Marvel: I am The Gamer

41: Hela, Goddess of Death

The moment Austin appeared in the large room, the sound of weapons flashing could be heard throughout.



Hela and Thor desperately clashed against each other, both carrying sharp metallic weapons.

Austin just spectated, but he didn't dare to approach just yet, he didn't care about the consequences of interfering with this world and the way things were supposed to go, but to him, certain events just had to happen regardless.

as the fight progressed, Thor still ended up on the losing side, although he could fight for a while against the goddess of death, how could he possibly plan on winning against her?

it wasn't long before Thor had his right eye destroyed by Hela, he could only groan in pain on the ground as she looked.

before Hela could approach Thor, a sudden voice interrupted her.

"that's enough, don't you think?" The strange voice seemed to appear from all corners of the room, causing Hela to look all around for the source of the voice.

"Who are you? come out if you dare" Hela said viciously while holding her weapon tightly in her hands.

she waved her hand and a metallic sword was sent out, shooting toward the distance.

Austin widened his eyes after seeing the approaching sword, metallic chains immediately appeared from his arms and surrounded the approaching sword, encircling it before throwing it to the ground.

"hehe, is this one of your friends" Hela smirked while looking at Thor who was groaning in pain.

Thor was in so much pain that he couldn't even react and look at the new figure in the room, but even after hearing the figure's voice he still couldn't figure out who this person was at all.

Hela turned back to look at Austin who stood afloat in midair, the black robes of his super suit fluttering in the wind.


a sudden sound was heard as Thor was sent flying toward the ground after he got up and planned to ambush Hela from the back.

Austin slowly approached Hela, He wasn't the least bit scared, although this goddess of death was very intimidating to look at.

she had long black hair, a perfect figure, and looked extremely devilish and beautiful, yet the bloodthirsty aura around her didn't make him think of her as a pretty lady.

"well I don't care who you are, since you came here, you can die as well," Hela said before a sword appeared in her hands and she rushed towards Austin.

Austin prepared for battle as well, his metallic chain was like Wonder Woman's divine lasso as it slapped at Hela's approaching swords.

Austin was being pushed back but he didn't care, Hela's strength was far above his, but that didn't matter since his physical strength wasn't his trump card. 


Hela slashed down with her majestic sword, but she could only widen her eyes in shock as she noticed that she had missed her target.

Austin used this chance to appear behind Hela as he grabbed Thor and teleported out of the room immediately.

Austin placed Thor Atop Comet told the winged horse to move towards the commotion near the large bridge, although Comet was just a majestic horse, after becoming Austin's pet, it could more or less understand his words now due to their connection from the system.

"H-Hey put me down, HELA" Thor said with anger, he nearly roared as he tried to move off the white-winged horse.

"let me deal with her, go help your people instead," Austin said before telling Comet to hurry.

The winged horse didn't delay and immediately shot off into the distance at its full speed.

Austin then felt a strange presence approaching the back of his neck, he unconsciously tilted his head and evaded the attack, at the corner of his eye he noticed that the metallic sword had slightly grazed his skin, causing blood to fall from his cheek.

Austin turned around immediately and pulled out the Black-Ice Chain, Hela was far stronger than him in terms of Physical strength, so he couldn't engage in a battle of physical abilities with her anymore, doing so would only get him killed. 



Hela's sword rained down on him like a heavy storm, Austin barely evaded it as he tried to create space, no matter how far back he would jump, Hela would immediately break his guard down with a thrown sword.

"you're quite the annoying one aren't you," Hela said with gritted teeth as she continued to slash out at Austin.


the sound of thunder was heard for a split second as a dozen lightning spears appeared behind Austin, they shot off within a split second but were immediately countered by Hela's flying swords which shot out.

using this chance, Austin created a stargate and teleported behind Hela, he raised his arm and slammed down with the black ice chains. 

Hela didn't bother to turn around and slashed back with her sword, knocking away the Black-Ice chains from Austin's hands, but before Hela could stab Austin with her sword, time seemed to slow down.

Hela had no control over her own body, she could only watch as Austin moved at supersonic speeds within the void dome which surrounded her, Austin raised the Black-Ice chain once again and slashed down at Hela.


when time returned, Hela was unable to dodge the Metallic Chains which were only a centimeter away from her body, it was a direct hit.


Hela was sent flying from her previous position and shot into the distance, crashing into the mountainside.

"huff... huff.. huff"

Austin calmed his breathing, using void dome had taken a heavy toll on him, he could probably use it a few more times, but any more and he would pass out.

"I didn't think she would be this strong" Austin smiled wryly, he felt like he had overly underestimated Hela, this Goddess of Death who ruled over Asgard alongside Odin.


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ALSO I STARTED A NEW NOVEL, DXD: The Shadow Monarch, check it out if you are interested!! :)

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