Marvel: I am The Gamer

22: Spiderman

Austin wore some casual clothes before stepping out, but he realized one crucial problem.

his old clothes were tight on him and barely fit him, he needed to buy some new clothes while he was outside. 

Luckily he was in New York and a clothing mall could be found almost anywhere. 

"hehe, with money it feels like the whole world is in my hands" Austin laughed to himself for a little while longer before stepping out of his dorm room.

He previously planned to buy a car but was there a need for a car when he had the power to open up a StarGate and appear anywhere within the world? 


Austin didn't bother taking a taxi, using his StarGate he appeared in an alleyway near central park within a near instant.

Austin walked out of the dark alleyway which barely got any sunlight and looked at the towering buildings of New York in the distance.

with the help of his phone, Austin was able to find a clothing shop after following Google maps.

"Austin is that you" A feminine voice was heard as Austin entered the clothing shop, he turned around and located the voice.

it was Mya, she was dressed in denim pants and a black shirt as she waved at him.

"hey Mya, what are you doing here" Austin walked up to her and asked, wasn't everyone supposed to be at school today?  

he had an excuse since he already canceled his classes for the day.

"I came here with Malik, his dad gave him some money so he wanted me to come shopping with him today for a new phone and some clothes as if he couldn't wait till tomorrow" Mya sighed and put on a look of anger.

Hahaha, that seems like him" Austin laughed softly.

"what about you, what are you doing here", Mya asked him.

" I came to buy some clothes, as you can see my old clothes barely fit me anymore" Austin scratched his head and pulled on the tight shirt he was wearing.

" I see" Mya said with a smile.

"Well, I have to go, if Malik comes back let him know I'm inside the shop" Austin bid farewell to Mya before walking towards the clothing section.

he spent a whole hour buying a bunch of clothes after trying them in, the clothes here were pretty expensive and Austin wouldn't be able to afford them previously with his minuscule amount of money.

"the total will be 570.75 dollars," the cashier said as she finished bagging all the clothes and calculating the order.


Austin used his phone to tap on the machine and paid for the clothing with his card.

"wow, since when were you so rich" 

a voice was heard as a hand wrapped around Austin's shoulders.

it was Malik and Mya. 

seeing Malik, Austin laughed to himself as he remembered that he had used malik's name while associating with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I've always been rich, don't look down on me," Austin said before grabbing the bags which were filled with clothes. 

"yea right, I remember when u couldn't even afford a sandwich and requested to do some strange things to me for money" Malik said in a "matter of fact" tone.

"what strange things?" Mya blinked her eyes and looked at Malik and then Austin, she kept looking at the two of them with a strange look.

"what the fuck are you talking about, don't spit bullshit" Austin cursed this fatty who was trying to ruin his reputation.

even the clerk was looking at him with a strange look.

"hahaha, I'm just joking, anyways I didn't expect to see you here, do you need a ride back?" Malik said as he and Mya walked together with Austin and prepared to leave the shop, they also had bags in their hands.

It's fine, I have somewhere else to go after this anyway" Austin said as they opened the glass door and walked out of the shop.

"ok then" Malik was about to say something else but he stopped when he noticed a commotion going on the moment they left the shop.

A man who was dressed like a brute snatched an old woman's purse before cursing her.

"so what if I rob you? what the fuck can you do about it" the brute said while taking a puff of his cancer stick.

"please, my medical bills are in there," The old lady said with a shaky voice, even her eyes were on the verge of tears.

This guy dares to rob an old lady in broad daylight" Malik flared up, he was about to go beat the guy up and teach him a lesson, but before he could do that-

a figure who was dressed in a red suit and swinging atop rooftops swung down and kicked the man in his head, sending him flying before catching the falling purse.

"I believe this is yours," spiderman said and handed the purse back to the old lady before he shot out a web and swung off into the distance.

"holy shit, that was spider man" mya and Malik both said simultaneously, although the interaction had happened so fast, which superhero was known for swinging around on a web.

"Austin did you see that?" Malik said and turned to look at Austin, but he could only widen his eyes in confusion.

Austin wasn't there. 

"what- where did he go?" Mya said after turning around and noticing Malik's shock, they both were confused.

"Did that guy run off the moment we came out?" Malik was very confused but he was also worried and decided to text Austin in case something happened to him. 

"I'm ok, something came up so I had to rush back" 

Malik got a reply back almost instantly, he was speechless and didn't know how to react.

"This guy disappeared as fast as spiderman did, he should've at least told us something," Mya said after seeing the message on malik's phone.

"I guess it was extremely urgent," Malik said and didn't think much more about it.

"f*CK, spiderman just appeared and we didn't manage to get it on camera," Malik said in regret.

"I know right" 

the couple seemed sad at the disappearance of one of their favorite superheroes. 


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