Marvel: I am The Gamer

30: Vibranium

Before Austin left, he created his dungeon and swept through it with his terrifying power before he headed back to his dorm and fell asleep on his bed.

His promise to Wakanda wasn't much, most of their problems were doable, except for the Thanos problem which wouldn't be so easy, but even so, he would go all out and complete his promise to them.

Austin's inventory was filled with many cases of Vibranium, this was more than enough for Tony. 

Austin didn't think much about giving it all to Tony Stark for him to create both of their armor, Afterall Austin would meet T'challa one day and due to his contributions to Wakanda, he could perhaps get vibranium for free. 

Also, With Wakanda's support, Austin could one day even create spaceships to other galaxies and planets, he saw nothing but benefits in befriending the wakandian people of Africa.


The next morning, Austin didn't bother going to class, all the assignments he got were usually completed the moment he saw them.

he was far more intelligent than the average human, after just watching the videos his professors posted he could easily learn about the subject and complete all his work he had good grades in all of his classes despite barely going to class anymore.

After showering and getting dressed for the day with some casual clothes, Austin went outside to eat breakfast. 

after he was done, Austin didn't call Phil Coulson he wanted nothing to do with S.H.I.E.L.D. for the time being, he used a Stargate and appeared in a secluded alley near the avengers' tower. 


Inside a large room filled with much weird technology equipment, Tony Stark could be seen wearing a tank top as he worked on some new technology like always.

While Tony Stark was doing this, A figure in some loose-fitting casual clothes appeared in the distance.

"Jarvis, don't attack" Tony reacted immediately after seeing Austin through the mirror, Jarvis reacted immediately and prepared to attack him until he heard Tony's voice.

"what brings you here, you could've died you know," Tony stark said as he grabbed a napkin and wiped his hands and sweat from his face with it, A lot of oil could be seen on the towel in his hands.

"I doubt it, but I have the thing I talked to you about previously," Austin said as he walked up, he held 1 jar of Vibranium in his hands as he walked up towards Tony Stark.

Tony felt his heart shake for a second as he looked at the glass container, he didn't believe Austin before but he couldn't hold back his excitement after seeing that Austin had brought the energy.

'This energy feels familiar' Tony Stark thought, he then had a flashback to a strange unnamed metal element that his father had previously found in the past, this element was actually what he used to create his Arc Reactor years ago.

'could it be' Tony Stark became even more shocked as he held the container full of Vibranium in his hands, this was the mysterious element that he had been looking for his whole life. 

"It's really like you said," Tony said with a smile, he tightly held the container of Vibranium as if it was his child.

Austin only nodded and allowed Tony to think about the vibranium for a while before he said. 

"It's called vibranium, I got it from an ancient group of people hidden from this world"

"vibranium huh, such a fitting name for this mystical metal element, but is this the only amount you have? I can't possibly make you and I both a full armor set with just-" Before Tony could finish his sentence, A large pile of blue vibranium containers appeared in the room.

"Holy Shit" Looking at this large pile of Vibranium, Tony Stark couldn't help but curse, he felt like Austin was more mysterious than he previously expected.

even his father had only gotten a hold of a little bit of this element, yet this guy had over a hundred containers full of this element.

After calming down and having an assistant robot carry the vibranium containers to a secret and well-locked room, Tony stark looked at Austin and said.

"well you got the metal, so I'll help you make a full suit of armor to the best of my abilities, do you have a blueprint for the armor?" 

Austin didn't have a blueprint, but he told Tony about how he wanted the suit of armor to look, it wouldn't be made mostly of metal like Tony's suits but it would resemble more like the blank panther suit which T'Challa and his ancestors wore, not only that Austin asked also asked tony to make a weapon for him, anything but a sword. 

"I can do that," Tony said after thinking it through, Although it would be hard for him to make it exactly like Wakanda's black panther suit, he would try to get it to look as close to it as possible.

The engineers of Wakanda were way more advanced in technology than Tony stark currently was, for example, Shuri had a lot more talent than Tony, but Tony also had his advantages in the technological field.

Austin planned to one day also have Shuri on his side, with the combination of both Tony Stark and Shuri, he could have access to tons of weapons and armor. 

"then, just call me whenever it's finished," Austin said as he wrote his name on a piece of paper and teleported out of the Avengers tower.

After appearing back in his room, Austin decided to go through his next course of action, he wanted an army, a strong interstellar army that could travel the world.

luckily he had a powerful ability like StarGate.

Austin didn't bother to interfere in Spiderman's problems since it was 2017, bigger and more terrifying problems would happen shortly, and he needed more strength now. 


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