Marvel: I am The Gamer

48: The Dark Ship

As Thor, Loki and the rest were merrily on their way to earth, a scream attracted the attention of everyone on the galactic spaceship.

A young Asgardian girl was crying as she pointed at the body of a man in a black suit.

Thor and the rest turned around and immediately saw Austin who lay on the ground peacefully, not injured and his breathing was fast yet steady as if he was only exhausted. 

"It's him," Brunnhilde said with a strange face as she noticed Austin laying in the middle of the group of Asgardians.

"How did he make it onto the shop?" Thor asked himself in confusion, but he soon remembered that Austin had a teleportation ability that even he was extremely helpless against.

"Are there any doctors here, someone please check on him" Thor said after a while of inspecting Austin with curiosity.

The Asgardians murmured amongst themselves before an old man wearing a robe walked out of the crowd.

"I'm not a doctor but I have some medical experience, I can check on him for you, your highness," the old man said respectfully as he looked at Thor, the new king is Asgard.

"I shall see you to it," Thor said and nodded at the old man.

the old man approached Austin and placed his hand on his forehead and pressed on some of his acupoints, although it was slightly hard for the old man due to the black tight-fitting armor which adorned Austin's body.

After a while, the old man wiped away the beads of sweat from his forehead before he concluded.

"your highness, he isn't injured at all he is extremely healthy, he just seems to be in a state of deep exhaustion which has put him in a great slumber," the old man said before he struggled to stand with the help of a few surrounding Asgardians.

"is that so," Thor thought for a while, he then turned around to look at Bruce.

"Buddy, do you think this guy is from earth? should we take him with us?" Thor asked while pointing at Austin.

Bruce only shrugged his shoulders in confusion.

"how would I know, I haven't been on earth in how long?" Bruce said while rolling his eyes.

" that's understandable" Thor laughed and didn't think much of it, he then had a few Asgardians escort Austin into a separate room inside the spaceship.




a continuous sound rang out throughout Austin's head as he lay on the clean sheets of a bed inside an almost empty room.

the only interesting things in this room were the simple table with chairs and the window which gave a view towards the endless galactic star fields in the distance.

Austin struggled to open his eyes, after a few seconds his eyes adjusted to the light in the room and he looked around with a dazed expression! 


Killed! Hela!

Due to the host defeating an important villain, unique rewards have been brought out!

- 3 levels 

- [LightSpeed Blast] (Class-specific skill)

- Hela's Sword (Unique)]

A holographic screen immediately appeared in Infront of Austin the moment he regained his senses.

"I killed Hela?" Austin asked in shock, he wasn't expecting to gain the kill for defeating Hela.

Perhaps his Starfall would've heavily damaged her, but not kill her, but the tremendous damage from both Austin and Surtur was possibly the cause of Hela's death.

Perhaps even Thanos was alerted of Hela's death now.

Austin looked at the rewards he gained from the system.

3 levels for killing Hela might seem like a little, but to the current Austin, it was a lot considering how long he usually needed to spend grinding in a dungeon full of monsters just as strong as himself just to gain a single level.

Austin's eyes landed on the class-specific skill, this was the first time he had gained a skill from the system, not from a dungeon or his class, but a skill related to his class.

"LightSpeed Blast?" 

Austin didn't think much about it for now, he wasn't in the most stable mental condition to think about trying out new abilities right now so he ignored it.

instead, he pulled out Hela's sword from his inventory and looked at it, the moment he increased his grip on the majestic sword's handle, Austin felt a growing power in his arms as he held the sword.

[Hela's Sword (Unique)]

+25 Strength 

+15 Vitality 

+13 speed 

+5 intelligence 

(additional stat bonus: Infinite sword summons)]

Looking at Hela's sword, Austin immediately equipped it, replacing his bonus stats from the Black-Ice chains, although the chains were still equipped on him. 

Austin looked at the stat bonus from Hela's Sword, the infinite sword summons.

he was immediately reminded of how Hela could casually throw out swords with just a wave of her hands.

"it can't be the same ability right?" Austin became excited at that thought but he decided to wait till he regained his mental energy before doing anything else. 

Austin sat up from his seat before standing up and doing some stretches, from his scan of the whole ship, he had a basic idea of where he currently was.

Austin looked out the window for a second, he was surprised to see a huge black spaceship appear in the void.

the spaceship that Austin was on was already pretty big, but this unknown spaceship that appeared was at least a hundred times larger as it overshadowed the ship Austin was on.

"Who the fuck?" Austin was surprised as fuck when he saw this ship, he immediately tried to push out his mana sense, but the splitting pain in his head from overusing his astral abilities didn't allow him to do much at all.

Austin wasn't sure if this was Thanos's ship or one of his minion's ships, but it was extremely large and had a weird shape, it almost looked like a creature as it floated there in space.


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