Marvel: I am The Gamer

36: Becoming and Avenger


[Host]: Austin Smith

[Age]: 18

[Race]: Human 

[Class]: Astral Sorcerer (2 Star)

[Pet]: Winged Horse (Lvl: 26)

[HP]: 690/690

[Level]: 34 (77%) 

[Str]: 44 (+20)

[Vit]: 39 (+27)

[Spd]: 39 (+13)

[Int]: 74 (+12) 

[Stat Points]: 20

[Abilities]: Star Gate, Void Dome

[Skills]: Mana Control, Mana Strike, Mana Shot, Mana Shield, Lightning Spear, Life Drain, Ice Domain 

[Gamer skills]: Gamer's Body, Gamer's mind 

[Equipment]: (Vibranium suit), (Black-Ice Chain)(Treant's Blessed Wand), (Magic Robe), (Warding mask), (Toothed-Necklace)

Austin looked at his status screen while continuously nodding his head, his strength was increasing steadily, and although it was getting increasingly harder for him to level up, it was understandable since he was already considerably strong even right now.

Austin distributed his stat points evenly amongst his stats, but like always he focused slightly more on intelligence to boost his magical abilities. 

[HP]: 730/730

[Level]: 34 (77%) 

[Str]: 48 (+20)

[Vit]: 43 (+27)

[Spd]: 43 (+13)

[Int]: 82 (+12) 

Comet had also been growing stronger, The little guy had started growing bigger and stronger physically, it was now at least almost two meters tall with just its head raised, and its wings have become even purer and snow white after it shed some off a few days ago.

Austin also started spending more time training his physical abilities, with his new friendship with Tony Stark, Austin was able to use the training room which was rarely used by the avengers.

they had high-tech alien weights which looked like they weighed 2 pounds, yet turned out to weigh tons, the headquarters even had a gravity room and many other facilities.

Austin had been enjoying himself at the Avengers Headquarters ever since he gained his vibranium suit, he rarely went to class Austin was planning on dropping out of school, possibly opening his own business and putting some people in charge of it. 


A few more days went smoothly.

the warm breeze of fall blew through the avengers' headquarters, high-tech planes could be seen flying all around the area and many guards could be seen patrolling.

Tony Stark stood behind a large closed door, Next to him was his wife, Pepper Potts, and Austin who wore his vibranium suit and stood there silently.

"Mr. Smith, it's nice to meet you, my husband has told me a lot about you," Pepper Potts said with a smile before shaking Austin's hands.

Tony Stark had just introduced Austin to his wife, as today was the day when Austin would officially join the avengers under his consent, Pepper had prepared over 50 reporters who came just for this day, they were all behind this door.

"It's nice to meet you too" Austin replied calmly, he wanted to get this over with already.

Tony Stark had already prepared his quarters inside the avengers base, he even had his salary now which was amazing.

"you look a lil pale there, try not to stutter when talking to the reporters" Tony joked, he couldn't even see Austin's face behind that black mask, just his eyes.

"don't listen to him, let's go" Pepper Potts replied while kissing her husband before they both opened the large doors for Austin.

The moment the door was opened, Austin's eyes were assaulted by bright flashes of light as he saw many supporters on the left and right path of the walkway leading to the large podium.

"Mr. Stellar"

"Are you officially an avenger now? Mr. Stellar Deity.?

"How did you meet Tony Stark" 

the reporters kept talking, but Austin kept quiet and continued walking towards the podium, Tony Stark and Pepper Potts followed behind him, he was previously informed not to say anything to the reporters for now.


Tony stark stood in Infront of the podium and began speaking after clearing his throat.

"Ahem, hello everyone, as you all know The Stellar Deity who is known for his life-saving deeds around New York is now a member of the Avengers, his identity won't be disclosed until he says it can be, but now, I want you all to welcome Mr. Stellar"

Tony said before moving next to his wife and giving way to Austin.


Austin went through the routine he practiced with Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, he introduced himself before he answered all the reporters' questions, well, the questions he had answers to.

there were even absurd questions such as "do you have a girlfriend" 

he didn't understand why such information had anything to do with him joining the avengers.

The interview went on for a full hour and a half, Austin felt bad for people like Tony Stark and his wife who had to go through such interviews regularly, standing here for so long would hurt their legs considering they were just regular humans, unlike Austin who had superman strength and vitality.

After the interviews, the reporters all left in excitement about their own companies and prepared to publish the news of The Stellar Deity becoming an avenger.

After the reporters left, Austin followed Tony and Pepper along with their attendants out of the meeting room, Austin was reminded by Tony that he still had to meet the Avengers soon, that was part of the initiation ceremony, and he didn't have to meet all of them, he just had to associate himself with a few of them first. 

According to Tony, the avengers had all been informed, and only a few of them could make it today, while some of them weren't too interested, Tony couldn't force them to come to meet their new team member even if he wanted to.

Austin returned to his room in the avengers' headquarters, although it didn't look like much from the outside, the moment one entered the room, it was like a large 5-star hotel that only welcomed millionaires, it was well equipped with AI and many technological features and assisting robots, the room even had its training facility with a gravity room, this was just what Austin needed the most right now. 


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