaving for his classroom.

with his increased intelligence he could understand everything the teacher was saying, his thinking ability had increased to an astronomical level due to his high intelligence stat. 

Austin's mind was currently more focused on the agents from Shield, Although he coveted what they could give him to increase his strength, he wouldn't allow himself to be used by them.

At most, he would propose a deal to Nick Fury about helping them during missions, but he couldn't be treated as an agent, being tied down to that place probably wouldn't be too much of a good thing in the long run, it wasn't a bad idea either.

The place Austin covered the most was kamar taj and the universal knowledge which they held, the ability to control time, space, and open dimensions.

one touch of his system's ability would allow him to learn all of those abilities within an instant, increasing his strength astronomically.

but, getting to kamar taj was hard, much less meeting the ancient one and asking for her teachings.

"I'll think about kamar taj later when I am stronger, perhaps after I unlock my class," Austin said after some thought. 


inside a dungeon that Austin had created in some broken-down factory in New York, he continuously killed zombies as if they were chickens.

it had been three days since he met the agents of shield, he had been spending the rest of his time training these three days. 

practicing hand-to-hand combat, increasing his battle ability using many weapons ranging from, daggers, whips, hammers, axes, and even staffs.

all these weapons were bought using the money he could easily gain within the dungeons he created. 

Austin also communicated more with Cynthia, their relationship had gotten a lot closer to the point where she would hug him every time they saw each other.

Austin didn't force their relationship, he kept it natural and talked to her like any normal being, without complimenting her looks, he preferred to compliment her intelligence which Cynthia was more proud of. 


[Host]: Austin Smith

[Age]: 18

[Class]: Nil (Locked till level 10)

[HP]: 250/250

[Level]: 9 (90%)

[Str]: 12 (+2)

[Vit]: 9(+6)

[Spd]: 8 (+4)

[Int]: 9 (+6) 

[Stat Points]: 6 (3+ increase after level 5)

[Skills]: Mana Control (10), Mana Strike (5), Mana Shot (8), Mana Shield (8), Lightning Arrow (6)

[Gamer skills]: Gamer's Body, Gamer's mind 

[Equipment]: (Mana Wand), (Magic Robe), (Warding mask)

Austin was currently close to level 10, that was the moment when he would unlock his class and gain more powers. 

Austin didn't bother to use any of his stat points yet, he was already pretty strong and could easily defeat the current zombies that spawned inside the dungeon creation.

his mana control had reached level 10, his other skills had also gained considerable levels.

at mana level 10, Austin could now glide through the air using his mana, at first it was unstable but his flight ability solidified and he could fly through the air at will. 

"I'm so close to leveling up," Austin said while yawning, it was currently 1 am, he had flown out of the university and came here late in the night to open his daily dungeon.

he couldn't wait any longer to reach level 10, especially since his leveling speed had slowed down and the zombies couldn't provide much to him, there would also be the occasional zombie king which appeared and dropped items, but even the zombie kings were helpless against his strength. 

Austin precisely threw around balls of mana which exploded upon impact with zombies, filling up his experience bar as it slowly went up.




After killing a couple more zombies Austin's experience bar was filled, but he didn't level up.

[Level]: 9 (100%) (click to advance class)

Austin immediately clicked to advance his class, but what happened next shocked him. 

the dungeon he was in shattered into pieces, but he didn't appear in the regular world, instead, he appeared inside a completely white space.

the system's voice was heard after a short while inside the white dimension space. 


class advance happening, Host can choose between these basic classes, or the host can enter the "class change dimension]

- basic classes 






Austin looked at these basic classes in thought while shaking his head, who the fuck wanted these? 

"system, what's the class change dimension about," Austin asked since he was genuinely interested.


upon entering the class change dimension, the host can fight many monsters and opponents inside, the more you kill and the longer you last, classes will be chosen for the host depending on many factors observed by the system, these classes can range anywhere from basic classes to legendary rank classes such as [Netherworld mage], [Dimension walker] or [shadow monarch]...etc., each of these high-level classes has their advantages and disadvantages at the start, but they are all hundreds of times better than the basic classes].

the system gave him a lengthy reply. 


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